Parish Information Church Services:

Parish Information
Radio link for sick and housebound 107.8FM
Readings for Mass Page 75
Gn 9:8-15. Ps 24:4-9, R/ cf. v 10. Pt 3:18-22.
Mk 1:12-15
Saturday Vigil: 7.15
Sunday 9.30am and 11.00am
Weekdays: Monday –Friday 11:00am
Office Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 9.30 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
Crying Room – Children’s God space.
You are welcome to attend our liturgies.
Church Services:
Confession: Saturday evenings at 6.30pm and
by appointment.
Baptisms: Saturday evenings at 6.00pm. Two
weeks notice required.
Marriages: As requested. Note: 3 months notice
is required by Church and State. You must
contact registrar at Community Care Centre on
the Cork Road. You must also contact a priest in
your parish to make all necessary arrangements.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Wednesday 11:30am to 6:00pm.
Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Succour:
Monday morning Mass at 11.00am
Bereavement Support: St John's Pastoral
Centre Phone 051-858772
Are you troubled by someone’s drinking?
Contact Al-Anon Family Group at 01-8732699
Music Ministry
Saturday 7.15 Vigil: Senior Choir under the
baton of Margaret Butler.
Sunday 11.00pm: Congregational Singing
with cantors Ann, & Margaret.
Organist: Larry Hogan
Holy Family Parish First Sunday of Lent
22nd February 2015
Parish Team:
Parish Priest:
Fr. Tom Rogers
Mr Paul Stacey
Assistant Sacristan: Mr. Greg Flynn
Ms Marian Hoban
Ms Teresa Browne
First Sunday of Lent
The First Sunday of Lent, we remember Saint Peter and celebrate the Feast of the Chair
of St. Peter and his papacy in Rome. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, Peter
spread the message of Christ as far away as Judea and Syria, eventually settling in
Journey through Lent in Faith
Spend some time with the new Irish Catechism for Adults Discussion over three nights,
led by trained facilitators. St. John's Pastoral Centre, Waterford starting on Tuesday
24th February.
Come See Explore
Young adults (20-35 yrs) are invited to a series of meetings during Lent to explore their
faith. These will take place in Wadding Hall, Lady Lane on Wed 25th Feb and the
Wednesdays of March from 7 to 7.30pm. The meetings will be hosted by the Franciscan
Unwanted Gift for a Good Cause
If you have any unwanted gifts in your home, Rita, Chrissie and Mona will be holding a
bumper coffee morning on the 23rd March after the 11.00am Mass. Any donations
would be greatly appreciated. The proceeds will go to the Daffodil Day Annual
Collection, Waterford.
St Pauls Community College Transition Year Students - Cake Sale
A number of Transition Year Students from St Pauls College have decided to bake cup
cakes as an element of their business project which is part of their curriculum for this
year. The girls will hope to sell their cakes at the coffee morning on Monday 23rd
February, 2nd March and 9th March. Your support would be most appreciated with this
Thought for the Week
No sacrifice is unseen or forgotten by God. One day, all will be repaid.
Saturday 21st February
7.15 People of the Parish
Sunday 22nd February
9.30 Walter O'Neill
11.00 James & Anastasia
Murphy & dec family
Monday 23rd February
11.00 Alan Grieve
Tuesday24th February
11.00 Peggy Walsh
Wednesday 25th Feb
7.30 Margaret Hearne &
her dgt Michelle
11.00 Arthur Sealy, son
Tommy, & grandson Arthur
Thursday 26th February
11.00 Dick Gleeson
Friday 27th February
11.00 Holy Souls
Mary Barry
Patrick Cummins
Jim Sean Byrne
Bridget O'Neill
Margaret Hearne
Aidan Brazil