weekly bulletin - First United Methodist Church, Ticonderoga

First United Methodist Church
Scripture Reading: (page 1 & 866 )
L: This is the word of the Lord.
P: Thanks be to God
8:30 A.M. January 11, 2015 10:30 A.M.
The Second Feast of Light - Baptism of Jesus
Personal Hearing Amplifiers on shelf next to center doors
Please sign the attendance pad found in your pew
Welcome and Announcements Prelude
“Theme Of Devotion”
- Frederic Chopin
Liturgists: 8:30 A.M.- Carole Potter /10:30 A.M.- Bob Bartlett
Responsive Call to Worship:
L: Come and meet a mystery,
hidden from the dawn of time,
Now revealed among us.
P: Come and hear good news:
Christ has boundless riches.
L: Everyone may share them
Say to all people
P: No one is discarded.
Everyone is welcome. Alleluia!
*All those who are able are invited to stand.
*Hymn # 152
“I Sing the Almighty Power of God"
Prayer of Confession: (unison)
Holy and loving God, when your light shines, nothing is
hidden, and when your light shines on us, there is joy in
seeing and discomfort in being seen. Help us, by your love,
to bear the light of your truth and your integrity,
your forgiveness and your faithfulness. Bring us out of
hiding, that we may become children of light,
through Jesus Christ, the Light of the World. Amen.
Silent Prayer
Words of Assurance
Genesis 1:1-5 and Psalm 29
“Prayer For Peace”
Children’s Message
Call to Prayer -# (stay seated)
- Sam Batt Owens
Lord, listen to your children praying,
Lord, send your Spirit in this place;
Lord, listen to your children praying,
Send us love, send us power, send us grace.
Joys & Concerns
Gospel Reading: (page 1551)
Mark 1:4-11
L: This is the word of the Lord.
P: Thanks be to God
“Epiphany - the Baptism of Jesus”
-Rev. Len Rowell
*Hymn #723
"Shall We Gather at the River"
The Lord’s Supper – page 15
8:30 & 10:30
Your offering may be placed in the plate on the front pew as you come to
communion. Please come to the altar rail and kneel if desired, then after
dismissal return to your seat by the side aisle.
Offertory “In Humble Adoration” - W. A Mozart
*Hymn # 347
"Spirit Song"
Go out as one body, Christ's body.
Love. Forgive. Show mercy. Make peace.
And tell the good news of Christ, the world's light. Amen.
Postlude -
“A Tune For The Trumpet”
- J.S. Bach
Pastor: Rev. Len Rowell
Music Director: Grace Trombley
Prayers from "Liturgies and Prayers for Public Worship" Brian Wren
Please join us for coffee and fellowship following the Worship Service.
Sunday, January 11, 2015:
8:30 Worship Service, Communion
10:30 Worship Service, Sunday School, Coffee
Children’s Choir after the 10:30
Thrift Shop Sorting
9:00-2:00 Thrift Shop (Guess who! Betty & Toot)
6:00 UMW potluck dinner in Fellowship Hall
7-8:30 Boy Scouts
7:30 Recovery, Int.
9:00 Thrift Shop Sorting
7:30 Chancel Choir
Official Day of Nothing Scheduled
9-2:00 Thrift Shop (Ann & Carole P.)
Sunday, January 18, 2015:
Xann Tyler
Zyleen Tyler
Sound System
Roger Sawyer III
First United Methodist Church
1045 Wicker Street
Ticonderoga, NY 12883
The Second Feast of Light the Baptism of Jesus
Flowers on the Altar
are given to the
Glory of God.
8:30 Worship Service, Communion
10:30 Worship Service, Nursery, Coffee
518 585-7995
Website: www.tifumc.com
Email us at: tifumc@yahoo.com