Mass Times and Intentions Week Commencing 11th January 2015 First Mass of Sunday Saturday 6pm Parishioners Sunday 9.30am Ray Limb 11am Sheila & Adam Kawasnica And George Rodgers Monday 7.00pm MASS AT ST JOHN STONE’S Tuesday 9.30am Frances Vann Wednesday 9.30am Millie Cahill Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 9.30am Holy Family Catholic Church Brompton Road, Southport PR8 6AS Parish Priest: Fr. Philip Gregory Assistant Priest: Mgr. Peter Fleetwood Tel: 01704 532613 Web site: Email: Pastoral Area – Our Lady of Walsingham St. Marie’s, St. Patrick’s, Our Lady of Lourdes and St Joseph, St. Teresa’s, St. John Stone’s and Sacred Heart Sr Margaret Gregory No Mass 6pm Dec’d members of the O’Toole, Hodgson, Power & Seawright families 9.30am 11am Parishioners Catherine Burke Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 5-5.30pm The Baptism of the Lord Entrance Antiphon: After the Lord was baptised, the heavens were opened, and the Spirit descended upon him like a dove. First Reading: A reading from the prophet Isaiah 55:1-11 Response to the Psalm; With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. Second Reading: A reading from the first letter of St John 1 Jn 5:1-9 Gospel acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! John saw Jesus coming towards him, and said: This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Alleluia! Gospel: Mark 1:7-11 Communion Antiphon: Behold the One of whom John said: I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God. Parish News Phase Two of the building work has begun, hence the scaffolding. This phase takes in the pointing of the Tower and other remedial brick work. It should be completed by mid to late February so until then we will be using the side door as the Main Entrance. Once again the presbytery has a new resident Dominic Risley, a 5th Year student from Oscott College who starts his Parish Placement this weekend, and I know you will extend him a warm ‘Holy Family’ welcome as only you can!! ANNIVERSARIES: 11th — 17th January Can You Help? Do you have half an hour a week to spare or a free afternoon…….If you do read on. Holy Family are urgently looking for volunteers to come into school and mentor children, in their literacy, by listening to them read. Necessary guidance will be given and a CRB check is required (but don’t let this put you off)! If you can help please ring the School office direct on 01704 213084. Change to the Pastoral Area The Augustinian Community leave Woodvale/Ainsdale, which they have served with diligent love for almost 50 years, tomorrow Monday 12th January. There will be a ‘Handover Mass’ at 7pm the main celebrant being Archbishop Malcolm. THERE WILL BE NO MASS HERE ON MONDAY St Paul Sunday Missal (more just arrived!!) The Archdiocese of Liverpool is a registered Charity:232709 Cost: £6.50 James Porter, Mary Soden, Jennie Coleman, Ronnie Graham, Christine Delahunty, William Wapshot, William O’Neil, Louis Butler, Frances Leatherbarrow, Mildred Cahilll, Kathleen Robinson, Wilfred Grimes, Florence Lewis, Fred Nettleton & Elizabeth Johnson. LATELY DEAD; Albert Barnard and Mary Halliwell Requiem Mass for Albert 10.30 am Tuesday 13th SICK IN OUR COMMUNITY: Charlie Simpson, Madeleine Tunstall & Margaret Strong Tuesday Night is Music Night Christianity spreads through the joy of disciples who know that they are loved and saved. Singing for fun is back after its Christmas break Tuesday 13th January 7.00pm in the Hall. Cost £2.00 All most welcome!! Pope Francis @Pontifex Prayer of the Church 2015 BINGO IS BACK!!! Monday 12th January Doors Open 7.30pm Eyes Down 8.00pm All welcome come and meet new friends!! Monday Morning Prayer 8.00am Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday Exposition 8.45am, Morning Prayer 8.50am followed by Rosary and Holy Mass. Weekly Offerings Last Week’s Offertory Collection: £810.73 Envelope Team 6
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