SAINT ANNE CHURCH CASTLE SHANNON, PA MARCH 29, 2015 400 Hoodridge Dr. Pittsburgh, Pa 15234 Pastor: Fr. Michael Caridi Deacon: Victor P. DeFazio Retired-In-Residence: Fr. Hugh J. Lang MASS SCHEDULE Saturdays: 4:00pm Sundays: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00Noon, 6:00pm Weekdays: 8:00am OFFICE: 412-531-5964 FAX: 412-531-6901 PARISH OFFICE HOURS Sunday: 9:00am-2:00pm Monday, Wednesday: 8:30am-7:30pm Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm Saturday: CLOSED CONFESSIONS Saturdays: Following the 8:00am Mass 11:00-11:45am Following the 4:00pm Mass BAPTISMS ST. ANNE SCHOOL 4040 Willow Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15234 412-561-7720 PASTORAL STAFF: PRINCIPAL: Cathy Jakubowski Baptisms are celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. A Pre-Baptism class is required. Please call the parish office for registration and scheduling. BUSINESS MANAGER: Gerrie Mullooly MARRIAGE PARISH SECRETARY: Melissa Fawcett Weddings are scheduled on Saturdays at 1:30pm. Arrangements must be made with the parish priest at least six months in advance. COMMUNION CALLS & VISITATION OF THE SICK Please call the parish office if you or anyone you know would like to receive the Sacraments of Anointing, Confession or Eucharist. NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome to St. Anne Parish! Please call the Parish Office to register. Bulletin Deadline: MONDAY AT NOON MUSIC MINISTRY: Luke Mayernik FAITH FORMATION: Meghan Reidy 412-561-0101 DIRECTOR OF RCIA: Katie Grella 412-897-0847 SOCIAL MINISTRY: Pegi Wright 412-531-1193 (Tues. & Fri. 8:30-4:30pm): SACRISTAN: Mary Weaver 724-814-2077 SAINT ANNE CHURCH CASTLE SHANNON, PA MARCH 29, 2015 HOLY WEEK 2015 Palm Sunday is our entrance into the most sacred week of the Church’s liturgical year. The beautiful cer emonies of Holy Week are not to be mere recollections or dramatizations of past events; rather the liturgical celebrations of Christ’s passion, death and resurrection are “memorials” in the fullest sense of that term. This means that the ceremonies of Holy Week actually make present the events of that first Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday in Jerusalem. In other words, Jesus will suffer, die and rise again through our sacramental celebrations of Holy Week and Easter. Therefore, today we go up to Jerusalem with Jesus to hail Him as our sovereign Lord and King. On Thursday evening we will gather with Him in the Upper Room at Jerusalem as He institutes the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Further, in a very real sense we will be present in the Cenacle as He ordains His first priests, so that Christ’s saving ministry will never be absent from our lives. On Good Friday, we will accompany our Lord on His Way of the Cross and stand with His mother Mary at the foot of the cross, knowing that our sins have caused such agony. But on Easter Sunday we will glory in the knowledge that Christ has risen, sin and death have been defeated, and our redemption has been accomplished. May this truly be a Holy Week for our parish family. And may we all step back from the hectic pace of life for just one week and dedicate ourselves to contemplating what Jesus has done for us, and what He continues to do for us today! HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Monday: Par ish Penance Ser vice at 7:00pm (Sever al pr iests will be on hand to hear Confessions) Holy Thursday: No Mor ning Mass. The Chrism Mass will be offered by Bishop Zubik at 10:00am at Saint Paul Cathedral The Mass of the Lord’s Supper will be offered here at 7:00pm Following Mass, those participating in the “Seven Church Walk” will depart by bus from the parking lot The church will remain open until 12:00midnight for Eucharistic Adoration Good Friday: *A Day of Fasting and Abstinence* No Morning Masses 12:00noon: Stations of the Cross 1:30 Good Friday Liturgy 7:00pm – Stations and Veneration of the Cross Holy Saturday: 11:00am – 11:45am Confessions 12:30pm – Blessing of Easter Baskets 8:30pm: Easter Vigil Mass Easter Sunday: Masses at 8:00am, 10:00am, 12noon AND 6:00pm BULLETIN INSERTS Please take note of the two important “advertisements” in today’s bulletin. The first concerns an exciting opportunity for our parish school. A generous benefactor has donated $150,000 with the expectation that his donation will be matched by parishioners and friends of Saint Anne School. These monies will go towards helping us to achieve the goals outlined in our five-year strategic plan. Secondly, there is an invitation inserted for a special Mass of Anointing to be held in our school gymnasium on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 10:30am. Following the Mass and r eception of the Sacr ament of the Sick, all