Holy Family Catholic Church

March 1, 2015
Second Sunday of Lent
Holy Family Catholic Church
505 17th St. SE, Auburn, WA 98002
Website: www.holyfamilyauburn.org
Saturday Vigil: 5:00PM
Sunday Mass: 8:30AM
Vietnamese: 3:00PM
Father Joseph Nguyen S.D.D.
Priest Administrator
Parish Office Phone number:
Parish Office Fax number:
Pastoral Staff
Mrs. M. Catherine Banning, Pastoral Assistant
Miss Katy Feeney, School Principal
Mrs. Susan Hoptowit, Parish Bookkeeper
Mrs. Lindsay Carter, Children’s Ministry
Ms. Jocelyn Arida, Youth Ministry Associate
Mrs. Pat Barr, Pastoral Care Leader
Mrs. Eileen Coon, Marriage Coordinator
Mrs. Loretta Weisz, Parish Office Assistant
Parish Secretary
PreK—8. For information and registration,
please contact the School Office.
Parish School Phone number: 253-833-8688
Parish School Fax number:
School Website: www.hfsauburn.org
Please fill out registration form which are available in the
church vestibule or Parish Office.
Tues.& Thur.: 8:00AM
Wednesday: 5:30PM
Prayer & Communion Service:
Monday: 8:00AM
Saturday: 3:45 - 4:45PM
Please contact the Parish Office
for information on preparation
and scheduling of baptisms.
Sacramental preparation is handled
through the Youth Ministry Office.
By appointment at least 6 months in advance by the
couple. No arrangements should be made before
contacting the Marriage Coordinator.
(The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Any person interested in becoming
Catholic please contact Parish Office.
Anointing of the sick takes place on
the first Friday of every month
during the 8:45AM Mass.
Please contact Parish Office to make arrangements.
Special Events this week at Holy Family
Sunday, March 1
9:30AM HFS Scrip Store Open
10:30AM RE - Pre-school
5:00PM HS Confirmation Meeting
5:45PM Marian Movement
Monday, March 2
6:30PM HS YouthLife Meeting
7:00PM Knights of Columbus Business Meeting
Tuesday, March 3
7:00PM Catholic Scripture Study
7:00PM Schola Cantorum Rehearsal
Wednesday, March 4
9:30AM Catholic Scripture Study
2:00PM Grief & Loss Meeting
6:30PM RE K-6 Grade Classes
6:30PM JH YouthLife Meeting
Thursday, March 5
7:00PM Young Adult Connection
7:00PM RCIA Meeting
7:00PM Schola Cantorum Rehearsal
Friday, March 6
5:00PM Harmonic Youth Rehearsal
5:30PM Knights of Columbus Fish Dinner
7:00PM San Lorenzo Choir Rehearsal
7:30PM 1st Friday Vietnamese Mass w/Anointing of Sick
Sunday, March 8
9:30PM St. Cabrini Store Open
9:30AM HFS Scrip Store Open
10:30AM RE - Pre-school
5:00PM HS Confirmation Meeting
5:45PM Marian Movement
Stewardship of Finance
Weekly Report
Financial Offerings for the Weekend of 02/21 - 02/22:
This Week’s Collection:
Vietnamese Sunday Collection: $779.00
Total Sunday Collection = $10,017.41
Percentage of Total Collections using EFT: 7%
(Electronic Fund Transfer)
Maintenance Fund Collection: $136.00
Debt Reduction Collection: $110.00
Home Mission Collection: $1,293.45
The 2nd collection for our debt reduction will take place
this weekend, also the Food & Essentials donation
baskets will be out. All donations to the Food & Essential
collection benefit St. Vincent de Paul Society Food Pantry.
Anointing of the Sick
If you are struggling with an illness and/or know that you
will soon be admitted to the hospital for medical care,
Father Joseph can anoint you after weekend Mass. We
also encourage you to attend Mass when we have the
Anointing of the Sick. The next Anointing will take place
this Friday, March 6 during the 8:45AM Mass.
Weekend Mass Intentions
Saturday, 02/28
5:00PM Donna and Bob Phelan+
Sunday, 03/01
8:30AM Holy Family Parishioners+
10:30AM Bernarda & Sesinando Cabezas, Sr.
Weekday Mass Intentions
03/03 Leona Maddox+
03/04 Elmer Grosbier+
03/05 Deceased Members of Women’s Society+
03/06 Ernie Londino+
Remember In Your Prayers
Those who are ill:
Marie Velasquez-May
Leyton Jolly
Red Hayes
Natalie Siemion
John Midderhoff
Lunar New Year - Raffle Tickets
There are still 2 winning tickets out. Please check and
contact the Parish Office if you have one.
