Brentwood Elementary School 7086 Wallace Drive, Brentwood Bay, B.C., V8M 1P9 Phone 250-652-3996 Fax: 250-652-3181 Safe Arrival: 250-652-2721 We are a community of life-long learners who value personal success. We take care of ourselves. We take care of each other. We take care of our environment. Aboriginal Awareness Month This month..... May 13 Popcorn Day May 13 – Grade 5 students to Camp May 15 Thunderbird May 20 Parent Appreciation Day May 25 7:00 pm PAC Meeting May 27 PAC Fun Lunch May 28 7:00-8:00 Grade 5 Parent Night at Bayside School June 10 Popcorn Day June 11 District Track Meet at UVIC June 15 7:00 - PAC Meeting June 17 12:30-Service Assembly June 19 Fun Day June 24 9:30-Gr. 5 Farewell Celebration June 25 Last Day for Students This month at Brentwood is Aboriginal Awareness month. For the four weeks of May we will have Aboriginal artists, authors, and teachers coming into our school to teach about a variety of topics. Each Wednesday, beginning after lunch and after recess,classes will participate in a workshop of some variety. Some of these will be: - author visit by Michael Kusujak - an Inuit storyteller who wrote A Promise is a Promise with Robert Munch, as well as many other well known stories. - Metis Jigging - Lacrosse Demonstration - WSANEC Drumming and Singing - Bone Game/Lahal Demonstration Thank you to Aimee Lampard and Megan Supernault in our Indigenous Learning Department for organizing and coordinating this wonderful cultural opportunity! Thank you PAC for sponsoring and supporting the recent Rock Concert at Brentwood. What a fun experience for all! Safe Arrival: Parents are reminded to please phone the Safe Arrival (250-652-2721) if your child is going to be LATE OR AWAY. Grade 5 Transition to Bayside Middle School Dates to Remember: - May 28 – 7:00-8:00 p.m. Parent Night at Bayside Middle School Reminder: This is a 24 hour answering machine so you can call at anytime. Keep in mind If you call...we don't have to! Thank you! Bug Busting Brentwood Elementary - Head Lice Awareness - A Brentwood PAC initiative You BRUSH YOUR TEETH, YOUR BRUSH YOUR HAIR BRENTWOOD STUDENTS! LET'S CHECK FOR BUGS! Have your parents check for Head Lice on Bug Busting Day! Get a chance to win a Toys R Us Gift Card. The next Bug Busting Date is: May 28 School Organization and Student Placement Information for 2015-2016 We are making preliminary plans for school organization for the next school year. The school-based team, which includes Classroom Teachers, Learning Assistance Teachers, Integration Support Teachers and the School Administration spend significant time creating class lists for the next year. We will review these lists early in September 2015. The lists will remain confidential until we are ready to move students to their new Classes during the first week of school. The goal is to create balanced classes with attention to: - Intellectual/academic learning needs -Gender balance -Behavioural needs -Social/Emotional strengths and needs -Friendships -Opportunities to make new friendships -Cultural diversity If you have specific educational or social/emotional concerns that you would like our team to give special consideration to, please complete a Student Placement Form (available at the office) and Return it by: Friday, May 22. The information provided will be shared with teachers and will be taken into consideration through the student placement process. Students Leaving Brentwood School: If there are any families that may be moving away from the area and your child will NOT be attending Brentwood School next year, or if your Grade 5 student will NOT be attending Grade 6 at Bayside Middle School, could you please let the office know as soon as possible as this helps us with our numbers for next year's school organization. New Student Registration Registration for 2015-16 is now being taken at the School Board Office (2125 Keating Cross Rd). Please take proof of child's age (birth certificate preferred), child's Care Card and proof of residency (driver's license, utility bill, or rental agreement etc.) For more information please call the School Board Office at 250-652-7300 Community News: Parents are invited to attend a CRD Wide Healthy Schools Mental Health Forum: When: May 27th 8:30am-3:30pm Where: S.J. Willis Education Centre 923 Topaz Ave, Victoria Fee: $25.00 (lunch included) Presenters: Dr. Elizabeth Saewyc and Dan Reist Registration: Keeping Active Children Hydrated Active children often need to be encouraged to drink to prevent dehydration (not enough water in the body). Water is the best choice to keep children hydrated. Other good choices are milk and fortified soy, almond or rice beverages. Sports drinks are over-used and are high in sugar and calories. Sports drinks are intended for rehydration for non-stop physical activity lasting longer than one hour. Energy drinks are not recommended for children. Keep active children hydrated: Offer water often, especially during activity. Provide water or milk and watery snacks like watermelon, cucumber or smoothies after activity. Avoid or limit juice to 1/2 cup a day. Is your child’s water bottle safe? Disposable plastic bottles that are filled with water, pop, sports drinks, etc., should not be reused. Use stainless steel bottles or bisphenol A-free (BPA-Free) plastic bottles that are designed for reuse. Reusable water bottles: Wash water bottles well by hand each day. Dishwasher water does not reach all parts of the inside of the bottle and may not be the best way to clean bottles. Recycle any bottles that show signs of wear such as scratches, dents, or a cloudy, cracked appearance. For more information: Call HealthLinkBC at 8-1-1 and ask to speak to a Registered Dietitian or visit What’s in a bottle? From Sports Drinks to Vitaminized Water: Sip Smart!:
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