May 17, 2015 ~ 10:30am We welcome you warmly in the name of Jesus Christ! Prelude Call to Worship Welcome and Greetings Christ Candle ~Erin Ruis Pastor Jack Vanden Heuvel Songs of Praise & Worship ~ Children 4 Years-old through Grade 1 Dismissed to Children in Worship ~ Communion Morning Prayer Offering Second Reverse Offering God Speaks Through His Word Red Bible ~ Page 541; 1112; 1218 Message Rob Braun General Fund BAC2ONE Prayer Psalm 19:1-6; Romans 1:18-23; Revelation 4 Black Bible ~ Page 390; 796; 869 “The Beauty of the Earth: WOW” Pastor Jack Vanden Heuvel Prayer Song of Response Teacher Appreciation Parting Blessing El La Grew Pastor Jack Vanden Heuvel Closing Song Come, let us PRAY together! We recognize the importance of coming together and praying for personal concerns. Please feel free to come up front after our service and someone will pray with you for whatever you would like to hold up to our great God. All prayer matters are kept confidential. Sheltering Tree Prayer Team WELCOME TO WORSHIP AT BETHEL! Thank you for joining us today! If you are visiting us today for the first time, please feel free to help yourself to a gift from the welcome basket located in the Gathering Place. Please return as we would love to get to know you better! WELCOME BACK PASTOR JACK who will be preaching at Bethel the next two Sundays. With spring bursting out all around us, today he will talk about how to connect with God through nature. Next Sunday, we will focus on Pentecost and what a huge difference the Holy Spirit makes for us now. Pastor Jack suggests you wear something red on Pentecost Sunday to remember and celebrate! COMMUNION – As we celebrate Communion this morning, we invite you to actively participate if you publicly profess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, both in your words and in your actions. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING - Monday night’s meeting was a wonderful night of worship and prayer. We thank those who came out to join us and vote. The vote was in favor of extending a call to Pastor Harv Roosma. The Letter of Call has been sent and we are now waiting his reply. Please be in prayer for the Roosma’s at this time and for Bethel Church as well. If you have any questions, please contact your Elder. Pastor Harv and Kathy have given permission for us to make their email addresses and phone number available to you to contact them if you would like: Pastor Harv:; (250)812-6419 Kathy: SECOND OFFERING NEXT SUNDAY – CRC WORLD MISSIONS - For nearly 125 years, Christian Reformed World Missions has been helping Christian Reformed churches fulfill the Great Commission primarily through planting churches and sending missionaries around the world. Partnering with people, churches, and organizations they are multiplying believers and churches, equipping and connecting leaders, reaching students and teachers with a biblical worldview, and strengthening churches and organizations. Christian Reformed World Missions has more than 200 missionaries serving in nearly 40 countries and, through partnerships; their work extends to more than 50 countries. NEXT SUNDAY WE BEGIN OUR SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE Today is the last Sunday for our Sunday School and Children in Worship Programs for the summer months AND the last day we will meet for our 10:30am worship service. Please be advised that our 9:30am Summer Sunday Worship Schedule will begin NEXT SUNDAY, May 24th and go through September 6th. TODAY WE THANK OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL AND CHILDREN IN WORSHIP TEACHERS! At the end of our service today, El La Grew will acknowledge the teachers who served at Bethel this past school year. Please join him in thanking them for their service and for helping others grow in their knowledge of God’s Word. Cake will be served in the Gathering Place after worship. Heather Kittok Tonnie Huonder Mary Ann Workman Joan La Grew Suzette Vedders John Huonder Phil Terborg Wes Van De Riet Carol Van De Riet Rob Braun Tom Kittok Rachel Ruis Rachel Bazuin El La Grew Betsy Wergin Hermina Kiel Hope Vermeer Karna Terpstra Julie De Haan Bonnie Olson PRAY FOR OUR TEAM as they prepare to serve during BAC. OUR COMMUNITY PROJECT THIS YEAR will be the collection of NEW SOCKS of all sizes. These will be given to our community at “The Day of Kindness” on Saturday, August 15th. Please start collecting now! Thank you for your CONTINUOUS PRAYERS for the campers God will send and all the DETAILS yet to be pulled together! Two more SMALL GROUP LEADERS are still needed! SPONSORS for BAC are needed – if you know of an individual or business who would like to have their name on the back of our shirts – please talk with Kimmy Quale or Willy Krahnke. SMALL GROUP LEADER TRAINING DATES: July16 @ 6pm and July 19 @ 11:30am SUPPLIES NEEDED : PICK UP NEW LIST ON THE BAC TABLE o As supplies are coming in – they are taken off the list. PLEASE check updated list before buying/donating items OR talk with Connie! Sign up to bring COOKIES the week of BAC Many other areas available for you to THE BETHEL CHURCH COUNCIL