Parishes of St Joseph, Cockermouth and Our Lady & St Charles, Keswick Presbytery: Crown Street, Cockermouth CA13 0EJ Tel: 01900 822121 Mobile: 07808 061016 Email: Website: St Joseph’s Parish Hall Bookings: Carole Thompson Tel: 01900 268853 St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School: 01900 829859 Website: St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School News 100 Club: November’s Draw winners are: 1st prize £25 51 Ellie Fagan, 2nd prize £15 64 Peter Brown, 3rd prize £10 11 Kathy Hick. If you still haven’t got a number and would like one just put £8 subscription for the remaining 8 draws in an envelope with your name and a contact telephone number. Hand your subscription in to Mike Rooney, Phil Taylor or me; Teresa Readman. Winnings can be collected from the school office or from me; Teresa Readman – I usually attend the Saturday evening mass. This Week: Monday’s coffee afternoon was a great success and it was great to see an number of parishioners there. The children enjoyed showing friends and family around to marvel at their fabulous artwork. £123 was raised for the Anthony Nolan Trust. Years three and four had a great time at the Cockermouth Schools Quicksticks hockey tournament. One of our teams winning all their matches gave much pleasure, especially for Mr Newton who’d trained the teams in preparation for the event. Next Week: Class 3 will be joining other Catholic Primary Schools at St Joseph’s in Workington for an advent service. Rehearsals start in earnest for the Christmas play. Christmas Toddlers is on Friday 5th December 9.15-10.45 in the school hall. All carers and toddlers welcome, £1.50 per family with refreshments. St Joseph’s Church, Cockermouth Linked with Our Lady of the Lakes and St Charles, Keswick Parish Priest: Fr Tom Singleton LANCASTER ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE TRUSTEES - CHARITY NO. 234331 Parish Bulletin 30 November 2014 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT (B) Parish Mass book p. 26 CAFOD PROJECT The work in Kitui is going to cost £206,500. That's what's needed to pay for tools, construction materials and transportation. To provide specialist engineering support. To cover the cost of training for the community. And to pay for seeds and saplings. Without that money the people of Kitui cannot do the work and this essential project will never be completed. That's why they need us alongside them. By making a regular donation we can directly fund this life-changing work. Throughout the life of the project we will be kept regularly updated on how it's progressing. Then, once the target is reached, and we've seen the people of Kitui complete their project, we hope to continue our commitment and start following another equally vital Hands On project. We will receive three progress updates a year by post as well as regular email highlights with news and pictures direct from Kitui. We can also keep in touch through Cafod's website and through Facebook and Twitter. We believe this is a worthwhile venture for us as a Parish. It is a real opportunity to be involved in a project which will change lives. To see how our donations are being used. To get to know the people we're supporting. And share in the fruit of their labour. Isaiah 64:1 (First Reading) Bulletin Notices (deadline Thursday) - Please send to Barbara Cunliffe Email: Tel: 01900 822664 PLEASE KEEP NOTICES BRIEF. Sat Nov 29 VIGIL Sun Nov 30 FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT 6.45 pm People of the two parishes 11.00 Robert Frank Hadley Mon Dec 1 Week 1 of Advent Tues Dec 2 Week 1 of Advent Wed Dec 3 St Francis Xavier 9.30 am Liturgy of the Word 9.30 am Theresa Kelly 9.30 am Liturgy of the Word Thur Dec 4 Week 1 of Advent 9.30 am Terence Connolly Fri 9.30 am Liturgy of the Word Dec 5 Week 1 of Advent Sat Dec 6 VIGIL Sun Dec 7 SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT 6.45 pm Sandrina Jenkinson 11.00 Thomas Pye Special Collection this weekend for the Poor Missions fund, which supports small and needy parishes. CHRISTMAS FAIR Sat 6 December 10.00-12.00pm Church Hall Helpers needed to set up stalls on Friday evening at 6.00pm. Items for stalls can be brought to weekday Masses or delivered to the presbytery by prior arrangement - Tel 822121. Donations of mince pies also needed to serve with tea & coffee on the day (they can be left with Fr Tom). ADVENT SERVICE OF RECONCILIATION Tuesday 16th December 6.30pm Minutes of the last Parish Council meeting are now available at the back of church. Senior Parishioners’ Anointing Service and Christmas Party All Senior Parishioners are cordially invited to an anointing service and Christmas Tea. This will be held on Sunday 7th December at 2.30pm in the church followed by tea in the hall. Please sign up on the list at the back of church and indicate if you need a lift. Rosary 9.10am on weekdays Children’s Liturgy at Mass each Sunday of Advent. Parish Pastoral Group Next meeting: Tuesday 13 January at 6.45pm in the presbytery. New members always welcome. Just come along. Requests for visits can be made to Michael Mapleton on 826423 or Shirley Forker on 268079 Scripture Group (Sunday Readings): Wednesdays at 7.30pm in the presbytery All welcome. Enquirers' group (RCIA) Fortnightly on Thursdays at 7.30pm in the presbytery PLEASE PRAY FOR : Our sick and housebound: Errol Nixon, Hilary Whelan, Margerie Hornsby, Peter Swinburn, Bernard Simmons, Jo Simmons, Bernard Coker, Colin Coates, Michael Cain, Paula Silk, Harry Armstrong, Ted Lord, Angela Ryan, Lisa Maria Rainford, John Clifford. Also for those whose anniversaries are at this time. May they rest in peace. Thursday 11 December 2-4pm St Herbert's Social Centre, Keswick AFTERNOON TEA £5.00 entrance fee to include a selection of sandwiches and cakes with unlimited tea and coffee. We hope this will be a very social afternoon - there will be a cake stall, nearly new stall, raffle, Christmas table decorations to purchase and live piano music. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN COCKERMOUTH Sat 6 Dec 8.00am CTiC Prayer Meeting led by Kings Church Sat 6 Dec 9:30–11:30am Coffee morning at Christ Church rooms Sun 7 Dec 7:15-8:30pm NISCU ‘N:Joy youth event’ at Christ Church, Cockermouth aimed at anyone aged 11-18 COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND Current Appeal: Tinned Fish Fruit Juice UHT 1 litre Jam (not home-made) HOSPICE AT HOME Our 'Light up a Life' services are events where people can come together to celebrate the lives of loved ones they have lost. We invite you to join us at one of the following: Sun 7th December St John's, Workington 3pm, St John's church Cleator Moor 3pm. Sunday 14th December Methodist church Cockermouth 2pm. Sofa going free to good home. See Clare Broad. Offertory Collection Last Sunday: £390.85 Youth Services: £122.63 Mass Attendance: Vigil: 51 11.00am: 90 Ministers Next Weekend (Please arrange replacement if necessary) Readers: Vigil M Rooney, B Cunliffe 11am M Rooney, W Finn, J Rooney Eucharistic Ministers: Vigil 11am S Wainwright, J Rainford P Cass, J Gleed, M Hadley CASTLERIGG MANOR Christmas Carols at 3pm on Sunday 14 December. All are most welcome. Follow – monthly youth gathering at Castlerigg, for those in upper high school and older. The next meeting is on Sunday 7 December, 6.30-8.30pm. Please let us know if you are coming to either of these events - phone 72711 or email PARISH CAROL SERVICE Sunday 21 December 6.00pm We are busily preparing one of the musical highlights of our parish's year! You are very welcome to join the choir for this occasion; all we ask is that you attend at least two of our three rehearsals after 11am Mass on Sundays 7th, 14th and 21st December. Bring your voice and a smile!
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