Preview - The Catholic Parish of St. John's RCC, Tamworth

St John the Baptist Parish Newsletter
Parish Office: Sacred Heart Church, Silver Link Rd,
Tamworth, B77 2EA
Parish Office: 01827 769403
Parish Centre Bookings: 01827 288226
Priests: Fr Michael –
Fr Noel –
Centre Bookings: Rev Deacon Brian Cox & Nora Cox – Tel. 288226
Admin: Wendy Quinn –
Gift Aid, HOT, database (Tues & Wed): Rob Breeden –
St John’s Church in on St John St, Tamworth, B79 7EX
Fourth Sunday of Advent (B) – 21st December 2014
Psalm Response: I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.
Saturday 20 December
Advent feria
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Sunday 21st December
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Monday 22nd December
Advent feria
Tuesday 23rd December
Advent feria
Wednesday 24th December
Advent feria
Thursday 25th December
The Nativity of the Lord
Friday 26 December
St Stephen
10.30am (S.J.)
6.00pm (S.J.)
9.00 am (S.H.)
10.30 am (S.J.)
12.00 noon (S.H.)
10.00 am (S.J.)
11.30am (S.C.)
7.00am (S.J.)
11.00 am (S.J.)
7.00pm (S.H.)
4.30pm (S.J.)
7.30pm (S.H.)
12 Midnight (S.J.)
9.00am (S.H.)
10.30am (S.J.)
Meta Truscott
Jane Power – James Willis
Sarah White – Betty Walsh
Maureen Kelly – Sheila Waterhouse
Pam Fitzpatrick – Amilia Wayne
Funeral Mass Hughie McKenny
Funeral Service Anastasia Pritchatt
Mike Bolger
George Mander
Communion Service
Family Christmas Mass Parishioners Intentions
Family Christmas Mass Parishioners Intentions
Christmas Midnight Mass
Rita Brady – Sylvia Chinn
Mike Bolger – Ann James
11.00am (S.J.)
Ita & Graham White
Feast of the Holy Family (B) – 28th December 2014
Psalm Response: He, the Lord, is our God. He remembers his covenant for ever
Saturday 27th December
St John
The Holy Family
10.30am (S.J.)
Jose Navarro – Holy Souls
6.00pm (S.J.)
Sidney Green – Ann Green
Sunday 28th December
9.00 am (S.H.)
Owen Lynch – Luis Lopes
Peter Owen – Mark Roberts
The Holy Family 10.30 am (S.J.)
12.00 noon (S.H.) Pat & Charlie Gavigan
Monday 29th December
St Thomas Becket 10.00 am (S.J.)
Emma Bradford
Tuesday 30th December
Christmas Octave 11.00 am (S.J.)
Vincente Patos & Holy Souls
Wednesday 31 December Christmas Octave 10.00 am (S.J.)
Von Gilbert
Thurs 1st Jan 2015
Mary, Mother of God 10.00am (S.J.)
Wendy Ascroft & Juan Peraire
Friday 2 January
St Basil & St Gregory 12.30pm (S.J.)
Mass for the sick and housebound
Saturday 3rd January
Christmas feria 10.30am (S.J.)
Vicente Patos & Nieves
Epiphany of the Lord 6.00pm (S.J.)
Angela & Mick Foster – Maeve Cannon
Sunday 4 January
9.00 am (S.H.)
Wendy Smith – Juan Perairie
Mark Brown – Ray Howard
Epiphany of the Lord 10.30 am (S.J.)
12.00 noon (S.H.) Malcmy & Mary Gaughan
Confessions at St John’s: Sat 11.00 till 11.30 am and 5.15 – 5.45 pm.
Na każdej niedzielnej mszy dostępne są polskie tłumaczenia czytań i Ewangelii.
Można je znaleźć w przedsionku kościoła. Miłej i owocnej lektury!
Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku
Please pray for the sick: Mick Evans, Chad Williams, Steve Brindley, Finn Lynch, Teresa
Woodcock, Gill Horsley, Margaret Thompson, Phil Crook, Keith Waterhouse, Mary Pullen,
Nancy Lynch, Kit Liversidge, Patrick O’Hara, Maggie Gordan, Noreen Doherty, Christine
Lavery, Michelle Mason, Julie Orme, Nikolas Atkins, Sheila Brown, Stephen Morley, Jaden
Walker, Frank Ryan, Elsie Newbold, Gillian Solanky, Edna Mundin, John Barrass, June Beggan,
Michael Fox, Betty Meehan, Mary Miller, Sarah Gillen, Conan Teyssou, Winnie Claridge, AnnMarie Purslow, Eileen and Vincent Murphy.
Reflection - Light of the World:
The Christmas Candle is the fifth candle which represents the Birth of Christ. The flame of
this candle remind us that He is the light of the world and that if we follow Him, we will never
walk in darkness, but will have the true light of life.
Like Mary, God wants our lives to be expectant, to have great humility and to live sacrificially.