has approved Tammy Creasy's request for removal of her membership at Bethel CRC. Tammy's words to the Bethel Congregation, "After prayerful consideration, I feel led to remove my membership at Bethel CRC. Words cannot express how thankful I have been over the years for what the church has done for my family and in recent years with John and the boys. God is good, all the time." Blessings, Tammy Creasy THANK YOU !!! I would very much like to thank my Bethel family for all of their support through these past two-six months AGAIN! Hopefully, this will be the last catastrophe for Ken and the last major surgery for Chris. I would like to thank you all for the cards, calls, questions, meals and most of all the prayers going up to our Lord on behalf of the Krahnkes. Please don’t stop praying for Ken to have patience as he is pushing himself and the doctors to let him back to work “yesterday”. We have x-rays and an appointment on the 18th and we will get the word then. And Heather Kittok, I especially thank you for all you do for Chris. We are praying for a good outcome for his surgery. I cannot put into eloquent words as so many before me have in the last few weeks, but I too appreciate the love, care and support the Bethel Family has ALWAYS shown us. God Bless ALL of you!! Terri Krahnke GRADUATION 2015 There will be a periodic list in our Sunday bulletins of those we have been informed are graduating this year. There is also a list on the Communications Board across from the kitchen serving window. Please contact the Bethel Office at 763.389.5715 or if you have any information you would like to share. Kathy Kiel 2 Brittney Patty Hilburn 5 Maria Isaiah Schiebout 6 Hyrkas Teri Marly Terry Megan Lueck 11 Cheryl Schiebout 19 Terry Vedders 24 Vedders 11 Carlene Koppendrayer 20 Lisa Versluys 24 Audrey Hendricks 13 Deb Droogsma 21 Kari Eller 25 7 Derek Krahnke 15 Zoe Ruis 21 Christopher Dahl 26 De Haan 9 Elsa Storbakken 17 Pete Swanson 21 Erin Ruis 28 Reed 9 Lydia Erickson 19 LeRoy Koppendrayer 22 Justin Schmidt 30 Gould 11 Thank you to Roger & Judy Schlief and their friends for making our birthday gifts –check out the great Birthday Cake in our Gathering Place! RUM RIVER LIFE CHOICES – “Fill a bottle for LIFE!” – Help us GROW and see our vision come to LIFE! Pick up a bottle by the front door, fill it and return to Bethel by Sunday, May 31st. Your support will help the Center continue our services and also help open the doors of a NEW Princeton Branch Center. Our goal is to reach even more women and families with the physical, emotional and spiritual support needed to meet the challenges they are facing. RUM RIVER LIFE CHOICES MINISTRY OPENING: Christian pro-life ministry seeks to hire a Princeton Branch Center Director. Prefer prior experience in pro-life or non-profit work, along with counseling skills. We provide CareNet specific training. Duties include counseling, managing volunteers, supervising day-to-day operations, and public relations. Interested candidates should contact Ann at 320.983.3771. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Seeking volunteer counselors for both the Milaca and Princeton locations. The required 26 hour CareNet specific training will begin in May. Call Yvonne at 320.983.3771 for more information and to register. COMMUNITY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL in Pease is accepting applications for the 2015-2016 school year for Terrific 3's, Pre K (4 year old) and Kindergarten through 8th grade. We are pleased to offer two programs specifically designed for 3 & 4-year-old children. Please contact CCS 320.369.4239 or, visit our website for additional information. FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 GENERAL FUND: ACTUAL BUDGET Offering Received on 5/10/2015: $ 3,741.21 $ 4,741.40 Offerings Received Year-to-Date: $ 181,338.15 $ 194,397.40 BUILDING FUND: Debt Reduction Received YTD (PY 7/31/15) $ 3,948.99 SECOND OFFERINGS: May 24th – CRC World Missions May 31st – Debt Reduction World Renew Nepal +/-VARIANCE $ (1,000.19) $ (13,059.25) NOTE: Please return your pledge envelopes so that our Deacons can prepare the 2015/2016 Budget! SMALL GROUP INVITATION EVERY WEDNESDAY! Our Small Group begins the evening together with devotions and a light garden-side dinner at 6:00pm. After dinner we plant, weed, water or whatever needs to be done. We all go home about 7:30 – 8:00pm. Since children are welcome you can get home just in time to tuck the kids in bed for the night. Singles, couples, families, young and young at heart are all welcome and appreciated. Pick up a more detailed flyer in the Gathering Place or in your mailbox and give to a friend! Thanks to Julian & Norma Baas who brought supper for the 13 gardeners last Wednesday night! You can let Betsy Wergin know you would like to be a part of this Small Group by calling 763.389.3843. CRIBBAGE WITH WILLY IS GROWING! Due to the increasing interest in getting together to play cribbage, Willy is adding another night! A group of fun-loving people will be meeting on the 1st and the 3rd Tuesday nights @ 7pm . . . even through the summer months. If