Ministry Contact List Bulletin Editor Lynn Heise Finance Council Jack Delarm - 386-328-9372 Legion of Mary Renee Stambaugh - 692-3927 Liturgy Council David Allen - 906-280-4370 Men’s Club Ronnie Griffin - 692-2000 Ministry Council Ben Heise - 824-4372 Music Director Carol Velasco – Pastoral Council Steve Faustini - 824-1863 Prayer List Donna Rogero 386-325-5230 Religious Education & RCIA Sr. Marilyn Dingman - 904-755-9934 PRAYER LIST Roxane Ambrose, David Baddour, Michael Barmada, Mike Barone, Leo Bauer, Mary Ann Brennan, Judy Brenner, Ollie Brown, Ethan Brubaker, Cheryl Campbell, Melinda Campbell, Dorie Cantrell, Barbara Carlsen, Fred Carlsen, John Carlsen & family, John Carlucci, Linda Casey, Dayton Dietrich, Kathleen Delzell, Eileen Gavofalo, Stella Gerlach, Roger Geronimo, Gary Getchell, Loretta Griffith, Sharon Harper, Sonny Harrell, Ken Hart, Donna Hartley, Delores Herold, Patti Herschel, Vie Hightower, Heather Home, Michael Hosking, April Johns, Dana Jones, Dan Johnson, Lynn Kendall, Evey Kennedy, Kirby Kennedy, Carl Kramer, Michael Lang, Anthony Leonardy, Patricia Martin, Ester Masters, Therese Masters & Family, Mason McCarthy, Valorie May, Caleb Mayberry, Mary Ann McElroy, Pam Minnick & family, Guinevere Waits Morones, Emma Murray, Linda Nipper, Tracy Noblin, Chuck Nusbaum, James & Elise Osako, May Penick Christine Propes, Carmine Quatrnao, Rachel Quiñones, Michael Randall, Jerry Robinson, Christopher Roebuck, Grace Roebuck, George Rogero, Noble Rogero, Bunny Rogers, Debra Ryan & Jody, Charles Sagginario, Mary Sears, Darlene Sheeks, Glen & Lynn Slaughter, Aaron Smith, Willis Solano Mat Somers, Adelaide Stewart, Sage Stinson, Paul Taylor, Connie Tilton, Jean Timmerman, Michael Triplett, Floyd Trombley, Pat Tucker, Tony West, Dorothy Williams, Stacie Wilson, Michelle Wise, Dennis Wissel, Charlie Wunduke, Roberta Zukauskas. Please Note: Please notify Donna Rogero 386-325-5230 or with your prayer request. Sacristan Maggie Hill - 797-2733 Crisis Pregnancy Helpline 1-800-848-LOVE Sunday 2/22 NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome! Please take a few minutes to complete a registration form which can be found in the Church lobby. The data provided by you on this card is confidential. Complete information in all fields is needed i.e. name of your child’s school, full birthdates etc. When completed please give to a Welcome Minister. Bishop Stewardship Appeal Follow-up 10:00 AM Choir Practice - Church Monday 2/23 Tuesday 2/24 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Legion of Mary - School 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Religious Library - School 7:00 - 8:30 PM - R.C.I.A.-– School SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Wednesday 2/25 Couples should contact the Pastor before setting a wedding date, (normal preparation time is 8 months), and must attend a Diocesan marriage preparation program. 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Religious Education - School SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Preparation must be made well in advance. A Baptismal Class for the parents is required. Please contact the parish office. Thursday 2/26 9:00am -Spring Fair Kitchen Prep Day Friday 2/27 11:00 AM – 12n Adoration 12 Noon Stations of the Cross 6:00 PM Adoration 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Saturday 2/28 If you or someone you know is no longer able to attend Mass or is going through rehabilitation for a few weeks preventing them from coming to church, the parish has Eucharistic Ministers to bring Holy Communion to st the home each week. Father Kiran also makes 1 Friday visitations to provide the Sacrament of the Sick and Confession. Call the office at 6921366 to arrange the visit. 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Choir Practice – Church ATTENTION The Diocese of Saint Augustine treats all allegations of sexual misconduct seriously and deals with all allegations in a prompt, confidential and thorough manner. To Report Abuse, call: Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator (904) 262-3200, ext. 129, or the Department of Children and Families at 1-800-96-Abuse (800) 962-2873. 2-21 5p People’s Mass 2-22 9a Rosemarie Brogan + 2-22 11a Elizabeth Stevens + 2-23 8a Joseph Ermilio + 2-24 8a Joseph Ermilio + 2-25 8a Eileen Kirwin + 2-26 9a Chuck Brandvold + 2-27 8a Gene Voll CHILDREN’S ADORATION 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month after the 9:00 a.m. mass. LENTEN SCHEDULE Adoration Every Friday at 11:00a.m. & 6:00p.m. Stations of the Cross Every Friday at 12 noon & 7:00p.m. 2-21 Mateo Martin 21 & Mona Masters 2-23 Brenda Bodnar & Carolyn McCormack 2-24 Robert Alvarez 2-25 Storm Hartley 2-26 John Delarm, Linda Diloreto, Pam Stevens, Julia Szczes - Kelly & Pat Wood 2-27 Blair Calvo CHOIR REHEARSAL REMINDER: 5pm Saturday Mass - Practice before Mass at 4pm 9am Sunday - Practice after Mass at 10am 11am Sunday - Practice before Mass at 10am We are reminded of the Catholic Church's laws for fast and abstinence during Lent. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting. Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are permitted one full meal and two lesser meals per day (which together should not equal one full meal), with no eating between meals. Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence. Catholics who are 14 years or older should abstain from meat entirely. Soups and gravies made from meat are permitted. Please refer to your flyer “Keeping a Holy Lent” for more information of activities for Lent. Operation Rice Bowl: Hungering for the Journey Join our parish community and more than 13,000 Catholic communities across the U.S. in a life changing Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl. Pick up your family’s rice bowl on the shelf in the vestibule and you can download the CRS Rice Bowl app. Remember your Lenten sacrifices changes lives. Saint Ambrose Youth Group Please join us for our next youth group meeting on Sunday, March 1 at 4:30pm until 6:00pm in the parish hall. All high school aged youth in the parish are invited. We will have food, fun and a chance to learn and grow more in faith with your fellow peers. If interested please contact Dani Sowards at 904-495-8499. 2015 Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal A Time For Thanksgiving Thank you for your response to the Bishop’s Annual Stewardship Appeal. As a parish, we are helping to ensure: priests for the future, a helping hand up for all who seek support through Catholic Charities, a Catholic education for many children regardless of economic background, special educational needs or region, and the resources and leadership to bring all Catholics, youth and young adults, faithful and fallen away into a closer relationship with Christ our Lord. If you have not made a pledge to the Appeal, please prayerfully consider making a gift by pledge card or online at today. Your pledge does make a difference. Please join Women’s Help Center as we Celebrate the Footprints of Life at their annual fundraising Gala for Life on Thursday, April 16th, 2015 at the beautiful Hyatt Regency Riverfront. This special event commemorates our 25th anniversary and we are delighted to have Senator Rick Santorum as our keynote speaker and the Most Reverend Bishop Estevez as our guest of honor for the evening. Doors open at 5:30pm with the dinner and program beginning at 6:30pm. This is a free event, but reservations are required. Seats are filling quickly so reserve your spot today by calling 398-5143, emailing or register on line at St. Ambrose Spring Fair Art Raffle Tickets will be on sale soon for an original oil painting by Joe Taylor. It is a painting of “Church Road” and captures the beauty of the beautiful oaks of St Ambrose. Tickets are five dollars each and the drawing will be on fair day. Tickets will be sold before and after masses. The parish is very grateful to Joe for the generous gift of his talent to the parish. Spring Fair - Kitchen Prep Mark your calendars for the kitchen prep days for the Spring Fair. Staring at 9:00 A.M. in the th th parish hall on the following Thursdays: February 26 , March 5 , th and March 19 . Census update: Just a reminder: if you haven’t turned in your registration form please do so by using the drop off box is in the cry room Thank you for your help in updating our parish records. WORD OF LIFE “The challenge is to make the Church’s “yes” to Life concrete and effective. The struggle will be long, and it needs each one of you. Place your intelligence, your talents, your enthusiasm, your compassion and your fortitude at the service of life!”— Pope Saint John Paul II Help Save Lives Here is a great idea for a Lenten Sacrifice that will save lives. The Respect Life Committee urges all parishioners to offer a Spiritual Bouquet for the Unborn. Please fill out a card on the vestibule committing to the sacrifice/s of your choice during Lent. Some options are offering Masses, fasting, praying rosaries, making a Holy Hour of Adoration or a monetary donation. Please tear off the ticket at the bottom of the card to keep for yourself as a reminder of your sacrifice and put the other part of the card in the St. Gerard Donation Basket. Feb 18th-March 29th 40 Days for Life a national campaign to end abortion through peaceful prayer and fasting, is returning to Jacksonville. We will be standing for 40 Days, from 7am-7pm in peaceful, prayerful vigil at A Woman's Choice of Jacksonville, 4131 University Blvd. S. For more information or to sign up to pray at the abortion clinic, contact Anna Martin (904) 392-7622. Our presence does save lives and offers hope to women who are about to make the worst decision of their lives. Carpooling available. Eucharistic Congress March 13, 2015 - March 14, Altar servers are invited to participate in the Eucharistic Congress. All servers in good standing are invited to process in the 8 a.m. procession wearing a white collared shirt and blue pants. Servers should check in outside of the children’s track, receive a cross, and join the procession in the directed spot. All participating servers are expected to participate in the events following the procession. Any questions, please contact: Erin in the Office of Christian Formation at Many volunteers are needed for the Eucharistic Congress. There is a definite need for catechists and teachers who have clearance to volunteer within the three children’s tracks. For more information, contact Erin in the Office of Christian Formation at (904) 262-0661 or Offertory 2-14, 2-15 Offertory not available because of Holiday 5p Mass $.00 9a Mass $.00 11a Mass $.00 $.00
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