Our Lady Help of Christians & St Helens Sunday 8th March 2015 Parish Priest: Fr Joseph Whisstock 27 Milton Rd, Westcliff-on-sea, SS0 7JP. Phone: 01702 342324 Email: westcliff@dioceseofbrentwood.org Website: www.shwos.co.uk (Newsletters are on the website) Newsletter: Newsletter@shwos.co.uk Hall Bookings: julie@shwos.co.uk Deacon: Rev. Tony Collings: Email: adcon217@aol.com th Reflection for 8 March 2015 By Fr Adrian Graffy The Third Sunday in Lent Gospel reading: John 2:13-25 Other Readings: Exodus 20:1-17, 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 One of the features of the Gospel of John is that Jesus is frequently to be found in Jerusalem. The story about the ‘cleansing of the temple’ is placed by this evangelist at the start of Jesus’ ministry, while in the other gospels it comes as a trigger for Jesus’ arrest. The dialogue with the Jews about ‘the sanctuary that was his body’ is only found in John’s gospel. Jesus comes to bring a new age, a new time, a new form of worship. He is the Word among us. He reveals the way to God. It is not therefore surprising that when Jesus causes disruption in the temple the conversation shifts to the significance of the temple, and to the significance of his coming. Jesus speaks in terms which are not immediately clear. Later, after his death and resurrection, the full import of his words will be apparent. Just as the temple is soon to be destroyed, so too the body of Jesus will be brought to death. But the future lies in the new life of the resurrection. Despite this enigma the evangelist tells us that many in Jerusalem came to believe in Jesus’ name. From the start his words and person attracted those with the courage to see and understand. What does the cleansing of the temple symbolise? Is it helpful to see Jesus as the ‘new temple’? Let us pray that our Lenten journey will be richly blessed. Let us pray for the Jewish people, our elder brothers and sisters in the faith. General Election 2015 The Bishops have written a joint letter to all Catholics in England and Wales encouraging us to participate and vote in the election and offering some key issues and questions for reflection on where candidate stand. Copies are available at the back of the church and can be obtained, with other information, at that time, from the Bishops’ Conference website www.catholicnews.org.uk Please read the letter and encourage others to do the same. Vincent Nichols Archbishop of Westminster St Helen’s Catholic Church Westcliff - Building and Restoration Fund Since The Building Fund was launched at the beginning of this year So far you have generously given £972 against a 8 week target of £1,200. Many thanks for your contributions. Please try to give a little extra each week by placing your contribution in the collection box at the back of church (located at the foot of the stairs to choir loft). For tax payers Gift Aid envelopes are available for you to gift aid your donation. If you pay your offertory donation by standing order you can complete a Pledge form and then adjust the amount accordingly. Forms are also available by the collection box. We thank you for your continuing generosity, Fr Joseph and the Parish Finance Team MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS th Sunday 8 March – Third Sunday of Lent 9.30am Parish Community 11.15am C.W.L Mass 6pm Secular Clergy Common Fund – Deceased Members Monday 9th March 9.15am Thanksgiving Mass Tuesday 10th March 10am Mass @ Nazareth House Wednesday 11th March 9.15am James, Mary, Helena & Herbert Littleton RIP Thursday 12th March 9.15am Kathleen Thorogood RIP Friday 13th March 10.45am Funeral Service of Frances Stannett 1-4pm Exposition in Adoration Chapel 6.30pm Stations of The Cross 7pm Hazel Family RIP Saturday 14th March 10.30am Manley Family RIP 11am Confessions & Exposition Sunday 15th March – Fourth Sunday of Lent 9.30am Secular Clergy Common Fund – Deceased Members 11.15am Arwena Andrasz - Int 6pm Parish Community Please join in praying the most Holy Rosary for the Pope’s monthly prayer intentions, before Mass on Sunday mornings and after the evening Mass. The times to begin to pray the Rosary on Sundays are 9.05am, 10.50am and following the 6pm Mass. SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEK IS FOR SVP LENT FAST DAY Diary for this week Tuesday 10th March 7.30pm – 9pm – F.I.H.M Adoration & Rosary in church everyone welcome! Wednesday 11th March 9.30am – 10.45am - Parent & Toddler Group in the Hall 7.30pm – Choir Practice in church Thursday 12th March 8pm – Lenten Reflection @ Nazareth House (see overleaf) Friday 13th March 6pm – Filipino Novena begins in honour of St Calungsod (see overleaf) Raffle Tickets on Sale