18 January - Holy Cross Parish Home

18 January Second Sunday of the Year(B)
The Christmas Quarterly Collection is now due. It is given
towards the costs of training men for priesthood and diaconate in the Archdiocese. Next Sunday is the last day when the
box will be available at the back of the church. Many thanks
to those who have already made their contribution.
St. Nicholas Care Fund Boxes should be returned
now so that the monies can be sent to the Care Fund.
Thanks to those who have already handed in boxes.
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is from
18- 25 January. There will be an Ecumenical
Service in the Cathedral at 7.00 pm on Monday
19 January. See the poster in the porch.
The Parents Meeting on Enrolment for Sacraments
of Initiation and the Sacrament of Reconciliation is
at 7.00 pm on Monday 26 January in the Meeting
Room. Letters went out this week through the
Parents of children who celebrated First Reconciliation last Lent will have a pre-First Holy Communion
Meeting at 7.00 pm on Monday 16 February in the
Meeting room. We’ll send you a reminder nearer the
The Parish Liturgy Committee meets at 6.45 for 7.00
pm on Monday 2 February to plan the Season of
Lent,. yes Lent. Ash Wednesday is 18 February.
Since we do not celebrate the sacrament of Baptism
during the Season of Lent the last Sunday when
there will be Baptisms is 15 February. Easter
Sunday is 5 April.
The Parish Social Committee has meetings after the
11.30 Mass on Sundays 1 February and 1 March. If
you have ideas for social events or would like to be
more involved in the parish social life then do come
to the meetings where you will be warmly
Parish September Weekend Trip to Strathpeffer
Sept 25th - 28th 2015 £145 per person sharing,
single room supplement £30 3 nights d, b +b in the
Mackay Hotel. Full day trip and half day trip
possibly to Inverness and Ullapool.
Please confirm with Sr. Pauline (423-4501)
a.s.a.p. if you are going. Deposit £30, by 31 Jan if
possible. Cheques payable to Holy Cross Lourdes
Trip please. Put deposit in an envelope with your
name, phone number and room request - single,
twin, double. If you need to pay your deposit later,
still hand in your details. If enough people are
going, we get our own bus. If not, David Urquhart
Travel will sell seats on the bus. Poster in porch
with more information.
While Father Neil is on a weeks’ holiday at his hut in
Auchenshuggle, Father Tony Sweeney will be staying and
looking after the parish but on Tuesday Father Eddie ofm
from Duns Scotus parish will be saying the Mass. Fr. Neil is
grateful to these priests who ensure daily Mass for
parishioners which gives him an opportunity for a break.
St. Bride’s School celebrates its 40th Anniversary this year.
To help mark this important occasion, Archbishop Tartaglia
will preside at the 9.30 Mass on Friday 6 February. The
notice-board has a poster inviting all former pupils and
parents to join the school community at this Mass and at
refreshments afterwards in the school.
SPRED is a parish based programme that exists to meet the
spiritual needs of those parishioners who have a learning
disability. Here in the south-side of Glasgow we need new
volunteers to continue this ministry in our local area. We also
need drivers to take our friends to and from the meetings.
Someone from SPRED will be making an appeal for volunteers at Masses on the weekend of 31 January/1 February.
There will be an Information Evening on Tuesday 3 February
2015 in St Margaret Mary’s Church Hall, Castlemilk at
7:00pm Please give this some thought and if you would like
to know more please come along or contact; Isobel Sergeant
Community Outreach Worker Glasgow SPRED 0141 770
Fr. Donal ofm has resigned as Chaplin to the Victoria Infirmary as he has been re-assigned to work with older Franciscans in London. We offer him our thanks for his years at the
Victoria and for the great lay team he has got together to take
Holy Communion to people in the Old and New Victoria
Hospitals and the Mansionhouse Unit. We wish him many
blessings as he begins his new ministry. Today he will
celebrate a final Mass at 4.00 pm in the Victoria Infirmary
(in the dining-room on Floor E). Since no full-time chaplain
has been appointed, some of the more able priests in the area
are sharing the pager to cover emergency calls. Less urgent
requests for visits by Lay Ministers (who can bring Holy
Communion) should be directed through the Hospital Chaplaincy at 201 5164. There are no plans at present to continue
the Sunday Masses in the hospital. This is a good moment to
remind those going for surgery that they should speak with
Father Neil so they can celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick
before going into hospital.
