Previous Bulletin - St. Robert Bellarmine

Thursday, December 18th
Saturday, December 13th
9:00 a.m. Kenneth Avallone
7:00 a.m.
r/ St Robert’s The Bereavement Ministry
third Sunday of advent
DECEMBER 14, 2014
4:30 p.m.
Rosaria Pati
r/ Mr. & Mrs. M. Lucarelli
The People of the Parish
9:00 a.m.
Sunday, December 14th
8:30 a.m. Jane & John McNicholas
r/ The McNicholas Family
Dorothy & John McCarthy
r/ Patricia McCarthy
10:00 a.m. George H. Williams
r/ Alice Williams
Angrosini & Family
r/ Rose Festa
11:30 a.m. Carmine & Vincenzo Alia
r/ Teresa Alia, his wife
James Magliozzo
Friday, December 19th
7:00 a.m. Acer S. Kasunuran, Jr.
r/ Lizzie Gonzalez & Lei Torres
9:00 a.m.. Helen A. Kurek
r/ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D’Ambrosio
Helen Swanson
r/ Helenann & Andy Quinn
r/ The Magliozzo & Santimauro Family
5:00 p.m.
Dominick Busceti
r/o His wife
Lillian V. Liposky
r/ Pat & Tom Weber
Aadu Voorand
r/o His family
Mary Pepino
r/ John Pepino & Family
Rodolfo & Wilma Doria
r/ Joe & Vangie Santos
George D. Tracy
r/ His wife
Monday, December 15th
7:00 a.m. Jeffrey Larent Richards
r/ The Santos Family
9:00 a.m. Frank Louro
r/ Art & Pat Kondrup
Kenneth Avallone
r/ The St. Robert’s Choir
Saturday, December 20th
9:00 a.m. Peter Nicotina
r/ His family
Kenneth M. Avallone
r/ Evelyn Rechtenbaugh
4:30 p.m. Anthony L. Acampora
r/ His wife and children
Michael Fogler
r/ Mom, Dad & Kate
Sunday, December 21st
8:30 a.m. The People of the Parish
10:00 a.m. Frances Louro
r/ Bob & Judi Burner
Josephine Schaaf
r/ Thomas & Esther O’Regan
11:30 a.m. Grace Vitulli
r/ The Beuka Family
Martin Altini
r/ The Nielsen Family
5:00 p.m. Frank Major
r/ Laura Migliore & Family
Rose Grasso
r/ Frank & Dr. Gail Campione
Tuesday, December 16th
7:00 a.m. The People of the Parish
9:00 a.m. Luigi D’Onorio DeMeo
r/ The Riccardelli Family
Dorothy Keohane
r/ Her Family
Wednesday, December 17th
7:00 a.m. The People of the Parish
9:00 a.m. Kenneth M. Avallone
r/o The Buffetts
George Marinelli
r/ The Belbol Family
14th Sunday
3rd Sunday of Advent
2nd Collection
15th Monday
17th Wednesday 18th Thursday
11:00 a.m.
Legion of Mary
6:30 Contemporary
Saturday, October 10 Music
Group (Church)
9:00 a.m. Rosari Sabin
Open Door
Fr. Benedict
r/o Anuncia 7:15
Ministry Meeting
2-4 p.m.
Joe DiGangi
Christmas Market
PM Rispoli
r/o Cathy & 7:00
7:45 p.m. RCIA (Adults) Advent Penance Service
4:30 p.m. Angela Villanti
7:30 p.m. Folk Choir
8 p.m. RCIA (Children)
r/o Her husband,
4:30 p.m.
Children’s Choir
8 p.m. Adult Choir
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19th Friday
20th Saturday
Please pray for all the sick of the Parish: Betty Conover, Daniel D’Amico, Peter Touzzolo, Jessica Nola,
Jake Holmes, Scott Marmerj, Pamela Elliott, Anna Tatarova, Victoria Bayrooty, Marion Krawchuk, Sharon Sayuk, Lauren Richards, John Ruggeri, Lenore Reagan, Bob Connor, John Solvik, Margaret Salvatore Lundberg,
Jose Lumba, Elizabeth Marie Sellitto, Michael Quigley, Jane Badura, Elizabeth Daley, Michael Tumminia,
Jacob Szelc, Jack Mitchell, George Noble, Christopher James Mannelli, Joan Lanzieri, Lee DiVito, Frances
Czujak, Kathleen Hickey, Steven Sullivan, Jennifer DeMaio, Tasha Flecha, Kenneth Malesky, Michael Rodman, Nolan Graham, Max - 3 year old, Don Bampe, Grace West, Richelle Quade, Scott Preston, Theresa Graham, Bob Lang, Margaret Salerno, Mara Claricia, Paul Schrak, Rosemary Garry, Cameron Beatty, Chris Beatty,
Diana Castaldini, Louise Pontillo, Madeline Iovino, Ellen Krupp, Lorraine Irace, Debra Bottega, Juliet Sciarra,
Patricia Cohoon, Mary Cicala, Nancy Giordano, Nicole Malato / Frank Potenza, Betty Harrington, Ricardo Gonzalez, Rich Koping, Jose Grillo, Graceann Giordano, Andrew Gubicza, Ellen Driver, Rose Moncher. James
Brown, Christine Ritchie, Dorothy Avallone, Karen Mansueto, Olivia Aparicio, James O’Neill, Eugene P. Sullivan, Norma Daniello.