after each Mass for the Lourdes Fund “As we participate in the celebration of the word, Our Lady is our model for she is "the attentive Virgin who receives the word of God with faith, that faith in her case was the gateway and path to the divine motherhood”. Legio Marie Second Collection for Survive MIVA Appeal has been postponed and will be rescheduled. Apologies were sent from the speaker who was unable to attend. Thursday 12th March – Charity Chinese Evening Raising Funds for The Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society BCCS @ Zen City, Chinese Restaurant, Hamlet Court Road, Westcliff-on-Sea A great evening of good food and great company. £18 per person “Eat all you can manage” For further information or to purchase tickets contact: Carmen O’Brien 01702 305172 or Julie Abbott 01268 784544/07912277413 jabbott@bccs.org.uk www.bccs.org.uk Wednesday 18th March - Healing Mass at Abbotswick, House of Prayer, Brentwood to be celebrated by Fr Eamonn Power at 2.30pm. All are welcome! Please call 01277 373959 for more information.' Friday 20th March - The Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society will be hosting a Charity Night at Romford Greyhound Stadium Tickets £25 per person For further details and to book tickets call Julie on 01268 784544 or email jabbott@bccs.org.uk 20th-22nd March - 'CHRIST AND THE CHURCH NEEDS YOU' In this year for consecrated life we invite young men aged 18-40 to dream big and consider a life on the spiritual vanguard. 'Come and See' the Community of Our Lady of Walsingham, based in this diocese of Brentwood, a new religious community founded in 2004. As the male branch begins to take shape you are invited to consider if its spirituality speaks to you. Venue: Abbotswick House of Prayer near Brentwood in Essex. More details www.walsinghamcommunity.org or call Jim 01277 373848. Monday, 4th May - “MUSIC WORKSHOP for the 10th St Joseph the Worker – Migrants’ Mass. 10.30am @ St George’s Roman Catholic Cathedral, Southwark. Every year we gather across 3 Dioceses to celebrate our diverse London workforce and their families with an inspiring international annual liturgy which brings together parishioners from across Greater London and surrounding counties, as well as members of London Citizens and many dignitaries. In 2015 we will be sponsored by the Tablet to mark their 175th anniversary. Preparatory singing workshops have been organised in the three Dioceses. The workshop for Brentwood Diocese will be held at: St George’s Walthamstow, 132 Shernhall Road, E17. Saturday, 21st March 1 – 5pm, contact: Davina Bolt davina@dioceseofbrentwood.org. Saturday 21st March - An evening of Irish entertainment at the Westcliff hotel 7-10.30pm. Tickets £6 adults and £2 children under 12. Music provided by The Foxhat and Irish dancingdemonstration. Contact Sue 07979 746707 Saturday 21st March - Campion School Charity Ball 6.30pm - Midnight in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust (TCT) Cardiac Risk in Young (CRY) and Motor Neurone Disease (MND). Tickets £35 to include a 3 course dinner and dance the night away to Chris Graves disco! Tickets available from Maureen Leech mleech@thecampionschool.org or by phone 01708 45233 Tuesday 31st March – Brentwood Vocations Opportunity for young adults in the diocese Open to everyone aged 17-35 especially those discerning a vocation to Priesthood and the Religious Life “In conversation with Fr Christopher Jamison” (Tuesday of Holy Week) 7.30 – 10pm Church Hall, St Margret’s Catholic Church, 79 Barking Road Canning Town E16 4HB (Close to A13 & Canning Town DLR and Jubilee Line Tube Station) Full event details & Fr Christopher YouTube clips on the “Brentwood Vocations” Facebook page. Evening includes free chicken & chip supper. Please register by email frdominic@brentwoodvocations.org or call Fr Dominic, vocations Director 01268 281732 www.brentwoodvocations.org Sunday 26th April - HARP’s Spring Walk from Priory Park to Belfairs Park now available online to register. Great afternoon out for all the family with tea and cake at the end! Please encourage your family and friends to sign up. www.harpsouthend.org.uk or phone 01702 415834 Saturday 16th May at 10.45am – Sponsored Walk for B.C.C.C Annual Sponsored Walk in Southend for the Brentwood Catholic Children's Society arranged by the Knights of St Columba starting with a special Mass at 10.00am at St Helens, Westcliff-on-Sea and then the walk will commence at 10.45am from the church car park and along the seafront from St Helens to St George's in Shoebury accompanied by Father Joseph. There will be refreshments in the hall at St George's for the walkers and transport from St George's afterwards