Bulletin - St Jude Home Page

PHONE: 631-281-5743
Roman Catholic
Shrine Church of
St. Jude
FAX: 631-395-5786
“To the Greater Glory of God and the Salvation of Souls.”
Celebration of
the Eucharist
Saturday Evenings
Vigil Mass
Spanish Mass
English & Italian
Children’s Choir
Adult Choir
Youth Mass
Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday
Holy days
as announced.
The Baptism of the Lord- January 11th 2015
Rev. Gregory Yacyshyn Thomas Gillen
Kenneth Geoghan
In Residence
Mark Herrmann
Msgr. John Heinlein
Joseph Simeone
John Gagliardi
Senior Priest
Rev. James Leone
Parish Office
Monday, Tuesday,
Closed Holidays
Useful Numbers
Parish Outreach
Queen of Apostles
St. Vincent Depaul
Sacrament of
Anointing of
the Sick
Sacrament of
Couples wishing to be
married should contact
Available in danger of
death or whenever there the rectory at least one
year in advance to meet
is a personal need, call
with one of the priests
the rectory for an
to make wedding
Pre-Cana is required for
of Penance/
all couples.
Sacrament of
Celebrated most 1st and
3rd Sundays throughout
the year. Please contact
Also by appointment the rectory to set up
an appointment with a
Parish Outreach
member of the staff to
arrange for the
Baptismal preparation
Closed Fri., SAT.,
SUN., And Holidays and then to arrange for
a Baptism date.
Miraculous Medal
Mondays after the
9:00am Mass
St. Jude Novena
Thursdays after the
9:00am Mass
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
Benediction at 1:00pm
First Friday
Benediction at 9:00pm
The Holy Rosary
Monday through Friday at
8:30am; Saturday at
Masses for the Week
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Ron & Mary Jean Nappe
(56th Wedding Anniversary)
7:30pm Parishioners of St. Jude
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Joan M. Jeans †
Nancy A. Springhorn †
Anthony Suraci †
Robert McCloskey †
MONDAY, January 12, 2015
Roberta Eckberg †
Anthony F. Jeans †
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
9:00am Muriel Breschard †
12 Noon (Guild) Rita Keryc †, Michael Page †
Intentions of Anthony Morano
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Richard Felice †
Friday, January 16, 2015
Nelly Hourihane †
Saturday, January 17, 2015
8:30am Francisco (Harry) Pena †
5:00pm Deceased Members of
Breschard & Lee Families
7:30pm Lillian Kalisak †
Sunday, January 18, 2015
8:00am Parishioners of St. Jude
9:30am Albert Reichert Sr & Jr. †
11:30am Patrick LaSalle †
5:00pm Henry A. Maurer †
† Denotes Mass is for deceased
For the Sick: Patricia Ambrosino, Paula Arbaiza,
Benjamin Archer, Joseph & Cindy Balzer, Christina
Bobas, Joseph Boyle, Gary & Jennifer Brendel, Rev.