attendees will be ser ved lunch by students of our school. Please consider attending or sharing this invitation with someone you know who could benefit from this Sacrament of healing. School will be closed for Easter Break from Wednesday, April 1st through Monday, April 6th. School will be back in session Tuesday, April 7th. NIGHT AT THE RACES-Saturday, April 11th, is St. Anne’s Annual Night at the Races. ALL ARE INVITED!! You can buy a horse and/or jockey and name it for $10 each. Tickets to attend are also $10 a person and include sandwiches, soda, beer, Chinese Auction, 50/50 and a GREAT TIME!! Call the school, 412-561-7720, for more information. Classes will be held at 4:15 and 6:15 tomorrow, Monday, March 30th. There will be NO classes Next Monday, April 6th. Just a reminder….the Confirmation Retreat will take place Saturday, April 18th. Please call the Faith Formation Office, 412-561-0101, if you have any questions. PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD RECENT BAPTISMS SUNDAY, MARCH 29th-Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 4:00pm Saturday…………….......…..Jim Conley-B.R. (Daughter, Trish) 8:00am…………......….. Carmella Bondi-B.R. (Keith Creehan Family) 10:00am…………………….…Edward J. Maloney, Jr.-B.R. (Family) 12:00Noon ……………..…Veronica Tempesta (Mike & Kathi George) 6:00pm…..… ……....…………………….For Our Parish Members MONDAY, MARCH 30th-Monday of Holy Week 8:00am……... Dolores Rosepink (Daughter, Kathleen & Grandson John) TUESDAY, MARCH 31st– Tuesday of Holy Week 8:00am……………...….Liv. & Dec. Mem. of Heil Family (L. Wright) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st-Wednesday of Holy Week 8:00am……………......Henry Simon-A.D. (Wife, Dorothy & Daughters) THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd-Holy Thursday...7:00pm FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd-Friday of the Passion of the Lord 12:00pm…………………………….…..……...Stations of the Cross 1:30pm …………………Celebration of the Lord’s Passion & Death 7:00pm……………………...Stations & Veneration of the Cross SATURDAY, APRIL 4th-Holy Saturday 12:30pm………………………………......Blessing of Easter Food SUNDAY, APRIL 5TH-EASTER 8:30pm (Sat.) EASTER VIGIL..….……….For Our RCIA Candidates 8:00am………………….Elmer Gramm (Dave & Judy Gramm & Family) 10:00am..……………………….....Agnes Falls (Mr. & Mrs. John Serbicki) 12:00Noon…………………...……..Bob Kobosky (Bob & Chris Popko) 6:00pm……...….………………….………..For Our Parish Members GOOD FRIDAY COLLECTION Our parish will take-up the annual collection on Good Friday for the Holy Land. Your financial contr ibution helps to suppor t the str uggling Christian Community and to protect Christianity’s holiest places. ST. ANNE’S SEVEN CHURCH TOUR PILGRIMAGE Join this beautiful tradition of a holy pilgrimage the evening of Holy Thursday, April 2nd. The bus will leave St Anne’s immediately following the 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper and will visit the following churches: St. Patrick (Strip District); Saint Stanislaus Kostka (Strip District); Immaculate Heart of Mary (Polish Hill); Our Lady of Angels (L awrenceville); Saint Maria Goretti (Bloomfield); Saint Raphael (M orningside); Sacred Heart (Shadyside) The cost is $10.00 per person. Please call Beverly Crick and leave a message to register, 412-668-0725. With joy we welcome into the family of God and St. Anne Parish, Charlotte Jane Lewis, daughter of Charles and Hanna Lewis, Mattison Marie Jackovic, daughter of Matthew Jackovic and Ashley Smith, Lottie Mae Becker, daughter of Joseph and Christina Becker and Holden Robert Novotny, son of Greg and Laura Novotny. We extend our love and best wishes to these children, their parents and their godparents. The Parish Office will be closed from Thursday, April 2ndthrough Easter Sunday, April 5th. We will re-open Monday, April 6th at 8:30am. ADULT SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION RCIA: “The third step in the Christian initiation of adults is the celebration of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Through this final step the elect, receiving pardon for their sins, are admitted into the people of God. They are graced with adoption as children of God and are led by the Holy Spirit into the promised fullness of time begun in Christ and, as they share in the Eucharistic sacrifice and meal, even to a foretaste of the kingdom of God.” (RCIA #206) Our parish elect and candidates, who have journeyed towards the Easter sacraments will be baptized, confirmed and received into the Church and join us for the first time at the table of the Eucharist at the Easter Vigil – please come and support their faith journey and be inspired and encouraged in your own . BAPTISMAL PREPARATION: Pr epar ing for your baby’s Baptism? Our next class will be held Thursday, April 