Bulletin - St. Mary Roman Catholic Church

Sunday, January 25, 2015 – 3 Sunday in
Ordinary Time
5:30 pm
For the People
8:30 am
Randy Palmer
11:00 am
Most Rev. Joseph Hodges
Monday 1/26 Memorial of Sts. Timothy & Titus
No Mass
Tuesday 1/27 Weekday in Ordinary Time
Donald Baker
Wednesday 1/28 Memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas
No Mass
Thursday 1/29 Weekday in Ordinary Time
8:00am Mary Rossi Di Bacco
Friday 1/30 Weekday in Ordinary Time
8:00am Dorothy McGee
In the event of a Funeral Mass, Closing or Delay of
School – there will be no daily Mass.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
5:30 pm
8:30 am
11:00 am
Jeannine Blais
Eleanor Milam
For the People
Monday, January 26th
Bible Study
Tuesday, January 27th
Bible Study
Wednesday, January 28th
Friday, January 30th
Sunday, February 1st
Religious Education
Kidzone (ages 6 month to age 3)
Youth Group
Next Weekend’s Ministry Schedule
SATURDAY, January 31th, 5:30 p.m. Mass
Lectors: Mary Lynn Cocco & Kristen Davis
Eucharistic Ministers: Phil Barata, Christine Battin,
Rachel Blais, John Cavalier, Maria Garcia, Tanya Musick,
Michelle Joseph, Janice Price, Janna & Albie Scudiere
Ushers: Pius & Lovely Joseph, Paul Yue, Kevin & Renee
Griffith, Kristina, Isabella & Antonio Rollo
Altar Servers: Pierce Griffith – Cross
Patrick Griffith & Vinitha Joseph– Servers
SUNDAY, February 1st, 8:30 a.m. Mass
Lectors: Tim Williams & Deborah Marano
Eucharistic Ministers: Tiffany & Tom Elchuck, Kim
Lavery, Vince, Sandy & Tom LeDonne, Jimmy Lorenze,
Augie Luccci, Jennifer Sexton, Nolan & Jim Thompson
Ushers: Patrick Durkin, Cindy Miranov, Tony Sotelo,
Terrie Cunninghan, Teresa Eddy, Phil Faini, Tom
LeDonne, & Regis Rouamba
Altar Servers: Dina Muttillo - Cross
Giulia & Nico Muttillo – Servers
Angelina & Isabella Muttillo - Candles
SUNDAY, February 1st, 11:00 a.m. Mass
Lectors: Denice Kirchoff & Corey Barill
Eucharistic Ministers: Heather Brun, Joseph & Mona
Feghali, Vickie Lacy, Christopher & Aimee Fletcher,
Chuck Kerzak, Dody Kolanko,Debbie Payton & Stephen
Ushers: Barbara Fedikovich, Vince Kolanko, Martin
Dobis, Greg Lacy, Beth & Grant Lefevre, Carol Miller &
Scott Stupar
Altar Servers: Nicholas Kirchoff – Cross
Jalen Wimer & Collin Stout – Servers
Joseph & Thomas Yanchak – Candle
Chris Miller - Thurifer
Our 8:30am Liturgy is live on the radio on
1300AM WCLG every Sunday.
The Bread, Wine & Tabernacle Candle the week of
January 25th are in memory of Frank Volk from Jessie.
St. Ursula Food Panty - Hygiene items needed: bar
soap, toothbrushes, shampoo, etc.
Twenty-five year old female Catholic graduate student
returning to school in January is looking for a room to rent
close to Evansdale campus. She is willing to help with
chores around the house, errands that need run, etc.
Please email mmcginl1@mix.wvu.edu or call (304) 8302577 if you are able to help.
Baptism Prep Our next baptism preparation class is
scheduled for Saturday, February 7th at 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
If you desire to have your child (under age 7) baptized you
may register for the class by calling Kathy at 304-225-1163.
This program has been postponed Eucharist, Word on Fire.
Will be rescheduled at a later date.
No classes January 28, and February 4, 11
Youth Ministry Night On February 8th from 7:00 –
8:30pm the Diocesan Office of Youth and Young
Adults Ministry and the missionaries from the Bishop
Hodges Pastoral Center will be offering a program
entitled Collide: True God – True Man. The evening
will be fun, action-packed, faith-filled explosion of
faith for students in the 7th – 12th grade. We also
invite parents and other adults interested in helping
with youth ministry to join us. The evening is FREE
and is here in St. Mary Peace Hall.
