February 15th 2015 The Sunday Next Before Lent Welcome to church today PARISH INFORMATION Vicar Revd Janet French Tel 01204 840430 vicar@christchurchheaton.org.uk Associate Priest Wardens Andrew Minors Harold Williams Tel 01204 842477 Tel 01204 842512 Parish Office Open Tuesday & Wednesday 9am - 11.30am, Thursday 12.00pm - 4.30pm Parish Sharalyn Brackall Tel/Fax 01204 492169 Administrator office@christchurchheaton.org.uk Church Centre John Craggs Tel/Fax 01204 492169 Manager Friday 9.30am - 12 noon Please remember in your prayers Mollie Haigh, Ella Hargreaves, Ernie Osman and Terry Hyams and their families. We remember also those who mourn including the family and friends of Susan Sofield, Harold William Hassall and Kenneth Brabbin. Almighty Father, whose Son was revealed in majesty before he suffered death upon the cross: give us grace to perceive his glory, that we may be strengthened to suffer with him and be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen Holy God, you know the disorder of our sinful lives: set straight our crooked hearts, and bend our wills to love your goodness and your glory in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen For more information about Christ Church visit our website http://christchurchheaton.org.uk/CCH/index.htm We have a Just Giving page www.justgiving.com/christchurchheaton/Donate Christ Church has its own Facebook page www.facebook.com/ChristChurchHeatonBolton At 9.30am, there are groups for children— Ages 3 and under in the Church Centre Ages 4 -7 in the Choir Vestry (door at the front of church) Age 8+ in the Church Centre (Hall) 8.00am Holy Communion Readings: Page 82 Red Prayer Book 9.30am Family Communion: Red Book page 1—We welcome the Rev. David Evans Readings: 2 Kings. 2. 1-12 and Mark 9. 2-9 Hymns: 79, 50, 481, 375 6.30pm Evensong: Blue Book page 19 - We welcome the Rev. Alan Saunders Readings: 2 Kings. 2. 1-12 and Mark 9. 2-9 Hymns: 612, 248, 17 Psalm: 50 vvs 1-15 Canticles: Cantate Deus Anthem SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY : 22nd February — The First Sunday of Lent 8.00am Holy Communion BCP p86 9.30am Family Communion Psalm 25. 1-9 Mark 1. 9-15 11.15am Baptism Service 6.30pm Evensong Psalm 25. 1-9 Mark 1. 9-15 Annual Reports—Please can all those organisations or individuals who are required to do Annual Reports please ensure that they are handed in to the Parish office or alternatively via email on office@christchurchheaton.org.uk. Thank you. Looking Ahead—Diary Dates— Sunday 19th April—Annual Church Meetings to elect Church Wardens and PCC. Wednesday 20th May—Archdeacon’s Visitation Service. Parade Service—The next Parade service on Sunday 8th March 2015 at 9.30am. Music at 9.30am - are there any pianists who generally attend the 9.30am service who would be willing to play the hymns on the keyboard at a service should our Organist be suddenly unavailable (eg illness). Please speak to the Organist or Vicar. Thank you. Pancake Party— 17th February— tickets available in the centre after the 9.30am today or alternatively from the Parish Office priced at £2 each. Come along for Pancakes, refreshments and an optional game of bingo. Men of Christ Church (MCC) - Volunteers are required to help with the cooking and serving of pancakes at the Pancake Party on Tuesday 17th February from 6.30pm. Please speak to William Nightingale, Adam Syddall or Andrew Minors if you are able to help. Mothers’ Union: Friday 6th March at 9.30-11.30am—Knitting Club in the Vestry—everyone welcome to join in to knit, chat and have a coffee. Thursday 12th March—Bolton Deanery Quiet afternoon at 1.45pm at St. Catherine’s Church, Highfield Road, Farnworth. Friday 13th March at 10am-12pm—bunching of the Daffodils in the Vestry—the more the merrier to help us out—coffee and biscuits provided! Sunday 15th March at 9.30am is the Mothering Sunday service with hymns chosen by the Mothers’ Union. Wednesday 18th March at 7.45pm Branch AGM with Rev. Janet French as our guest speaker. Women’s Guild—The AGM will take place on Thursday 5th March between 2pm and 4pm. All welcome. Luncheon Club—Friday 20th February—12.30pm with Mr Norman Nuttall as the speaker talking about ‘Growing up in the 1940’s and the old-time music hall.’ This Week at Christ Church Monday 16th February 9.00am Morning Prayer, Vestry Tuesday 17th February 9.00am Morning Prayer, Vestry 9.00am Parish Office, open until 11.45am 6.30pm Pancake Party, Centre Wednesday 18th February 9.00am Parish Office, until 11.45am 10.30am Holy Communion, Centre, followed by coffee. 11.30am Lent Lecture 12.15pm Lent Lunch 1.30pm No ABC 7.30pm Holy Communion with our friends from St. Margaret’s Halliwell Thursday 19th February 12.00pm Parish Office, open until 5pm Friday 20th February 9.30am Parish Office, open If you are new to Christ Church…… Coffee is served in the Church Centre after the 9.30am service —please stay. There are welcome leaflets and copies of the church magazine for you to take from the back of church - please take them. Please introduce yourself to the minister leading the service. All items for the news sheet should be with Sharalyn Brackall in the Parish Office by 11.00am on Wednesday Altar Flowers 20th February ~ No Fresh Flowers (LENT)
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