March 8-14, 2015 - St. Augustine`s

Pastor: Fr. Ephraim Mensah 682-2733 (hm)
Associate Pastor: Fr. Paul Paproski, OSB
Pastoral Council:
Carol Bergermann, Darwin Riendeau,
Dennis Korte, Nathan Bergermann,
Heather Novecosky, Ruth Hiebert
Pastoral Associate: Monica Purnama
Office Staff: Angie Punk & Christine Skulski
Caretaker: Keith Berger
St. Augustine School Principal: Cal Theisen
St. Dominic School Principal Dennis Spence
HCI Principal: Cory Popoff
Lay Presiders for Funeral Prayers:
Janice Dobmeier, Jenny Irwin,
Walter Sarauer, Nestor Trach
K of C Grand Knight: Jeff Burton 231-7443
CWL President: Karen Fleischhacker 682-3598
Baptism Prep Coordinator: Kay Burke 682-2536
working with the Brazilian bishops for many
years to respond to the cry of the poor. Your
generosity helps fund our partnership with
their Pastoral Land Commission, which
works to support the rural poor through agricultural development and land reform. You
can learn more about our work by picking up
Share Lent materials at the back of the
Church or by visiting The Share
Lent collection for DEVELOPMENT AND
PEACE is on the Fifth Sunday of Lent,
March 22, 2015. Please Note: Bishop Don
Bolen’s letter in support of Share Lent 2015
can be found on the diocesan website at:
Mass Schedule - March 14/15
Marysburg - No Mass
St. Scholastica - Sunday at 9:00 am
Pilger - Sunday at 11:00 am
New Parishioner Registration
K of C Pancake Breakfast, Sunday,
March 15 in the parish centre.
Proceeds go to Children’s Ministry.
Seedy Sunday. March 8 at Community Gathering Place from 1-4 pm.
Expo tables & kids activities. Potluck
supper 6 pm. Admission by donation.
Luck of the Irish Coffeehouse with
Maxine Moore & friends. March 15,
2:30 pm at Westminister United
Church. Admission: $10 donation or
more. Proceeds to Westminster roof
Prayer Circle. People requesting
prayer intentions, please call Alice
682-3703 or Caroline 682-5747.
Knights of Columbus Bingo. Mondays
at 7:30 pm in the parish centre.
Bingo at the Community Gathering
Place. Wednesdays at 1:30 pm.
Royal Canadian Legion Bingo. Thursdays at 7:30 pm in the Legion Hall.
Welcome to our faith community
Phone #_______________________Email Address_______________________________________
Please drop this in the collection basket or at the parish office. Note: To keep our records
current, please let us know if you are changing your address or leaving our community.
 Parish offertory envelopes are available all year long. Please contact the office if you
would like to receive a set. Tax receipts are issued at year end.
Roman Catholic Diocese of Saskatoon
809-10th Street
Box 1989
Humboldt, SK
S0K 2A0
Office hours: Mon.-Fri. 8.30 am-12 pm & 1-5 pm
Phone: 682-2106
Fax: 682-2055
Parish Centre Kitchen: 682-1543
Third Sunday of Lent
March 8, 2015, Year B
“Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again,
but the one who drinks of the water that I will give
will never be thirsty.”
John 4.13-14
Mass Schedule
Mass Intentions
Mon., March 9:
No Mass
Tues., March 10:
Wed., March 11:
Thurs., March 12:
Fri., March 13:
No Mass
No Mass
No Mass
No Mass
7:00 pm Stations of the Cross
3:30 pm with Bishop Bolen
†Margaret Sarauer &
†Anthony Benning & Harvey Nienaber (H)
9:00 am & 11:00 am
Sat., March 14:
Sun., March 15:
Confessions: Saturday 11:00-11:45 am, or call the office to book an appointment.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: Friday mornings following Mass, concluding at 9:30 am
and on the First Fridays following Mass concluding at 9:00 pm.
Bulletin announcements are due on Wednesdays at 5:00 pm.
Priest Study Days
Fr. Ephraim will be away Monday through
Friday of this week while he attends Priest
Study Days. As a result, we will not have
weekday Masses. If you requested a Mass
intention for this week, we will reschedule
your intention in the week following.
Please pray for Fr. Ephraim that he will
have a fruitful and enriching week with his
brother priests.
