4-5-2015 - Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Church

7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm (Spanish) and 5:00pm
Monday - Saturday 8:00am
Daily, after morning Mass
Tuesday, after morning Mass
Perpetual Adoration
Sacrament of Penance
Vocation Holy Hour
Baptism and Marriage
24 hours
Saturday 3:30pm - 4:30pm and 6:00pm - 7:00pm
1st Friday, 8:00am Mass
Please call Parish Office
Pastor Father Brian Corcoran Associate Pastor Father Joseph Freeman
Pastor Emeritus Monsignor Timothy Harnett Deacon Bob Beiner
School Principal Dan Schuh Music Director Julie Marner
1001 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024-2828
Phone: 760 753-6254 Fax: 760 753-7118
Saint John School : 760 944-8227
admin@saintjohnencinitas.org www.saintjohnencinitas.org www.saintjohnschool.com
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Saint John the Evangelist
“Christ is Risen. Alleluia! He has turned all our
sunsets into dawns! Alleluia!”
... A hearty welcome to all who gather with us on
this joyful Easter day. May this Easter joy be ever
with you and your families, and in a special way
with the many just received into the Church!
... We especially congratulate Natalie Bailey, Brian
Dennish, Stephanie Dennish, Jill Dodge, Catlin
Mongrain, Tim Sutton, Anita Tubito and Thomas
Wood, all of whom celebrated with us for the first
time at our Easter Vigil! You are welcome!
... The Easter season extends for fifty days to the
celebration of Pentecost on Sunday, May 24. It is
all celebrated as one ‘great Sunday’! Alleluia!
... Next Sunday (12), the Second Sunday of Easter,
is observed as Divine Mercy Sunday, to further
celebrate God’s constant pursuit of us. A plenary
indulgence (complete forgiveness of sins and punishment) is granted to the faithful who celebrate
the Sacrament of Reconciliation, participate in the
Eucharist, and pray for the intentions of our Holy
Father. These are all met by a recent Reconciliation, and by participating in Mass this coming Sunday (12)! Mercy!
… There is a special celebration of Divine Mercy
Sunday (12) at Good Shepherd Church, 8200 Gold
Coast Drive, San Diego, from 2:30pm to 4:00pm,
in English, and at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church,
345 Anita Street, Chula Vista, following the 1:00pm
Mass, in Spanish. All are welcome. Check out
www.SDdivinemercy.org for a list of all special celebrations on Divine Mercy Sunday.
... Our new bishop, Bishop Robert McElroy, joyfully presided at the Diocesan Chrism Mass on
Thursday (26), at Good Shepherd Church, and
blessed our Sacred Oils for sacramental use this
coming year. Keith and Natalie Garcia, and their
children, Christian and Shane, represented Saint
John at the celebration and presented our Holy Oils
at our Holy Thursday (2) celebration.
... Bishop McElroy will be installed as the sixth
Bishop of San Diego on Wednesday (15), at Saint
Therese of Carmel Church, San Diego, at 1:00pm.
The ceremony may be viewed on-line at: http://
... Our Annual Catholic Appeal assists the extensive ministry of our Diocese. Please respond in a
generous way, making a meaningful pledge that
you will strive to meet over the next nine months.
April 5, 2015
... Congratulations to parishioner, Anna Salerno,
on winning our Saint John School ‘Best of Live’
Raffle! She chose the ‘Whimsical Wine Tasting’, for
a party of 12, as her prize! Tasteful!
... The Sunday 9:00am Mass is streamed live to
the Internet each week. Connect to it from our
website, or go to www.saintjohnlive.com Our intent
is to assist our homebound to be even more with us.
... Our Young Adults (18-39 years) meet this Monday (6), at Off Shore Tavern, 2253 Morena Blvd.,
San Diego, with dinner at 6:30pm, and a speaker at
7:30pm. For info, go to www.yamsd.org.
... Take time to check-out our parish website at
www.saintjohnencinitas.org Lots of info, a calendar
of events, photos, bulletins, and even registration are
all available there!
... Our Saint John School also has a great website at
www.saintjohnnschool.com Lots of info!
... Adults who are active in Church life and wish to
celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation this year
here at Saint John, are invited to attend two preparatory evening classes, the first one this Thursday (9)
and a second on Thursday (23). For more info contact Deacon Bob at 760 753-6254.
... Have you considered ‘Online Giving’? No
more checks and envelopes! Straight from your
bank to ours! Go to the website, click on ‘Online
Giving’, and off you go! It’s safe, secure and easy!
... Don’t miss our Saint John Fiesta 2015 on August 8 and 9. It’s a fun time for all!