1st prize - $1000: Claimed
2nd prize - $500: 264
3nd prize - $250: 552
Lenten Calendar
Reminder that Wednesday evening Mass during Lent will
be at 6:30 PM. This included, March 4, 11, 25, April 1.
Wednesday March 18 we will have our Lenten
Reconciliation Service at 7 PM, Mass will be at 8:00 AM.
There will be no Stations of the Cross this Friday, March 6
due to the Vietnamese 1st Friday Mass. Stations will be
offered on March 13, 20, 27.
Lay Minster Sign Up
There is a sign up sheet in the hallway of the sacristy for
Readers and Extraordinary Ministers for Holy Week.
Please consider signing up for one of the following times:
Holy Thursday - 7:00PM
Good Friday - 7:00PM
Easter Vigil - 8:00PM
Mass Intentions
If you would like to request Mass intentions, please
contact Loretta Weisz in the Parish Office at (253)8335130 or lweisz@holyfamilyauburn.org
Pg. 2 March 1, 2015
your compassion, O Lord….”
RCIA Formation
Celebrating the “Rite of Election”
Dear Holy Family Parishioners,
Thanks to all for supporting our “Celebrate 50”
auction. Here are the great numbers, still a bit of a work in
progress, but close to final:
Gross Auction Revenue $110,383
Less Expenses
$ 20,045
Net Revenue*
$ 90,337
*Restricted Fund-a-Need
On Monday, February 23rd, our catechumen Anh Le,
along with his sponsor, was sent from our parish to St.
James Cathedral for the “ Rite of Election” for Archbishop
Sartain to declare him as an “Elect” chosen by God and to
acknowledge his desire to receive the Sacraments of
Initiation at this year’s Easter Vigil celebration.
The Archbishop will also recognize the baptized
candidates, Roniel Lashley and Beth Villano for their
desire to receive the Sacraments of Confirmation and
Eucharist within the Catholic community.
Please pray for our catechumen and candidates as they
continue their faith journey. Pray also for the RCIA team
members and sponsors for their gift of time and talent that
they share with our catechumen and candidates.
This year’s Fund-a-Need was toward beautifying the
school grounds.
At this time, we are also praying for our two young adults:
JDominique Cielo and Tri Huynh who are preparing for
the Sacrament of Confirmation in May.
Many thanks for your help in making this important
fundraiser such a huge success! Thanks also to Gretchen
Kurth and Martha McKenna for all their hard work in
chairing the event.
Please call for more information or inquiries about joining
the Catholic Church or receiving the Holy Sacraments.
If you know of any adults who wish to complete their
Sacrament of Initiation, please contact Jocelyn at the
Youth Office 253 833 5130 ext 205.
God bless, Miss Feeney, Principal
Holy Family Scholarship Fund
Interested in being a scholarship angel? Help a child in
need, experience a great Catholic education at Holy
Family School, a community that educates and inspires
students to grow in faith, to demonstrate academic
excellence, and to model Christian citizenship. Please
consider donating to the Holy Family Scholarship fund!
Contact Katy Feeney, Principal 253-833-8688 or Mark and
Lavender Thorne 253-854-3427.
Sacramental Preparation
4-6 Grade Sacrament Preparation Classes
Sundays 9:30-10:25am or Wednesdays 4:30-5:25pm
Sunday Classes: March 8, 15
Wednesday Classes: March 4, 11, 25
The next important event: There will be a parent meeting
on March 15th, at 12:00PM regarding 1st Eucharist. All
parents of candidates should mark their calendars as this
is another required event and has to be made up if not
Pastoral Care
Do you feel called to Pastoral Care Ministry? We are in
need of a few people to visit with parishioners who are
homebound, or are in an adult residence. You would be
trained as a Eucharistic Minister to the sick, to listen, offer
prayer, and bring Communion to those unable to attend
Mass. If you are interested please contact Pat or Peggy at
253-833-5130 Ext 209.
Prayer Chain
If you or a loved one need prayer, we have an active
prayer chain at Holy Family Church. Send your request to
Peggy at 253-351-6973 or jopeg16@hotmail.com
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their
echoes are truly endless.” ― Mother Teresa
Little Angels Nursery
The church nursery is open most Sundays during the
10:30 Mass. The nursery is available for children ages 05. Please consider bringing your child to the nursery while
you attend Mass, we would love to have them join us in
the Parish Center!
