CATHOLIC CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION 5th April, 2015 No: 1319 Presbytery: 282 Links Road, Tooting, London, SW17 9ER, Telephone: 020 8769 4391 EASTER SUNDAY (PARISH MASS BOOK PAGE 255) DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION: Divine Mercy Novena started last Friday and continues throughout this week (after weekday masses) until Saturday leading to the celebration of the Feast of the Divine Mercy on Sunday 12th April, 2015 EASTER FLOWERS: Many thanks for the donation £205.92 for Easter flowers. God will decorate your life’s path with beautiful events and graces. FORMATION FOR READERS: All who read at Masses in our parish are invited to join other readers in the deanery for a formation event on Saturday 9th May, 11am to 1.30pm at St. Theresa’s Church Morden. This will be given by Fr Denis McBride (Redemptorist priest and scripture scholar). This is a Merton Deanery event and part of our effort to understand how the Word of God feeds and drives our lives as Christians. MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS (in italics) First Mass of Sunday Saturday REPOSITORY: There are available in the repository greeting cards, gift items, Mass Cards as well as Cards for various occasions. There are also Catholic literature for children and prayer books. Please pray for the following who are sick: Father Francis Rosario, Christopher Browne, Winifred Carew, Pauline Fitzpatrick, Laarnie Cuison, Daphne Davis, Reg Ebdy, Dr Wendy Hall, Cecil Halpin, Anne Mansfield, Margaret Newton, Eva Pacitti, Albert Phillips, Charlie Schembri, Ashley Way, Maryse Woodley, John Gomes, Dris Rodrigues, John Sequeira and Alice Orlebar. Anniversaries: Frederick Horton, Alice Asia, Gregory Doring, Frank Wall. May they rest in peace. APPRECIATION: I thank you all for your participation in the activities of the Lent-Holy Week-Easter Triduum and Easter. I am particularly grateful for the help rendered by Fr Sylvester and Fr. Julius, the Readers, Servers, Choristers, Counters, those who cleaned the Church, the flower decorators, sacristan and those who prepared the vessels and linens for Masses. May the Joy of the Risen Christ grow in your hearts, and may you gladly share it in witnessing Christ to the world. Fr Julius is helping in the parish this week as I go with HCPT on pilgrimage to Lourdes. 10.00am 12 noon People of the Parish Sunday Canon Seamus Flynn’s Intention Monday Rev Mark O’Keefe’s Int 10.00 a.m. Tuesday Ian & Zoriwa Stephen’s Int 10.00a.m. Wednesday Charles Thomas Prentice, RIP 10.00 a.m. Thursday John Doyle, RIP 10.00 a.m. Friday Peter Joseph Hogan, RIP 10.00am. Saturday Elizabeth Baidoo, RIP 10.00am Patricia Sexton’s Birthday TG 6.30 pm RAFFLES AND SALES in the parish shall be part of our efforts at contributing to the diocesan Sick and Retired Clergy Fund Campaign. Our stall is open again with items that you may fancy. Look in the hall as you take your tea or coffee after Mass. PARISH WEBSITE UPDATED: Our parish website has been updated. Web address is Also, a Facebook Group page has been opened to facilitate interaction and sharing of our Christian values. Join Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church Public Group today! 6.30 p.m. Rosary before weekday Masses and before the 10.00 a.m. Mass on Sunday. Confessions: 10.30am -11.30am on Sat Mrs B Rota 5th Apr The Rose Family (P) 12th Apr Mr & Mrs Rato & Babs Baidoo (M) 19th Apr Esmie Prentice & John Lewis 26th Apr Mrs O’Donnell & Mrs Lewis (P) 3rd May Babs Baidoo & Mr & Mrs Lambert (M) COLLECTION LAST SUNDAY Offertory 2nd Collection (Maintenance) Coffee & Stall (Maintenance) Easter Flowers (P) £392.70 £150.15 £22.47 £205.92 FORTHCOMING SECOND COLLECTIONS: 19/04 26/04 ST. GEORGE’S CATHEDRAL ECCLESIASTICAL EDUCATION Happy Easter to you all!!! Fr. Patrick Feyisetan WE PROCLAIM YOUR DEATH, O LORD, AND PROFESS YOUR RESURRECTION UNTIL YOU COME AGAIN
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