Robert Burgess, Francis X. Butler, Dana Celentano,
Al Clerico, Antoinette Covias, Samantha Davis,
Robert DiFrancesco, Joann Dillman, Raymond
Dhyne, Tara Doring, Michael Drury, JoAnn Eppaillat,
Rosa Fabbro, Joe Fazio, Joseph & Stephanie Frigano,
Edward Fusco Sr., Felice Gagliardi, Nora Getchell,
Ann & Frank Giordano, George Gunther, Greg
Haren, Steven Heerbrandt, Marybeth and Virginia
Hoffman, Gary J., Matthew Kaminsky, Lawrence
Katz, Jonathan Koenig, John Kurz, Philomena Leone,
Lewery Family, Freddy Liguori, Mr. & Mrs.C. Linsalata, Marilyn Lyden, Carmela MacDonald, James
McGaughey, Christopher James Martin, Ronald
Nappe, Katy O’Brien, Jessica & Joan Passaro, Frank
Perez, Linda Perrier, Linda Rodecker, Elvin Rodriguez, Justina Rodriquez, Eugene & Salvatore Russo,
Vito Schiraldi, Gregg Schwartz, Joan Shaffer, Baby
Leaha Stefanov, Kelly Steffen, Helen Sundaman,
Alexa Elizabeth Temple, Richard Thomas, Desmond
Vella, Madeline Villardi, Bobby, Stefanie & James
For the Deceased: Bernadette Stewart, Ge-
rard J. Volz , William J. Wesotski,Evelyn Wenser
For the Military: John Abel, Nicholas Acierno,
Matt Corica, Michael Cuervo, Daniel Engo, Cody
Farrell, Kyle Christopher Gray, Patrick Gross, Jeffrey
Holmes, Chris Howell, Steven Kay, Richard Kruger,
T.J. Kurlowicz, Chris Manakides, Thomas Mannix,
John Maresca, Richard Mclaughlin, Anthony Ochoa
Jr., Katherine M. Onorato, Ramon Ortiz, Matthew
Parenti, Rich Pinckney, Kerri-Anne Pliego, Gerard
Posillico, John Redding, Jr., Eric Reilly, Vinnie Riveria, Steven Schloesser, Carl Seaman, Don Skelton,
Arlise A. Smith, Bobby Sosa, Anthony Thompson,
Timothy Weisner, Robert Weyer
Faith Formation
Just a Reminder: Confirmation Prep 1 & 2, RCIC 1 & 2 Upper and High
CATECHIST. Don’t wait till last minute to complete!
10 Minute Prayer Service before all classes THIS WEEK. Sign in will be in
the parish center main hall, sign out will be in the classroom.
Confirmation Prep 2, RCIC2 Upper & High School 2 Students: You will be
interviewed on your knowledge of the faith before receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation, and those interviews are scheduled on Friday’s in
January in the parish center main hall. Please be prompt and attend on
date when scheduled. This will take only about 15 minutes.
Faith Formation CLOSED – there will be no classes and the office will be
closed on Monday, January 19th in observance of Martin Luther King Day.
Formation Office by February 2nd with a copy of student’s Baptism Certificate (if not already submitted). Any paperwork brought in after February
Parish Outreach
As we start the new year here at Outreach, we want to thank everyone
once again for their generosity during the holidays and all year round.
The constant support of individuals, families, and parish and community
groups allows us to help address many of the day-to-day needs of people
in our community. During the cold weather, we continue to accept donations of gently used coats, hats, gloves and scarves. Men’s socks are always needed. Please do not leave donations outside if Outreach is closed.
If you cannot get here during regular hours, call the office (281-5634) to
make arrangements.
Rosary Altar Society
Our meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, January 12th. We will
meet at the church at 7:30PM to pray the rosary and our meeting will
follow in the parish center at 8PM. General Meeting (Christmas Review),
2015 Schedule, New Membership list, and dues will be collected for 2015.
New Year’s Eve Dance
The music kept us dancing all night, the food was delicious and the company was even better. We hope you all had a joyful time and wish you all A
Blessed New Year. The event raised $5,764.00 for the parish of St. Jude.
We are very grateful for the donations from the following contributors:
-Lee Anne’s Flower Shoppe- table centerpieces & vase of flowers
-Ice Cream Cottage- delicious ice cream dessert cups
-Shirley Liquors- gave 10% off wine and champagne
-Shrine Knights of St. Jude- $100 donation
-Kane Family- provided tables,
-Flower Barn- 9 large poinsettias
-Joe Vernice- printed dance tickets
-Our Community Library- loaned projector, allowed us live feed from
Times Square
We appreciate the generous donations we received for the raffle prizes
from: Roma Funeral Home ($750 cash), The Vecchio Family (Sharp LED
T.V.), Three Peaks Physical Therapy, Virginia Purchia and our anonymous
We thank you for the support of the New Year’s Eve Raffle by both party
attendees and prior ticket donations @ Mass. The following individuals were the prize recipients: 1st prize-Tom Shulski, 2nd prize Carmella
Formisano, 3rd prize Jay Kalb, 4th prize Rosie Ciner, 5th prize Christina
Wilson, and 6th prize Melisso Rubio.
