Parish Information Radio link for sick and housebound 107.8FM Readings for Mass Page 41 Year B: Gn 15:1-6, 21: 1-3. Ps 104: 1-6, 8-9, R/ vv 7,8. Heb 18:11-12, 17-19. Lk 2:22-40 Masses: Saturday Vigil: 7.15 Sunday 9.30am and 11.00am Weekdays: Monday –Friday 11:00am Office Opening Hours Monday - Friday 9.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. Crying Room – Children’s God space. You are welcome to attend our liturgies. Church Services: Confession: Saturday evenings at 6.30pm and by appointment. Baptisms: Saturday evenings at 6.00pm. Two weeks notice required. Marriages: As requested. Note: 3 months notice is required by Church and State. You must contact registrar at Community Care Centre on the Cork Road. You must also contact a priest in your parish to make all necessary arrangements. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Wednesday 11:30am to 6:00pm. Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Succour: Monday morning Mass at 11.00am Bereavement Support: St John's Pastoral Centre Phone 051-858772 Are you troubled by someone’s drinking? Contact Al-Anon Family Group at 01-8732699 Music Ministry Saturday 7.15 Vigil: Senior Choir under the baton of Margaret Butler. Sunday 11.00pm: Congregational Singing with cantors Ann, & Margaret. Organist: Larry Hogan Holy Family Parish The Feast of the Holy Family 28th December 2014 Parish Team: Parish Priest: Fr. Tom Rogers Phone: 051-375274 Sacristan Mr Paul Stacey Assistant Sacristan: Mr. Greg Flynn Office: 051-392055 email: Secretaries: Ms Marian Hoban Ms Teresa Browne Christmas Collection for Priests of Diocese Thank you very much indeed to all those who returned their Christmas Dues during the past week. If you have not received an envelope at home, please pick up one in the church and return it back to the Sacristy. Also if you did not receive a calendar to your home please take one from the tables around the church. St Vincent de Paul: The monthly outdoor collection in aid of St. Vincent de Paul will take place after all Masses next weekend. Your support and continued support is greatly anticipated and appreciated. Weekly Boxes 2015 The weekly boxes for 2015 will be ready for distribution just after Christmas. We have noticed that there is a drop in our envelope collection for various reasons i.e empty houses, deaths etc. and then some people do not like using envelopes and contribute to the basket collection instead. In order to minimise our costs we are just going to distribute envelope boxes to the people who used them over the past year. This means that you will be getting your box delivered but you may have a different number on your box. Please bear with us during this time. If you don't get a box of envelopes and would like to have one please leave your name and address into the sacristy. We thank you for your support in the past and look forward to your continued support in the future. Happy New Year We would like to take this opportunity of wishing all our parishioners, their families and extended families a very healthy, happy New Year. A safe journey back for all those who have to travel. Thought for the Week The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. Burton Hillis Saturday 27th December 7.15 Month's Mind Nicholas Flynn Sunday 28th December 9.30 Noel Nolan 11.00 Brigid & Timothy Connors Monday 29th December 11.00 Michael Lynagh & dec family Tuesday 30th December 11.00 Mary & John Barrett Wed 31st December 11.00 Helen & Billy Boland Thursday 1st January 11.00 Friday 2nd January 11.00 Holy Souls Anniversaries Lance Roche John Firristal Bobby Bradfield Ronnie Mullane Christine Doyle Alan Flynn Eily O'Regan
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