Our Parish Mission Statement - Pro

The prophet Ezekiel recalls God's promise to the Israelites to restore them and give them
new life. In the second reading, Paul teaches that God's Spirit, which dwells in us, is the
same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. The gospel account of Jesus raising Lazarus
from the dead reveals that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. Lent provides each of us
the opportunity to reflect more deeply on what kind of life God wishes for us. As spring
unfolds we begin to see many signs of new life around us in nature. Similarly, our lives can
be renewed spiritually by allowing Christ, who is the Resurrection and the Life, to raise us up.
Our Parish Mission Statement
We, the members of the Pro-Cathedral
of the Assumption community, believe that we have
been called through Baptism to live the Good News of
Jesus Christ under the patronage of Mary, our Mother.
We accomplish this by proclaiming the Word,
celebrating the Sacraments,
and reaching out to others.
Most Rev. Jean-Louis Plouffe, D.D.
Bishop of Sault Ste. Marie
Msgr. Dave Tramontini
Rev. Rex Lumine
Msgr. Normand Clement Chaplain, Nipissing-Parry Sound District Schools
Please pick up a Marriage
Information Booklet in the Church Vestibule to
review prior to contacting the parish office.
Anointing the Sick: Please call the parish
office for information.
Reconciliation: Every Saturday from 3:00 until 3:45 PM.
Eucharist: Please see mass schedule published in this
bulletin. Call the parish office to arrange for a Eucharistic
Minister to visit the sick and shut-in who are unable to
attend Mass.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: On the First Friday
of each month from 10:00 AM until 12:00 noon.
Baptism: Please pick up a Baptism Information Booklet in
the Church Vestibule to review prior to contacting the parish
Rev. A. Man-Son-Hing Pastor, St. Peter the Apostle & St. Elizabeth Temagami
Diocesan Order of Women
Mr. Albert Falconi
Mr. Donald Milligan
Mr. Donald Shago
Mr. Rick Hamelin
Mr. Gary Westenenk
Shirley Falconi
Norma Milligan
Ruth Godon
Frances-Clare Fraboni
TELEPHONE: (705) 472-3970
(705) 494-8222
Daniel 13. 1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-64;
John 8. 1-11
Numbers 21. 4-9; John 8. 21-30
Isaiah 7. 10-14; 8. 10d; Hebrews 10. 4-10
Genesis 17. 3-9; John 8. 51-59
Jeremiah 20. 7, 10-13; John 10. 31-42
Ezekiel 37. 21-28; John 11. 45-57
Isaiah 50. 4-7; Philippians 2. 6-11;
Mark 14. 1—15.47
EMAIL: cathedral@bellnet.ca
Our faith community dates back to 1886 when we were
originally located on Main Street West and called St. Mary’s
of the Lake and the cornerstone of the existing Cathedral was
laid in 1904. The history of our parish is recorded in the
memories of thousands of people who built our community.
8:30 AM to 12:00 NOON
8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Fridays During Lent
Will be held at 5:00 PM
Stations on Good Friday—April 3
Outdoor Walking Stations of the Cross begin at
5:00 PM at St. John the Divine Anglican Church
and end at Pro-Cathedral
Indoor Stations will be held at
Pro-Cathedral at 7:00 PM on Good Friday
Monday, 23 March - Weekday in Lent
Dr. Andre Rivet - Shirley Valenti
Carole Taylor - Meimi Charette and Family
Salvatore Patrizio - Children and Grandchildren
Tuesday, 24 March - Weekday in Lent
Geraldine Lefebvre - Carol Lefebvre and Family
For Souls in Purgatory
Domenico Fruci - Tina Stuart
Wednesday, 25 March - The Annunciation of the Lord
Lou Goyette - Laurette Goyette and Family
Patricia Selin - Joe and Louise Defonzo
Virginia Tedesco - Lloyd and Katherine Voisin
Thursday, March 26 ~ 1:30 PM
Pro-Cathedral of the Assumption
We wish to take advantage of this celebration to
express our gratitude to the women and men
religious of our diocese in the context of this
Year of Consecrated Life dedicated to them. Chrism
Mass is an opportunity for priests, deacons, members of the
Diocesan Order of Service, Religious women and men and
lay faithful to experience, along with the bishop, the bond
of communion and solidarity within this spiritual family
called the Church of the Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie.
