Saint Joseph’s Church and Saint Patrick’s Church, Calry Priests of the Parish Parish Mass Times Fr Noel Rooney Sunday 071-9142422 086-6054106 Fr Hugh McGonagle 071-9143430 086-8397342 Sacristy 071-9144752 Baptism 1st and 3rd Sunday at 1:30pm Reconciliation Saturday at 7:00pm 7:30 pm (Vigil Mass), 11:00am, 12:30pm, & 7:00pm 10:00am in Calry Holyday 7:30pm (Vigil Mass), 11:00am & 7:00pm 10:00am in Calry Mon-Sat 10:00am Mon-Fri 7:30am (Calry Church) Adoration 12noon - 6:00pm daily Holy Hour First Thursday each Month at 7:30pm 22nd March 2015 5th Sunday of Lent Year of Consecrated Life CHRISM MASS 2015 The annual Chrism Mass will take place on Wednesday 1st April at 7:30pm in the Cathedral. Bishop Kevin Doran will bless oils used in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders, and the Sick. Priests of the diocese will renew their commitment to priestly ministry. Light refreshments afterwards in the Gillooly Hall. All are invited to attend. KNIGHTS OF SAINT COLUMBANUS The Knights of Saint Columbanus this year celebrate the centenary of their foundation in Belfast by the late Canon James O’Neill. Local council of the knights host a Centenary Mass at 12noon in the Cathedral on this Sunday. Bishop Kevin Doran will be the main celebrant. The Order invites past members, families, friends and parishioners to join with them to celebrate this special occasion. PARISH SCHOOLS - ENROLMENT 2015 To enrol your child in one of the parish schools for September 2015, please contact the school during school hours (Monday to Friday): Saint Brendan’s N.S., Cartron Phone: 9145449 Saint Edward’s N.S., Ballytivnan Phone: 9143480 Saint Patrick’s N.S., Calry Phone: 9144288 Last date for enrolment is Friday next 27th March. ******************** LENTEN EVENTS 2015 • The Challenges for our Daily Lives from ‘The Joy of the Gospel’ led by Colette Furlong, Cluster Catechist, this Thursday after 10:00am Mass for 30 minutes, in St Joseph’s Parish Centre. • Reconciliation Service in the Friary on this Friday at 7:00pm. Rest in Peace † Recent Deaths: • • Bartley Roddy, Tullyhugh, Lavagh, Ballymote, Co Sligo (Brother of Tommy Roddy, 25 Seaview Drive, Cartron Point) Austin O’Shea, who died in London. This Week We Remember: SLIGO PARISHES’ CLUSTER HUNGER LUNCH Hunger Lunch (Soup and Roll) in Avalon Centre (Saint Anne’s Youth Centre) on Wednesday 1st April from 12noon to 2:30pm. Proceeds will go to the South Sudan Mission where Fr Tommy Gillooly works. Please support. NORTHSIDE COMMUNITY CENTRE Car Boot Sale/Craft Fair on Sunday 29th March from 12noon to 3:00pm. Pre-booking essential. Contact Martina on 087-0567265. HAZELWOOD HERITAGE SOCIETY AGM in Calry/Saint Joseph’s Clubhouse on Tuesday at 7:30pm. Illustrated talk by Wendy Lyons (Conservation Architect) on ‘The Early History of Annagh’. Everybody with an interest in Hazelwood is invited to attend. Deirdre Nally; Tom Gray; Bridget & Frankie Brady; Sheila Finn; John, Rose & John Jnr O’Donnell; Mary McGoldrick; Mick Feehily; Anne Greene (née Queenan); Sarah & Frances McKenna & Family. ******************** St Joseph’s…….. St Patrick’s, Calry…… Responsible Stewardship 15th March 2015 Env (114) €650 & Cash €1020 Env (147) €1008 & Cash €62 Total Total €1670 €1070 St Joseph’s…….. St Patrick’s, Calry…… 17th March 2015 Env (95) €545 & Cash €685 Env (100) €719 & Cash €26 Total Total €1230 €745 Thank you from your Parish Finance Committee. Help us tidy up!! Please return missalettes/newsletters to stands at doors. Thank you. ☺
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