Bulletin Information
If you have an article for the bulletin please submit by the
Tuesday before the weekend you would like it to appear.
Any inserts need to be approved by Fr. Joseph. You can
also contact Catherine Banning at 253-833-5130 or
cbanning@holyfamilyauburn.org if you have any
Pg. 3 March 1, 2015
Mar. 2, Mon., 6:30– 8:00 PM for High School
Mar. 4, Wed., 6:30 – 7:45 PM for Junior High
For this Lenten season, may we always have the courage
to resist temptations, just like Jesus, when the opportunity
is presented to us. Let us make an effort to pray more,
fast, give alms and attend Sunday mass regularly with
your family so you can prepare yourself better for Easter.
Aside from giving up, we should learn to give more.
Please continue to participate in Operation Rice Bowl this
Lent to support CRS (Catholic Relief Service). They are
available in our Youthlife meetings and in the Church
vestibule. Don’t forget to bring them each weekend to
mass so you can drop your donation into the bigger Rice
Bowl box near the altar. It was great to see everyone after
the mid-winter break.
Thank You
We wish to thank all the youth who came to serve as
helpers for our Annual Marriage Celebration Dinner Dance
last Saturday, Feb. 21st – Ramon Ibarra, Shaina Rabara,
Gaby & Jocelyn Sanchez-Leal, Clarissa Santiano, Chrissy
Winters, Lyly Ho, Joseph Banning, Anthony, Theo &
Andrew Corpuz. Your service and hard work are very
much appreciated by our parish community. Most of all,
we thank all the parishioners and guests who came to
enjoy and support this special celebration.
Junior High Rally - March 7, Saturday at O'Dea HS & St
James Cathedral in Seattle.
Permission form required for this whole day event. Starts
at 8:30 AM and ends at 6:30 PM.
CHRISM MASS – Wednesday, March 25, 2015 at St.
James Cathedral, Seattle, 7:00PM.
Archbishop J. Peter Sartain will be presiding for this
Harmonic Youth
Harmonic Youth will practice this Friday, Mar. 6th, from 5-7
PM in the parish center. We are scheduled to sing for both
8:30 and 10:30 AM Masses on the third Sunday, March
15th. New members are always welcome to join us with
singing, or playing an instrument.
HS Confirmation Reminders
We are now more than halfway through our preparation
for the sacrament of Confirmation. It is very important that
all requirements are submitted to us for the Confirmation
program. Please remember to complete a service project
report dedicated to Confirmation. If you missed a class,
you need a make-up class. Most of all please continue to
come on time for our meetings. Our class this Sunday is
from 5-7 PM in the parish hall.
“What I do you cannot do; but what you do, I cannot do.
The needs are great, and none of us, including me, ever
do great things. But we can all do small things, with great
love, and together we can do something wonderful.”
Mother Teresa
“Redeem us, O God of Israel, from all our distress.”
Parish School of Religion
Upcoming Schedule
Wed.-6:30-7:45PM: Mar. 4, 11, 18, 25
Sun.-10:30-11:30AM: Mar. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Weekly Updates from the Parish School of
Sunday February 22
This week’s theme for our preschool class was Thank You
God, for our Church. After listening to how Jesus’
followers did everything together and that we as the
followers of Jesus go to Church to pray, learn, and share
we headed on a little field trip to the chapel. It was the
perfect opportunity to let the little ones ask questions and
make observations about what they saw, as well as
practice sitting in a pew! When we returned to the
classroom we completed two crafts. The first was to make
a picture of a church using a white envelope glued onto
paper and then make popsicle stick people to fill the
church. During the second craft the kids decorated coffee
cans to use as drums in creating music of praise and
worship to God.
In the coming weeks of Lent I would like to provide activity
suggestions for families to do together to strengthen their
relationship with each other and God. Look for a new
focus each week and various ideas on how to observe
Lent at home.
Family Lenten Focus Week 2: Self-Control
This week focus on keeping your own wants and needs in
Family Activity Suggestions for this week of Lent
A giving basket: Have children decorate an Easter basket.
Use the basket to collect extra change or money saved by
giving up something for Lent. Each week, donate the
contents to your church.
“Fast” food: Instead of going out to eat, share a simple
meal together, such as soup, at least once a week. Put
the money saved in your giving basket.
A spring “cleansing”: Too many things can clutter our
homes—and our spirits. As a family, go through your
home and collect clothes, toys, and other items that you
don’t need. Donate the items to help others.