Let it be our prayer that each one of us could more fully develop the spirit of Mary in our lives.
Anniversary Prayers For: Edward Deakin, Bernard & Margaret Doyle, Agnes Bartram, Mary Thomas, Norman
Kilminster, John Hanson, James D'Arcy, Bernadette Buxton, Joseph Jady, Marie McDonagh, Joseph O'Neill, Pat Weir,
Anges Skipp, Edith Gould, Jack Latham, Joseph Krenski, Tom Skipp, Olive Tranter, Wilfred Windridge, Daniel Shilton,
Frank Kinsella, Eileen Estall, Jack Tracey, Stan White, Tom O'Grady, Minnie Burrell, Mary Sidwells, Mary Steadman,
Helena Inskip, Alec Tomson, Dick Croke, Gertrude Davise. Roger McSharry, Marjorie Westbury, Irmina Grobelny,
Joseph Thompson, Lily Tricklebank, Charles Wood, Nancy Morris, Daisy Harvey, Robert Radek, Ruth Nicholson,
Bryan Black, Terence Weston, Josie Laffan, Edward Corbett, Bridget Heaslip, Eileen Islip, John Murdoc, Ann Haig,
Catherine Bradford, Percy Arnold, Josephine Hinds, Bernadette McCormack.
James Maguire, James Cuffe, Thomas
Grant, Ernest Titterton, Bridget James, Marie Titterton, Barbara Baines, Michael Cleary, Colman Byrnes, Thomas
Pope, Mary Lunn, Norman Kilminster, Reg Horth, Leonard Luckett, Eleanor Reardon, Elizabeth Patrick, John Longdon,
Eric Hanson, John Middlebrook, Bertha Bartram, Mary Bickerstaff, Violet McCormack, Kathleen Keogh, Pat Wallace,
Kathleen Fox, Lillian Clarke, William Fullylove, Emilie Jinks, Sydney Green, Christine Ware, Samuel Riley, Marcel
Walker, Frederick Stone, Norman Holmes, Ida Newton, Thomas Drury, Bill Loydon, Peter McKenna, George
Williamson, George Williams, Josephine Hunt, Jerry Daly, Peter Doyle, Maureen Barnett, James Dunbar, Joan
Cotterill, Martha McGurk, Phil Hubball, Ida Ensor, Christine Byrne, Beryl Marshall, Florence Devenney, Norman
Selvester, Ida Sturrock, Owen Lynch, Lilian Goodwin, Carl Colbeck, Brendan Connors.
Please pray for the Repose of the soul of Hughie McKenny our
oldest parishioner (100) who died during the week. He was a
faithful parishioner, who contributed in all sorts of ways to the life
of the parish. Hughie will be received into St John’s on Sunday,
21st Dec. at 5pm, the funeral Mass will be on Monday, 22nd
December at 10.00am. Anastasia Pritchatt, whose funeral will
take place on Monday 22nd at Sutton Coldfield Crematorium at
11.30am. Please remember their grieving families at this time,
may they find consolation and peace in the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.
After Oscar's Owl action – a thank-you message from Joanna:
"There are no known words in English or Polish languages which we, me and my
husband Wojciech, can use to express how we are grateful for your huge heart you have
opened to the little Oscar. We are very proud to be a members of our parish community
and have you all by our side every time we need you. One more time you showed that
helping others is an important part of our life. You gave more than “just money”, you
gave hope, kindness, support, warm welcome, blessing and showed entirely filled hear
of a goodwill. Your gestures will never be forgotten. We all together manage to raised £
684.71 for further Oscar's therapy. Thank You and God Bless you All!" Joanna Piernicka
2015 Pilgrimage to the Holy Land – Some people
have expressed an interest in this. We will have a
meeting on Sunday January 25th at 10.00 am at
Sacred Heart, if you want to know more. It will be
from Monday 31st August to Tuesday 8th September.
A serene and prayerful tour of Jerusalem, Bethlehem
and Nazareth together with the opportunity for
relaxing by the Sea of Galielee and the Dead Sea.
Price will be £1250. For more details phone or email
Check out our New Look to the website For up to date news including
a video of the Christmas Fayre and the parish teams Christmas message! Many thanks to Wojciech
Piernicki for all his continued hard work in regularly updating the site. If there is anything you would like
to see on the website then please let us know.
Tamworth Boxing Club, Orchard Street Tamworth - Low impact
sessions for Adult with Learning Difficulties. The sessions will provide an
opportunity to take part in a low impact session from 10:30-11:30am and
then join us for tea and biscuits from 11:30am-12:30pm. These sessions
will be just £3 per person and will be held every Tues.
Homestart continue to welcome volunteers for their befriending service of
parents with young children.
Thank-you to all who have already
Starfish: Our Starfish ‘breakfast club’ will continue
each Saturday throughout the Christmas period at the Sacred Heart from 10am
till 12.00 am. Thanks to all our volunteers – more are welcome.