Please remember to keep our RCIA
catechumen & candidates in your prayers:
CJ Arasa
Daniel Batushin
Karen Fleischhacker
Bennett Maier
Harrison Maier
Thomas Mendy
Melissa Prystupa
CWL News
Night of the Arts
Student Art Show
March 24 & 25
1:00-3:00 & 6:00-7:00 pm
St. Augustine School Gym
Diocesan social media - Ideas for Lent,
meatless dishes, etc. can be found on the
diocese Pinterest page at saskatooncath – or
follow us on Twitter: @saskatooncath
Drama Production
Tues., March 24 at 7:00 pm
St. Augustine School Gym
Everyone is welcome!
Moms ‘n Tots meet every Thursday from
10:00-11:30 am in the Parish Centre.
parents and tots welcome.
CWL general meeting, Thursday, 12th
beginning at 7 pm.
Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools Foundation Inc. are hosting a Spring Fashion
Show & Dinner. The parishioners of St.
Augustine Parish are invited to donate
items for a gift basket raffle.
The proceeds raised will be used to fund many
Catholic initiatives . We are asking parishioners to donate a kitchen item. Please
bring donations to the church where a basket will be provided. Thank you for your
Alice Germann & Terry Struck
We remember our faithful departed
Eleanor Engele
Eternal life grant unto her O Lord!
Catholic Engaged Encounter
Have you popped the question? Have you
said yes? If you’re a couple considering
engagement or marriage, Catholic Engaged
Encounter (CEE) is for you. CEE is a
weekend marriage preparation retreat. CEE
presentation topics include romance,
finances, intimacy, forgiveness, the sacrament of marriage and more. The next CEE
will be March 13-15, 2015 in Muenster,
hosted at St. Peter's Abbey. To register
check out or for more
information call Heather and Craig at 306682-3326.
Baptism: Parents are encouraged to take the baptismal preparation sessions before the
birth of their child. Please call the parish office to register.
Marriage: Couples must call Fr.Ephraim before a date will be booked, with a minimum
of 6 months notice.
Please note: on Saturday, March 14th we will be blessed to have Bishop Don with us
to celebrate Mass beginning at 3:30 pm. This Mass will replace the usual 5:00 pm
Mass, so please take note of the time change.
Diocesan Congress Day at St. Augustine Parish Centre - Saturday, March 14.
Topics of discussion at each Congress Day: Feedback about the Synod on the Family,
The Year of Consecrated Life and Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide.
Schedule at Congress Day: 9:30 am registration, 12 pm lunch is provided at no charge
Congress Day concludes with celebration of Mass starting at 3:30 pm.
Soup & Bun and Stations of the Cross
St. Augustine Parish Social Justice/Share Lent Committee will be hosting the Solidarity
Way of the Cross on Friday, March 20th at 7 pm in the church. Before the Stations
begin, please come and share a Soup & Bun with us, starting at 6:15 pm in the
parish centre. A silver collection will be taken to cover the cost of the food. Development & Peace, working with partners around the world, has discovered that change and
justice are possible when people come together and work as a community. This is our
first step, getting to know others in our community and what it means to have “So Much
Love to Give.” Even in this prosperous community, we have people who have trouble
making ends meet and finding the justice they deserve.
The celebration of Kermaria’s 100th Anniversary will take place August 9th,
2015. Anyone wishing to prepare any history, pictures of weddings, 1st Communion, etc.,
please do so by April 15. If you wish to volunteer your time in the preparation of the
anniversary, please contact the following people. Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Eva Marie Kernaleguen 306-275-4802
Jeannette Kernaleguen 306-275-4802
Marguerite Senko 306-682-3176
Kimberly Martin 306-275-1300
MargeryCrozon 306-682-0069
Fr. Manh Nguyen 306-275-2043
It would be a great honour to have you come and celebrate this special event with us.
Please confirm you are able to come.
St. Dominic School
Playground Gala Fundraiser
Saturday, March 28
Supper, dueling pianos,
silent auction and raffle items
Tickets $50/each or $375/table of 8
Tickets available at Brickhouse Clothing
Everyone welcome
Resources on the Diocesan Website:
"Praying Lent with Pope Francis" features
daily reflections written by Fr. Nestor
Gregoire, OMI, is available on the diocesan
scripture-resources (near bottom of page).
Weekly prayer reflections that focus on
Sunday readings are also posted on this