Please pray for our deceased: Family members may request that individuals who are ill be listed by name for a period
of up to 3 months. ****If you wish to have a name remain on the list longer than (3) months or you wish to notify us when
those who where ill have regained their health, please send a note or call the Parish Office.
[Job 10:11 Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh;
thou hast put me together with bones and sinews:] It
is amazing how much I am growing and developing. I
am already four inches long and weigh a whopping
two and a half ounces. My skin is so thin you can see
my blood vessels. Lanugo, from the Latin word
meaning “down,” covers my body to protect my skin
from the water. The three tiny bones in my middle
ear are hardening and my ability to hear is developing. My legs are finally
longer than my arms and my body is now bigger than my head! I can twist
and turn and kick. As a matter of fact if I kick real hard, my mom might feel
a little flutter. Time to get back to my water aerobics! Thank you for all
It is with great happiness that we announce our
newest parishioners who have joined our Parish
Family through the Sacrament of Baptism:
Callen Louis Gracon
Juliette Theresa Blenderman
Gianna Elizabeth Arminio
Christian Anthony Arce
your prayers! St. Robert Bellarmine Respect Life Committee
January 11th
Meeting Parish Hall
December 21st Christmas Party 6-8 p.m.
December 30th 11 AM Clean up day for YG Area Parish Hall
January 18th Youth Group Social (Ice skating TBA)
If you are in the 8th grade or have received Confirmation, we invite
you to join the Youth Group. For further information call Cynthia or
Christopher Beatty at: #732-966-5801.
Come and Join the Fr. Benedict Ministry
Next Meeting: Tues, Dec. 16 @ 7:15 pm
Our Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday
of each month at 7:15pm.
Parishioners are encouraged to join
the Fr. Benedict Ministry.
St. Robert Bellarmine
8 P.M. TO 1:00 A.M.
Third Sunday of Advent
While lighting two violet candles and one pink
candle: We re-light the candle of HOPE
Parish Hall-Catered by Rosa’s Restaurant & DJ
For more information call: 732-610-8365
or email:
and LOVE we light the third candle as a
symbol of JOY.
Baptismal Preparation Class
Christian Stewardship ……………………………. $15,801.50
Votive Candles .…………….………..…...…...……..…$440.00
Grounds Maintenance…………..……………………$3,393.00
Your continued generosity is most appreciated!
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The next session for Baptismal
Preparation will be held Wednesday,
January 7th at 7:00 p.m in the Church.
Please contact the Parish Office at:
462-7429 , ext. 124 to register.
Liturgical Ministries
From the Pastor’s Desk
December 20th & December 21st, 2014
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Altar Servers
4:30 p.m.
Nicholas Reich, Cooper Lang, Cara Rommeney
8:30 a.m.
Joseph Santitoro, Alexandra Santitoro, Vincent Santitoro
10:00 a.m.
Aidan Trainor, Mackenzie Fusco, Angelina Fusco
11:30 a.m.
Christopher Magsino, Trinidad Machado, Douglas Luke
5:00 p.m.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
4:30 pm
8:30 am
10:00 am
11:30 am
5:00 pm
M. Barone
C. Elliott
J. Certo
A. Maravilla
C. Stumpf
D. Jones
T. Murphy
F. Machado
R. Tagle
L. Proctor
P. McCarthy
G. Lombardi
T. Enriquez
L. Watts
J. Torrone
J. Louro
T. Klein
M. Horsch
L. Oddo
A. Valentine
P. Putman
M. Valentine
F. Estremera
B. Toutounchi
C. Claricia
On Tuesday, December 16th our parish will hold an
Advent Penance Service, at 7:00 p.m. in the church.
Visiting priests will join us as we gather as God’s
people to pray for each other, and to prepare
ourselves to make a good confession. I hope you will
avail yourselves of this opportunity to prepare
spiritually for Christmas.
4:30 p.m.
Mary Rubinstein
8:30 a.m.
Teresa Gant
10:00 a.m.
Anne Reilly
11:30 a.m.
Liz Craig
As we celebrate the 3rd Sunday of
Advent we observe Gaudete Sunday.
The word gaudete comes from the
Latin to “Rejoice.” We rejoice as the great day of
Christ’s historical birth draws near. For many, our
stress levels increase as we realize how much we still
need to do before Christmas Eve. Knowing our
anxieties, the Church offers a few helpful hints to
draw us ever deeper into the mystery of the
5:00 p.m.