A special thank you to those who helped us with some of the set-up and
clean-up for the dance, your extra hands meant a lot.
We are still a little exhausted, but have already begun planning for New
Year’s Eve 2015. Hope to see you there!!
From the Pastor
January 11th, 2015
The Baptism of the Lord
hristmas & New Year Events
Along with the gifts a parishioner dropped off for the Outreach Giving Tree, she left a heartfelt note. In her letter,
she explained how important it was for her – and especially for her husband – to have taken such pride in joyfully shopping for and providing for the boy on the star that they had chosen. Being part of St. Jude’s annual program really lifted
her husband’s spirits: the joy in bringing joy to others. It was signed, “Mr. & Mrs. Claus.”
Thank-You to all who participated in the Christmas Giving Tree with toys and other items for the youngsters who
might not have received anything otherwise, and for donating food items for people’s Christmas tables. Through your
generosity, Parish Outreach was able to assist over 300 families. We also thank those folks from other parishes who
brought food and gifts; and some of them “adopted” families, packing some really quite lovely Christmas food baskets
complete with beautiful table cloths, napkins, and candles! With all of the bad things going on in our world, it is good to
know that our Lord still shows His kindness through many of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Even though Thanksgiving and Christmas are past, the need for food and other necessities continues all year
long. At the moment (and that can change tomorrow, of course), the pantry shelves are reasonably well stocked. Although,
while we have a supply of peanut butter on hand, we are very low on jelly/jam to go with it. And while we have diapers
on the shelves, we are out of sizes 5 and 6, which are very much needed. If you are doing New Years’ closet cleaning,
Outreach can make immediate use of any winter clothing, which will go out as fast as it comes in. It is well appreciated
if shorts and other summer clothing can be brought in during the warmer months, as we just don’t have the facilities to
store it until then. And if you are cleaning out your pantry and want to bring food, please do not bring any open packages
or expired food, as we cannot give it out, and have to throw it away. A good rule to use is: if you wouldn’t eat it yourself, don’t give it to someone else. Also, please don’t leave food outside the Outreach or Rectory doors when closed, as
exposure to freezing temperatures could make the food unfit to give to clients. Please bring any food items to Outreach
Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm, or to the church on the weekend. Many thanks for all of your generosity,
understanding, and cooperation.
The Christmas poinsettias in the church this year came from IGHL Flower Barn. They are of excellent quality, and
they even gave us many extra plants which we were able to use in both the church and the parish center; the flower arrangement crew did a beautiful job in the church, and a couple of other “aquarians” have been assisting with the watering,
which needs to be done every couple of days to keep the plants alive and fresh. For future Christmases and Easters, if you
are willing and able to give a couple of hours a week to help with the watering, it would be tremendously appreciated!
Thanks to our adult and children’s choirs for their contributions to our Christmas Season Liturgies. Their prayerful praise really lifted our hearts to the true Spirit of Christmas in celebrating the sacred mysteries of our Lord’s Nativity.
The children did a beautiful job with the pageant at the 9:30 Mass last Sunday. Keep up the good work in spreading the
The 2014 New Year’s Eve Party went very well. Every comment I have heard has been most positive: party-goers
enjoyed the ambience, the food, the dancing music, and the company. Thanks to Roma Funeral Home for the donation of
the raffle first prize of $750, and to D.J. Bob Vecchio for the donation of the flat-screen television. Gratitude, as well, to
the Kane Family for the use of the round tables, and to The Ice Cream Cottage for donating the delicious tortoni cups for
dessert. “The Girls” who put it all together shopping, ordering, decorating, and cleaning-up, did a marvelous job. While I
receive many of the compliments for a great event, I honestly admit that I did nothing myself to merit the praise, but that
I pass it on to those who actually made it happen. My “contribution” to the process was to give a couple of “OK’s,” signed
a few checks… and then showed up and enjoyed it. Please save the date and plan on attending our next parish gala, a
“Parisian Night” on Saturday, May 2nd.