Elimination Dinner
Saturday, February 14th at 6:30pm
St. Mary Peace Hall
The price is $65.00 per ticket which admits 2 for
dinner, drinks and a chance to win $1200.00. Free
babysitting will be available. We will be selling
tickets after mass or at the office.
The Morgantown Knights of Columbus would like to
sincerely thank the Morgantown Community. With
your help we were able to donate $3,500 to the
scholarship fund of St. Francis De Sales Central
Catholic School from the proceeds of our spaghetti
dinner in the fall. We truly appreciate your assistance
and hope to see you in September for our next dinner.
Care of the Sick, Homebound, Hospitalized
or those in Nursing Homes
When a parishioner is confined at home or in a
hospital or nursing home, please get in touch with Sr.
Rachel at 304-685-7733. She will be happy to make
arrangements to bring Holy Communion. If the
Sacrament of the Sick (Anointing) is needed, contact
Fr. DiBacco at 304-599-3747.
This Week’s Stewardship of Time and Talent
In gratitude for God’s gifts of time and talent to us,
we gratefully acknowledge and salute:
Those who helped with our January’s
Senior Luncheon.
Giving Summary
Last Sunday’s Offering:
Building Fund
Message of the Week
Mark 1:14-20
“Repent, and believe in the Gospel.” What would
happen if Jesus spoke these commanding words
today? Would his listeners accuse him of shoving his
religion down their throats? Would they give him a
lecture on tolerance or insist that repentance is an
outdated idea from a bygone era obsessed with guilt?
How many of us would actually listen to him, and do
what he said? Our modern culture has been
programmed to respond with skepticism, if not anger,
to any suggestion that there is a “right” way of doing
things or a “true” religion. But when Jesus tells us to
repent, he implies that some of the choices we are
making are wrong, that we need to change, to
eliminate our sins, to turn toward God, and to become
more loving, more generous, and more forgiving. And
when he tells us to believe in the Gospel, he’s not just
making a recommendation. He is giving us directions
for entering “the Kingdom of God.” Are we willing
to let his words affect us? Are we ready to examine
our lives and repent of our sins? Are we prepared to
believe the good news he preached of salvation and
forgiveness? He wants us to share in the glory of his
kingdom, now and for all eternity. The question is
only how we will respond to this divine invitation.
Questions of the Week
Mark 1:14-20:
What place does repentance have in your spiritual
Jonah 3:1-5, 10:
What is surprising to you in the conversion of the
1 Corinthians 7:29-31:
What do you think Paul meant by the phrase
“For the world in its present form is passing away?”
St. Francis Central Catholic School
Celebrating 100 years of Quality Catholic Education
Catholic Schools Week
January 25, 2015 to January 31, 2015
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Open House 12:00pm - 3:00pm
(Faculty and staff will be on hand to greet guests,
families and potential families, all are welcome)
Spaghetti Dinner
Sunday, January 25, 2015, 11:30am to 3:00pm
St. Francis Central Catholic School Cafeteria
Adults $10,
Adults 65 and over and Children 12 and under, $5.
Featuring Spaghetti and Meatballs by Minard's.
THANK YOU for the wonderful toys you
donated for Christian Help's 33rd Annual
Toy Give-Away. We, also, thank you for
volunteering at the new Armory setting up
and distributing the toys. We served 880
children from low-income families in our
county. Each child received at least 4-5
toys/gifts plus books, stuffed animals,
videos, hats, gloves and clothing. We gave
away 9 new bicycles and 85 reconditioned
(by Positive Spin) bicycles. Thank you
again for helping make this a huge success
and making many children happy. There are
pictures on the bulletin board in the back
of church.
RSVP tracythewlis@hotmail.com
or 304-826-7803
Program Active
Appalachians coming together to Increase Vital Exercise
Are you...An adult with type 2 diabetes?
Have you been...Feeling depressed for two weeks or
Does depression get in the way of work or home life?
Would you like to... feel less depressed and healthier?
Participants will be assigned to one of our four treatment
groups: Exercise, Talk Therapy, Talk Therapy + Exercise,
or Usual Care.
•The actual group assignment is purely by chance.
•The treatment period is 12 weeks with follow-up
assessment conducted after 6 months and one year.
Participants will not be charged for taking part in the
study. Earn up to $50 for completion of the study.
Call 1.855.362.2848 for more information, or online at
www.programactive.iupui.edu See flier at back of church.