Divine Mercy Parish 312 Davis St., Scranton, PA 18505 / 570-344-1724 / www.divinemercyparish.us Worship Schedule Saturday……..4:00PM & 5:30PM Sunday………….8:00AM, 11:00AM & 5:00PM Monday - Friday…………..12:10PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 11:00AM - 11:45AM or anytime by appointment Eucharistic Holy Hour Wednesday 6:00PM Sunday Evening Prayer Sunday 6:00PM Office Hours 9:00AM - 5:00PM Monday - Thursday 9:00AM - 3:00PM Friday Religious Education Office 5:00PM - 9:00PM Tuesday & Thursday 9:00AM - 11:00AM Sunday Fax Number: 570-344-1787 School Information All Saints Academy 570-343-8114 Holy Cross High School 570-346-7541 Head Groundskeeper Martin Montoro Assistant Groundskeeper John Nestor Sacristans William Castaldi, Anthony DelVecchio, Edward Fortuna, Sal DeFrancesco, Daniel Burke, Michael Boyko, Jeffery Manzo Office Staff Rev. Francis L. Pauselli Pastor fpauselli@divinemercyparish.us William Drazdowski Parish Consultant wdrazdowski@divinemercyparish.us Brittain Banull Director of Religious Education bbanull@divinemercyparish.us Nicholas Katchur Director of Music nkatchur@divinemercyparish.us Michele Manzo Office Assistant mmanzo@divinemercyparish.us Parish Council Michele Manzo Ann Marie Cawley Lois Fuller Mary Ellen McDonough Joseph Walsh Edward Fortuna Margaret MacArt Cathleen Shields Kathryn Moceyunas Jamie Hayes Dominick Georgetti The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Weekend of June 6 & 7, 2015 Page 2 THE WORD IS THE PRESENCE OF OUR LORD THROUGH SCRIPTURE, THE FOUNDATION UPON WHICH WE CAN CONTINUE TO BUILD OUR FAITH. Religious Education / Life Long Faith Formation (Advent and Lent Bible Study) / Vacation Bible School / RCIA / Children’s Liturgy of the Word Religious Education News: From Brittain Banull DRE Vacation Bible School Information Vacation Bible School is scheduled for Monday, July 13th through Friday, July 17th. Registration will begin in the next few weeks. Erin Burke will again lead our VBS team. We are seeking new volunteers and invite back all who did such a great job last year. Even if you can only help for one or two days, please volunteer. The success of this parish program depends on you. If you would like to volunteer, please call Erin at 570-941-0703. From the Desk of Father Pauselli Congratulations to Ryan Joseph McNally, Brayden Michael Polasky, and Zella Rose Rogers who will be baptized this weekend at Divine Mercy. Ryan Joseph is the son of Patrick McNally Jr. and Lori Delvecchio. He was born on March 28, 2015. Brayden Michael is the son of Michael Polasky and Lindsay Brode. He was born on September 10, 2014. Zella Rose is the daughter of Brian Rogers and Jessica Cruise. She was born on September 9, 2014. May the Lord bless these children and their families on the day of their baptism! Sunday, June 21, is Father’s Day. In the days following Father’s Day, nine Masses will be offered for the Fathers whose names are remembered on the altar. Have your Father included in the Masses by filling out the envelope in your monthly packet or pick up a Father’s Day envelope on the table in the center vestibule. There is also a greeting card to let your Father know of this special remembrance. Have a great week! A FRESH PERSPECTIVE ON THE SUNDAY READINGS HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ June 7, 2015 “He sent two of his disciples and said to them: „Go into the city and a man will meet you, carrying a jar of water. Follow him. Wherever he enters say to the master of the house, „The teacher says, „Where is my guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples.‟… „Make the preparations for us there.‟” On this solemn feast, on which we as Catholics are reminded of the special and real Presence of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist, Mark helps us set the scene. Those close to the Lord are sent to make sure all is ready. One man will lead them to another, whose task it was to have the site ready to receive Christ and celebrate the last supper. I am one of the two called to make preparation to receive the Lord again in my life. I am reminded how special it is. The Eucharist is a gift, the center of our faith. Like the centurion I repeat the words ‘Lord I am not worthy…’ but I should add, ‘make me worthy of so great a gift. Help me to devoutly prepare well for the reception of Your gift for me. Make my faith strong to say I believe in your presence in this sacrament, and welcome you to my heart.’ Like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus I also say “Stay with us for it is almost evening… And He does! HOSPITALITY MINISTRY Men and women who have available time in the morning are invited to participate in Serving Families and Friends who are grieving. Duties of the greeters are to offer a warm welcome to guests and provide the program which will help them take part in the Funeral Mass. Volunteers may stay for the Mass or leave after the family and friends have been seated. Members of the Hospitality Committee might be called to help once or twice a month. Please call Rose Marie Kloss at 570-562-0871 for more information. Page 3 WORSHIP IS THE TANGIBLE EXPRESSION OF OUR LORD’S LOVE FOR US AND OUR RESPONSE TO HIM IN A CONCRETE AND LOVING EXPRESSION OF FAITH. Liturgy Committee / Art and Environment / Holy Hour Eucharistic Adoration / Evening Prayer / Music Ministry / Eucharistic Ministers / Lectors / Altar Servers / Choirs / Cantors / Musicians / Ushers and Sacristans / Hospitality Mass Intentions Monday—6/8/2015 Tuesday—6/9/2015 12:10PM 12:10PM For the Living and Deceased Mary Grace Langan mothers remembered on the altar Requested by Edward and Jeanne Zaloga Wednesday—6/10/2015 12:10PM John R. and Marie Walsh Thursday—6/11/2015 12:10PM Lillian Lubash Requested by Mike and Donna Walsh Requested by her family Friday—6/12/2015 12:10PM Robert Ochall Jr. Saturday—6/13/2015 4:00PM David Wayne Maas Saturday—6/13/2015 5:30PM Mass for the People Requested by Corinne Walukonis Requested by Barbara and Tony Allen Sunday—6/14/2015 8:00AM Arlene L. Eastman Sunday—6/14/2015 11:00AM Joseph D’Andrea Sunday—6/14/2015 5:00PM Daniel Donovan Requested by Robert Eastman Requested by Karen Insalaco Requested by his family Liturgical Minister Schedule for June 13/14 Cantor Lector Lector EM EM EM EM AS 4:00PM SAT Ned Abrahamsen Dorothy Bouselli Germaine Helcoski Patrick Tobin Carol Trapper John Pocius Cathy Pocius Patrick Burke 5:30PM SAT Michael Kavulich Edward Fortuna Beth DeFrancesco Cathy Shields Tom Shields ----------Kate DeFrancesco 8:00AM SUN Nick Katchur Suzanne Ritterbeck Joseph Surridge Rose Marie Kloss Marge MacArt ----------Ryan Semyon 11:00AM SUN Barbara Malinowski Michael Tedesco Roseann Tedesco Chris Musso Barb Poplawski Pat Quinn Zita Timlin Bridget Barnic 5:00PM SUN Eileen Hayes Kevin Grebas Karen May Kathy Boyle Karin Conway ----------Matthew Yatzun Ministry Schedule The Ministry Schedule for July through September will be released on June 19th. Contact Nick at the Parish Office by June 17th if you have any scheduling conflicts, would like to change your Mass time preference or be taken off the schedule. We are always happy to see new volunteers coming forward to share their gifts with our parish community. If you are interested or know of someone who may be interested in participating in any of our many ministries, contact Nick at the Parish Office for more information on how to get involved! Contact info: office phone - 570-344-1724 / e-mail - nkatchur@divinemercyparish.us Divine Mercy Parish Music Ministry Divine Mercy Parish is currently seeking new Cantors! If you are interested in participating in the Cantor ministry, please contact Nick at the Parish Office (570-344-1724). **Ability to read music is NOT required.** SUNDAY EVENING PRAYER EVERY SUNDAY AT 6:00PM Page 4 Picnic 2015 June 4-5-6 WE ARE THE PEOPLE OF GOD. WE STRIVE TO BE THE FACE OF GOD FOR OTHERS IN OUR PARISH AND THE PEOPLE WE MEET DAILY IN OUR COMMUNITY. Parish Breakfast / Craft Fair / Calendar Party / Parish Picnic / Movie Night / Doughnut Sunday / First Friday and Lenten Friday Luncheons / Clothes Shed and Coat Drive / Easter Egg Hunt / Breakfast with Santa / Concerts Coordinating Team Members: Tom Cerep, Mary Theresa Montoro, Chris Musso, Karen Grzyboski, Jen Roever, Bill Drazdowski, and Marge MacArt Picnic Quilt A special thank you to our Divine Mercy Parish quilters, Ann Reap, Jeanne Samer, Ceil Yarema, Barbara Sherbo, Louise Pawlowski, and Sylvia Conte for donating a beautiful queen size quilt for this year’s picnic! SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION The Minooka Lions Club will offer three (3) awards to High School Seniors who plan to attend, or students currently attending a two or four-year college, university or technical institute. Eligibility requirements for these awards are as follows: 1. Must be a resident of Minooka or the son or daughter of an active Minooka Lion. 2. Must be accepted by or attending an accredited two or four year college or technical institute. 