A reception will follow in the Parish Hall.
All are invited to participate
in this special diocesan celebration.
Gabrielle Gagnon - Cecile Robert
Thursday, 26 March - Weekday in Lent
Friday, 27 March - Weekday in Lent
Sam Verrillo - The Family
Lena and James Defonzo - Joe and Louise Defonzo
In Honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Nicola and Michelina Candeloro & Family
4:00 PM SAT, 28 March - The Passion of the Lord/Palm Sunday
Gertrude Souliere - Jeanne, Vivian and Philip
Domenico Fruci - Salvatore and Rosetta Tignanelli
Andrew Burt - Jeff and Hillary Borden and Family
Diane MacNeil - The Family
Sunday, 29 March - The Passion of the Lord/Palm Sunday
9:00 AM
Easter Memorial Flowers & Decorations
A beautiful way to remember loved ones during
this holy season is to donate memorial flowers and
decorations in their memory. Your donation will
help decorate the altar and sanctuary
during the greatest season of the year
… the Resurrection!
Pre-printed white & green envelopes
are available for your donation at the
entrance to the church. Please fill out
the requested information as neat as
possible (printing would be best!).
Include your donation and return the envelope to
the office or in the weekly collection. A listing of
remembrances will be printed in the Easter Sunday
Bulletin. All donations over $10 are tax deductible.
Remember your loved ones this Easter and
give glory to the Lord by helping to decorate
for this beautiful season!
Intention of Cecile Robert - Andree Cornish
Christaline Lobo - The Family
Michel Larmand - Michelle Males
Intentions of the Donors and those Remembered
in the Pro-Cathedral Memorial Fund
11:00 AM Intention of the Parishioners - Msgr. Dave Tramontini
REMINDER: Mass Stipends are increased to $15
effective February 2, 2015.
Sunday Offering ~ 15 March
Sunday Offering
Building Fund
Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would do well to
ask ourselves what we can give up in order to help
and enrich others by our own poverty.
Let us not forget that real poverty hurts: no self-denial is real
without this dimension of penance. (Pope Francis)
How often in our world do we encounter situations in which
it seems things are beyond all possibility of hope? How often
does it seem that someone has gone so far, has done something
so wrong, that they have “crossed the line,” and there is no
possibility of coming back—that a situation has become
irreparably broken … a relationship is beyond any hope of
reconciliation … a criminal is so irretrievably evil that no
conversion can be contemplated, and no forgiveness is even
thinkable? The message of the raising of Lazarus is that, for
those who follow Jesus, no situation is ever beyond the power of
God to heal and make new. There is no circumstance so dark and
filled with death that God is unable to bring new life and
transformation out of it. And, for each of us in our own personal
lives, that also means that no sin, no rejection, no mistake, no
betrayal is ever necessarily final. The hope which is ours in Christ
reminds us that there is always the possibility of change for the
better, always the opportunity for conversion, repentance and
transformation. No person is ever condemned to spend the rest of
their lives as a prisoner of their mistakes, unable ever to choose a
new path or become a different person. God brings new life out of
apparently “dead” situations, and offers even the worst of sinners
a path to freedom and renewal.
Many of us dread Confession. Voices in our heads tell us that the
mistakes we have made are too great and too serious to ever be erased.
