August 25, 2013 Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help 559 PELHAM MANOR RD, PELHAM MANOR, NY 10803 Parish Office (914) 738-1449 ▪ Fax (914) 738-9454 Email . - Rev. Robert J. DeJulio, Pastor Rev. Abraham Vettiyolil, mcbs Parochial Vicars Rev. Oliver Offor Weekend Associates Rev. Edward T. Dowling, S.J., Rev. Stanley O’Konsky, S.J., Rev. Michael Greco, OFM, Cap. Mr. Joseph McQuade Deacons Mr. Daniel Murphy Mrs. Marianne Parker Parish Trustees Mr. Frank Barbieri Mrs. Fabiola Brito Briseno, Administrative Assistant Dr. Joseph Schippa, Music Director- Mrs. Elaine Ruggiero, Organist Mr. Gabriel Gomez, Buildings and Grounds Parish School Pre-K – 8th grade ▪ (914) 738-5158 Mrs. Susan Cotronei, Principal Religious Education Office (914) 738-0670 Mr. Michael Hall, Director Confessions Saturday . 4:00 - 4:45pm & by appointment Baptisms 2nd & 4th Sunday of the Month at 1:30pm. Please call Parish Office to make arrangements. Marriages There is a six month planning period required. Please make an appointment with one of the priests for further information. Devotions to Our Lady Rosary . Monday - Saturday . 8:40am Miraculous Medal Novena - Monday . 9:30am MASS SCHEDULE: Weekdays: (Mon-Sat) 8:00AM and 9:00AM Weekends: Saturday 5:00PM, Sunday 8:00AM, 9:30AM, 11:00AM, & 12:30PM Memorial Day-Labor Day, Sat. 5:00PM, Sun. 8:00AM, 10:00AM, & 12:00 Noon Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time REFLECTION ON TODAY’S READINGS THE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP It is not accident that the words “disciple” and “discipline” are nearly identical. Their relationship in Christian faith and life, however, has fallen somewhat out of favor in the past generation, as certain prescribed Church rules and regulations have been reduced and relaxed. These rules were often referred to as “disciplines.” We are mistaken, however, to think that it no longer takes discipline to follow Christ. The Letter of the Hebrews assures us of that today. Our discipline is more like that of an athlete pursuing a victory or a personal best, or a musician striving for a concert career or to master a new piece of music. This discipline comes from desire, not from regulations. It was the desire to do the will of God that led Jesus on the path to his cross. It is that same desire He encourages in us today: to strive to enter through the narrow gate, to find ourselves in the kingdom with a surprising assortment of people who are there not because of mere observation of rules, but out of genuine desire to recline at the table of the heavenly banquet First Time Vincent Sessano & Kristen Koclanes Jared Barton & Anna M. Bulfamante Kevin Hanaffy & Victoria Capote August 25, 2013 FATHER OLIVER TO BECOME A CHAPLAIN For some time now Father Oliver has been affiliated with the Army Reserves with the idea that he would eventually become a full time Chaplain in the military and come under the jurisdiction of the Military Archdiocese. He has also been processing his paperwork to become an American citizen which he will need to become a full time Chaplain. Until now he has been taking weekend military training one weekend a month and now he has been called for basic training which will begin on September 16th at Fort Jackson, South Carolina. He will be leaving OLPH on Sept. 12th to begin his journey. In gratitude for his years of service to the parish he will celebrate the 9:30AM Mass on Sept. 8th. A reception will follow in the lower church and all are invited to come and wish him well. Classes will begin in the fall for nonCatholics who wish to become members of the Catholic Church and for adult Catholics who have not received the Sacraments of Communion or Confirmation. For further information or to register please call the Church office 738-1449. OLPH PICNIC September 8, 2013 1:30PM to 4:00PM OLPH GOLF OUTING September 24, 2013 461-OLPH Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday, August 26 8:00 AM - Nina & Antonio Raffio 9:00 AM - Sabina Eves (living) Tuesday, August 27 8:00 AM - Victor Henningsen, Jr. 9:00 AM - Deanna Martino Wednesday, August 28 8:00 AM - Millie Loscuito 9:00 AM - Joseph & Helen Doino Thursday, August 29 8:00 AM - Mr. & Mrs. Albino Marques 9:00 AM - Giovanni DelVecchio Friday, August 30 8:00 AM - Catherine Manning 9:00 AM - A. George Haddad Saturday, August 31 8:00 AM - Dorothy Dedona 9:00 AM - Dominick & Rose DiGilio NEXT WEEKEND Members of the Parish Picnic Committee will be in the back of the church accepting reservations for the picnic Sept 9th. Please make your reservations as early as possible to help with the food planning. Masses for 2014 Announced Masses for 2014 are now available to be reserved. Please stop by or call the Parish office at 73-1449 to request a specific date and time. August 25, 2013 Addiction is an illness. It is not a bad habit or a sign of weakness. It is a treatable illness that kills people. How many times do we say, “I will say a prayer” when we hear of a neighbor or family member who is seriously sick? Do we say a prayer when we hear of someone who has an addiction? Yes, we do. The Church has a day of prayer for all those affected by addictions. Please mark your calendar. Come and join us in prayer on September 8th. REMINDER: Regular Weekend Mass Schedule will resume the weekend of September 7th and 8th. 2013-2014 Religious Education Program Please note: We are in the process of registration for new students in grades K8. Please call the CCD office at 738-0670 for more information. Re-registration mailing has been sent to all families enrolled in the program. Please return the information as soon as possible. At this time the Religious Education Program is in need of teachers in the following grade and days: Monday: Grades 5, 6 & 7. Tuesday: Grades 3, 4, 5 & 7. Thursday: Grades 1, 3, 7 & 8. Please call Michael Hall at 7380670 if you are available. 461-OLPH Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time August 25, 2013 461-OLPH
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