First United Methodist Church of Warren & Bristol Beacon April 2015 Edition Dear Fellow-travelers, As we enter into the days of Holy Week and Easter, we are going up to Jerusalem with the Lord focusing our awareness upon the Cross. Lent, especially Holy Week, challenges us to re-build the relationship between our lives and the life, suffering, death, and finally the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Each one of us experiences anxiety, fear, powerlessness, pain, sickness, uncertainty, and the death of a beloved one. These experiences are the reminders that our lives are limited. And somewhere in the future each of us is the unknown time, place, and circumstance of our own death. All of these seriously invite us to meditate upon the implications of suffering and death in our own lives and their relationship to Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection. In other words, our human condition presses us to think about the ultimate meaning of our existence. However, we sometimes seem to overlook the struggle of Jesus and think that Jesus went to His suffering and death in a very unfeeling way. We think that the crucifixion was simply something Jesus had to do in order to accomplish the work of redemption. When we take this attitude, we are ignoring the true meaning of His passion. We miss the full importance and impact of the death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. If you have missed Lenten journey up to now, that’s fine. But I truly, truly suggest that you give serious thought to the meaning of Holy Week, a deepening and a renewal of your personal relationship with the Lord through your honest and humble evaluation of your need for conversion before the Lord. If we do not participate in His final steps to the Cross, the Easter would not become our story, and the Risen Christ would not be the source of our Hope and Joy. I would encourage you prayerfully be with the Lord in Holy Week, at the Last Supper table, the Garden of Gethsemane, and the Cross. You may witness the Empty Tomb, and finally encounter with the Risen Lord. Prayerfully in the Lord, Moo Potluck & Service: Easter Services: All are invited at 6:00 PM on Thursday, April 2nd for a potluck supper (please bring your favorite dish to share). We will break bread together in Fellowship Hall and join in a Tenebrae worship service together at 7:00 PM. Please join us in this candlelight moving service that captures the last days of Christ’s journey to the cross. Prayer Time: Our sanctuary will be open from 12:00 – 1:00 PM on Good Friday (April 3rd) for prayer. All are welcome to come at their convenience during this period and sit in quiet mediation at the altar rails or in the pews. There will be a sunrise service at Burr’s Hill at 6:15 AM led by Rod Ayers. This is always a moving time as the light of God fills the sky and the surrounding neighbors venture out to join us in celebration of the risen savior. Dress warmly and comfortably. All are welcome! Easter Egg Hunt/Party: Join us on Saturday, April 4th at 10 AM for an Easter Egg celebration lovingly coordinated by Katherine Rulon and our church family. The event is free and open to the community for children ages 12 and under. We will meet in Fellowship Hall to dye eggs and then gather on the parsonage grounds for an egg hunt. Participants are requested to bring a basket. Please help spread the word! Please come and enjoy the Easter message of hope by Rev. Byungmoo Lee at our worship service at 11:00 AM. Join us in lively, triumphant music amid Easter flowers as we gather in joyful remembrance of Christ’s resurrection. Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ at the Warren/Bristol Methodist Church: Somewhere I once heard: "Jesus came to comfort the afflicted, and to afflict the comfortable." It struck me as I left worship today at your church (March 15), that this is what happened to me. The music during worship -offered up by Joanne Dahmer, Allyson Ayers, and the Praise Team -- is very comforting. It lifts my spirit, and I am transformed (if only momentarily) to a place of peace and contentment before God. It brings healing to my afflicted soul. The sermon during worship -offered up by Rev. Lee, sharing interesting stories, times of laughter, and keen insight into the Gospel and the human condition -- shakes me out of my comfort zone. (Afflicts the comfortable.) I realize that I am laughing at myself. I realize that the shoe fits me. I am challenged to come out of my comfort zone, to live the Gospel, and to find true peace. Thank you again for allowing me to worship with you. Keep up the good work. And do not grow weary in your well-doing. Yours in Christ, Rev. Clinton L. Barlow Special thanks to Allyson Ayers for her beautiful Lenten altar installation and for making the new banners that flank our front doors in the foyer. Special thanks to Rick Norman & Joanne Dahmer for their leadership & culinary skills at our Annual Gourmet Roast Pork Dinner. We would also like to extend our sincere thanks to all who contributed to making the event a success. This was truly a church wide effort. God bless you! First United Methodist Church of Warren & Bristol Calendar of Events Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 7:30 PM Al Anon Thu 2 6:00 PM Potluck Supper 7:00 PM Tenebrae Good Friday Service 5 Easter & Communion Sunday 6 7 8 7:00 PM Choir 11:00 AM 6:30 PM Church Rehearsal Women’s Group Council Meeting 9 7:30 PM Al Anon 6:15 AM Sunrise Service at Burr’s Hill Fri 3 12-1:00 PM Sanctuary Open for Prayer & Reflection 10 12:00 PM Fellowship Luncheon at BUMC; All invited. Sat 4 8:15 AM AA 10:00 AM Easter Egg PartyHunt 11 8:15 AM AA 8:00 PM Church Street Coffeehouse 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Resurrection Service in Sanctuary 12 10:00 AM Sunday School 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 7:00 PM Choir 11:00 AM Rehearsal Women’s Group 7:30 PM Al Anon 8:15 AM AA 11:00 AM Worship Service 19 10:00 AM Sunday School 7:00 PM Choir 11:00 AM Rehearsal Women’s Group 7:30 PM Al Anon 11:00 AM Worship Service 26 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 7:00 PM Choir 11:00 AM Rehearsal Women’s Group 7:30 PM Al Anon 8:15 AM AA The birds serenade so sweetly, They bring music to my ears. The grass is alive and green. I think a little of Heaven is hear. Made By Your Own Touch ~Shirley Hile Powell Oh, Lord, the earth is so beautiful When springtime comes around. The magnificent, glorious colors Are everywhere to be found. All of Nature comes alive in Spring. Oh, what a gift from You. I breathe the clear and fragrant air And gaze at the sky of blue. Thank you, God, for the springtime That I love so very much. I know that all of the beauty Was made by Your own touch. The lilac bush and redbud trees And dogwoods are all aglow. The little stream that barely trickled Is now a steady flow. Karen P. Karen F. Helene B. Bob D. Emily H. Tina C. Dawn B. Barbara B. Margaret C. Gladys H. Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving. ~Colossians 4:2 Beacon April 2015 First United Methodist Church of Warren/Bristol Rev. Byungmoo Lee 25 Church Street Warren, RI 02885 Office Hours: Pastor: Tuesday & Thursday from 10 AM—1 PM by appointment Secretary: From Barrington UMC Monday-Friday: 2-3:15 PM You can also call during BUMC’s Office Hours (Monday-Friday from 10 AM—2 PM) at 245-2385. Sunday Worship Service: 11:00 AM Church: 401-245-8474 Parsonage: 401-247-9702 Church Website: Pastor: Secretary: Lovingly mailed with prayers and blessings to:
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