Notices Sunday 19th April Sunday 12th April

 Foodbank— Our present needs are
tinned tomatoes, spaghetti, and potatoes. Also tins of rice pudding,. We
thank you for your continued support
and would also appreciate any carrier
 Please note that the link persons for
all pastoral concerns are Honor Collins (01209-718981) and Viv Chadwick
(01736-756203). Please telephone
either Honor or Viv and they will then
pass messages on to the Minister and
his pastoral team.
 Prayer Room—This is open for YOUR
convenience every weekday from
9.30am ‘til 4pm and situated in the
vestry. Come and pray for the mission of the Church, the Wesley Centre...our Community...and all those
in need.
 Cornwall Symphony Chorus Gala
Concert Saturday 18 April at Wesley
at 7.30pm. Compere Donna Birrell—
Radio Cornwall. Tickets £10 available
at Circuit Office or e-mail Proceeds to
Camborne Cricket Club & Cancer Research UK
 Many thanks to members of the
Church Family who very kindly gave
their time to help deliver the Easter
flowers last Sunday evening to the
sick and housebound. You help was
much appreciated.
 Jackie Deebank would like to thank
the Church Family for her flowers last
 Prayer Tree—If emergency prayer
is needed , please call Elizabeth
Lucas 24/7 to activate The Prayer
Tree chain. Call 01736 756395 or
April 19 Wedding
April 26 N.Simmons/J.Oates
Deadline for Weekly Notices:
Items to Circuit Office or e-mail to: by
Wednesday Morning.
Gift aid: Morwenna Williams
Room bookings:
Wesley—wesleycentremanager or (01209)610044
Wesley Centre (01209)612786
Minister: Jon Bellfield. 01209 713128
Joint Senior Stewards: - —Neil Harvey
01209 715418
Jonathan Bond
01209 211212
Camborne Wesley Methodist Church
Registered Charity No. 1127807
Sunday 12th April
10.30am Mr John Gilbert
Anthem: The Winter is Past
(W. Lloyd Webber)
10.45am 2nd Sunday
6.00pm Rev John Bellfield
Holy Communion
Anthem: Bread is Blessed
Service in CHAPEL
Acts 4:32-35;
Psalm 133;
1 John 1:1-2:2;
John 20: 19-31
Sunday 12 April 2015
Sunday 19th April
9.00am Family Breakfast
10.30am Rev Jon Bellfield
Theme: Brave New World
Matthew 7: 24-29
Anthem: Away with Gloom
10.30am Junior Church &
6.00pm— Songs of Praise
Anthem: Now the Green
Blade rises
Acts 3:12-19;
Psalm 4;
1 John 3:1-7;
Luke 24:36b-48
Isaiah 40:21-31; Psalm 147:1-
What’s On
This Week:
1.15pm Parents & Toddler’s
1.45pm Craft
2.15pm Communion Service
at Tremethick
9.30am Parent & Toddler’s
1.30pm Scrabble in Wesley
10.30am Prayer Circle
7.30pm Circuit Ladies Club
Evacuees with Ted Gundry
7.30pm House Fellowship
at Peter & Lorraine
5.30pm Wesley Management
 Monday 20 April Church Stewards at 7.00pm at Jon Bellfield’s
7.30pm Pool House Group
at Jonathon Bond’s
 Thursday 23 April Children & Young People at 7.15pm
2.30pm Women’s Fellowship 7.30pmYoung Adults
House Group at Nick VoiSpeaker—Jean Pope
2.00pm Carpet Bowls
7.15pm Leadership
7.15pm Choir Practice
9.30am Silent Prayer
1.00pm Wedding—
2.00pm Wedding—
Café Wesley - Monday to Friday 9.30am to 4pm. (Hot snacks until
1.15pm) Dining Room—Lunches served 12.15 to 1.15pm (3 courses for
 Encounter at Wesley at 7.00pm- First Sunday of the month. A contemporary worship service, all welcome .
 2nd Sunday Service 2nd Sunday of the month at 10.45am in the Upper
 Café Church: Fourth Sunday of the month at 10.30am in the Upper Hall
7.00pm Bible Study at
7.30pm Mount Close
House Group at Jackie
7.30pm Concert—see back
page for details
 Tuesday 21 April Bible Study at Wesley at 7.00pm
 Saturday 25 April Trevithick Day
 Wednesday 29 April Men’s Group—Ladies Night—entertainment by “Proper Job” at 7.30pm
Centenary Flower Festival Saturday April 25—9am—5pm & Sunday April 26 2pm-5.30pm.
Theme Musical Medley. Exhibition of Holman Climax Male Voice Choir Memorabilia—75
years. Refreshments.
Trevithick Day—25 April –HELP IS NEEDED to welcome people, serve drinks, take food orders,
wash dishes, clear tables, set up on Friday and clear down on Saturday. If you could offer 30
minutes or more please contact me preferably by e-mail on or
text/phone 07429-439776. If this would be a ‘first’ for you and you want to know more, please
do speak to me. Morwenna Williams
Trevithick Day Concert—11.15am—Camborne Ladies Choir—Lucy Wallis (soprano) - Lily Casey
(piano) - Siana Rouse (Cornet) - Kathryn Willougby (piano) - Valerie Pryor (piano). Admission £2
The Camborne-Redruth Methodist Circuit are carrying out a strategic review and wish to hear
your thoughts and views on how we currently use our resources in the task of mission and
how we see the future. There is an opportunity to pick up a questionnaire on leaving the
Church or the Wesley Centre and we would ask you to complete and hand back to the Stewards before the end of April. If you would prefer we are holding an informal consultation
meeting at Wesley on Wednesday 22 April at 7.15pm where we will go through the questions
on the questionnaire and record all comments to feedback to the Circuit Stewards. Please
make every effort to attend, or complete a questionnaire, as your views are important. Many
thanks (Church Stewards)