you want more information, call Willy at 320.469.1319. Come and have some fun! CHILDREN’S QUIET WORSHIP BAGS – Judy Schlief has been busy again making bottles with items for the children to find as they are in worship. Please thank Judy for the many ways she is helping us care for our big and little friends at Bethel! EVERYONE LOVES A PARADE! Plan now to join us - adults, youth and families - in the Princeton Parade for Bethel Church, on Thursday, June 11th. Ride on our float, walk, push a stroller, share a smile, greet people, wave or pass out candy and information. Help us show the community that Bethel loves the people of Princeton! See Brian or Tara Weldon for more information, 612.532.2215. SUNDAY South Door Greeters: May 17 – 10:30am Service May 24 - 9:30am Service J&K Sartell M&T Schreur North Door Greeters: R&J Schlief J&R Ruis Main Door Greeters: J&M Schmidt H&K Schreur Ushers & Response Folders: El L. / Dorothy S. El L. / Dorothy S. Christ Candle: Children in Worship Leader: Greeters: Feast Provider: Nursery: Erin R. Hermina K. Carrie R. / Toben DH Karla L. Rachel R. / Carrie R. C&P Kingsbury T&H Kittok BAC Prayer Reverse Offering Trenton H. Coffee Café: Second Offering: NONE Darlynn G. / Ali D. H. Kiel / W&M McMinn CRC World Missions “Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 Praise God for: ~Our access to the Throne of God as our foundation for prayer and the privilege it offers ~God’s leading at our Monday evening prayer meeting and voting. May God be directing Pastor Harv and Kathy in their decision as to where God wants them to serve ~All the people who have served as Sunday School Teachers, Children in Worship, Nursery, GEMS and Boys’ Club and Ignite—God BLESS them richly! ~Successful surgery for Phil Terborg with his amputation—now healing and adaption to his prosthesis, patience in learning to get around ~Chuck Kingsbury able to worship with us, continued healing Lord ~Healing granted to Suzette’s foot, Ken’s face, and others recuperating from falls ~39 Teachers lined up for BAC2ONE, Small Group Leaders, miniBac leaders and helpers, Kitchen, Clean-up people-still need some—God is GOOD! ~Praise God ahead of time for PRAYER PEOPLE who promise to pray for BAC2ONE ~Chris Krahnke’s surgery – praying for success and healing Prayer needs: ~Continued safety for farmers as they plant, along with sunshine and sufficient rain ~College, High School students finishing up with final exams –give a good accounting of their work this semester ~Jobs for those looking and needing employment ~Children who are running away from God- Derek Krahnke and others you know and love turn to the Lord! ~Direction for Deacons as they make up a budget and Council as they carry on the work of the church—committed people to serve as Elders as Deacons ~Nepal victims, may this open up their hearts to Jesus Christ—many Christian organizations working there –World Renew, YMAM to name two; comfort and necessary food and water and shelter ~Prayers for our President, Congress and Supreme Court—May they have godly advisors who they listen to and be led down right paths ~Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other countries that are hostile to Christians—war cease Sunday, May 17 Communion Monday, May 18 9:30am 10:30am 7:00pm Last Day of Sunday School for all ages! Tuesday, May 19 7:00pm Cribbage with Willy Wednesday, May 20 Worship – Pastor Jack Vanden Heuvel Men to Action Last Meeting 7:00am Prayer at Bethel 6:00pm Garden Small Group 6:30pm IGNITE Youth Thursday, May 21 5:30pm Last Just for You! - Bethel Sunday, May 24 9:30am Worship – Pastor Jack Vanden Heuvel Memorial Day Observance – Offices Closed Monday, May 25 Tuesday, May 26 6:00pm Executive Committee Meeting 7:00pm Council Meeting May 31 9:30am June 7 9:30am June 14 9:30am Worship – Jerry Van Someren Worship – Pastor Dave Smit Graduation Observance Worship – Arlan Koppendrayer Ignite Do Something Commissioning Connecting people to God and to each other for the glory of God! OUR MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Bethel Church is to glorify God in worship and our daily living, to evangelize His world, and to connect people to God so that they become part of a Christian community. We will accomplish this through prayer, joyful worship, Biblical training, use of spiritual gifts, Christian fellowship, and outreach in our community. OUR MINISTRIES Prayer Groups Sunday School Worship Stitch & Share BAC2ONE Music Ministry Care Team Children in Worship Just for You! Bethel Garden Adult Retreat Booktalk Bookclub Youth – Grades 1 – 6: GEMS Girls Club & Boys Club Youth - Grades 7 - 12: IGNITE Women: Coffee Break w/Children’s Programs, Women’s Prayer Group, Stitch & Share Men: Men to Action! Adult Small Groups: List available from the Bethel Office Hospitality: Carolyn Koppendrayer Wednesday’s Table OUR COUNCIL ELDERS DEACONS Mark Baas El La Grew Lance Erickson Jeff Rice Rob Braun Jason Ruis Garry Gray Dorothy Swanson Wes Geurkink John Schmidt Carolyn Koppendrayer Brian Weldon ~ 8938 – 33rd St., Princeton, MN 55371 ~ 763.389.5715
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