The Bread and Wine used this week is dedicated in

Page Two
February 22, 2015
Saturday, February 21
5:00 James King / Helen Zoppie and Noreen Taskalos
Budget - $16,529
February 15 - $11,962
Sunday, February 22, First Sunday of Lent
10:00 Luis Alvarez / Kay & Charlie Maurice
12:00 Angela Crociata / Angela Rodin
7:30PM Lenten Mission
Monday, February 23
8:00 Leo Nonella / Rose and Aldo
Tuesday, February 24
8:00 Maria Dulce Genilo / Del Rosario Family
Wednesday, February 25
8:00 Josephine Gebhardt / Rose and Aldo
Thursday, February 26
8:00 Chris Scovzen / DeMello Family
Friday, February 27
8:00 Jessie Goldberg / Rose & Aldo
11 – 3 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
7:30 Stations of the Cross
Saturday, February 28
9:00 Mac Garland / Rose and Aldo
5:00 Jose Zulueta / Mary Lou Zulueta
First Reading: Genesis 9:8-15
God made a promise to Noah that he would
never again devastate the entire planet with a
flood. He also told Noah that the symbol of this
promise would be a rainbow in the clouds.
Second Reading: 1 Peter 3:18-22
This letter from Peter reminds all people that
Christ died for us so that we might be led to
God. We have been saved by our baptism; not
a physical cleansing, but a promise to
continually strive to obey God.
Gospel: Mark 1:12-15
Mark briefly tells of Jesus’ stay in the desert,
where he was tested by Satan. He did not give
in to temptation, but reappeared in Galilee to
proclaim the good news.
©1999 Bon Venture Services, Inc.
Sunday, March 1
10:00 Jude Selvaratnam / Sathananthan Family
12:00 Alicia B & Howard W. Kehr / Alicia Kehr
Page Three
First Sunday of Lent
Sunday, Feb 22
Sunday, March 1
Sunday, March 8
7:30 PM
In the Church
Reception, to follow, in the Community Hall
Guest Speaker:
Rev. Msgr. James C. Turro, S.T.L., S.S.L., Ph.D*
Attention All Parishioners
The Pastoral Council would like to put together an
e-mail list for parishioners. This list will be for
parishioners that would like to receive e-mails
announcements, and news that concerns our
parish family. If you would like to be on this list
please send your email address to Christine at
Saturday, March 7, 2015
6:00 PM - 12 AM
O'Malley Hall, St. Joseph's Parish Center
$35.00 Per person
Includes: Corned Beef & Cabbage, Shepherd's Pie
Spiral Virginia Ham, Roasted Potatoes
Green Beans Almondine, Mashed Turnips
Salad & Roll
Irish Soda Bread & Butter at Each Table
Cake, Coffee & Tea
Soda, Beer & Setups Provided
Raffle to Benefit Family Promise & St. Joseph
$20 Per Ticket
For Dance or Raffle Tickets call Tom McNicholas
@ 201-567-4355
“Mercy in the City: Doing God’s Work at
Ungodly Hours”
On Tuesday, March 3, a fantastic young
woman, Kerry Weber—author and managing
editor of America magazine—will be leading
a discussion at Dominican Convent entitled
“Mercy In the City; Doing God’s Work at
Ungodly Hours”. This promises to be a unique
and engaging conversation as Kerry will share her
insights on navigating busy life and career
demands, while striking a balance that incorporates
prayer and service.
Hosted by the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill
Dominican Convent
175 route 340, Sparkill, NY
Advance Registration:
Adults $15, Students $ 10.
Registration after 2/23/15 or at door: $20.
To register contact Sr. Peggy Scarano:
845-359-4173 or
Communion Breakfast
Members of the Rosary Altar Society invite our
parishioners to the annual Communion Breakfast
on Saturday, March 28, 2015 following the 9:00
a.m. mass. We will enjoy a gourmet style breakfast
at Madeleine’s in Northvale. Tickets priced at
$22.00 are on sale now. Our guest speaker, Father
Dan O’Neill, O’Carm. We look forward with
excitement to a different experience and on that will
truly uplift us all.
Come, join us!
Page Four
February Book Rack
Mystery of the Cross – A profound collection of
meditations and reflections on the cross by the late
Cardinal Basil Hume that speak of the mystery of
suffering and the mystery of God’s love shown
particularly in the death and resurrection of Christ.
Lent & Easter Reflections – Meditations using
ordinary language and everyday experience to
assist young people in developing a pattern of
prayer, reflection, and daily meditation.
Children’s Books
Peter Claver – A picture-book biography of St.
Pedro Claver (d. 1654), a Spanish Jesuit
missionary to the New World, who is the patron
saint of slaves. Full-color illustrations. Bilingual.
Elizabeth Ann Seton – A fictionalized young adult
biography of Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774-1821),
New York socialite, wife, mother, convert, and
foundress of the American Sisters of Charity and
the first U.S. born saint.
Stephanie Cywinski-O’Brien
Scholarship Applications – 2015
For the eighth year, student scholarships are being
offered by the Stephanie Cywinski-O’Brien Trust.
