St Michael’s Catholic Parish Nelson Bay Parish Priest: Fr. Kevin Corrigan Parish Office: 12 Sproule Street or PO Box 7 Phone: 4981 1069 Fax: 4984 9612 After Hours Emergency Only: 4984 4285 Deacon: Rev Noel Tucker Pastoral Visitation: Sheilah Carey Parish Email: St Michael’s Primary School Principal: Ms Helen Bourne Phone: 4981 1111 Fifth Sunday of Lent - 22 March 2015 (Year B) Easter Retreat with Fr Richard Shortall 26 April - 1 May Our Parish Adult Faith Formation Team have organised a visit to our parish by Fr Richard Shortall, S.J. Fr Richard will give a daily 30 minute presentation guiding participants in different forms of prayer. There will be morning sessions at 10am, and a daily repeat session at 7pm in the evenings. Available on the tables near doorways are pink coloured sheets setting out all the presentations. Next week, we will ask for a show of hands to indicate your interest in attending. Preparation for Easter 2nd Rite Sacrament of Penance at 7pm There will be 4 visiting priests coming to assist with the 2nd Rite of the Sacrament this Thursday. You are invited to do your best to come and participate in this simple and humble expression of our faith and trust in God’s merciful love. Do come, and give this time of prayer to express our love for God, and as a community of faith to pray for each other, for our church and world. Mass Times for the week ahead Monday 7.00am Mass Tuesday 8.00am Mass Wednesday 5.15pm Mass (this week only) Thursday: 9.15am Mass Friday: 9.15am Mass Saturday: 9.15am Mass 5.00pm Reconciliation 6.00pm Vigil Mass Sunday 8.30am Mass NEXT WEEK’S SCRIPTURES: Palm Sunday First Reading: Is 50:4-7 Second Reading: Phil 2:6-11 Gospel: Mk 14:1 - 15:47 Deaths: Lolita Quinajon & Consesa Dagno Anniversaries: Tony Hick Responsorial Psalm - Ps 50 Create a clean heart in me, O God. Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness. In your compassion blot out my offence. O wash me more and more from my guilt and cleanse me from my sin. R. A pure heart create for me, O God, put a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence, nor deprive me of your holy spirit. R. Give me again the joy of your help; with a spirit of fervor sustain me, that I may teach transgressors your ways and sinners may return to you. R. Text Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Parish Luncheon - Sunday 3 May Everyone is Welcome! 3 May 12.00 for 12.30pm at Sienna’s Restaurant, Horizons Golf Course. Fixed two course menu, alternate serve, $30 per head. Lucky Door Prizes on the day! Payment can be made to the Events Team at Mass starting the weekend of 11/12 April. Copy of menu on the back notice board, together with tables if you wish to reserve a table to sit together. Kindly indicate your interest in attending by completing the sheet on the back middle table. Vanuatu Cyclone Relief Retiring Collection Today Caritas Australia already works in Vanuatu, and relief efforts with other church groups is now underway (clean water, shelter, sanitation, food and non-food items). All monies placed in the poor boxes this week (over and above what is usually given) will be forwarded to Caritas (92% of funds provide direct help). There is also a collection point at St Phillips Christian School until Monday, 30 March for various items. Please see back notice board for items needed. Parish News Church Rosters - There is a LARGE PRINT copy of the rosters on the entrance glass doors for you to check on your way in and a ‘take home’ copy on the back table, if needed. EASTER EGG RAFFLE Tickets $1 each. Hurry raffle drawn next Sunday! All proceeds from the raffle will be put towards a Mary MacKillop Tribute for the church. Choir Practice for Easter Liturgies will be this Tuesday, 24 March at 7pm. Please bring your music. If you would like to volunteer to join the choir during Easter, you are welcome to come along to practice at 7pm. Repairs/Proposed Renovations to St Michael’s Church - Last Thursdays meeting resolved to form a small Parish Enabling Committee to help progress the needed repairs. The Committee will seek to engage the expertise of an architect to help enhance the beauty of our worship space. It is proposed that the architect will also be asked to help design a space which will enable opportunities for community gatherings, service and outreach. Committee members will be largely drawn from Parish Council and Finance Council. More information soon. Fr Kevin Eucharistic Ministers & Readers - Easter Rosters Clipboards have been placed on the table near the computer (back middle aisle). If you are available for the Easter Masses, please nominate which Mass you will be attending. Participation in Easter Masses - Addressing the Challenge of Parking! Easter Sunday Masses have large numbers of visitors participating. We have 3 Easter Sunday Masses. The second Easter Sunday Mass saw about 930 people participating! (There were 459 at the earlier Mass and 662 at the third Mass). The Easter Sunday Masses this year are 6.30am, 8.00am and 10.00am. Hopefully, this will ease traffic congestion. Parishioners, you are strongly encouraged to avoid the 8.00am Mass, and instead choose the 7.00pm Vigil Mass, or the 6.30am in the morning (most visitors will tend to go to the 8.00am Mass). Also there will be less parking available in the school grounds this year. Thank you, Fr Kevin. St Vincent de Paul next meeting - postponed to Tuesday, 31 March at 8.30am. MenALIVE will be meeting on: 26 March at 7am at Café on the Bay, d’Albora Marina 26 March at 6.30pm at John Geoghegan’s residence (please contact Parish Office for this address) Helpers for Parish Office - if anyone is willing to be on a contact list to help with small jobs when needed (sometimes at short notice), please contact Alison in the Parish Office. Thank you. Easter Mass Times Holy Thursday - 2nd April - Mass at 7.00pm followed by Adoration Good Friday - 3rd April - Stations of the Cross 10am - Passion at 3.00pm SOCIAL JUSTICE FOR 2015: Last weeks poor box collection was $314.35. Thank you for your ongoing support of the needy via a coin in the boxes at the doors of the Church. Our National Charity for 2015 - The Yacaaba Centre Our International Charity for 2015 The Sisters of St Joseph - Counter Trafficking Project 2015 SACRAMENTAL PROGRAM Attention to all parents/carers of children wishing to receive the Sacraments this year. Program evenings for each Sacrament commence on: FIRST COMMUNION - 6th May 2015 CONFIRMATION - 24th June 2015 RECONCILIATION - 14th October 2015 First Communion letters have now been sent, if you have not received this letter but your child wishes to participate, please contact the Parish Office. Easter Vigil - Saturday 4th April - 7.00pm Easter Sunday Masses - 5th April - 6.30am, 8.00am, 10.00am Please note daylight savings finishes on Easter Sunday In a remote Andean village, Caritas Huacho is helping farmers like Cristian to grow and harvest a wide variety of high-value, sustainable fruit crops, which will provide a secure income and a wide variety of food for life. Please donate to Project Compassion 2015 and help farmers in Peru grow and harvest sustainable crops, providing their families with food for life.
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