3. Must be of good moral character. Scholarship applications may be obtained from any Minooka Lions Club member. Submit all information to Mr. John Pocius, 2933 Cedar Ave., Scranton PA by Friday, June 12, 2015. Please support Relay for Life on June 20, 2015 at PNC Field in Moosic. You can register individually, join a team, or simply make a donation to the American Cancer Society. Many of our parishioners have joined Gary‟s Team #29 in memory of Gary Lukasiewicz. If you are interested in supporting research for childhood cancer, please register under Gary‟s Team #29. Team shirts can be purchased for $8-$12 (depending on size) by contacting Cheryl Lukasiewicz at garzmom@verizon.net For further information and registration, visit main.acsevents.org St. Joseph’s Center Auxiliary is Looking for Your Help The Annual Summer Festival to benefit St. Joseph’s Center will be held on the grounds of Marywood University on July 24, 25 and 26, 2015. The Auxiliary is asking for your help to stock our General Store, Holiday Hut and Bookworm Booth with items for sale. Bestsellers are new or “gently used” hardcover books, paperback books, DVD’s, audiobooks, any holiday decorations, frames, candles, figurines, dishes, kitchen ware, serving items, toys, and home décor. No clothing please. Drop off days will begin on Wednesday, May 20 and continue until the end of June. Donations will be accepted on Wednesday’s 6:00 -8:00 pm and Saturday’s 9:00-11:00 a.m. at our warehouse located at 320 Blakely Street, Dunmore, PA. Please use the entrance on the W. Pine Street side of the building. Call 570-963-1290 for more information. Tree of Life We have consulted with one of the industry leaders in donor walls to construct what is known as a “Tree of Life.” Leaves on this tree are available for purchase by parishioners who would like to remember a loved one, commemorate a special event, or simply make a donation to improve our Parish life. If you are interested, please contact Bill at the Parish Office. Page 5 THROUGH SCRIPTURE WE KNOW GOD CALLS US TO SERVE OTHERS. WE ARE A PARISH COMMUNITY COMMITTED TO HELPING THOSE IN NEED. Eucharistic Outreach / Divine Mercy Table / Social Concerns Committee / Food Pantry Support / Blood Drive / Holiday Donations / Souper Bowl of Caring Coordinating Team Members: Mike Abdalla, Marguerite Coyle, Joanne Corbett, Cathy Genovese, Rose Marie Kloss, Sr. Janet Jeffers, Bill Drazdowski, and Michele Manzo BLOOD DRIVE/HEALTH FAIR PLANNING The Social Concerns Committee is again planning a Blood Drive in the Parish Center on Saturday, July 25, from 9 A.M. until 3 P.M. Having done this for the first time last year, we believe this year’s drive can be bigger and more successful. Further details on Blood Donation will be available as we move closer to the date. In addition, we are looking at the possibility of a "Health Fair" throughout the day with health care providers/vendors volunteering their services. We are looking for parishioners who work in health care services as vendors or individuals working in the healthcare profession who may be interested in donating their time. Monday • June 8 Weekday 2 Cor 1:1-7/Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday • June 9 Weekday 2 Cor 1:18-22/Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday • June 10 Weekday 2 Cor 3: 4-11/Mt 12:17-19 Thursday • June 11 St. Barnabas Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3/Mt 5:20-26 Friday • June 12 The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Ho 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9/Ep 3:8-12, 14-19/ Jn 19: 31-37 Saturday • June 13 Weekday 2 Cor 5:14-21/Mt 5:33-37 Sunday • June 14 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ez 17:22-24/2 Cor 5:6-10/Mk 4:26-34 If you would like to assist, please respond no later than June 1 to give us an idea of who would like to be part of the health fair and in what way you would be able to assist. The Committee is open to hearing your ideas as well as any questions you may have. If you are interested, please email your ideas in this regard to Marty Castaldi at MCastaldiSr@comcast.net and/or Sr. Janet at jeffersj@sistersofihm.org. We look forward to hearing from as many of you as possible. Together, as a parish, we can make it happen. Mass Attendance May 30 – 31 Saturday 4:00PM 232 5:30PM 161 Sunday 8:00AM 11:00AM 187 231 5:00PM 155 Important June Dates The Greatest Gift Do you have a family member or neighbor who cannot leave their home to attend Mass and receive the Blessed Sacrament? Our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are here to serve your loved ones by bringing them the gift of Christ Himself, the greatest gift that can be given. If you know of someone we should be serving, please contact Vince Klingler at 570-205-5716 or Vince_K_Moosic@live.com for arrangements. Used Clothing Drop-Off Shed Sponsored by the Divine Mercy Parish Youth Group Items Accepted: All clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts, purses, blankets, sheets, pillowcases, drapes and stuffed toys. (Please no rags, fabric scraps, pillows, toys or household goods) -Send clothing to people who can use it all over the U.S. and World. -Help the environment by keeping your clothing out of the landfill. -Receive a tax deduction for your donation. Receipts are on the shed. **Help us keep your donations clean and dry.** If possible, please put them in tied or closed bags. Thanks! June 10: Parish Pastoral Council Meeting - 7:00 PM
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