Wesley Place Methodist Church, Lawton Road, Alsager Welcome to worship today. We are pleased that you are able to join us. Whether you are visiting briefly or are new to Wesley Place we hope that you feel at home and among friends. Please introduce yourself to one of the stewards. Sunday 23rd November, 2014 10:30am Morning Worship is led by Rev’d Bill Anderson Sunday before Advent Please join us for coffee and fellowship after the service 6:30pm service led by Rev’d Jennie Henshall Eternal Father, whose Son Jesus Christ ascended to the throne of heaven that he might rule over all things as Lord: keep the Church in the unity of the Spirit and in the band of peace, and bring the whole created order to worship at his feet; who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR MOBILE PHONE Readings for your Devotions Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20-24 Psalm 100 Ephesians 1: 15-23 Matthew 25: 31-46 (OT p834) (OT p598) (NT p240) (NT p38) The Adventurers are in church for the first hymn and prayers and then go into their departments, rejoining us for the last hymn at the end of the service. Baby changing facilities are available in the disabled toilet near the rear entrance. Church Rotas 23rd November, 2014 30th November, 2014 Stewards Peter Morris, Bronwen Degg Eric & Cynthia Carlidge, Joe & Doreen Tabinor Welcoming Morning Evening Anne Milner, Gwyneth Godfrey Bernard Maskery Ann Pask, Harriet Crompton Doris Bach, Kathleen Berisford, David & Hilary Gray Sue Hancock and Family No service Coffee Rota Instrumental Group Choir Counting Peter Morris, Joe Tabinor, Glennis Roper Isobel Brislin Jade Walker, Alan Walker, Janet Keen Lesley Peake Offertory Vestry Steward Diary for Week Beginning Monday 24th November, 2014 Tues: 9.30am-11.30am: 025 2.30pm: Womens Fellowship - Christmas Play Wed: 9.30am-11.30am: 025 9.30am Walking Fellowship met at Wesley Place. 10.00am: Church open for prayer from 10am to 12 noon with “Time Out” at 10:30, a short time of prayer, reading and thoughts in a variety of styles, from traditional to more contemporary, led this week by Ian White. This is followed by coffee and fellowship in the hall. All ages welcome. Thurs: 7.30pm: Choir Rehearsal Sat: 10.00am-12 noon: Action for Children Coffee Morning Sunday 30th November, 2014 10:30am led by Rev’d Bill Anderson Advent Sunday 6:30pm No Service Happy 9th Birthday to Eleanor Morley-Smith for today the 23rd November. Lots of love and best wishes from all your friends at Wesley Place Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum Heritage Services You are invited to join in two heritage services being held at Englesea Brook Chapel. Sunday 23rd Novemeber at 2.30pm: Unlikely Heros Sunday 14th December at 2.30pm: Christmas with the Victorians Everyone is welcome. Advent Soup and Bible Study 'Making bricks without straw': A Feast for Advent. A series of four discussion groups, which will begin with sharing a bread and soup lunch together. A lovely opportunity to meet new people and share in food and chat together. A space for thought about the real meaning of Christmas. Starting at 12 noon till 2pm Wednesday 26th November, 3rd, 10th and 17th of December Please come to as many or as few as you wish. Free entry but donations would be appreciated. Bonfire Party The Church Family Committee would like to thank everyone who came to the bonfire and helped make it such a lovely evening, particularly Mike and Sandra Moors for letting us use their grounds and being such great hosts, also everyone else who helped make it such a great success. We made £30 profit and this has gone towards church funds. Autumn Bible Study Paul’s First Letter to the Church at Corinth. Explore the life of this early Christian Community and ask questions about being a Christian Community today. Where? Wesley Place Prayer Room. When? Wednesdays at 7:45pm - 9:00pm. How? A time of worship, engaging with the text and conversation. Who? All are welcome. Dates: 8th, 22nd October, 12th, 26th November and 10th December. Bible Bedtime Can’t think of a story for a child at bedtime? You can download the Bible bedtime app to your ipad FREE, from the itunes store or visit biblesociety.org.uk/biblebedtime-wia to find out more. Do you have a friend who could use this, pass it on. Circuit Methodist Women in Britain “Soup and Carols” at Wheelock Methodist Church on Tuesday 25th November at 12.30. Cost £4. All welcome. To book or for more details call Bronwen Christmas Tree Festival preparations Could the men preparing the church for the Christmas Tree Festival please meet at the church at 9.30 A.M. on Tuesday, 25th please Annual Christmas Tree Festival 28th November - 1st December 2014 We are looking forward to the start of Advent with one of our major outreach events of the year and everyone is needed and encouraged to be involved. Your help is needed with welcoming our visitors, serving refreshments, providing cakes & mince pies, lending cake stands, taking a turn to serve on the craft stall and Fairtrade stall. If you would like to offer help in any way please sign up on the rotas in the Hall or speak to Celia Crompton. Handiwork and homemade goods are still needed for the craft and gift stall, the contact for this is Beryl Guy. This year the donations from the Memory Tree will be given to Methodist Homes for the Aged (MHA) who specialise in dementia care. The Festival will be opened at 2pm on Friday 28th November by Rev’d Bill Anderson. Opening times are: Friday 28th November 2pm - 5.30pm and re-opening at 7.30pm for informal Carol Singing by the Christmas Trees with tea and mince pies. All are welcome to come along. Saturday 29th November 10am - 5pm Sunday 30th November 2pm - 8pm Monday 1st December 10am - 1pm Our Minister: Rev’d Bill Anderson. He can be contacted on 01270 882243 Senior Steward: Harriet Crompton harrietewc@hotmail.com 07753792213 Booking Secretary: Ann Pask 01270 879633 Notices for next week: Please see Sarah Simpson or Andrew Shaw. Call 07718140733 or e-mail sarahsimo28@live.co.uk by Thursday Email address for “Messenger” - Wesley.place@tesco.net Wesley Place facebook page - Wesley Place church If you miss a copy of the pew leaflet it is available for downloading from the Wesley Place website - www.wesley-place.org.uk Visit the Circuit wedsite (www.cheshiresouth.org.uk) for the Circuit news letter and forthcoming events. A paper copy of the weekly news letter is available to read on the Circuit notice board.
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