With Advent, Christmas, and New Year activities, Capital Campaign planning took a temporary back-seat; yet we
have been going back-and-forth over some basic designs for the proposed St. Jude Shrine and chapel for the site of the
old church. We are leaning towards modular construction that will still be able to provide us with a 12’ high ceiling at the
center. When I saw Msgr. Joe Mirro last week, he was very encouraging about the project and said that he looks forward
to seeing the designs. I do too! Please pray for the success of our upcoming campaign.
Many people exiting Mass on Christmas thanked me for the copy of “Finding True Happiness” by Fulton J. Sheen.
In a small volume, there is great spiritual-practical wealth. I do hope that your family will read and profit from it. However,
I do believe that there were a couple of rows of people who didn’t get the book at the last Christmas Day Mass at 11:30
am. If you were one of them, please call the rectory to let me know so that we can order a copy for your family. Thanks.
Please save the dates of March 3rd, 4th, and 5th for our St. Jude Parish Lenten Mission that will be led by members of our parish. They have been praying, meeting and preparing to present several talks on “Living a Spiritual Life in
a Secular World.” Certainly something to look forward to. That’s enough for now; and hopefully your New Year is going
In Christ, Fr. Greg
Knights of Columbus
Free Throw Championship
All boys and girls ages 9 to 14 are invited to participate in the 2015 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest. The first
round will be held on Saturday January 17, 2015 at Mercy Hospital, 1225 Ostrander Avenue, Riverhead at 10 AM. Winner of the first round will receive a full size NBA style basketball.
The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship is sponsored annually, with winners progressing through local,
district, and New York State competitions. International champions are announced by the K of C headquarters based
on scores from the state-level competitions. All boys and girls will compete in their respective age and gender divisions.
Since its beginning in 1972, over 2.5 million youths have participated in the contest.
All contestants on the local level are recognized for their participation. Participants are required to furnish proof of age
and written parental consent. For entry forms or additional information contact: Bill Doyle at
631-525-3336 or by email at celtic77william9@gmail.com
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Married Couples! Are you looking for the perfect Valentine’s
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend Just might be
what you are looking for.The next weekend on Long Island is
scheduled for February 13-15, 2015 at the Montfort Spiritual
Center in Bay Shore, NY.
Space is limited. For more information about the weekends
or to apply, call 1-877-697-9963.
Lighthouse Catholic Media
Life is Worth Living – Venerable Fulton J. Sheen
Venerable Fulton J. Sheen was one of the bestknown and best-loved Catholic orators of the
twentieth century. Throughout the 1950s, Venerable Sheen reached millions of Christians and
non-Christians alike through the Emmy awardwinning television show Life is Worth Living. This
CD contains three of the talks from that program.
They have been re-mastered to provide the highest
sound quality possible.
42nd Annual March for Life
The March will be on Thursday, January 22 in Washington D.C. “Thou Shall Protect the Equal Rights to Life of each
Innocent Human in Existence at Fertilization. No Exception! No Compromise!”
Every day 3,500 babies die by abortion. Come and exercise your democratic right of peaceful protest and demonstration. Join our ‘Respect Life Ministry’ as we travel to Washington D.C. by bus with thousands of others from all parts of
the nation to ‘The March For Life’. This is a Holy Pilgrimage, a real sacrifice and a great educational opportunity for
students as we lobby in the Halls of Congress.
AGENDA: 4:45AM Gather for the bus from the ‘Our Lady of the Snow’ parking lot; at 5AM the bus leaves; at 5:15AM
pickup at ‘St. Lawrence the Martyr’ parking lot; departing at 5:30AM; Noon Rally on the National Mall; 1PM March
down Constitution Ave. to the Capital and Supreme Court; at 2:30PM “Lobby our Congress” people and Senators; at
4PM the bus leaves for home & arrives around 10PM.