can be arranged if needed. For registration and sponsor forms please contact Damian Dillon on 07887 678741 or email damian.dillon@btinternet.com for further information. A second collection will be held the day after (17th May) for B.C.C.S Sunday 2nd August - Prudential Ride London – Surrey 100: The Brentwood Catholic Children’s Society has a limited number of charity places in the Ride London 100. We ask that cyclists pay a registration fee of £50 to secure their place and pledge to raise a minimum of £600 (excluding Gift Aid). If you would like to be considered for one of our places or would like further info contact Libby on 01268 784544 . lphillips@bccs.org.uk Church Cleaning Rota: Thurs 12th Mar 9am start: Grace Paredes, Emma Miranda, Ian Anderson, Amanda Rogers & Pat Walker Contact: Julie in the office Julie@shwos.co.uk or 342324 Lenten Diary Stations of the Cross @ St Helen’s Every Friday During Lent @ 6.30pm followed by Mass @ 7pm Stations of the Cross every Friday @ Brentwood Cathedral 7.30pm For more details for the Brentwood Cathedral Lenten Program go to www.cathedral-brentwood.org or phone 01277 265235 Cathedral Twitter: @cathedralb E-newsletter: http://www.cathedral-brentwood.org/blog-2/e-newsletter/ or see Poster at back of church -----------Desert Island interviews start at 7:30 pm in the Cathedral Parish Hall … Admission Free .. All Welcome Wednesday 11 March 2015 Archbishop Kevin McDonald Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of Southwark Wednesday 18 March 2015 Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of Westminster -----------Lent Annual Day of Reflection- Saturday 21st March Journeying with Jesus- ‘God loved the world so much..’ Bishop Alan Williams, SM will lead the day. Cathedral Conference Centre, Brentwood. Arrivals: 10.00am for 10.30am start, finish at 3.45pm. Cost: £10 per person. Please bring a packed lunch. Tea/coffee provided. For booking and further info contact the Adult RE office on 01277 265255 or email are&fm@dioceseofbrentwood.org ------------ Catholic Deanery of Southend-on-Sea Evenings of Recollection for Lent 2015 at Nazareth House Thursday 12th March Rev Graham Smith, Parish Priest & Chaplain to Marriage Life, Diocese of Brentwood. Aspects of Marriage Today Thursday 19th March Mrs Jane Deegan, Wife, Mother, Solicitor, Author & Marriage Formator The Theology of the Body and Young People Each evening begins at 8pm and includes a talk/meditation followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Office of Night Prayer and Benediction. Priests will be available for Confession each evening. There will also be refreshments afterwards in the hall with a bookstall. -----------Deanery Reconciliation Service – Monday 23rd March 8pm @ St Peter’s Eastwood – 59 Eastwood Road North, Leigh-on-Sea SS9 4BX St Helen’s Filipino Community – Novena Schedule Filipino Community celebrate the Feast of Saint Pedro Calungsod @ St Helen’s Church Friday 13th March Saturday 14th March Sunday 15th March Monday 16th March Tuesday 17th March Wednesday 18th March Thursday 19th March Friday 20th March Saturday 21st March 5.30pm – 6.15pm 6.30pm – 7.15pm 4.30pm -5.15pm 6.30pm – 7.15pm 5.30pm – 6.15pm 6.30pm – 7.15pm 6.30pm – 7.15pm 5.30pm – 6.15pm 5pm –7pm Last Day of Novena with Holy Mass 7pm – 10pm Social Gathering in the Hall Job Vacancies: Assistant Headteacher Vacancy at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, Canvey Island. Start date: 1st September 2015. Closing Date for Application: 27th March 2015 (midday).For information, and an Application Pack or to arrange a visit, please contact the headteacher Mr P. Collingwood on 01268 683903. St Angela’s Ursuline school requires a Teacher of R.E. September 2015 For Details contact Miss Caroline Brown 0208 472 6022 www.stangelas-ursuline.co.uk Avenue Bereaved Parents Support Group This new Support group for Bereaved parents started on Monday 2nd March at 10.30am. It is being held once a month in a small lounge at Avenue Baptist Church, Milton Road Westcliff. This is With huge forbereaved all. parents (in the last 5yrs) of lost children of any particularly for thanks any recently age, babies to adult! This is strictly for Bereaved parents to chat together about our shared feelings. They can share as little or much as they wish. For further details please email me, or phone Joy on 07779501217 or 01702 341085 Jude Thursday Mornings – Pro Life Prayer Group for babies in danger of Abortion. Adoration Chapel – 11am – 1pm & Southend Hospital 11am – 1pm Parent & Toddler Group @ St Helen’s Parish Hall Every Wednesday 9.30am – 10.45am (term-time only) call Jacky on 07940 888135.
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