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Our Lady of Lourdes & St Joseph
December – 4 January 20152014
+Fourth Sunday of Advent – Epiphany
+ Year B+
Mass Schedule
Our Lady of Lourdes
Sat - Vigil Mass for 5.30pm Mary O’Donnell
IV Sunday of Advent
11am Jim Marsh (LD)
Tue -
St Joseph
7pm Dorothy Lowe (A)
9.30am Peggy Lennon (A)
3.30pm Evening Prayer and
10am John and Martin Foulds (A)
10am Nora Burns
12.15pm Funeral Service for
Tom Whalan
10am Pat Stannard
6pm Anthony Clayton, Christopher
9.30am Parishioners
10pm John Watson
11am Yvonne Lenham
Fri St Stephen
5.30pm Peter Stoneman
Vigil Mass for Sunday
b’day remembrance
Sunday Holy Family
11am Int of T and A Ford
10am Private Intention (JC)
7pm John Cunningham
9.30am Babies before birth
10am Mrs O’Brien LD
Tue 10am Edith Hartley (A)
Thurs New Year’s Day
10am John and Gladys
Mary Mother of God
Hawkins (A)
Fri SS Basil the Great and
Gregory Nazianzen
Vigil Mass for Sunday
5.30pm Jack and May
Pemberton (A)
11am Parishioners
10am Special Intention
10am Ann and Ian Sunter 40th
Wedding anniversary
7pm Int of Lyn Evans
9.30am Thomas (Tobias) Kennan
We pray for the sick Mary Teresa Millington, Peter des Landes, Mia King, Louise Booth, Patricia
Cosgrove, Renee Sproat, Vera Robinson, Hilda Stoker, Andrew McFayden, Phil Irlam, Justine Kehoe,
Patricia Taylor, Ian Dalton, Baby Katrina Byrom, Maureen Driscoll, Paul Bagshaw, Anita Meadows, Isabel
Kelly Lately Dead Deirdre McLean, Win Sexton, Cath Berry, Malcolm Jefferson, Tom Whalan, Jim Marsh,
Sr Elizabeth Redman SND, Sr Margherita Cini SND, Fr Bill Redmond Anniversaries Ken Seward, James
Francis Gudgeon, Peggy Lennon, Dorothy Lowe, John and Martin Foulds, Yvonne Lenham, Edith Hartley,
John and Gladys Hawkins We pray for the First Holy Communion Children and their families, the long
suffering Christians in Iraq and the Middle East, those who suffer because of the Ebola outbreak, victims
of terrorism, all who find Christmas a difficult time.
Rosary 9.40am Mon, Wed, Fri at St Joseph
Confessions St Joseph after 10am Mass Friday,
Our Lady of Lourdes 5pm Saturday
Church Cleaning Friday10.30am St Joseph Thursday 9am OLOL – Many hands make light
work. Perhaps you can spare an hour a week, a
month, occasionally?
Liturgy this Sunday.
Second Preface for Advent
Eucharistic Prayer 3
Children’s liturgy at both Sunday Masses
To hire the Meeting Rooms call Sheila Ball
Tea and Coffee after 11am Mass on Sunday
Collection: Envelopes £1,111.71 Loose £421.94
Total £ 1,533.65 Received with thanks
Monday Bridge at Our Lady of Lourdes from 1pm
to 4pm. If you are interested in coming along in the
New Year call Eve Houghton on 538579.
Art Group Everyone welcome. Thursdays 1pm –
3pm in the meeting rooms. Phone Marie 550706.
We meet again in the New Year on January 8th.
Christmas Gift
Tree – Thanks to
all who took part.
The Gifts have
now all been
bought, wrapped,
given away.
Thanks to all the families who
regularly attend Mass – look at
your attendance card to see how
well you are doing. Next session
is Tuesday 13 January at
Praying with the Pope in December
Daily offering: O Lord God, King of heaven and
earth, may it please Thee this day to order and to
hallow, to rule and to govern our hearts and our
bodies, our thoughts, our words and our works,
according to Thy law and in the doing of Thy
commandments, that we, being helped by Thee,
may here and hereafter worthily be saved and
delivered by Thee, O Saviour of the world, who
livest and reignest for ever and ever. And I pray for
the Pope’s intentions with Mary and the whole
Church this month:
Universal Christmas, hope for humanity. That the
birth of the Redeemer may bring peace and hope
to all people of good will.
For Evangelization Parents. That parents may be
true evangelizers, passing on to their children the
precious gift of faith.
An online ADVENT
RETREAT is offered by
the Jesuits on:
Something to think and pray about
Some years, during Advent, the concreteness of
the nativity story—how normal, how tangible it is—
draws me in. The awkward unease of late
pregnancy. The human need for shelter and rest.
Straw, wood, pieces of cloth. The scent of barn
animals. A newborn baby’s cry.
But this year, it’s the swirl of mystery that
hovers above and through the narrative that most
captures my imagination. In an Advent homily, my
priest quoted a theologian who said that thinking
about God is like trying to draw a picture of a bird
in flight.
“You end up with details of its wings caught
in a certain position, feathers, eyes, claws frozen
in place for careful scrutiny,” he explained. “Or you
end up with a blur that loses all detail, but captures
speed and movement.”
We’re all theologians, he said, and we all
envision various concepts of God in detail and
others in motion. Do we choose one picture over
another, or somehow hold both in tension?
I realize sometimes the “bird” I picture when I think
of God is a faraway dot, flying high in the sky. At
other times, it’s just outside my window, allowing
me to appreciate the details of its feathers and the
angles of its tiny beak before it flies away.
Excerpted from Wholehearted Living
by Jennifer Grant
Mass Times Christmas
Wednesday 24.12 Christmas Eve
St Joseph 6pm Mass and Children's
nativity tableau
Our Lady of Lourdes 10pm, Mass with
carols and plain chant
Thursday 25.12 Christmas Morning
St Joseph 9.30am Mass with Carols
Our Lady of Lourdes 11am Family
Contact Details: Parish Priest Fr Atli
Jonsson, 40 York Road, Southport PR8 2AY,
Tel 01704 568313,
Parish Deacon Rev Bill Ball, Tel 567788