OUR LADY OF LOURDES PARISH, NOLLAMARA We the parishioners of Our Lady of Lourdes, Nollamara, aim to b a vital caring community sharing Gospel values by worshipping together and reaching out in service to the wider community. Address: 269 Flinders Street, Nollamara WA 6061 E-mail: ololn@westnet.com.au Website: www.lourdesnollamara.com Ph: (08) 9345 5541 Fax: (08) 9345 5581 Office Hours: Wednesday and Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm Parish Priest: Fr Stan Bendkowski SDS E-mail: ololnpp@westnet.com.au Parish Secretary: Teresa Harris E-mail: ololn@westnet.com.au School Principal: Daniel Wood Ph: (08) 9349 1233 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT / B 22ND FEBRUARY 2015 CELEBRATIONS DURING THE WEEK: Weekday Masses: Weekend Masses: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 9.00am Saturday Vigil - 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00am Mass Intentions: Sat 6:00 pm: For the intentions of all parishioners. Sun 9:00 am Rosetta Pieri R.I.P. RECONCILIATION: 5.30pm Saturdays or by appointment ROSARY is recited at 8.30am before our weekday Masses – all welcome HOLY HOUR AND PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS: 1st Friday of the month after 9:00am Mass CHURCH ROSTER: 28TH FEB /1ST MARCH 2015 SATURDAY 6-00 PM Readers: Youth Choir Counters: B,R,& J Dyblik Cleaners: 28th February 2015 SUNDAY 9-00 AM Nedra Weerakoon Rufina D”Sousa Team “E” Children’s Liturgy held during the Sunday Mass at 9.00am. After School Religious Education Classes ( for children who do not attend a Catholic School) held on Fridays at 3.45pm for approx one hour during school term. The program includes preparation for the Sacraments or Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults: Any adults who would like to be prepared for baptism or become Catholics please contact Fr Stan. Craft Group meets on Wed mornings at 10.00 in parish centre. Gospel Reflection: Held on Thursday Mornings 10.00-11.30am in parish centre. Ps 24 v 4: “Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth to those who keep your covenant”. OUR LADY OF LOURDES PRAY FOR US Celebrations: Stations of the Cross all Fridays in Lent Healing Mass and Anointing of the Sick Fridays Wed 18th Mar 7.00pm 9.00am Meetings: St Vincent de Paul School Board Finance Committee Readers’ Workshop ( Compulsory) Parish Council (New Time) Tues Wed Tues Wed Thu 7.00pm 6.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 6.00pm 24th Feb 25th Feb 10th Mar 11th Mar 12th Mar Parish Secretary: We would like to thank Teresa Harris for her service as a dedicated parish secretary. Teresa is retiring from her position at the end of February. To show our appreciation there will be a morning tea after the 9.00am Mass on Sunday 1st March. At the same time we are happy to announce and welcome Carmel Ryan who will be our new secretary until Sept. Lenten Program: Lenten discussions will take place on Thurs mornings at approx 10.00am. Project Compassion: Married couple Eric and Ma had an unprofitable farm and limited diet before they engaged in training at the Tutu Rural Training Centre, supported by Caritas Australia, Now they have a successful farm, a sustainable income and food for life. Salvatorian Pilgrimage No 4: 26th June -20th July 2015 for 28 days to Italy, Germany. There are still two places available. Cost is $8,200. Fr Leonard Macionczyk SDS will lead the pilgrimage. Further details on parish notice board. St Patrick’s Day Mass will be held at St Mary’s Cathedral on Tuesday 17th March at 10.00am. The principal celebrant will be Archbishop Timothy Costelloe with Fr Laurence Murphy being the co-celebrant. For further details see flyer on notice board in church foyer. Seasons For Growth: An adult grief and loss programme to help people cope with death, separation, divorce or any loss in our lives will commence on Wed 11th, 18th, 25th March & 1st April at Mater Dei College, Edgewater 7-9.30pm.There are only 6 participants in each programme. Further details contact Sr Margaret Kane RSJ as soon as possible on 94403914 or email margk2@bigpond.net.au Busy Bee: Volunteers are needed for a busy bee on Saturday 14th March at 9.00am. All are welcome and please bring gardening equipment like spades, sweeping brushes, wheel barrows if available. Morning tea will be provided. Celebrating 7th Anniversary of the departure of Chiara Lubich, the founder of Focalare Movement on Sat 14th March at St Mary’s Cathedral from 4-5.45pm.Speaker will be Rev Dr Brendan Purcell and refreshments will be served on arrival, followed by Mass at 6.00pm celebrated by Bishop Don Sproxton. Further details see notice on parish notice board. Faith Enrichment: Sr Margaret Scharf from Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith Formation is presenting talks on Tues 24th Feb to 17th Mar at 7-9pm at Mary MacKillop Parish, Ballajurra. Further info see www.maranathacentre.org.au or call 92415221. Moral Issues Faith Formation Course 3rd & 10th March 7.00-9.00pm at 39 Jugan St, Mt Hawthorn. Further info see flyer on church notice board. Pilgrimage: 18 days visiting Petra/Amman, Holy Land & Cairo. Depart Perth 5th Oct-return Thu 22nd Oct. Spiritual Director Fr Irek Czech SDS Cost approx $4,600. Further info Francis Williams tour coordinator phone 94593873, mob 0404893877 emai perthfamily888@gmail.com.
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