30th, at 7:00pm in the convent dining room. This program will familiarize you with the Sacrament and help to make your infant’s baptism a meaningful and memorable experience. Please remember this class is required by the Diocese and you only need to take it with your first child. Please call the Parish Office to register! We are in need of an additional 2-3 woman to serve as volunteer Wedding Coordinators. The r ole of the coordinator is to assist the priest and couple with the wedding rehearsal and ceremony. In general, when available to assist for a wedding, a coordinator volunteers approximately one hour the evening of a rehearsal and two hours the day of a wedding. For more information and a fuller description of this ministry, please call Kathy Majeski at 412-953-4158. SAINT ANNE CHURCH CASTLE SHANNON, PA ST. VINCENT dePAUL SOCIETY As we listen to the account of Christ’s Passion, we find ourselves walking with Christ to Calvary and standing at the foot of his cross. Since October 1, 2014 through February 28 2015, your generous gifts enabled St. Anne’s St. Vincent de Paul Society to bring the love and care of Jesus to 25 families (43 individuals) in our parish community providing $3,828 in food, $1,015 for medical expenses, and $8,170 for utilities, mortgages/rents, etc. The collection for the St. Vincent de Paul Society this weekend offers an opportunity to bring the Risen Christ’s mercy and compassion to others, as we stand at the foot of the cross of those who are suffering in our community. Your gift to our neighbors in need gives witness to the Easter hope and joy available for all. Christ is RISEN in deed! Please keep the families served in your prayers! Thank you and may God continue to bless you and your families! (S) Members of the St. Vincent DePaul Society ST. ANNE CEMETERY Believe it or not, spring is just around the corner! Please remove any Christmas decorations, wreaths and/or flowers, whether they be plastic or live. We will begin our spring clean up April 6th. Any items left in the cemetery will be disposed of. Thank you for your assistance in this matter! MARCH 29, 2015 IN MEMORIAM...Remember Lord and welcome into your Kingdom Robert Kobosky, parishioner. May he know eternal peace and happiness promised by Our Savior, Jesus. Please pray for the consolation of those who grieve for him; and may his soul and all the souls of the Faithful Departed, rest in peace. ST. ANNE GRIEF MINISTRY “Come to Me, all who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest” St. Anne’s Grief Ministry will begin its Spring series on Thursday, April 9th, at 7:00pm in the dePalma room. We will gather on 7 consecutive Thursday nights. If you or someone you know has experienced the loss of a loved one, please consider joining us in this private, sacred space. It is not necessary to be a member of St. Anne’s to attend and there is no charge. Please call Pegi Wright at the Social Ministry office at 412-531-1193 (Tues/Friday) OR Kathy Raimondi at 412-344-9690 to register or for more information. ALL ARE INVITED! St. Anne Catholic Men's Fellowship will again be showing the film "The Passion of the Christ" on Good Friday evening April 3 at 8:30 (after the Stations and Veneration of the Cross) in the convent dining hall. We will also be praying the scriptural rosary (sorrowful mysteries) at select points in the film. Please come and share this very moving experience with us. For more information please call Mark Graham 412-854-4580 or John Raimondi 412-344-9690. RETROUVAILLE - SAVE OUR MARRIAGE There are just 2 weeks to sign up for the April 10, 2015, Retrouvaille Weekend. This program has helped countless couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels including disillusionment and deep misery. Please call for confidential information at 412-2773434 or see YOUR OFFERTORY TRUST Sunday, March 22, 2015 Offertory…$13,075.00…..Utilities…$103.00 (Totals include Online Giving) PARISH SHARE 2015 Parish Goal….$345,000.00 Cash Received…$88,316.00 Amount Pledged…$141,490.00 Number of Families Responding...253 Scripture Readings-Sunday, April 5th Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord FIRST READING: Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37-43 SECOND READING: Colossians 3:1-4 or 5:6b-8 GOSPEL: John 20:1-9 PLEASE PRAY FOR...A nthony L enor, K atherine Howells, Jonathan W elch, M arie Hughes, Ethel Ondrejko, Elaine Opferman, Zaida Leone, Grace Skladany, Fred Arden, Lou Kobosky, Jim Laffey, Sophie Tarquinio, Michael & Joe Daube, Grace Klein, David Fabus, Donna Speth, Chris (Weiland) Matthews, Dolores Pawlak, Pvt. 1st Class Jason Braun, Theresa Yeanuzzi, Agnes Lewandoski, Mary Jo Rodgers, Gracetta Mastandrea, Anna J. Sedlock, Robert J. Nieman, Jr., Donna Dunn, Judy