… Registration for our Vacation Bible Camp is
underway. Our great Saint John Summer Bible
Camp “Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty
Power” is from Monday, July 13, to Friday, July
17, from 8:30am to 12:00pm, in the Hall. For more
info, call Ann McGinnis at 760 436-0664.
... Our Saint Vincent De Paul Society meets this
Tuesday (7) at 7:00pm. Another great outreach!
... Olivia Reynaga is ever with us! She wishes to
express her heartfelt gratitude to all for our
prayer, good wishes and support during her recent
surgery! She is recovering well, thank God!
... The ladies of the Altar Society gather for their
monthly meeting this Thursday (9), at 6:30pm.
... Our sincere sympathy to Teresa Roberts, of our
School staff, on the death of her father, Thomas
Baggot, on Friday (27). May he rest in peace.
... “The Gospels do not explain Easter! Easter explains the Gospels!” Happy Easter to all!
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Saint John the Evangelist
Perpetual Adoration
Volunteers are needed for:
Sunday, 2:00am
Monday, 1:00pm
Tuesday, 1:00am and 2:00am
Wednesday, 4:00pm
Friday, 5:00am, 9:00am, and 4:00pm
Saturday, 8:00am, 12:00 pm and 2:00pm
The Chapel will have closed at noon on Holy
Thursday and remain closed until 9:00am on
Monday, April 6
Ken Poggenburg 760 635-2573
Lupe Cardona (Sp) 760 753-7784
Perpetual Adoration is prayer in the presence of the
Most Blessed Sacrament ... 24 hours, day and night,
seven days a week. All are welcome!
April 4
April 5
April 6
April 7
April 8
April 9
April 10
April 11
April 12
All are invited to be Partners in Mission
by responding very generously to the
2015 Annual Catholic Appeal
April 5, 2015
Efisio Murino †
Donna and Robert Guthrie †
Easter Sunday
Acts 10:34-43; 1 Cor 5:6-8; Jn 20:1-9
7:30am Jean Walsdorf †
9:00am Florence Schweizer †
10:30am Sandy Vena †
12:00pm Parishioners
5:00pm Dominic Panasiti †
Acts 2:14, 22-33; Mt 28:8-15
8:00am Dan Cotter †
Acts 2:36-41; Jn 20:11-18
8:00am Tim, Ida and Timmy Lynch †
Acts 3:1-10; Lk 24:13-35
8:00am Florence Schwiezer †
Acts 3:11-26; Lk 24:35-48
8:00am Mary Ann Fischer †
Acts 4:1-12; Jn 21:1-14
8:00am Larry Yglesia †
Acts 4:13-21; Mk 16:9-15
8:00am Matthew Grennan †
5:00pm Jane Lucewicz †
Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy)
Acts 4:32-35; 1 Jn 5:1-6; Jn 20:19-31
7:30am Adessa and Montgomery Families †
9:00am Muriel Billups †
10:30am Special Intention
12:00pm Parishioners
5:00pm Special Intention
Live on the Internet
Sunday 9:00 am Mass
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Saint John the Evangelist
Saint John School
Pre-School - Grade 8
Principal : Dan Schuh
760 944-8227
Friday (3) - Sunday (12)
Easter Vacation
Saint John Preschool
Kindergarten Readiness Program:
“Building the whole child in preparation for kindergarten”
For more info, or to schedule a tour,
Annette Conrad at 760 944-8227 or
Register as a parishioner ‘online’!
Go to www.saintjohnencinitas.org and click
on “Registration” For more info, please
call the Parish Office at 760 753-6254
Please Keep in Your Prayers
Nydia Abney, Gail Alofsin, Martha Amador, Ruth Ariza, Anthony Baggio, Thomas Baglio, Rosily Baratono, Aiden Blenderman, Maura
Brown, Lorraine Butler, Joe Corder, Rob Crewse, Jack Davare, Edward Dillon, Barbara Dorion, Kathy Fix, Hiram Lee-Gonzalez, Manny
Gonzales, Carolyn Goohs, Joe Graciano, Monsignor Harnett, Maria
Jaque, Maria Johnson, Cheyne Johnston, Paul Kenny, Eva King,
Skyler Koehne, Stella Lubera, Andy Maduza, Pat McKinley, Lucy Mee,
Greg Monzeglio, Patty Moore, Luz Nieve, Eileen A. O’ Connor, Grace
Oreb, Mary Ann Pavnic, Joaquin Perez, Elizabeth Primrose-Smith,
David Quessenberry, David Rambeau, Ashley Ray, Elizabeth Roney,
Gina Stack, Andrew Todd, Eric Vukicevich, Grant Waller and Griffin
Rest in Peace
Jesus Reyes, Gene Sarenana and Thomas Baggot
We pray for our sick and deceased at daily Mass.
