Bulletin - St. Mary Roman Catholic Church

Sunday, November 30, 2014
First Sunday of Advent
5:30pm For the People
8:30am Michael Derrico
11:00am Deceased Hawkins Family
Tuesday 12/2
Wednesday 12/3 8:00am
Thurs 12/4
Friday 12/5
Eva Auber
Mary Raddish Strakal
Amelia Schifano
Reg Di Bacco
In the event of a Funeral Mass, Closing or
Delay of School -- there will be no
daily Mass.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Second Sunday of Advent
5:30pm For the People
8:30am Diane & Ron Kwasnicka
11:00am Allen Wise
SATURDAY, December
5:30 p.m. Mass
Lectors: Pierce Griffith & Bonnie Lynch
Eucharistic Ministers: Christine Battin, Pat Ford, Colin Frosch, Lovely Joseph, Janice Price, Janna & Albie Scudiere, Ray
Wells, Judy Yednock (two ministers needed)
Altar Servers: Patrick Griffith – Cross, Vinitha Joseph & Christian Sedney– Servers
Ushers: Kevin & Renee Griffith, Pius Joseph, Roger Swyck, Roxy Vasil, Beth & Julian Wyant
SUNDAY, December 7th, 8:30 a.m. Mass
Lectors: Vince Stilger & Patrick Esposito
Eucharistic Ministers: Mary Ann Albertazzie, Barbara Born, Mike Callen, Tiffany & Tom Elchuck, Michelle Esposito,
Lisa Ann Gresko, Sandy LeDonne, Augie Lucci, Denise Smith (one minister needed)
Altar Servers: Dina Muttillo - Cross, Giulia & Nico Muttillo - Servers, Angelina & Isabella Muttillo - Candle
Ushers: Pat Durkin, Teresa Eddy, Tom, & Vince LeDonne, Adam Macias, Cindy Miranov, Dough Patchen & Tony Sotelo
SUNDAY, December 7th, 11:00 a.m. Mass
Lectors: Maria Auber & Denice Kirchoff
Eucharistic Ministers: Joseph & Mona Feghali, Chris & Aimee Fletcher, Chuck Kerzak, Dody Kolanko, Greg, Vickie &
Matt Lacy, Stephen Zitney (one minister needed)
Altar Servers: Joseph Auber-Cross, Chris Miller & Collin Stout-Servers, Andrew & Charlie Kerzak- Candles,
Ushers: Barb Fedikovich, Vince Kolanko, Beth & Grant Lefevre, Scott Stupar, Alexis, Kathy & Mark Switzer
Sunday, November 30
Rite of Acceptance
Evening Prayer
Bible Study
Tuesday, December 2nd
Wednesday, December 3rd
- 9:00pm Night in Bethlehem
Thursday, December 4th
Sunday, December 7
- 10:45am Religious Education
Kidzone – ages 6months to age 3 in Room C
Moriah Martz & Adeline Michael Baptisms
Evening Prayer
Youth Group
Our 8:30am Liturgy is live on the radio on
1300AM WCLG every Sunday.
Bus Trip
Tuesday, December 9th.
The Bread, Wine & Tabernacle Candle the week of
November 30th are in memory of Mr. & Mrs. Joe
Scotchell & son, John donated by daughter & sister,
Lunch at Bella Notte restaurant,
bus, and tip all for $40. Please
call the Parish Office at 304-599-3747 to
reserve your seat. (It’s filling fast)
Eternal Rest:
For Mary Jane Wood and Consolation to her family
especially husband, Mike and children Jacob &
For Ralph Smith and Consolation to his family
especially son Bruce and wife, Denise.
This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent
St. Ursula Food Pantry
is in need of Soup and Spaghetti sauce.
Lord, Look with love on these
Tanner Oaks & Brittany Adams who will present
Noriah Sky Martz at her baptism next weekend.
Frank & Allison DeGeorge who will present Adeline
Olivia Michael at her baptism next weekend.
In gratitude for God’s gifts of time and talent to us,
we gratefully acknowledge and salute:
Those who helped with Mary Jane Wood’s funeral
reception: Sr. Rachel, Megan Mahoney, Mary
Mihallik, Liz Conrad, Joann & Patsy DeChristopher,
Sis Williams, Carolyn Pugh, Kathy Custer & Karen
Living Stewardship Now
Drop something you usually do at this time of year
but do not enjoy. Choose an Advent custom and
make it part of your daily routine.