Zeigler, Patrice Domanovich, Theresa O’Brien, Edna Dausch, Linda Wolf, Pat Kelleher, Linda Juskowich, Carol Reffner, Maren Mullooly, Frank Mullooly, Michael Wlazlinski, Boyd Hutchin, Mike DeLancey, Emma Jean Michigan, Tina Weiland, Jennie Marshall, Katie Anderson, Joseph Flaherty, George Keiser, Sr., Joe Furey, Anthony Pantanella, Helen Wasserman, Frederick Surmick, Kitty Williams, Tom Welsh, Linda Wieland, Kathy Lee, Ron Gilson, Deanna Raimondi-Gingrich, Marie Wade, Father Ray Trance, Tom Zimmerman, Ernie Coholic, Walker Holmes Danley, Peter Beccari Jr. Emily Dunbar, Stephanie LoBianco, Rachel Rodgers, Joe Bova, James Glanton, Jim Fox, Charlotte O’Brien, Mary Jo Donovan, Meghan Hoffman, Catherine Cooper, Eric Greiner, Dodie Becker, Mona Lou Young, Flo Barth, Jackie Banks, Evelyn Coughlin, Joanne Jordan and Colleen Royer. SAINT ANNE CHURCH CASTLE SHANNON, PA MARCH 29, 2015 SAINT ANNE CHURCH CASTLE SHANNON, PA MARCH 29, 2015 MASS OF ANOINTING APRIL 21, 2015 Saint Anne Parish invites you to receive the Sacrament of the Sick and the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist at the Mass of Anointing Date/Time: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 10:30am in the St. Anne School gym. Lunch will be served to each guest by the students of the school. Parking: Please park in the St. Anne School lot. For those who have difficulty walking, assistance will be provided at the lower doors. Reservations: Please complete the for m below and r etur n no later than April 6th. For more information, call Pegi Wright at 412-531-1193. The Sacrament of the Sick is administered to: * Adults and children with serious, chronic health problems, physical or mental * Elderly persons weakened by age * Anyone facing serious surgery or prolonged convalescence * Persons affected by depression, anxiety, or addiction ----------------------------------------------Cut and Return-----------------------------------------------PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO THE RECTORY OFFICE OR PLACE IN THE COLLECTION BASKET. YOU MAY ALSO MAIL IT TO 400 HOODRIDGE DRIVE, PITTSBURGH, PA 15234 Sacrament of the Sick Names Receiving Sacrament:_____________________________________________________ (Both names if husband and wife) Address:______________________________________________________________________ Telephone:_______________________ Attending Luncheon: YES ______ NO_______ Names Attending Luncheon:_____________________________________________________ PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD ONLINE GIVING– Tired of remembering your weekly envelope? Use Online Giving! All you need is an internet connection. Presently all contribution funds that are promoted through our Weekly contribution funds are also available for online giving. You may choose to give you Sunday Offering contributions on a weekly or monthly basis, and all of the Diocesan special collections are also included as online giving options. Using the Online Giving application ensures safe and confidential transactions. It meets the highest security standards set forth by the payment card industry. Payments are processed by Sage Payment Solutions, a world-renowned expert in proprietary data transactions. Your personal banking information is secure. Sign up is as easy as 1-2-3!!! 1. 2. 3. Go to our website, Click the “Online Giving” link Click the “New Account” link ATTENTION ALTAR SERVERS!!! Check out the new website for the Ad Altare dei Society Members! OUTDOOR STATIONS OF THE CROSS GOOD FRIDAYThe St. Anne Men’s Fellowship Group and the Men’s Retreat Team will be co-sponsoring the fifth annual outdoor Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, April 3rd, at SetonLa Salle Catholic High School at 8:00am. Everyone is welcome to participate, including families! If you wish to attend, please meet at 7:50am in the parking lot below the athletic field at the south end of the school. The stations are located along a walking path above and behind the school (adjacent to the athletic field). For those who are able, we will go out for coffee afterwards. FLEA MARKET ALERT…The Flea Mar ket is just a couple months away. The trailer will be in the church parking lot at the beginning of May. All usable items, in good condition, are necessary to help make the Flea Market a success, however we can not accept the following items: Auto Parts, Computers, Televisions, exercise Equipment, Bowling Balls or Sick Room Supplies. We kindly ask that jewelry be brought to the Parish Office, starting now so it can be sorted and priced ahead of time. If you have an item that is valuable and should be looked at rather than be put in the trailer, please call the Parish Office, 412-531-5964
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