Fasting for the planet: God has made us stewards of His
Creation. As a family-make a plan for using less energy,
conserving water and recycling more cans, bottles and
paper. –Make colorful reminders to post around the
house, such as “turn off” signs near light switches.
Second “helpings”: Share a family meal together. Instead
of having seconds, take a portion to a neighbor or church
member who is elderly or ill.
[Jesus] called the crowd with his disciples, and said to
them, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny
themselves and take up their cross and follow me…”
Mark 8:34
Pg. 4 March 1, 2015
“Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory.”
Gospel Reflection
Mark 9:2-10
Gospel Summary
The closest we can come to understanding the
resurrection, is through the transfiguration of Jesus
described in today’s gospel. Only after the resurrection
could the three disciples understand what they saw that
day on the mountaintop. Peter, James, and John often
described as the inner circle of disciples, went with Jesus
to a mountain. Mountains were often the places of divine
revelations and the same voice that spoke at Jesus’
baptism, also spoke at the transfiguration instructing the
three to listen to Jesus, God’s Son. The disciples were
confused because as yet they did not understand the
resurrection. Instead they focused on the earthly glory of
Jesus and were not prepared for the suffering he
Reflections for Families
The glory of God was revealed in the transfiguration of
Jesus. Even though we weren’t on the mountaintop to see
this wonder, parents are in a good position to understand
something about God’s glory. Since their conception, our
children show us the truth about the wonder of God.
There’s so much we don’t understand about their
formation and creation, but we are willing to accept the
development of their lives on faith. It is our faith in God
that helps us recognize the creation and growth of these
precious miracles. (@faithfirst.com)
God’s Words For This Week
Knights of Columbus
Friday Night Lenten Fish Fry: Every Friday during Lent,
the Knights of Columbus are hosting a Fish Dinner, come
and enjoy baked and fried fish, clam chowder, French
fries, rice pilaf, and Mac & Cheese!
Prices: $35 for Family, $12 for All you Can Eat Single,
$10 for Single, $6 for Senior, and $6 for Children under 6
years of age.
Come and join us for great food, fellowship and help in
support of the many community partners that benefit from
the proceeds.
Coffee Hour: The Knights will be hosting a Coffee Hour
this Sunday, March 1st and next week March 8th after the
Sunday morning Masses.
Thank you to all the parishioners that came and joined us
in the Marriage Celebration Dinner and Dance, we had a
If you have questions about the Knights or would like to
join the Knights, contact Don Hall at 253-740-2894
Vivat Jesus
Rachel’s Corner
Hope and Healing After Abortion
God will restore you and renew your strength. You can
trust God with your pain, your fears, and your future.
When you experience His grace, you will be surprised and
astounded by His gentleness.
Sun., Mar. 1
Gen. 22:1-2,9,10-13,15-18
Rom. 8:31-34
Mark 9:2-10
Mon., Mar. 2
Dan. 9:4-10
Luke 6:36-38
Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ and receive
God’s grace and forgiveness.
Tue., Mar. 3
Is. 1:10,16-20
Matt. 23:1-12
Wed., Mar. 4
Jer. 18:18-20
Matt. 20:17-28
Thur., Mar. 5
Jer. 17:5-10
Luke 16:19-31
Fri., Mar. 6
Gen. 37:3-4,12-13,17-28
Matt. 21:33-43,45-46
Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673)
You are loved with an everlasting Love!
Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community
Sat., Mar. 7
Micah 7:14-15,18-20
Luke 15:1-3,11-32
March 6-8, 2015
St. Cabrini Gift Store
The St. Carbini Gift Store will be open after all the Masses
this weekend, November 15th and 16th. Come and see the
wonderful religious articles that are for sle.
Join the Young Adults Group
Parish Hall Kitchen
We extend an invitation to all young adults to come join us
for an hour and a half on Thursday nights. This is an
opportunity to share our joy of being Catholic, learn more
about our faith, and explore how it applies to our modern
everyday life. We meet every Thursday night from 7-8:30
PM in the Parish Center library. Please call Mariah
Siemion (253) 293-1052 for more information. Hope to see
you there!
We are looking forward to Spring Cleaning in the Parish
Hall. We have many dishes that people have sent in for
Funeral lunches and we would love for them to make it
back to their homes.
We also seem to be missing some things and would
appreciate anyone that has borrowed pots, pans, dishes ,
linens, or glassware from Holy Family to please return at
this time. Thank you
“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” ― Mother Teresa
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Gary and Judy Klontz, parishioners