Giving Summary
Last Sunday’s Offering:
Building Fund
$ 60.00
Living Stewardship
Evening Prayer of Advent – Sunday,
November 30th and continues every Sunday of
Advent at 4:30pm.
Mass Intentions are being accepted for 2015. The
suggested stipend is $10.00 for a weekday mass and
$20.00 for a weekend. If you are interested call the
parish office at 304-599.3747.
Memorial Donations for Bread, Wine and the
Tabernacle candle are being accepted for the year
2015. The requested donation is $45.00. If you are
interested call the parish office at 304-599-3747.
Reminders to LECTORS, if you need a 2015
Workbook please pick one up from the table in the
back of Church. The readings are available on the
Ministry Scheduler Program also. If you have
questions call the parish office.
In today’s world Christmas starts at
Thanksgiving and ends on December 25, but the
Church emphasizes this time as Advent, the
season of expectation, when we prepare our
hearts and lives for the Lord’s coming at
Christmas. You may already have such customs
in your household as an Advent wreath, a Jesse
tree, a manger scene, or special devotions. A
German tradition call Kristkindl (“Christ child”
involves a family passing a bowl around with
each person taking a rolled-up slip of paper with
a family member’s name on it. For the rest of
Advent that person is your Kristkindl, and you
do a good deed for them every day, but in secret!
Even young children can participate. You
prepare to serve Christ by serving your
Kristkindl: pray for them, save money to send to
a good cause in their name, donate gifts to a
shelter, do extra chores, adopt a needy family.
Message of the Week
Mark 13:33-37
Advent is meant to serve as a wake-up call for
those of us Christians who have a tendency
to start drifting off after a while. We get into
our routines, find the patterns that work for
us, and then run the risk of just going through
the motions. Maybe we say a morning prayer
with consistency but have begun to forget to
really think about the words. Perhaps we rouse
ourselves enough to get to Mass on Sundays, but
when we’re there we let our minds daydream.
Some of us might have made spiritual
resolutions to overcome a bad habit or to begin
some regular program of service, but instead
of following through with the hard work of
perseverance, we gave up the effort and fell back
into our previous rut. Whatever the case, now is the
time to shake ourselves free and to ask God to
invigorate us once again. Now is the time to stop
zoning out and start tuning in. Jesus’ message today
has the intention of getting our attention. He’s doing
what he can; the rest is up to us. As Advent
begins, we would do well to pause for a few
moments and reflect. What might be preventing
me from being fully awake to my faith? What
activities preoccupy my time and my thoughts?
What bad habits blur my spiritual vision? How
could I really listen to the voice of the Lord this
Advent season?
Questions of the Week
Mark 13:33-37
Why do you think the season of Advent begins each
year with Jesus’ urgent message to “be watchful”?
Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7:
Why do you think God allows us to “wander”?
1 Corinthians 1:3-9:
What do you see as some of the challenges of
your faith community?
NEW TOYS (Unwrapped) and VOLUNTEERS are needed
for Christian Help's 33rd Annual Toy Give-Away at the
NEW ARMORY off the Hartman Run Road. Last year we
gave toys to 824 low-income children in Monongalia
County. If you would like to donate a toy, there will be a
decorated barrel in the back of church. We need many
volunteers at the Armory to sort toys on Dec. 15, 16, and 17
from 8AM to 8PM and on Thurs. Dec. 18 (the day of the
Give-Away) from 8AM to 4PM. You can volunteer for one
hour or several hours on any of these days. For more
information, please call Margaret Puderbaugh 304-5994462 or mkkeefover@comcast.net.
Three Opportunities to Give
Christian Help of Mingo County is in need of shoes
and winter coats. Donations of new and slightly
used shoes and winter coats of any size and style will
be accepted until SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14th.
Please drop off any donations in the Christian
Formation Center.
This weekend a tree has been placed in
the church with 70 tags for children
and adults we are adopting this
Christmas. Our recipients include
seven families who have lost their
homes to fire, thirteen recently placed foster
children, and three elderly individuals in nursing
homes whose families have abandoned them. We are
asking parishioners to take one of the tags and
purchase gifts from the “wish list.” Wrapped gifts
with the tags should be returned by Sunday,
December 7th to the Christian Formation Center
foyer. Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the
least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for
me (Matt 25:40).
