Weekly Bulletin (in PDF)

69 Valley St., Hillsdale, NJ 07642
Website: http://www.stjohnhillsdale.com
Rev. John J. Korbelak, Pastor
Rev. Jerzy Pikulinski (George)
Deacon Albert Ganter, RCIA
Deacon Jack Gray, Baptism & Human Concerns
Catherine A. Wollyung, Faith Formation
Sr. Mary McFarland, O.P., Homebound & Seniors
Roberto Sabastiani, Director of Music Ministry
Margaret Manley, Confirmation Program
Assisting Clergy
Rev. Thomas J. Norton, Weekend Assistant
Rev. Msgr. Philip D. Morris, Pastor Emeritus
The Lord’s Day
Jennifer Cannon, Business Administrator/Stewardship
Naomi Kavanah, Parish Secretary
Glen Ford, Superintendent of Building Maintenance
Art Dalle Molle, Theresa Henry, Trustees
Brenda Laux, Pastoral Council Chair
James Farrell, Finance Council Chairman
Mark Henni, Ed Addvensky, Stewardship Council Chairmen
Edna Lord, “The Spirit” Newsletter Editor
PARISH CENTER: One Valley Street 201-666-2707
Offices of Faith Formation Ministries
Catherine Wollyung, Director
Kathleen Breitenbach, Registrar
Debra DiPiazza, Program Asst.
Thomas Merton Spiritual Direction Center
Mary Musella, Catherine Wollyung, Sr. Gail DeMaria
ST. JOHN’S ACADEMY: 460 Hillsdale Ave. 201-664-6364
Elizabeth Viola, M.A.., Principal
Connie Nunez, Secretary
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM
Weekday Masses
Monday and Saturday: 8:00 AM
Tuesday - Friday: 8:00 AM & 12:00 PM
BAPTISMS: Baptism of Infants is normally celebrated on
Sundays at 1:30 PM eleven months of the year. For arrangements and information about Baptismal Preparation of Infants,
please contact Deacon Jack Gray 201-664-3131 ext. 128; for
older children and adults, please contact Cathy Wollyung at
201-666-2707 ext.217.
RECONCILIATION: This sacrament of Christ’s forgiveness is celebrated Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 PM, and at Interparochial Communal Services during Advent and Lent.
MATRIMONY: Couples are urged to begin preparation for
marriage immediately after the engagement, but not less than
one year previous to the wedding date. Phone the Parish Office at 664-3131 to begin preparation.
MINISTRY TO THE SICK: In case of severe illness contact
the Parish Office for a priest to visit for the Sacrament of
Anointing. Contact Sr. Mary McFarland at 666-2707 ext. 215
to arrange home visitation and communion for those who cannot attend Sunday liturgy. Those anticipating hospitalization
for surgery, contact one of the priests for Sacrament of
Anointing. Otherwise, contact the Pastoral Care Office at any
of our area hospitals for anointing and communion.
PARISH REGISTRATION: We invite all new parishioners
to register at the Parish Office and to introduce themselves to
our parish priests after Mass or at the Parish Office. A Welcome Ministry contact will follow.
Third Sunday of Lent
March 8, 2015
From the Pastor’s
on Sunday
8am, 10am and 12pm
“ Take these out of here, and
stop making my Father’s house a
Saturday, March 7
If you have ever taken a trip to
Fatima or Lourdes, or if you have
visited the Holy Land, you can’t help but be struck by
the commercialism of some of these places. Every two
feet is another vendor of religious articles. You can understand it. These people need to make a living, but
somehow it seems wrong that religious "trinkets”
overshadow the experience.
While we can get a great experience from visiting holy
sites, the truth is that you don’t have to take a trip to
reflect of the experiences of Jesus or the saints. This is
one reason why there are “stations of the cross” in the
churches and shrines. Not everyone can afford a trip
or has the time, but to reflect is something that is
within everyone’s ability.
Jesus spoke of the Temple as his Father’s house and a
place of prayer. It is in prayer that our minds unite with
God. It is in meditation that we place ourselves in communion with Christ. Of course it still requires taking
time for the effort. It means we see value in pausing
and reflecting. But do we?
In our hectic society there is a tendency to equate activity with productivity, and productivity with value. In
prayer there is the realization that using time for reflection is not a waste of time, but the condition which
allows us to reach a higher level of consciousness. The
Scriptures remind us that all material things are passing
away and that we should focus on things that last.faith, hope and love!
When we think about the role these things have had
and continue to have in our lives, perhaps we will become more appreciative of those who bring us love,
show faith in us and encourage us to trust in God, and
demonstrate their optimism by the hope they bring to
all their endeavors.