Tips for a Dementia Friendly Parish. Recognising and
finding things. People with dementia may have
forgotten what they came in for in a shop, or they may
have a list, but have problems finding the things they
want. Offer to help with finding things on the list if
they have one. Help them to choose the right amount
of things, particularly if they seem to be buying an unusually large amount of something.
To help those who are seeking an annulment of their
marriage through the Church’s Marriage Tribunal the
Bishops’ Conference has decided to cancel costs
normally associated with that process
Holyrood Secondary School, Class of 1977 Reunion.
Did you attend Holyrood from 1977 to 1983 and would you
like to reconnect with your fellow classmates ? Then please
view our Event Page on Facebook Holyrood Class of 1977
Reunion Party (Holyrood School Reunion Class@77-Group
Page). For more details of the event which will take place on
Saturday 7 November 2015 Alternatively email Lesley
(Bennett) Gourlay on leshyg@sky.com for further details
We have over 80 people interested via Facebook we need to
contact over 300 more please share with anyone you know who
Third Sunday of the Year(B) 18 January
First Reading: Jonah: 3,1-5.10
Second Reading: St Paul to the Corinthians: 7,29-31
Mark: 1:14-20
Hollybrook School’s Special Olympics tennis team
has been selected to be one of Asda's Champions
(Toryglen). Please vote for them with the wee green
tokens when doing your shopping. Many thanks in
There will be no Bulletin next Sunday
November 200 Club Winners.
£100 (88) Mary Richmond £40 (247) G Moore
£30 (194) U Simmons
£20 (399) M Skivington
£10 (148) G McLean
December 200 Club Winners.
£100 (301) J Greene
£40 (177) T McLaughlin
£30 (263) K McDonald £20 (149) P Creran
£10 (307) M Boyle
Hamish Shaw.
It is some time since we refreshed the list of those who are ill. If you wish someone’s name to be placed on the list,
please hand in the name to the Chapel House or to Father Neil.
Mary Balimas; Hannah Shaw; Jim Reid(Snr); Roberta Innes; John McGuigan
Sr Felicitas ofm; Thomas McCrann; Joseph Cairns; Edward & Mary Carbry; Peter Walsh; Joe Convery; Robert Thomson;
Maurice Barr; Edward Barrett; Maureen Craig; Sarah Sweeney; Brian McGuiness; John Quinn; Pat McKay;
George Doherty.
The Newman Association
The Mass of our Celtic Roots 2015
Offertory: £857.70
Many thanks.
Baptisms, Marriages, Sick Calls
Please contact Fr Neil to arrange.
Fr Neil Donnachie Parish Priest.
113 Dixon Avenue. Glasgow G42 8ER.
 0141 423 0105
www. holycrossparish.org.uk
 holycross.parish@btconnect.com
We offer condolences to the families of:
Sadie Sweeney; Gladys Craigen; Margaret Healy; Jim McNicol.
who died recently
Feast Days
Wednesday 21 January Memorial of St Agnes
Saturday 24 January Memorial of St Francis De Sales
Sunday Masses: Sat Vigil 6.00pm; 9.30am; 11.30am.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: 11.30am Mass.
For children 4-11yrs of age.
Weekday Masses:
Monday & Tuesday: 9.30am. Wednesday 6.00pm.
Thursday—Saturday: 9.30am.
Holyday of Obligation: Vigil 6.00pm; 9.30am; 6.00pm
Exposition: Monday; Tuesday &Thursday after 9.30am Mass –1pm.
Follow us on
Saturday 10am-10.30am and after Vigil Mass.
Also on request.
The Parish of Holy Cross is a Parish of the Archdiocese of Glasgow, a Designated Religious Charity SC018140