Our Lady & St Etheldreda, Newmarket Our Lady & St Philip Neri, Kirtling 14 Exeter Road CB8 8LT 5th Week of Lent Year B Psalter Week 1 Saturday 21st N 18.30 Monica Worsfold † (M. & T. Innes) CONTACT INFORMATION Parish Office (9 -3.45. Mon-Fri.) 01638 662492 14, Exeter Road Newmarket CB8 8LT Email: stetheldreda @btinternet.com website:www.olise.co.uk Clergy: Fr. Simon Blakesley Parish Priest Father@olise.co.uk 01638 666305 at 47 Lisburn Road Sunday 22nd Fifth of Lent K N 9.00 For the People 10.30 Margaret White † (L. Winsor) Monday 23rd Tuesday 24th N N 9.15 Peter Keen † (Garrad Family) 12.00 Esther & Michael Allen Ints. (T. Patching) Wednesday 25 h K 9.15 Margaret Black† (Foundation) Annunciation of the Lord Thursday 26th N 18.30 Prayers for Healing 19.00 Michael Davey Ints. (Sr. Marie) Friday 27 th Saturday 28 N th N N Funeral for Cathy Teaney 12.00 Cathy Teaney † (PP) 19.30 Stations of the Cross 10.00 Open Intention 10.15 NEXT WEEKEND or Mobile 07946 390060 Saturday 28th N 18.30 James McHugh †(Foundation) Please use out of office hours Sunday 29th K 9.00 For the People Palm Sunday N 10.30 Rolando Ramilo † Fr Anthony Foreman (Retired) Fr. Michael Griffin (Retired) Deacon John Morrill 01223 811822 17.00 Polish confession 18.00 Polish Mass Parish Administrator: Confessions are heard on Saturdays from 10.30 to 10.50 Rita Harben and then before the Evening Mass from 6.00pm to 6.20. Lenten discussions—The Biblical Story Of The Mass next session on Tuesday 24th of March from 7pm until 9pm in the bar. Open to all even if you have not attended any of the earlier sessions. Parkinson’s Awareness Week— Friday 17 April. There will be a quiz night in the parish hall at 7.30pm to raise awareness and funds for our local support group. It will be a great evening with a top quiz master, freshly cooked fish and chips, prizes for the winning team and an Auction of Promises. Places are limited and are filling up fast, so if you would like to participate please contact Philippa Hull as soon as possible on 01223 750075 or info@hot-desk.co.uk Chrism Mass Wednesday April 1st— This year we are sharing a coach with St. Laurence parish in Cambridge. The pick up will be at 16.35 from Newmarket High street (outside Santander). If you would like to travel on the coach please sign the list in the Narthex. Scallywags This is a Mother & Toddlers group which has been running for the past 30 plus years here in our Church hall. An extremely popular group and well attended by Catholic and non-Catholic parents and children on Wednesday mornings between 09.15 and 12.00. Over the past 13 years the group has been looked after by Sonia and Julie, but the time has now come for a well earned retirement and rest for Sonia, who has given so much of her time to this group. Sonia has been able to find 2 willing mothers to take over, however, help is still needed (especially making teas and coffees) so if you think you can help this group, or you know someone who can help in keeping this group running, please get in touch with Sonia on 01638 669437. Fr. Anthony would like to thank all his parish friends for their cards, good wishes, and joining him in his recent golden Jubilee celebrations. and especially for the very generous gift of £755. Polish Services for Easter 29/03/15 o godz 17 spowiedz okolo 18 Msza Sw 04/04/15 o godz 10 Wielka Sobota - Swiecenie pokarmow 29/03/15 17 Conffesion 18 Mass 04/04/15 Blessing of Food Churches Together in Wickhambrook Lent Discussion Course throughout Lent in the Benefice Hall (next to All Saints Church Wickhambrook) for the 5 weeks in Lent on Tuesdays at 2pm. All welcome. Our next meeting will be on Friday 27th of March at 8.15pm. We will be having a meal at the: Parish Mens Group Ormonde Restaurant (Premier Inn) Fred Archer Way, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 7XN St. Louis Catholic Academy require a part-time Assistant Caretaker from 20th April 2015. 