JULY 13-17 from 8:30am-12:00pm
Kids currently in grades K-5
Registration will be available in April on the parish
and school websites, in the school, parish and
Religious Ed offices.
Plan on joining the adventure!
Saint Vincent de Paul meeting
Tuesday (7) at 7:00pm
Please contact the Parish office for more information
Remember to patronize our advertisers for
making the bulletin possible. Thank you!
April 5, 2015
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Saint John the Evangelist
El Domingo
de Pascua es
un día para la
búsqueda. Las
cristianas se
alrededor de
los apóstoles
para conocer
más sobre la
vida y el ministerio del Señor Jesús.
San Pablo les dijo a los colosenses bautizados
que buscaran “las cosas de arriba”. María Magdalena
fue a la tumba para encontrar el cuerpo del Señor y
ungirlo. Nosotros vamos a la iglesia el Domingo de
Pascua buscando muchas cosas. Para algunos de
nosotros, este es un trayecto anual cuando buscamos
conectarnos con el fundamento de la fe cristiana.
Para otros, este día es la culminación de una larga
trayectoria para el arrepentimiento de la Cuaresma.
Para los nuevos bautizados es el primer día de una
nueva vida llena de promesas y expectativas. No
importa lo que sea que busquemos, inspirémonos
con la acción del discípulo amado de Jesús quien al
ver el sudario dentro de la tumba “vio y creyó”.
El Jueves 9 de Abril, a las
7:00 pm. en el salón parroquial.
Para los padres de los niños que están en la clase
se Josefina Vázquez, y Susana Varela.
Este día les entregaremos el material para que
hagan el estandarte de Primera Comunión con sus
niños. Si tienen alguna pregunta por favor llamen a
Mary Morán al 760-436-4366.
Vázquez, y Susana Varela.
El sábado 9 de mayo, a las 10:00 am. en la iglesia.
Abril 5, 2015
A veces los cristianos preguntamos: ¿qué le
pasó a Cristo, durante los tres días de su muerte?
La Iglesia de
Asia Menor (la
actual Turquía)
respondió a
esto decorando
sus templos
con murales
principales de la vida de Jesús para instruir a los
fieles. Una de estas escenas era la de Jesús entre los
muertos. Según los evangelios, a la muerte de
Jesús muchas tumbas se abrieron y muchos
cuerpos de santos resucitaron (Mateo 27:52-53).
El símbolo (Credo) de los Apóstoles declara que
Jesús descendió a los infiernos. Imágenes antiguas
muestran a Jesucristo entrando triunfalmente al
infierno, rompiendo las cadenas de los ahí presentes,
tomándolos para llevárselos al cielo. El imaginario
cristiano normalmente pinta a Jesús con Adán y Eva.
Los toma no de las manos sino del pulso,
simbolizando que los tiene bien agarrados y nadie, ni
el mismo diablo, se los puede quitar. Jesús comparte
con todos los difuntos la victoria de su
DEL 2014-2015
Estaremos inscripciones niños de 6 a 10 años de
edad. en Abril habrá 50% de descuento. Estas
inscripciones son solamente para que sus niños
vengan a las clases de catecismo en español. La
donación es de $70.00, por niño/a, aprovechen la
oferta del descuento.
Los bautismos en Abril serán el domingo (26). Si
desean bautizar a sus niños, por favor llamen a la
oficina al 760-436-4366, para anotarlos.
Les pedimos que elijan padrinos que
puedan confesarse y comulgar y que sean activos
en la iglesia.
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Saint John the Evangelist
April 5, 2015
3rd Scrutiny
Religious Ed
First Eucharist Family Meeting
Religious Education
Saint John School
Religious Education
‘Faithways’ Junior-High
Youth Ministry
Hispanic Ministry
Music Ministry
Dan Schuh
Ann McGinnis
Nicole Steele
Isaac Deken
Mary Moran
Julie Marner
760 944-8227
760 436-0664
760 753-4279
760 753-3679
760 436-4366
760 753-6254
Adult Faith
Perpetual Adoration
Perpetual Adoration (Spanish)
Centering Prayer
Liz Beiner
Ken Poggenburg
Lupe Cardona
Shirley Shetula
760 753-6254
760 635-2573
760 753-7784
760 525-6721
Altar Society
Boy Scouts
Cub Scouts
Catholic Men’s Fellowship
Culture of Life
Holy Name
Knights of Columbus
Saint Vincent de Paul
Jan Bokoch
Blane Adessa
Richard Weston
David Pavnic / Chris Cammack
Jennifer Grethel
Olivia Reynaga
Rick Decker
John Brannon
Sandra Watson
Nettie March
760 944-9655
760 944-0626
760 230-6183
760 753-6254
760 753-6254
760 753-5230
760 753-6254
760 522-9969
760 753-3056
760 753-6254