Applications are now being accepted from parish
7th and 8th grade students attending a Catholic
grammar school, as well as Freshmen,
Sophomores and Juniors attending a Catholic High
School and continuing their education at a Catholic
School. Applications and eligibility requirements are
available at the parish office and available on our
website, simply click on the “Notices/Flyer” tab at Applications are due April 6
with decisions to be made by April 30.
There is a sign-up sheet near the side door of the
church for Friday Adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament. Please sign up for ½ hour intervals on
any Friday during Lent beginning at 11:00am and
continuing through 3pm. Someone should be in the
church at all times while the Blessed Sacrament is
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be from
11:00 am through 3:00 pm every Friday during
Stations of the Cross are prayed each Friday at
7:30 PM. Please join us for this devotion.
Confessions are heard every Saturday at 4:30 PM
and by appointment. Don’t wait until the last minute
to cleanse your soul for Easter.
As you know Lent is a season of “retreat”, of
stepping back a bit to reflect and pray. It is an
opportunity to remove some of the distractions of
daily life and focus on God. The church helps us
with this by the lack of decorations in the church
during Lent. In fact there are no flowers or plants in
the church for the season of Lent. You will also
notice that the Easter Candle will be missing as
well as the Holy Oils from the Ambry.
5, 25 and 50 Years
The Archdiocese will celebrate an Anniversary
Mass on April 19, 2015 for all couples celebrating
50 years of marriage in 2015 and on May 3, 2015
couples celebrating 5 and 25 years in 2015.
Couples are invited to the Cathedral for Mass with
the Archbishop at 3:00 p.m.
To make your reservation please contact Christine
in the Parish Office 201-768-2371.
*Reservation deadline for the Golden Anniversary
mass on April 19th is due by April 8th and the
deadline for the Silver and 5 Year Anniversary
mass on May 3rd is due by April 22nd.
If you would like to participate in our Easter Flower
memorial, please fill out the envelopes (available at
the doors of the church) and put it in the collection
basket or drop it off at the parish office.
Page Five
Archbishop Myers, Luis Avila, Mary Borges, Clare
Borland, Anthony Bulone, Joe Cerrone, Christopher
Dietz, Louise Doto, Angela Guerry, Chip Hartwell,
Susie Hicks, Nandini K., Elizabeth Kenny, Dolores
LaPenna, Anne and Gene Lessieu, Nancy
Lombardo, Rita Lonie, Alma Manfredonia, Melizza,
Tess Peters, Angelo Ponte, Lorianne Roberts, Rita
Rodin, Kayla Rose, Bertha Samayoa, George and
Phyllis Schall, Bill Strohmeyer, Gnana Sunduram,
Tony Vecchione, Grace Walsh, Ken Whitehead,
Chandra Y., Charles Yates, Helen Zoppie
*Please notify the Parish Office of any changes
or updates to the prayer list.
St. Joseph’s Education Program
3rd – 6th Grade Lent Retreat
Sunday, March 22, 2015
10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
The retreat will take place at St. Joseph’s
For Tuesday CCD and Sunday CCD students
grades 3-6
$10.00 Per student (includes lunch and snack)
Contact: Joette Vecchione at 201-970-9221 or
Christina Lee at 201-370-1161
Registration deadline is March 8th.
If you or someone you know falls ill and cannot
come to Church, please call the parish office at
201-768-2371 and we will make arrangements for a
priest to go out and visit.
Archdiocese of Newark
Women’s Commission Day of Reflection
Behold Your Mother A Day of Reflection
Saturday, March 7, 2015
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
(Registration at 8:00 am)
Seton Hall University
400 South Orange Ave.
South Orange NJ 07079 Adults: $25.00 * College
Students (18-22 years old): $15 * Seniors: (65+):
$20 * Priests/Deacons/Religious: Free
Continental Breakfast and Lunch Included
For more information and registration visit: or email: or call 973-497-4545
Electronic Giving
Fast. Pray. Give up your Envelopes! We invite you
to help your parish save money by giving up your
offertory envelopes this Lent! Enrolling with Faith
Direct will provide St. Joseph Parish with consistent
support and simplify your giving without the
wasteful envelopes.
Join us in giving up envelopes this Lenten season!
at using
code: NJ415, or by mailing an enrollment form
available in the parish office.
* NOTE – When you enroll with Faith Direct your
regular contribution envelopes will be cancelled.
If you would like to advertise your business in the
church bulletin there is space available. This is a
great way to help our parish and get the word out to
the community about your business. For pricing
and more information contact Bon Venture Services
at 1-800-364-0684.
Spiritual Reflection on Stewardship
“After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee
proclaiming the gospel of God…” Mark 1:14
Do you ever think about how difficult it must have
been for Jesus to come into Galilee, knowing that
John had just been arrested for teaching the same
message that Jesus was proclaiming. It must have
taken great love and trust for Jesus to do what the
Father had sent Him here on earth to do. In the
same way, following a life of stewardship takes
great love and trust from us. We must be willing to
surrender completely to God, trusting that God will
always give us all that we need to fulfill His plan for