29th March - Napier Baptist Church

Together in Christ:
Growing, going, glorifying God
to Napier Baptist Church
29 March 2015
Speaker: Peter Murch
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his
one and only Son, that whoever believes in
him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Office Administrator:
Yvonne Rowan
Ph: 843 7955
Email: office@napierbaptist.org.nz
Website: www.napierbaptist.org.nz
Office Hours:
Tue, Thurs Fri 8am—1pm
Senior Pastor
Peter Murch
Assistant Pastor
Kaz Leadbetter
Worship Services
Graeme Hickling
Please pray for:
Peter and Margaret Murch as they sell their house in Lower
Hutt and settle into their new life in Napier.
♦ Those in Vanuatu, and other areas, who are affected by the
recent Cyclone.
♦ The youth group as they prepare for Easter Camp and travel
to Fielding on Thursday evening.
♦ Those who are unwell, shut-in, and lonely, that they will
know God is close to them and that our mindfulness of their
needs will increase.
Today’s prayer team:
Robin Graham & Carol Stichbury
The youth group are heading off to
Easter Camp on Thursday and need
some baking or packets of
biscuits/slices donated. It is becoming
so big at camp that we are running out
of supply quickly! All offers welcome as
long as it's edible.
See or contact Bex - 8450120
Preparing for Easter Camp
Friday 27th | 7:30pm
Office pigeon hole
A pigeon hole has been
set up in the church foyer
as another way to
communicate with the
church office.
If you are unable to
contact the office during
office hours, you are
welcome to put a note in
the pigeon hole on a
Sunday morning and I
will retrieve it when the
office opens on Tuesday
morning. Thank you
~ Yvonne
We are pleased to
have John Bebarfald
as our new treasurer.
If anyone is available to house sit
in the country during the school
holidays, from 3rd to 17th, please
contact the church office.
Easter Services
Opportunities for Service 05 April
Duty Person:
Prayer Ministry:
After Church
Church Cleaning:
G Harding
J Hoy
A & L Whitfield
I & J Beaven
Door Greeter:
P Dustow
Angie & Alison
I & H Dunnett
N & F Gerken
30 March—4 April
Sermon Notes: John 3:16