St John’s Tuesday this week 10.30am Holy Communion (BCP) 1.15pm Little Fishers Baby and Toddler Group 2.15pm Tea & Chat Wednesday 2pm Friendship Club St John 9 November 2014 the Evangelist Welcome to St John’s Parish Church, Great Stanmore. We are glad you are here with us today. If it is your first time, please speak to the Rector or Churchwardens at the end of one of the services as we would really like to meet you. Refreshments will be served in Church House after the Act of Remembrance at 11am. 8pm Home Group Thursday 8pm Ringing Practice Friday 8pm Choir Rehearsal Sunday 10am-3pm Christmas Fayre Services today Bible Readings: 8am HOLY COMMUNION 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Page in church bible: 159 (NT) 9.45am PARISH COMMUNION The Daily Office Morning Prayer: Tuesday (8:30am), Thursday (8:30am), Saturday (9am) Evening Prayer: Tuesday (4:30pm), Wednesday (5pm), Thursday (5pm) 11am Next Sunday: 16th November 2014 Remembrance Sunday (The Third Sunday Before Advent) 8am HOLY COMMUNION President: The Rector Reader: Liz Battle 9.30am ALL-AGE SERVICE President: The Rector NT Reader: Ciara Carter Gospel: Henry Prentice 11am MATINS 5pm EVENSONG Second Before Advent Bible Readings: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Matthew 25:14-30 ACT OF REMEMBRANCE Matthew 25:1-13 Page in church bible: 21 (NT) 2.30pm MEMORIAL SERVICE Hymns: 19, 306, 27 (435, 648, 539) and 726 Collect God, our refuge and strength, bring near the day when wars shall cease and poverty and pain shall end, that earth may know the peace of heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Post Communion Prayer God of peace, whose Son Jesus Christ proclaimed the kingdom and restored the broken to wholeness of life: look with compassion on the anguish of the world, and by your healing power make whole both people and nations; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. The Church is fitted with a loop system; hearing aids should be switched to ‘T’ St John’s Who’s who Rector: Churchwardens: Safeguarding Officer: Parish Office: (Tues, Wed & Fri) information The Revd Matthew Stone 020 8954 3876 Email: Mrs. Sylvia Daniels Mr. Graham Denman Mr. Stuart Webster 020 8863 4080 01923 840675 07971 219918 Ms Karen Stirrup 020 8954 7064 Email: Website: St John’s Church of England School: Headteacher - Mrs. J Hester School Office: 020 8954 3978 St John the Evangelist - Mission Statement Drawn together by Christ’s love, we seek by his grace to live out his commandments to love the Lord our God with all of our being; and to love everyone we come across as we love ourselves. Prayer Ministry is offered every Sunday in the Chapel during communion at main service. THIS WEEK PLEASE PRAY FOR: Sick: Anoj Kapdee, Bob Livingstone, Christina Makhoul, Jenny McCarthy, Heather Sindall, Brian White, Heather Williams and Baby Sophie. RIP: Leslie Blackmore, Duncan Mackenzie (priest) and Beryl Thomas, St John’s Faure’s Requiem at St Martin’s Church, Ruislip 9th November at 6.30pm. You are invited to join the choir (rehearsals begin 2.30pm) or attend the performance at 6.30pm. For further details, visit Fathomless Riches (or how I went from pop to pulpit) 11th November, 6.30pm-8pm The Revd Richard Coles is now a parish priest in Northamptonshire and regular host of BBC Radio 4s Saturday Live and used to be in the pop group ‘The Communards’ which had a number one hit single. In this free evening in St Paul’s Cathedral, Richard Coles will reflect on his memoir which has been called funny, warm, witty and wise, sharing his unique journey to faith in his inimitable style. Harrow Inter Faith Council’s 30th Anniversary Celebration 16th November (2pm-6pm) Civic Centre Members’ Lounge Exhibition and presentations by Harrow's faith communities, including one on Christianity to be given by some of our young people. This should begin just after 3pm. notices Advent Procession at St Paul’s Cathedral (29th) If you requested a ticket to this service and have not yet received it, please speak to Matthew. St John’s Annual Gift Day Our annual Gift Day will take place on Advent Sunday (30th November) - please consider making an additional donation as an early Christmas present to St John’s in support of our mission and ministry. The Rector has set an ambitious target of £10,000 which is achievable if we all do our bit. Please place your donations in a separate envelope marked ‘Gift Day’ and hand them in during the collection. Have you made a Will? Will Aid takes place every November and is a partnership between the legal profession and nine UK charities. Participating solicitors will waive their fee for writing (or updating) a basic Will. They invite clients to donate the usual fee to Will Aid. See poster in the porch for more details or visit
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