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Sacred Heart Parish Weekly Newsletter.
Tel: (024) 7645 6214
E-mail: parish@sacredheart-coventry.org
Parish Website: www.sacredheart-coventry.org
Deanery Website: www.coventry-catholicdeanery.org.uk
The Presbytery, Church of the Sacred Heart,
Harefield Road,
West Midlands CV2 4BT
Dear Parishioners,
I hope to be away for a one week break from
Saturday 7th – Saturday 14th February. The
5.00pm Mass this Saturday will be said by Fr
Jimmy Lutwama and the Sunday 10.30am by
one of the priests from St John Fisher.
understand St Theresa of Lisieux who said
that holiness is not about doing uncommon
things but is about doing common things
with uncommon holiness, or to put it
another way, it’s all about doing the next
thing the right way, not what we have t do
in a month’s time, but to do the very next
thing to the best of our ability.
Jesus was a ‘night person.’ We’re told in
God bless,
today’s gospel that “long before dawn, he
got up and left the house and went off to a
lonely place and prayed there.” We
sometimes think of prayer as a duty, or a
way of asking for God’s help but it is so
much more. In prayer we are united in Jesus
8th February, 2015. 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
with our heavenly Father
Parish Mass Book page 61. Redemptorist Sunday Missal Page 709.
from Whom we draw our
Preface of I of Sundays p499. Eucharistic Prayer 3 page 475.
Saturday 5.00pm Dennis & Peggy George & Pat Varney, R.I.P. (Barbara
understanding of reality:
Sunday 10.30am For all the people of the Parish.
we see through God’s eyes,
we recognise reality as it
9.00am No Mass or Eucharistic Service.
truly is and know of our
mission, just one day at a
5.45pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
6.30pm Eucharistic Service
time and sometimes just
10 minutes at a time.
9.00am No Mass or Eucharistic Service.
9.00am No Mass or Eucharistic Service.
8.15am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.
9.00am Eucharistic Service
Confessions: Saturday: and 4.30 -4.50pm
15th February, 2015. 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Parish Mass Book page 63. Redemptorist Sunday Missal Page 713.
Preface of II of Sundays p499. Eucharistic Prayer 3 page 475.
Saturday 5.00pm For all the people of the Parish.
Sunday 10.30am Charlie McDevitt, R.I.P. (Paul and June Squires.)
There is a lovely saying:
there are no coincidences,
only God-instances and at
any moment of time that is
where God is and that is
where we are. It is in the
present that we discover
the will of our Father in
heaven. Not what He wants
me to do tomorrow or next week or for the
rest of my life, but what He wants me to do
in this very moment, right now, here in the
present and it is this that helps us to
The Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham.
Registered Charity No. 234216
Who i
An Induction Loop system is
provided. Please switch
Hearing-Aid to ‘T’
Provided in the
disabled toilet.
Last week’s Offertory: £835.77 (Gift-Aid: £193.30
non Gift-Aid: £411.21 Bank Credits: £231.26.)
Thank you all so much. Collection for the Catholic
Education Service: £136.52. This weekend
February collection towards Our Dream. Next
weekend Retiring Collection for Pro-life.
Counters this week: Team B.
A Big Thank-You to the Keralan Community who
presented to the parish £3,000.00 towards Our
Dream at the 10.30am Mass last Sunday
7-day candles 8th – 15th February.
Sacred Heart statue: Catriona Murphy, R.I.P.; Nora
O’Donoghue, R.I.P.
Our Lady’s statue: The O’Malley Family.
Justice and Peace Group: meets again on Monday
23rd February
Please remember in your prayers Maureen
Bell, Tom Andrews, Dulcie Stalker, Joan O’Keefe,
Christopher, Catherine and Clifford Browne, Alan
Wilkinson, Winnie Coleman, Angel Nanyanzi, Ron
Hamilton, Peter Gibbons, Ginny Dowden, Kathleen
Tierney, James O’Brien, Kitty Bracken, Meira
Hollick, Eileen Franey, Marie Egan, Mary Ruddy,
Maria Scott, Eunan MacIntyre Junior, Bridie
McAndrew, Benny McAndrew, Martin McAndrew,
and all who are sick, for the repose of the souls of
Paul Bainbridge, Paula Scott, Irene Ford, Peter
Madden, Mary McGrath, Peggy Smith and all who
have died and for all whose anniversaries occur
at this time.
Would you like to know more about your faith?
Are you a non-Catholic who is interested in the
Catholic Faith? Our Thursday evening meetings
continue on Thursday’s at 7.30pm in the Hall.
Everyone Welcome. The meetings finish at 8.45pm
with DVD’s, and Guest Speakers. Refreshments
Over 50’s meet in the Hall every fortnight on a
Monday. Please see noticeboard for date of next
ALL-NIGHT VIGILS On the first Friday of every
month. So that younger people are able to come
these will run from 5.00pm - 10.00pm.
Please switch
phones when
Thank you.
off mobile
in Church.
“Christ the King Boxing Club is now accepting new
members. The Boxing Club meets each week at St
Augustine’s Sports Centre and further details are
available from Brendan Malone on 07950 690122
and Colm Doherty on 07814 882236.
Members have to be aged between 9 years and
Fr David Keniry Director of the Ark of the
Covenant 2002/2011, and known to many in
Coventry, celebrates his Golden Jubilee of
Ordination on 13th March this year. A special Mass
will be celebrated at 7.00pm on Friday 13th March
at Christ the King Church, 124 Warren Farm Road,
Kingstanding B44 0QN followed by a reception to
which all are welcome. If you are able to come,
please leave a message on 01926 773744 or at
mchatfield51@outlook.com to facilitate catering.
Teacher Advert
Sacred Heart is a National Teaching School
following our Outstanding Ofsted in September
2013 and the Governing Body are looking for
imaginative and creative staff to join our happy
and friendly team, to support our Catholic ethos in
the following posts:
Class Teachers (full time – permanent) TMS Required for September 2015 - (TLR2a for a
suitable candidate)
To apply for these posts – please go to WMJobs for
http://www.wmjobs.co.uk/ Please return ALL
documents for the attention of Mr Madia, Head of
School via email or at the school. Visits to the
school are warmly welcomed – email Mr Paul
Madia pmadia@sacredheart.coventry.sch.uk for
an appointment. Closing Date – Monday 23rd
February 2015 at 12:00pm.
Our Parish Prayer.
Send forth your Spirit, O Lord, and rebuild the face of our parish family. Renew what is weary and worn, restore what
is old and stale; reclaim what has been lost. Fill us with your gifts; gifts to speak, gifts to love, gifts to heal, gifts to bind
up broken hearts and rebuild your people.