Elizabeth Cashin
Edward Powers
Sunday, March 8
Anne Dalle Molle
Marge & Peter Trapp
Michael Forenza
William & Kathleen Stanton
Aileen Mulligan
Joann Bansil
Monday, March 9
Margaret Banker
Dot & George Molta
Tuesday, March 10
Henry Heluk
Luisa Heluk
12pm Fannie & Antonio Calderone req. Richard & Nancy Baviello
Wednesday, March 11
Maureen Fay
Jadwiga Pikulinska
Eileen Gehan
The O’Shea Family
req. Charles & Janet Benante
March 12
Jennifer & Dan Cannon
Jane Green
10th Anniv.
Mary Green
March 13
Gilda McDonald
req. Rosemary & Patrick DeMarco
Raymond Cole Jr
req. The Cole Family
Stations of the Cross
Saturday, March 14
Rudolf Knopf
req. Joseph & Traude Barbiero
Peter Keely
Mark Keely
Sunday, March 15
“ Are you on Twitter? We are too!
Follow us at @stjohnhillsdale
Gabino F. Roche
req. Pauline Mavridis
Sr. Catherine Greene SSND req. Maria Micera
Margaret Raffaele
req. Chris Henrickson & Caitlim Strype
Those who have pre-arranged an intention for a Mass are invited to
present the gifts of bread and wine during that celebration.
For the latest parish news, events
On the Lord’s Day and Holy Days please inform the usher.
And a dose of inspiration”
Liturgy Corner
The Work of Christ at St. John’s is supported
by Parishioners who have Embraced the
Biblical Ideals of Stewardship Tithing
Saturday 5:00 PM Fr. John Korbelak
Lectors: A. Muller / F. Sembiante
Eucharistic Ministers: J. Muller / M. Elbert / K. Mueller / P. Jackson /
D. Carlson / D. LeBow / M. Swords / J. Carvelli / B. Gray
The sacrificial giving of our parishioners on the weekend of
February 28 and March 1 was $15,607. This includes $2,618
contributed via Faith Direct by 102 parishioners, and
$12,679 in envelopes and/or checks from 400 parishioners.
The average of these donations was $30.48. The collection
also included $310 in cash.
Altar Servers: B. Williams / K. Williams / N. Pulido
Sunday 8:00 AM
Fr. John Korbelak
Lectors: C. Benante / P. Gilchrist
Eucharistic Ministers: D. Dalle Molle / G. Weigel / P. Krey /
K. Gibneyy M. Rocco / B. Graham / J. Weisman / T. Henry / J. Mayo
Altar Server: D. Sapida / F. Henry / D. Henry
Tithing is God's plan to support His Church. Full tithing
means 10% of gross income to God. We ask half of this, or
5% for your Parish church. The other 5% goes to your favorite charities.
Sunday 10:00 AM
The service provided to our parish by Faith Direct ensures
that all the participants weekly and holiday contributions are
made regardless of the weather or vacations. For more information, please see below, or contact Jennifer in the Rectory Office.
Altar Servers: M. Gallagher / K. Wymbs / P. Breen
Fr. Tom Norton
Lectors: J. Hayde / A. Gallagher
Eucharistic Ministers: V. Gray / G. Stein / M. Cartwright /
D. Holmgren / E. Lord / D. Kral / R. Sandt / V. Ross / M. Micera
Sunday 12:00 PM
Fr. Jerzy Pikulinski
Lectors: R. Stigliano / O. Carbonara
Eucharistic Ministers: M. Green / G. Carty / R. O’Shea / J. Conway
G. Beatty / L. Rack / L. Parisi / M. Beck
Altar Servers: E. Stigliano / A. & J. Castellanos
Parishioners may contribute to weekly parish stewardship
collections through credit card or automatic payment from
their checking account. Faith Direct accepts Discover, Visa,
MasterCard and American Express.
We invite you to consider using this convenient service.
Ars Musica Choral will perform “Darkness into Light”
You can sign up on-line at www.faithdirect.net (please use on Sunday, March 15th at 5:00pm here at St. John’s.
church code NJ48) or call 1-866-507-8757. Thank you for
Ars Musica is comprised of professional singers and dediyour continued stewardship support of our parish.
cated amateurs and is under the direction of Maestro Dusty
Francis. Joining them to perform at this concert will be EnSPECIAL COLLECTION THIS WEEKEND
core Young Artists and Joshua Groffman, Composer-in
This weekend (March 7/8) there will be a special collection
for Peter’s Pence, which provides the Holy Father with the
“Darkness into Light” brings together two major
assistance he needs to aid the most disadvantaged: victims of
Kodaly’s beautiful Missa Brevis and Leonard
war, oppression and disasters. Envelopes for this collection
Bernstein’s soothing yet youthful Chichester Psalms– with a
were mailed along with your regular weekly envelopes.
stunning new piece by Joshua Groffman. There will also be
a pre concert talk with composer Joshua Groffman beginEVENING PRAYER
ning at 4:00. Tickets for “Darkness into Light” will be offered at the special rate of $10 per person and will be availDuring the Lenten Season, we will be having Evening Prayer able for purchase at the door. Children 12 and under admitand Adoration Services on Tuesday evenings
ted free.
