Sermon Notes _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Pastors Paul & Kathy Spuler 1105-T High Street, Burlington, NJ 08016 P: 609.386.4533 F: 609.386.3337 Emergency: 856.685.6628 Website: E-Mail: March 15, 2015 If You Are Visiting For The First Time…thank you for joining us. Please fill out a Communication Card found in the pew rack and place it in the offering basket. Today is Benevolence Sunday ~ this is a giving opportunity to bless those going through a difficult time. WEEKLY SERVICES AT HSWC Tuesday Prayer & Intercession ~ 10:30 AM Wednesday SOFA Bible Study ~ 7:00 PM Friday Youth Night ~ 7:00 PM (Every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month) Sunday Stewardship Class ~ 9:30-10:15 AM Worship Service ~ 10:30 AM -Nursery (infants through age 4) -Children’s Church ages 5-8, Children’s Church Room -ages 9-11, Youth Room (Following Worship, Children’s Church is dismissed for class in the Lower Level of our Church.) Important Announcement for Parents of Children Ages 5-12! We value families here at HSWC, so please have your children sit with you during praise, worship & prayer time. Then, children will be dismissed for age appropriate ministry; meeting their teachers in the foyer to be escorted to the Lower Level. Children ages 5-8 will meet in the Children’s Church Room and ages 9-11 will gather in the Youth Room. Ages 12 and older will remain in the sanctuary for the remainder of the service. PLEASE do sign your children in at the Welcome Desk when you arrive. You must also sign them out at the end of the service when you pick them up from their respective classrooms. Your co-operation is appreciated! Condolences and prayers go out to the Covington family for the loss of Judy’s uncle. Congratulations and many blessings to Donnett Jones who is a May candidate for the degr ees of Bachelor of Arts in Applied Behavioral Sciences and Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Ashford University in Moline, Illinois. Youth Bowling Night at the Funplex is happening Friday, March 20th. If you are age 12 or older, meet at the church by 6:30 PM. We will return to the church by 9:00 PM. There is no fee for this night of fun! The pins are scared...they heard you’re coming for ‘em! Next week is Building Fund Sunday. The April Volunteer Ministries Calendar w ill be available for pick up next Sunday. WEDNESDAY is the deadline for filling out a form (available at the Welcome Center) if you can not serve on a given Sunday. Place form in the bin outside the Church Office when complete. We appreciate your service to the ministry of HSWC. Calling all HSWC ladies to our Women of Worth Event on Saturday, March 21st from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite a friend, co-worker or neighbor. Have you considered following in the footsteps of Jesus and be water baptized? There is a sign up sheet at the Welcome Center. This special event requires a preparation class; you will be notified of the date and time. Please Note New Church Contact Information Pastor Paul Spuler: Pastor Kathy Spuler: Church Office: Connie Schaeffer, Church Administrator: Sylvia Kraehenbuehl, Church Accounting: Tara Davis, Prayer coordinator: Loralie Koblen, Worship Leader: Javier Ortiz, Audio/Media Coordinator: Website Address: Are you a Facebook member? LIKE us on our Facebook page.
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