Stars Still Available For ‘Light Up A Life’: Just write the name of a loved one
on a star for the Church tree and place a donation in the envelope for someone who
needs light in their life now. All donations to the work of ‘Heart of Tamworth’.
Options For Life an organisation working with adults with learning difficulties.
They are based at Sacred Heart and seeing what needs are and whether they can
help meet those needs.
Live Simply – Ethical Gifts
Looking for a Christmas present with a difference?
Why not try one of CAFOD or Oxfam’s alternative, ethical gifts, which will
help those in poorer parts of the world? (Prices from £5). Some
examples of gift projects include:Fix a well (provide safe water for 10 people for £10), Train a Beekeeper,
Educate a child, Teach a teacher, buy a goat or chicken, or even buy
manure and Oxfam will provide fertilizer for a farmer.
More details on or
New Year’s Resolution - Volunteer for CAFOD
Do you have good public speaking skills and want to help tackle poverty and injustice? CAFOD needs
volunteers to speak in parishes and/or schools about its work in the developing world.
To find out more and book a place on our next "Understanding CAFOD" training day on Saturday, 31
January call CAFOD on 01922 722944 or email
Thank you for your generosity from Father Hudson’s Society for raising £395.45 for their annual
collection and CAFOD for £555.90 which was raised from their Harvest Fast Day.
Week of Prayer For Christian Unity
Sunday 18 January 6pm - people welcome to join with St George's with Christians in Sci Fi. This will
contain loud, rock style music.
Monday 19 January 7-7.30pm Dosthill Church
Tuesday 20 January 7-7.30pm
Wednesday 21 January 7-7.30pm Methodists Church - venue tbc.
Thursday 22 January 7-7.30pm St Paul's Fazeley
Friday 23 January 7-7.30pm Sacred Heart Church
Saturday 24 January 7-7.30pm
Sunday 25 January 6.30pm United Service at the
Coton Centre
Other venues to be announced
Proteens - will restart on Friday 16th Jan. YOSH (yrs 5 &6) resumes on the 8th January they meet
each Thursday at 7.00 am, Sacred Heart. New members are really welcome.
Christmas Masses: Christmas Eve (Wednesday 24th Dec):
Family Mass (St John’s): 4.30 p.m.
Family Mass (Sacred Heart): 7.30 p.m.
Midnight Mass (St John’s): 12 Midnight
Christmas Day:
Sacred Heart: 9.00 am
St. John’s: 10.30 am
Please note no Midday Mass.
Christmas Cards with Service times are available in the porch.
Please take one for someone else.
A.A. meeting at St John’s upper room on Mondays at 8.00 pm
for people recovering from alcohol related problems.
Groups and Meetings begin:
Irish Dancing Classes Monday 5th January. It is open to people of all ages. If you are interested
then contact Katie Martin on or tel. 07932359413
The Bridge Club Monday 5th January and are keen to recruit new members – come and play the King
of card games at 7.00 pm.
Multiple Sclerosis (M S) Society and Tai Chi – Tuesday 6th January at 11.30am. The Tai Chi class
is open to anyone. The MS Society meets for their meeting after the class at 12.30pm
Stay and Play – Tuesday 6th January in the upstairs
room of Sacred Heart 1pm – 3pm, Children up to 1 are free
then £2 for first child, £1.50 for second and £1 for third
child. This is for babies up to school age children and
parents to enjoy time together with play and interaction;
refreshment will be served.
Senior Citizens at Sacred Heart – Tuesday 6th January
for social gatherings at 1.30am. They do welcome new
people so please come along.
Brownies – Wednesday 7th January at Sacred Heart.
Contact details are Tracey 07743306495
Senior Citizens at Sacred Heart – Meet every Tuesday
for social gatherings at 1.30am. They do welcome new
people so please come
Money Matters
Fit Steps – Wednesday 7 January 6.30 – 7.30pm
Standing Order
Pilates Classes – Thursday 8th January 7pm – 8pm. Pilates
exercise can be beneficial for everyone whatever their fitness. £5 per
session - pay as you go.
2nd collection
Evolution Yoga with Megan Coming to the Sacred Heart every Mon
7:30-8:30 week commencing 12th January 2015. Classes are £4 per
session. All ages and all abilities welcome. For all queries contact me
on 07813587094 or find me on Facebook under "evolution yoga" I
look forward to meeting you on the mat of self-discovery!
Gift Aid: If you would like to
increase your giving by 25%
through signing a Gift Aid form
Baby Massage class begins in Sacred Heart on
Monday 19 January 10-11am. Learn to
massage your baby in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. For more information please
contact Victoria on 07922738783 or visit
Fr Noel, Fr Michael, Deacon Brian, Nora, Wendy, Rob, Kathy, Ed, Flor, Morag
and all working from the office wish you all a Blessed Christmas and a happy new
Registered Charity 234216