From 7-8pm. Our next service will be held on March 10. Light refreshments donated by Sugarflake Bakery will follow
the performance in the Parish Center. For more info. email
Come spend some quality time with Jesus in the
info@arsmusica.org or call 551-226-9305
Blessed Sacrament
All Are Welcome
Please Remember in Your Prayers
In love and kindness, please pray for:
DECEASED: Rev. Msgr. James M. Cafone,
Paul Quarmby, Rev. Msgr. Edward J. Hajduk
Kathleen Sova, Cole Haynes, Erickson Mino,
Albert Vaccari, Regina Winsick, Anthony D’Amico, Pat
La France, Beth Wajps, Joseph Locashio, Tom McHugh,
Marianne Stubbs, Diane Feuerbach Lipari, Natalie Rodriguez, Jeffrey Alboum, Peter & Eileen Wynne, Pauline
Olds, Thomas Mahoney, Patricia Ayers, Barbara Manis,
Linda Hamman, James Corey, Elissa Perrone, Anne Gallardo,
Can you spell S-T-U-P-E-N-D-O-U-S?
Our middle school spelling bee participants were just that!
Congratulations to all who
participated and to our winners:
1st place – Erin Altenbach
2nd place – Elizabeth Hunt
Our parish priests will be making communion calls to parishioners
who are homebound during Lent and after Easter. Please call each
homebound person before making your usual visits during the
season of Lent.
3rd place – Lena Guastella
Special thanks to SJA moderator,
Mrs. Joan Mitchell.
If the person says that a visit from a priest has not been scheduled,
please call Sr. Mary (201) 666-2707 ext. 215
Our eighth graders strutted their
stuff on the runway at the
Woodcliff Lake Hilton on
You need not visit during the week that a priest will be making the
communion call unless you and the homebound person find that a
second day in that week is convenient for both of you.
January 29.
This special night marked a
fun way for the eighth graders
to spend some fun time together with their classmates
and families
Thank you for all the support you provide to our parishioners
who are homebound.
Sr. Mary McFarland, OP
Stations of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross will be lead by the following
Ministries on Fridays at 7:30pm
March 13
March 20
The Deanery Penance Service
Social Justice Ministry
Will be held on Monday, March 23, 2015
At 7:30pm here at St. John’s
March 27
Respect Life
April 3 Good Friday The Youth Group
Children’s Sunday Liturgies
The next date is:
On Palm Sunday we want the children to participate in
the opening procession.
On Monday, March 23 the film “Jesus, Desire of Ages” will
be shown in the parish center at 9:30am. It runs 60 min.
and depicts the passion of Jesus with flashbacks of his life as
experienced by people whose lives he touched.
All are invited to this inspiring dramatization.
Refreshments will be served.
Monday, March 9, 2015 5:30-7:00 PM
Amanda Lupo, Diane Bellin—Coordinators;
James Dedrick, Jillene Herenda, Cheryl Keenan, Tara
Nocella, Yvonne Prashad, Catherine Williamson
MARCH 2015
Rebecca Day, Maryann Dobbin, Denise Pallatta, Barbara
All Canned Vegetables, Meats, Fish, Fruits and Juices. Staples/
Boxed Foods: coffee, tea, potatoes, milk, vegetable oil, rice,
sugar, flour, cocoa, pancake mix, cake & muffin mixes,
brownie mix, pudding & Jello mixes, stove top stuffing,
chicken broth, gravy peanut butter, hot & cold cereals. Condiments: Ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, jam, jelly, maple
syrup, black olives, mushrooms. School snacks: cookies, crackers. Personal: hand soap; shampoo & conditioner, deodorant,
toothpaste, toilet paper, paper towels, tissues.
Cozy Corner Knitting Group: meets every Wed. from
9:30am to 11:00am in the Parish Center, Seton Room.
Career Resource Ministry: will meet the 2nd Wed. of the
month at 7:30pm in the Parish Center.
Our Lady’s Prayer Group-will meet on Wed. March 11 &
25 at 7:30pm in the Parish Center.
Social Justice Ministry– will meet Wed. March 18 at
7:30pm in the parish center.
Caregivers Support Group- will meet on Sunday, March
15 at 1:30pm in the parish center.
Respect Life Ministry– will meet Thurs. March 5 at 9:00am
in the parish center.
Supermarket gift cards also welcome!
Knights of Columbus St. Patrick’s Day
If you or someone you know is in the mist of a career transiThe St. Thomas More Council 2188 will hold its annual tion. The Career Resource Ministry will be meeting
St. Patrick’s Day Dinner/Dance on Saturday, March 14,
Wednesday, March 11 at 7:30pm in our Parish Center.
