Anderson`s Announcements!!

Anderson’s Announcements!!
Friday, March 20, 2015
Have a safe, wonderful and relaxing
Spring Break!
Only 8 weeks left of Kindergarten!
This week we learned about:
Religion: Holy week
Reading: Letter Book “Ww”
Math: Finishing 3D Shapes
Everyday word: down
Art: ` Potato Print Families
Science: Slicing the Potato
I can’t believe how many students will be
finishing word lists soon! (Or finished today!)
I will start arranging lunches to McDonald’s after
spring break. This is my treat!
All you will need to do is sign a permission slip and
help your child decide what they want to eat. 
Easter parties are on
Monday, April 6
AM class is 10:00-11:30
PM class is 1:30-3:00
Feel free to come help.
It’s a hard word, but it’s something so important for
your child to learn. As we enter the last quarter it
will benefit your child greatly if you can begin to
just drop them off and let them learn to unpack
their bags and organize their things. We are there
to help them. I never want to stop anyone from
coming in if that is a special time for you. But
perhaps pick one or two days a week where your
child needs to come in on their own. I promise that
it will be harder on you than on them. But it WILL
benefit you when you start to see them become
more independent at home also. 
Tuesday, March 24, 9:00 am
If you will be around during spring break,
please consider coming and helping spread
sand and mulch on our playground. More
hands make the work light.
Thank you to everyone who
donated towards our prize box and
Easter parties!
Report cards went home today.
Please sign the envelope and
return it to school after
Spring Break.
Mrs. Lori Anderson, Kindergarten
Phone/Text: 847-987-0560
Upcoming Events for Your Calendar:
Week of 3/23: SPRING BREAK!!!!
Tue, 3/24: Come help spread mulch at school 9:00am
Sun, 3/29: Palm Sunday Worship at Sunday 8:00am & 10:45am
Thu, 4/2: Maundy Thursday Worship at 10:30am or 7pm
Fri, 4/3: Good Friday -Early Dismissal at 11:15 (11:30 1st-8th)
Worship at 10:30am, 7pm or 9pm
Sat, 4/4: PTL Egg Hunt 10:00-10:30 – Bring 12 filled eggs per child
Extra eggs are greatly appreciated as this is a community event
and some don’t know to bring eggs.
Sun, 4/5: Easter Sunday Worship at 6am, 8am , 10:45am
Mon, 4/6 Normal Day - Easter Parties 10:00-11:30/1:30-3:00