Nic Haros
Advent Penance Service
Tuesday, December 16th
7:00 PM In the Church
Visiting priest will be available
to hear confessions
Another spiritual event that will help in our
preparation for Christmas is our participation in the
Christmas Novena. Beginning on Wednesday,
December 17th to Tuesday, December 23rd, the Church
invites all her sons and daughters to spend a little time
in prayer to open our hearts and minds to the mystery
of Jesus Christ. This year’s Christmas Novena, uses
the “O” Antiphons, founded in the Old Testament to
break open the identify of Jesus. These antiphons
may be found in the verses of the hymn O Come, O
Come, Emmanuel; “Wisdom,” “Lord,” and “Day
Star” are just a few names that the prophets attribute
to the Messiah when he comes. A booklet for the
Christmas Novena will be available after all the
Masses this weekend in the gathering area of church.
I hope you will pick up one of these booklets and use
it during this last week of Advent. Allow the Word of
Sacred Scripture to fill your hearts with peace as you
continue to prepare for the Great Day of Christmas.
Your assistance is needed in one or more of the following areas:
BRINGING IN FOOD ITEMS: Sign up to bring in a Christmas dinner for
4, 6, or 8 people on Sunday, Dec. 21st between 8:20am and 11:20 am.
Sign up sheets will be in the gathering area of the church during the
weekends of Dec. 6/7 and Dec. 13/14. Please do not bring in items
requiring refrigeration before Sunday, Dec. 21st. Gift certificates from
local supermarkets are also gratefully accepted.
DELIVERING OF FOOD BASKETS: Sunday, Dec. 21st between 9am
and 11:30am. Twenty drivers are needed to deliver to area families. Sign
up the weekends of Dec. 6/7 and Dec. 13/14.
For further information please contact Donna Weeks (732-370-9178; Thank you!
Be assured of my continued prayers for you and your
families as we all prepare to meet the Lord, as He
comes into our hearts, our lives, and our homes, this
God bless,
Msgr. Sam
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Christmas Flower Memorials 2014
If you would like to make a donation for Christmas Flowers/Decorations in memory of a loved one, or for any reason, please fill out the form below (PLEASE PRINT!) and drop it in the collection basket with your donation
(mark the envelope: Christmas Memorial) or send to the Parish Office, 61 Georgia Road, Freehold, NJ 07728.
Names will be published in the December 28th bulletins or January 4th bulletins. The deadline for receiving
names is Monday, December 15th, 2014.
Flowers in Memory of: ____________________________________________________________________
Requested by: ___________________________________________________________________________
Offering: $ ______________________________________________________________________________
(Minimum suggested offering $10.00)
Gifts for Baby Jesus
Advent Project 2014
Weekend of December 20th & 21st
A tradition continues... "Gifts for Baby Jesus"
program. Birthright provides support to pregnant
women in need and their infants. This fall their
supply has been depleted and diapers in sizes 4
and 5 and toiletries are their biggest need. Needed are disposable
diapers, larger sizes preferred, and baby lotion, baby wash and
shampoo. Other items needed include baby towels/ washcloths,
wipes, onesies and sleepers (up to size 12 mos), newborn buntings,
receiving blankets and plastic laundry baskets in which donations
will be given. New, unwrapped items only, please. NO powder,
ointment, pacifiers, bottles, toys or stuffed animals,
please. Birthright is also in need of winter maternity clothes, tops
and slacks, sizes small-XL, new or gently used. Please deposit
donations in the box, until Christmas Day. If you have any questions,
please contact Katie Hellrigel at 732-294-9186.
Christmas Reconciliation
Dec. 20th following 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Masses.
Masses for the 4th Sunday of Advent
Saturday: 4:30 p.m.
Sunday: 8:30, 10:00 & 11:30 a.m., 5:00 p.m.
Blessing of the Christmas Bambinos during all Masses
Christmas Schedule
(No morning Masses)
Wednesday, Dec. 24th - Christmas Eve
Vigil Masses
4:00 p.m. (Church) - 4:15 p.m. (Chapel)
6:00 p.m. (Church) Folk Group Pre-Mass Concert
6:30 p.m. (Church)
11:30 p.m. (Church) Adult Choir Pre-Mass Concert
12:00 a.m. Midnight Mass
Chanting of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Candle
Light Procession & Blessing of Manger
Thursday, Dec. 25th - Christmas Day
Masses: 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m.
(No other Masses)
New Year’s Eve
Wednesday, December 31st
Masses: 7:00 a.m. & 9:00 a.m. & 4:30 p.m.
Thursday, January 1st New Year’s Day
The Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Holy Mother of God
(is a Holy Day of Obligation)
Masses: 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m.
(No other Masses)
Looking for someone who lives in Raintree and would be
available to give a ride to a parishioner so she can attend
Sunday Mass. Please call Giovanna 848-863-6206.
The youth group is collecting used coats, blankets, mittens, warm hats,
scarfs, gloves, sweaters and new socks to donate to the homeless. If you
have anything to donate please bring it by the Christmas Market this
weekend on Saturday or Sunday and drop off in the boxes marked Youth
Group. We will also be collecting them in the back of the church in boxes
marked Youth Group this coming weekend on December 20th and 21st,
2014. Thank you for your support and generosity.
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