Bus reservations are $10 per person or $20 per family. Please make your check out to ‘Our Lady of the Snow Respect
Life’ and call for your reservation NOW. Jean 631-472-0033. If you are unable to join us, please pray & fast for the
end of the violence, & for the respect, celebration, and thanksgiving of life from conception through natural death.
You Can Help Heal Your Marriage
Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each
other? Do you argue or have you just stopped talking to
each other? Does talking about it only make it worse?
Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in
their marriages. This program has helped thousands of
couples worldwide experiencing ALL TYPES of marital difficulties. For confidential information about the
Retrouvaille program, or to register for the upcoming
weekend that begins on Friday, February 6th, 2015 at
the Immaculate Conception Seminary in Huntington.
Please call 1-800-470-2230 and you will be connected
directly and confidentially to a couple from Long Island/
Metro Retrouvaille who can help.
Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service offers an exciting Graduate Social Work Program
(MSW Degree) at Molloy College’s Rockville Centre
campus, Fordham’s Lincoln Center campus and Online. Information session will be held at the Molloy
campus (Casey Center, Room 014) on Monday evening,
January12th @ 6:00pm. For more information, please
contact Agnes Mitchell at 516-323-3883, amitchell@
Living Stewardship
We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who answer their
baptismal call by placing their gifts and resources, their very selves, at God’s
service not only in the Church but in the world.
Bulletin Reflection
Today, we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. The U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral on
Stewardship reminds us that Baptism gives us a share in His priestly work
and calls us “to offer up the world and all that is in it-especially ourselvesto the Lord of all.”
St. Vincent de Paul
Baptism is not merely an event that happened in the past, an event that is
over and done with. We are to live that baptismal call every day. Baptism
plunges us into an ongoing way of living whereby our lives patterned after
Christ’s. “Join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul!”
Do you Know Someone Who is Hurting from an Abortion?
The Life Center of Long Island invites you to attend our next Rachel’s Vineyard Healing Retreat on the weekend of February 6-8, 2015. It
begins Friday evening and concludes Sunday afternoon.
For more information contact: Deacon Joe McNicholas at (516)445-3927 or
e-mail: rvr@lifecenterli.org. Communication is strictly confidential.
To learn more about Rachel’s Vineyard look online at:
www.rachelsvineyard.org or call 1-877-HOPE-4-ME
Adult ‘Catholicism’ at St. Jude
Fr. Greg is presenting Fr. Robert Barron’s popular 10-part series “Catholicism”, in the parish center, on Tuesday evenings from 7-9 pm with one hour
for the video and one hour for discussion. The remaining dates are January
13th, 27th; and February 3rd. If you are not able to attend all weeks, come
when you can!
Mass Book for 2015
The 2015 Mass book is now open for Mass intentions for the second half of
the calendar year July 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015.
There will be a limit of 5 Mass intentions per individual requesting on any
given day, until January 15th. Mass offerings are $20 for an individual intention and $15 for Guild Masses (multiple intentions) on Wednesday.
Mass Attendance
Dec.14 262
Dec.21 300
Dec.28 272
Jan.4 261
8am 9:30 11:30 5pm Total
205 302 355 157 1391
202 280 445 170 1522
207 288 500 178 1615
208 314 490 201 1615
Christmas Mass Attendance
4pm 6pm 10pm
676 225 450
9am 11:30am total
245 500
Weekly Collection
Christmas 2014
Christmas 2013
Jan. 1st (Solemnity of Mary)
Jan. 4th
Monthly Maintenance
Scripture Readings
MONDAY , Jan. 12, 2015
Weekday- Heb 1:1-6/Mk 1:14-20
Tuesday, Jan. 13, 2015
Weekday- Heb 2:5-12/Mk 1:21-28
Wednesday, jan. 14, 2015
Weekday- Heb 2:14-18/Mk 1:29-39
Thursday, Jan. 15, 2015
Weekday-Heb 3:7-14/Mk 1:40-45
Friday, Jan. 16, 2015
Weekday- Heb 4:1-5, 11/Mk 2:1-12
Saturday, Jan. 17, 2015
Memorial of Saint Anthony, Abbot- Heb 4:1216/Mk 2:13-17
Sunday, Jan. 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time: 1 Sm 3:3b10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42
Altar Bread and Wine
Becoming a leader starts with becoming a follower … of Christ
Come on down to YDisciple Youth nights each Friday from 7 – 8:30
pm in the Parish Center. Youth in grades 7 and up are encouraged to
attend any and all sessions.