Food, gently used clothing and monetary donations
are being accepted on behalf of Catholic Charities
West Virginia. Boxes will be placed in the church.
Camp Bosco Christmas Special
November 3 - December 17, 2014
Sign up between these dates for an easy payment
option of $75 down and four monthly payments of
$60 per camper. For those campers registering
before December 17th, you will receive a special gift
of a Camp Bosco pillowcase and a drawstring bag to
put under the Christmas tree.
Go to www.campbosco.com to sign up.
Questions please contact Heather Bise:
1-888-434-6237, ext. 311 or hbise@dwc.org
The Ladies Guild of St. Mary's Holy Protection
Byzantine Catholic Church (2115 Listravia Ave.) will
be holding their annual Christmas bake sale on
December 15th & 16th. Nut Rolls, Poppy Seed Rolls,
& Apricot Rolls are $9.00 each. Christmas Bread,
plain or with raisin, are $5.00 each. Deadline to
place an order is December 7th. You will be called
when your order is ready for pick-up. Last day for
pick-up will be December 17th from 9-11 a.m. To
place an order, please call Ellen at 304-282-0431.
Experience an evening of song, prayer, and reflection.
Dan Schutte’s timeless compositions include: Here I
Am Lord; City of God; Sing a New Song; You Are
Near; and many others. Limited seating is available.
Co-Sponsored by the St. Joseph Retreat Center and the
Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, the following events
will take place over a two-day weekend: The concert
will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, December 5, 2014,
in the Mount St. Joseph Chapel, 137 Mount St. Joseph
Road in Wheeling, West Virginia. The cost is $15 for
early registration by November 24 and $20 at the door.
Dan will also present a special workshop on Saturday,
December 6, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. also in the
Mount St. Joseph Chapel. The cost is $20 for
individuals and $15 per parish choir members
(minimum of 5 people per parish). All are welcome to
attend both events!
For more information and to purchase tickets, please
contact Anna Marie Troiani at 304-232-8160,
extension 112, or
email saintjosephretreatcenter137@gmail.com.
Discernment on the Mountain
December 28-31, 2014
Please come and join us for daily Mass, rosary,
adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, presentations on
vocational discernment and a full day of skiing at
Snowshoe Mountain Resort. Participants will also
have an opportunity to speak with priests and
seminarians of the Wheeling-Charleston Diocese in an
informal setting. College-aged men and high school
juniors and seniors are invited to attend this retreat.
The retreat runs Dec. 28th – Dec 31st. Register on-line
at wvpriests.org or call Mr. Rick Teachout at the Office
of Vocations, (304) 233-0880, Ext 442.
Catholic Charities WV’s Central Region is accepting
nominations for the 13th annual Communities of Salt
and Light awards, now through December 22nd. The
award will be presented to two community members
and one Catholic community group, whose gifts of
time, talent & treasure exemplify social ministry in
action, at the annual dinner on April 17, 2015 at the K
of C Hall in Fairmont. Contact Kandi Shafer at 304292-6597 ext. 3 for more info.
Benefit – Country Christmas Concert at First Baptist
Church, 432 High St. on Wednesday, December 3rd
at 7pm. Proceeds from ticket sales donated
to Jordan DeMaske, a WVU student fighting
Mid-Atlantic Congress (MAC): February
12-14, 2015 at the Baltimore Hilton Hotel.
This is the only annual Catholic Conference on
the East Coast that addresses the pastoral
and administrative challenges facing
dioceses, parishes, and schools. So whether
you are a Pastoral Associate, Faith Formation
Leader, a Catechist, a Youth Minister, or a
teacher; whether you are involved in Catholic
schools, RCIA, administration or Pastoral
Care, this conference is for YOU. Registration
fee is covered by the Diocese! Download the
conference packet and register
online now through the page link on the
diocesan website: www.dwc.org/mac
Care of the Sick, Homebound,
Hospitalized or those in Nursing Homes
When a parishioner is confined at home or in a hospital
or nursing home, please get in touch with Sr. Rachel at
304-685-7733. She will be happy to make arrangements
to bring Holy Communion.
If the Sacrament of the Sick (Anointing) is needed,
contact Fr. DiBacco at 304-599-3747.
Applications to my life:
- What did God say to me through the homily?
- What does God want me to do?
The test of a preacher is that the (assembly) goes away
saying not ‘what a lovely sermon’, but ‘I will do
something about it’.
– St. Francis de Sales