3 hours per day, 5 days a week term-time, any time between 4.15pm – 8.15pm plus 90 hrs during school holidays. The post is on Grade 3.14 - £8.31 hourly rate. We seek to appoint a part-time Assistant Caretaker to join an established team of cleaning/caretaking staff and we are looking for someone who:Is able to undertake physical work Operating buffing machines Moving equipment and furniture Gardening Assisting Site Manager with basic maintenance Is reliable and punctual Can be flexible to undertake additional hours if required Visits to the school are welcome. The closing date for applications is Friday 10th April 2015. For an application pack please contact Sarah Hasler, St. Louis Catholic Academy, Fordham Road, Newmarket, Suffolk, CB8 7AA, Tel:- 01638 662719 or email admin@stlouisacademy.co.uk Easter flowers. - there will be a retiring collection at all Masses next weekend for church flowers at Easter. If your donation is in remembrance of someone, you may like to record it in the booklet in the Narthex, which will then be put in the Lady Chapel. Maundy Thursday You are invited to sign the list in the Narthex if you would be willing to take part in the Mandatum (foot washing) during Mass. After this Mass there will be the traditional watching before the Altar of Repose until Midnight. You are invited to add your name to the list in the Narthex. Your prayers are asked For the sick: Kevin Barry, Peter Giblin, Eden King, Sr.Bernadette, Joan Heflin, Isobell Wright, Tim Holden, Olga Agier, Christopher Browne, Declan Upton, Charlie Mooney, Sheff Wilson, Edward McNamara, Christine O’Neill, Margaret Jane Smith, Rex Davis, Barry Whitney, Brenda Sharp, Frank O Leary, Michael McLean, Phyllis Page, Fr.Terry Donnelly, Joan Fox, Maureen Mulvihill, Thea & James Cox, Ann Callaghan, Gina Bird, Janet Murphy, Sr. Rosaleen Shaw, Mara. Margaret Rice. John Taylor, Nicholas, John & Mary Prytherch. Gerard Connor, Chris McGrath, Sr. Teresa Walsh, Bill Haley, Margaret Wilson, Anne Lake, Pat O Malley, Cherry Ackerley. Jean Fell. Those who have died recently and for those whose anniversary occurs at this time: Winifrid Cooper, Mgr. Charles Davidson, Ita Paine, Pawlo Tycholis, Mary Ellen Tilbury, Arthur Scanlan, Alfred Thompson, Thomas Jenkins, Ellen MacGillicuddy, Ann Bond, Marigold Tracy, Patrick O Brien, Maria Miller, Caroline Vinnicombe, Margaret Black, Peter Kearns, Joseph Tracey, Leo Moloney, Mary Greenwood, Christopher Morris, Frank Crossland, Margo Southin, Anthony Simmons, Patrick Parsons, Bernard Goulden, James Smith, Roger O Brien, Sharron Murgatroyd. May their souls and the souls of all the Faithful departed rest in peace. We pray for the Holy Land of Jesus birth, that the barriers of intolerance, injustice, hatred and violence may give way to the gift of Peace. Ministers for THIS WEEKEND Mass 6.30pm N Readers Ministers R Munns T. Coyle P. & J Mitton J. Borda 9.00am K P. Walmsley A. Morgan Y McGovern 10.30am N A. Moore A. Fox M. Harris S. Boland M. Spalding L Pelloe J. Ingram Ministers for NEXT WEEKEND Mass Readers N 6.30 pm A. & N. Goff K 09.00am Tba N 10. 30am A. Fox T. Selvey Ministers M. Bardwell P. McKernon S. Nicholson D. Stannard J. Conti F. Franklin C. Dore A. Moore C. & J. Dyer Money Matters Thank you very much for your contribution to the Parish last weekend Offertory including Standing Orders N £ 1260.99 K 241.10 There will be a retiring collection at all masses next weekend for Easter flowers for the Church. Our Gift Aid Co-ordinator is: Frank Morgan. He can be contacted on 01638 602313 or by e-mail at fandamorgan@btinternet.com
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