2015 from 7-11pm at 40 Crest St., Westwood, NJ. This
charity fund raiser will include.
Corned Beef & Cabbage, Baked Ham, red roasted potatoes, vegetables, dessert, coffee & tea. Open Bar,
Yuengling and Guinness beer, Dancing with a DJ,
Broesler School of Irish Step Dancers, 50/50 Raffle.
All are welcome
Our Lady of Sorrows Chaplet
During Lent consider joining others in the Mary Chapel
to pray the 7 decade chaplet in honor of Mary’s Seven
Sorrows. This twenty minute meditation will take place
every Friday at 11:30am prior to the noon Mass.
Cost is $35pp in advance or $40 at the door.
For reservations and payment information, please call
Vince Fitzpatrick at (201) 914-6359
Please join us for a very enjoyable evening!
All are welcome
Boy Scout Troop 108 present
Rosary Society
A Pancake Breakfast
If you would like to join us for our St. Patrick’s Day
Luncheon on Tuesday, March 10th at 1:00pm in the
Parish Center we can still include you. You are sure to
enjoy the Irish music and entertainment!!
On Saturday, March 21, 2015 from 8:00am –12 noon
At Hillsdale United Methodist Church
For more info contact Scout Master at
Call Marie @ 666-1626 or Bern 666-9622
Tickets will be on sale after Masses next weekend
2015-2016 Registration for
Children’s Faith Formation (CCD)
Registration for the Summer Program is closed.
Parents who are re-registering their children for Sunday
Weekly or Family Faith @ Home Programs forms will be
mailed the week of March 9th.
1. The days of both Fast and Abstinence during Lent are Ash
Wednesday and Good Friday. If possible, the fast on Good Friday is
continued until the Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday night) as the “paschal
fast” to honor the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to share more fully and to celebrate more readily His
Resurrection. The other Fridays of Lent are days of Abstinence.
On the day of Fast only one (1) full meal is permitted. And two (2)
smaller meals which if added together would not exceed the main
meal in quantity.
Any questions please contact Kathy Breitenbach, Registrar
Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast.
New to Children Faith Formation (CCD)
Parents who are new to the parish or have a child entering Kindergarten or First Grade in September and would
like to register them for Children’s Faith Formation
(CCD) please contact Kathy Breitenbach, Registrar
Or call 201 666-2707 ext. 211
Pope Francis has said, “Lent is a time of renewal for the
Church, for communities and for every believer, but above all it
is a time of grace.” Lent is a time to live God’s love. Without
concern for others, there is no love for God in the fullest sense.
Pope Francis, St. John Paul II and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI,
have all spoken on social justice. The Social Teachings of the
Catholic Church urge us to embrace and demand justice in our
personal, professional and social life by speaking out in defense
of those unable to defend themselves. Thus, Lent is a time for
reflection and conversion in order to live our lives in the right
relationship with God, creation and the entire human family.
On a day of Abstinence, no meat may be eaten. Those who have
reached the age of 14 are obliged by the law of abstinence.
The obligation to observe the laws of Fast and Abstinence
“substantially” or as a whole is a serious obligation.
3. The Fridays of the year, outside of Lent, are designated as days of
penance, but each individual may substitute for the traditional abstinence from meat some other practice of voluntary self-denial of
4. The time for fulfilling the Paschal Precept (Easter Duty) extends
from the First Sunday of Lent, Feb. 22, 2015 to The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity May 31, 2015
All the faithful after they have been initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, are
bound by the obligation of receiving Communion at least once a year.
The First Communion Day of our child is a very special occasion a day to be celebrated and always remembered.
Please help to make another child’s First Communion Day one
that will be cherished by donating any Communion dresses,
suits, head pieces or shoes.
Please bring all articles, clean, on hangers and covered in plastic to St. John the Baptist Church Parish Center by March 28
or call Kathy at 201 666-4185. Monetary donations will also
be accepted.
If you or anyone that you know may need an outfit, please call Kathy
Thank You.
Save the date and join the Men’s Cornerstone Weekend Retreat beginning on Friday evening, March 20th and ending Saturday evening, March 21. Take some time off from your busy
schedule to refresh, recharge, and renew your faith as men of
the parish come together to grow in knowledge and love of
St. Andrew’s Church, 120 Washington Ave.
Watch the bulletin for further information or contact:
Ed Addvensky at: rvedadd@gmail.com or Denis Cainero at
Westwood, NJ
March 14, 2015 at 1:00pm
Celebrant: Rev. Bill Halbing
We invite you to come and to bring someone you know
who needs to experience the Healing Power of Christ.
For more information call: 201 664-5536
St. John the Baptist Church
Hillsdale, NJ
Naomi Kavanah