We can become convinced that we, too, have crossed over that “line in
the sand,” and that there is no longer a glimmer of God’s life left in us …
and we fear that we are beyond help, beyond healing, beyond any further “second chances”. No matter what mistakes we may have made,
or how often, or how many times … no matter how many months or
years it may have been since we last celebrated that sacrament, there is
sinfulness so great, no actions so grievous, that God cannot
heal and forgive them. On the contrary, the greater our awareness of
our own sinfulness and weakness, the more God tries to reach out to us
and invite us to experience the power of His forgiveness. So long as we
live, no spiritual or moral death is ever final with God, and nothing we
can do can ever put us beyond the reach of His loving care.
Holy Week & Easter Weekend
Mass Schedule
Regular 12:05 PM Mass
Thursday, 02 April
Mass of the Lord’s Supper ~ 7:00 PM
Followed by Adoration until 10:00 PM
Good Friday, 03 April
Youth Presentation of the Passion ~ 10:30 AM
Solemn Celebration of the Passion ~ 3:00 PM
Stations of the Cross ~ 7:00 PM
Regional Live Stations of the Cross
join the re-enactment of Jesus’ walk to
Calvary beginning at St. John the Divine
Anglican Church at 5:00 PM and ending
at the Pro-Cathedral
Holy Saturday ~ 04 April
Easter Vigil ~ 7:00 PM
Easter Sunday ~ 05 April
Mass of the Resurrection ~ 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
Dear Parishioners,
Regarding: Increasing Donation Amounts
Thank you to all those who are responding to the
request for increased revenues by the Parish Finance
Catholic Women’s League
Next General Meeting ~ Wednesday April 1
at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. Our guest
speaker, Julie Charette, is a motivational speaker and her
topic is her Love of Life.
Anyone who needs a ride or who knows someone
w h o c o u l d u s e a r i d e t o o u r G e n e r a l Me e t i n g s .
Please contact CWL President, Diane Carmichael
(471-5096) to arrange transportation.
CWL Executive meets March 23 at 7:00 PM
Lower Sacristy.
in the
T he 9 5 t h An nu a l CW L Dio c es an Co nv ent ion
Ap r i l 24 -2 6, 2 0 1 5 - Sud bu r y
Conv e ntio n p a ck ag e s a r e av a il ab le f rom C W L
pr es id ent , Di an e Ca r mi ch ae l at 4 7 1 - 50 96 .
Comp l ete d fo r ms M UST b e r etu rn ed b y
M ARC H 2 3 C al l Di an e t hi s w e ek en d !
The Catholic Women’s League 2015 Theme
One heart – filled with mercy, compassion and holiness
One voice – united in harmony to speak the truth with
courage and zeal
One mission – witnessing to the Good News
of the Gospel through personal encounter and
joyful service
While the meeting between Mary and Elizabeth
was unique, it is something we can all
experience. Each of us is capable of bearing
Christ to the world.
Finding Christ
The principle runs through all life from top to bottom. Give up yourself and you will find your real self. Lose
your life and you will save it. Submit to death, death of your ambitions and favourite wishes every day and
death of your whole body in the end: Submit with every fiber of your being and you will find eternal life.
Keep back nothing. Nothing that you have not given away will ever be really yours. Nothing in you that has
not died will ever be raised from the dead. Look for yourself and you will find in the long run only hatred,
loneliness, despair, rage, ruin and decay. But look for Christ and you will find him and, with him everything
else thrown in. (C.S. Lewis)
Lord Jesus, help me to remember that I will lose nothing of value
by putting you first and foremost in my life.
Pro-Cathedral Parish Hall
Friday, 27 March 2015 ~ 5:30 PM
Immediately Following 5:00 PM Stations of the Cross
(Parish Hall – McIntyre Street Entrance)
Share Lent Theme: “SOW Much Love to Give”
Voluntary Donations Accepted - Please Share Generously
ALL ARE WELCOME! Come and be in solidarity with those around
the world who go hungry without the basic necessities of life!
Total Collection to Development and Peace Share Lent Campaign
which is collected at the Good Friday Liturgies - April 3, 2015