THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION INVITATION TO COMMUNION February 1, 2015 9:15 am GATHERING WELCOME PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS FRIENDSHIP PADS *Indicates please stand in body or spirit. Congregational responses are in bold. PRELUDE Sigfried Karg-Elert Rejoice Greatly, O My Soul (This time is provided for you to prayerfully enter into worship) SILENT PERSONAL CONFESSION/ WORDS OF ASSURANCE *CALL TO WORSHIP Come, those seeking wisdom and truth. We come giving thanks to God with our whole heart. Come, commit yourselves again in covenant with our God. We come in faithfulness to receive and to live the ways of the Holy One. Come, let us worship in wisdom and truth, praising our God, always and forever. *HYMN #96 Praise the Lord Who Reigns Above SHARING AND PRAYING PRAYER OF CONFESSION God of all understanding and wisdom, we need your help to guide us. Sometimes we lose our way, listening to the many voices that claim to speak your word and truth. Sometimes we confuse our ways with your ways, causing our brothers and sisters to stumble. Give us hands to reach out in service, not to grasp what we can get. Give us the courage to change our ways. Give us a heart to discern your truth and your voice. Give us ears to hear, eyes to see, and minds to understand your ways. Give us lips to praise you forever. Forgive us when we lose our way-your way-and lead us back to the path that leads to you. Amen. THE PEACE Amsterdam UNISON PRAYER God of our lives, we come this morning seeking your wisdom and guidance. How may we truly be your people? How do we discern the true from the false prophets in our midst? How do we avoid causing another to stumble while giving others the courage to change? How do we live faithfully in covenant with you? Fill us with your wisdom and spirit, enliven us with your word, that we may be renewed as the people you have called us to be. Amen. MORNING PRAYER CHILDREN’S MOMENT (Children, ages 4 to 8 years old, may leave for Bible Times) ANTHEM In This Moment of Remembrance Dale Wood DEDICATION OF OURSELVES AND OUR GIFTS TO GOD Prayer of Dedication Transform this offering into actions of love, understanding, healing and service. Transform our very lives, that we may be obedient and faithful servants to your people in a hurting world. Amen. Offertory Love Was When Don Wyrtzen SEEKING THE WORD OF GOD SCRIPTURE READING pg 562,563 Psalm 111 *THE GREAT THANKSGIVING The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. (The pastor continues with the prayer of Thanksgiving, concluding:) And so, with all your people on earth and all the company of heaven we praise your name and join their unending hymn: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. (The pastor continues with the prayer, concluding:) We offer ourselves in praise and thanksgiving as a holy and living sacrifice, in union with Christ’s offering for us, as we proclaim the mystery of faith. Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again. (The pastor continues with the prayer, concluding:) And now, with the confidence of children of God, we pray: The Lord’s Prayer (see screen) DISTRIBUTION OF THE BREAD AND CUP This morning you are invited to come to the communion rail to receive communion. The ushers will direct you. You may kneel or stand at the rail. The ushers can serve you in your seat if it is difficult for you to come forward. Please let the ushers know if you desire GLUTEN FREE Bread SENDING FORTH *HYMN #438 Forth in Thy Name, O Lord Duke Street *BENEDICTION MEDITATION Shaped by God Deacon Bonnie LeValley *HYMN #640 Take Our Bread Take our Bread ORGAN CHIMES POSTLUDE Hymn of Glory Edward Broughton ASSISTING WITH WORSHIP TODAY: Liturgist: Cindy Turner Announcements: Mike Turner Head Usher: Helen Stoberl Acolytes: Jacob Andrus & Kayla Boron Early Bible Times: Joan & Megan Beal Late Worship: Family Service Sunday PRAYER CONCERNS: Ellie Benzel at Oakwood Chris Pawelski at Schofield at home: Doris Baten, Larry Bill, Kevin Cornwell, Carol Forden, Norma McFee, Evelyn Riffel, Muriel Small & Anna Sorrento Please continue prayers and support for Braedon Luke and his family. THE FLOWERS ON THE REMEMBRANCE TABLE are given by Mike & Cindy Turner, in memory of Bob & Grace Turner. THE PINK ROSE ON THE REMEMBRANCE TABLE is in honor of Kay Dyer who is celebrating her 99th birthday on February 3, 2015. THE RED ROSE ON THE REMEMBRANCE TABLE is in honor of Norma McFee who is celebrating her 90th birthday on February 6, 2015. THE LAVENDAR ROSE ON THE REMEMBRANCE TABLE is in honor of Shelby Goudy who is celebrating her 18th birthday on February 2, 2015. WE EXTEND OUR CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the family of Eleanor DeGlopper, who died on January 28, 2015. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live. And, everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” John 11:25, 26 CAREGIVERS will meet on 2 Saturdays, February 7 & 21 at 9:30 am in the Retreat Room. Jesus is our "FIRST LOVE." On Sunday February 15th, we will receive a special (or 2nd mile) offering to support the ministries God has called our church to fulfill. You can use the extra envelopes in the back of your envelopes, or the envelopes in the pews, or just add it to your offering. Thank you! Today is our SOUPER BOWL OF CARING Please place $1 in the soup can to support our local Network Food Pantry. Thank you! SCRIPTURE N’ SIMMER - will be tomorrow morning starting at 9:30 am. We will be cooking a meal for the Central City Café. The place to be Thursday, Feb. 5 at 12:15 is in the Family Life Center for the UMW LUNCHEON! Bring a sandwich for your lunch; Coffee and dessert will be provided. Donna Stierheim will lead us in a program on Social Action. Bring a friend … there's always room for one more! “CATCH THE SPIRIT” is the Niagara Frontier District’s major discipleship training. It will be on Saturday, February 28, from 9:00 am-3:30 am at Clarence UMC. The registration form with specific workshop descriptions is available on the piano in the library and in the office. Scholarships are available. YOUTH VALENTINE DAY COOKIE SALE. The cost is $9 per giant cookie. We will add a personal message on each in frosting. Cookies will be available to pick up in the Library next Sunday, February 9. Please put your order in today! All proceeds benefit youth in mission. We are now taking applications for NURSERY SCHOOL for September, 2015. We have openings for 2, 3, & 4 year olds. Please contact Kate Simmons or Ellen Little at the Nursery School for more information. We are collecting HYGIENE(HEALTH) KITS A list of items needed is in the library. Please put kits in the Mission Barrel in Library. Thank You! 32 Landers Rd, Kenmore NY 14217 “LIKE LIKE US ON FACEBOOK” FACEBOOK Just go to Kenmore website: United Methodist Church e-mail: phone: 875-5091 Fax: 875-5092 Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Peter W. LeValley Pastoral Associate Deacon Bonnie M. LeValley Pastor for Pastoral Care Rev. Dr. Donald L. Weaver Pastor Emeritus Rev. Eldon Snyder Youth Ministry Coordinator Jeremy Loucks Children’s Ministry Leann Metz Organist/Choirmaster Marilyn Obermeyer Cherub Choir Director Muriel Small Crib Room Attendant Karen Batchen Praise Band Leaders Chris Moyer & Carrie Truesdell Church/Financial Secretary Judy Melia Treasurer Dan Pratt ALG Enterprise Amy Goudy The Mission and Vision of Kenmore UMC is to be a Fruitful Congregation for Jesus Christ through our: Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, Risk Taking, Mission, & Service, and Extravagant Generosity. CHILDREN CHILDREN: Worship & Bible Times Today’s message (based on Mark 1:27) is: “Jesus’ Love is Stronger” 9:15 am - 12:30 pm Crib & Toddler Care available in the nursery. S U N D A Y S CH O O L at K enm o re UM C Discover: God Creation Self Church 10:30 am - 11:30 am * * * CHILDREN AND YOUTH GROUPS: Asbury Building and the Third Floor ADULT GROUPS: CORINTHIAN CLASS in the Parlor “God Squad” led by Judy Shotwell & Sue Meegan HORIZON CLASS in the Fellowship Hall “The Biltmore, America’s largest Home” led by Bob Thompson REFLECTIONS CLASS - Pilgrim Room “Judaism” CrossROADS - Retreat Room Current Study led by Julia Volle New Members are welcome in all groups any Sunday. (Ushers will be happy to direct you to the rooms.) Sunday February 1, 2015 Communion Sunday “Souper Bowl of Caring” 9:15am►Early Worship Service 10:30am►Sunday School 11:30am►Late Worship Service 6:30pm►NeXT STeP 3 Monday February 2, 2015 9:30am►Scripture and Simmer K, FH 7:30pm►Carillon Choir 3 Tuesday February 3, 2015 7:00pm►Celebration Players L 7:00pm►Trustees Mtg Wednesday February 4, 2015 9:00am►Staff Prayer Time 1:00pm►Upper Room Study P 7:00pm►Towne Players of Ken-Ton WR 7:01pm►Jugglers FLC 8:30pm►AA FH Thursday February 5, 2015 12:15pm►UMW Luncheon FLC 7:00pm►Chess Club FH 7:30pm►Chancel Choir P Friday February 6, 2015 ►Youth Cookie Bake Weekend, K 9:00am►Craftsmen Club 9:00am►Piecemakers FH Saturday February 7, 2015 ►Youth Cookie Bake Weekend, K 9:30am►Caregivers 10:01am►Jugglers FLC Sunday February 8, 2015 9:15am►Early Worship Service 10:30am►Sunday School 11:30am►Late Worship Service
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