All sessions include time for socialization, pizza and refreshment.
January – monthly activities
16th: Who do you plan to follow?
23rd:Can you walk the walk!Part I – video presentation by Fr. Mike
30th: Can you walk the walk Part II – video presentation by Fr. Mike
Contact Maria at stjudeyg@gmail.com
Have been donated:
In honor of Ron & Mary Jean Nappe
(56th Wedding Anniversary)
Available dates:
March 16,& 23rd
Altar Flowers
Available date:
January 18th
Ashlyn Daniela Mendez-Zhinin
May God Bless her and her family
Faith on Tap for 2015!
All Young Adults are invited to join us for the first Faith on Tap for 2015! Join us for Fellowship ... Inspiriting Speakers ... and Honest Answers! Monday, January 12, 2015. Topic: “From St. Francis to Pope Francis
to YOU! Keep the JOY Going!
Where: Lily Flanagan’s, 345 Deer Park Avenue, Babylon, NY. Talk begins at 7:30PM - come early - get
something to eat - meet new friends- re-connect with old ones! See you there!
We are pleased to have with us Brother James McVeigh, OSF, who will discuss the influence of St. Francis on Pope Francis and the influence of both for Young adults. How do we take these values of mercy,
forgiveness, caring for creation, and peace proposed by both Francis and make them part of the fabric of
our lives. Who will continue this message?
World Meeting of Families
‘A Ministry to Catholic Women’ invites you
to attend our next Breakfast on Saturday,
January 24th from 10 AM to 1:00 PM at
The Hofstra University Club on the campus
of Hofstra University. Our speaker will be
Bernadette Gorycki who will be sharing her
testimony of how God set her free from
paralyzing fear and mental anguish. Reservations must be received by January 17th;
the cost is $32.00 per person. Make check
payable to: Magnificat, and mail to: Judy
Murphy, 42 Pinehurst Street, Lido Beach,
NY 11561 (Tel: 917-453-5750).
Registration for our diocesan pilgrimage to the World
Meeting of Families in Philadelphia is now open.
Please go to http://www.drvc-faith.org for detailed
information on various options, registration and itinerary.
Space is limited for these trips and the first deposit is due
by January 15, 2015.
The tour packages are being organized by Peter’s Way
Tours Inc. For further information about the tour packages please call 516-605-1551 Ext 22. For all other questions please call Kathleen Logan, Office of Faith Formation, 516-678-5800 Ext 236.
Annual Telethon
Telecare Telethon Time!
The Telecare Telethon is the weekend of Saturday, January 17th from 2PM -10PM and Sunday, January 18th from
12PM to 10PM. Please tune in on Cablevision channel 29/137 or Verizon FiOS channel 296 to support our Diocesan
Television Station. It will be 18 hours filled with many guest “stars” including many of the clergy, religious and dedicated lay people of our Diocese. Additionally, visits from some celebrity chefs, musical groups and New York sports
teams will help fuel the enjoyment. Join Msgr. Jim Vlaun for the 22nd annual Telecare Telethon and consider making
a donation by phone or a secure donation over the internet at www.TelecareTV.org.
FLOWER OFFERING In memory of or Dedicated to:
Julia & Ernest Tolve
Giordano Family
Alice Moore
Barbara & Edward Sasala
Rugeris family
Jennie & Anthony Ponzio
DiLorenzo family