Evangelical United Methodist Church 157 East Water Street, Middletown, Pa. Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost – October 19, 2014 Moments of Welcome Greeting our Brethren Updates from our “Announcement Bench” Prelude “In Quiet Praise” Callender Entrance of the Light and Word His Spirit Dawns on Us as We Gather Choral Introit “Great Is The Lord” * Call to Worship The Lord has given us another week of life! For some of us it was a busy, demanding seven days, For others of us it was a “cake walk in the park” (smile) For all of us it was a gift from our divine creator, our Lord. Let us pause now and return to our Lord, a hearty thank you! * Hymn of Adoration “O Worship the King” #73 * Invocation O Lord God, our homes are so filled with many belongings, our days are so filled with endless lists of tasks that await our attention; and our souls are so filled with questions such as to whom does our loyalty lie? Oh come among us, O Lord God, and guide us in the ways that lead us to you, our redeemer. We ask in the name of our Lord and Savior. Amen. His Spirit Listens as We Give Thanks Reading of the Psalms: Psalm 99 Affirmation of our Faith: A Modern Affirmation Reading from the Old Testament: Exodus 33:12-23 Lifting Up Our Thanks to God #885 His Spirit Appears as We Consider the Word Moments with the Young After this moment, children grades kindergarten through fifth grade are welcome to go downstairs for Children’s church. Morning Anthem “Lead Me Savior” Roger C Wilson Reading from the Gospel: Matthew 22:15-22 * Hymn of Faith “I Stand Amazed in the Presence” vs 1, 2, 4 #371 Morning Message “Who Does That Belong To?” His Spirit Treasures our Commitments Sharing of our Gifts and our Offerings Offertory “Holy Ground” Davis As the offering plate is passed, please place the green prayer request cards and visitors cards in the plate. * Doxology #95 * Prayer of Dedication and the Lord’s Prayer (using “sins”) Prayer Concerns for our Brethren (refer to our Faithful thoughts) Choral Response “The Fragrance of Christ” His Spirit Strengthens Us to Change the World * Hymn of Dedication “Take My Life, and Let It Be” * Benediction * Choral Blessing “Song of Hope” * Going Forth with the Light and Word * Postlude “March” #399 Jackson Our altar flowers are dedicated to the Glory of God and in memory of Myron I. Kuhn presented by The Family. Today’s bulletins are given in memory of Elizabeth and Simon Grubb by Eleanor Jane and Delbert Sankey. Our Sunday Prayer Partner is Joyce Gass. Worship Assistants for Today Greeters ·························Betty Hoke, John Alexander, Sue Neiman Head Usher························································· Scott Green Lay Liturgist ··············································· Bonnie Strohecker Nursery Caregivers ································ Deb Lidle, Joyce Moyer We extend our thoughts and prayers to Bonita Tolbert on the death of her husband, James Tolbert, who passed away this week. Pastor Bob held a private graveside service yesterday. Faithful Thoughts and Prayers Updates and Changes Rev Daniel Moser – Erich Schlicher’s brother-in-law – blood clots Barb Graybill – knee surgery - completed Landan Behrens – surgery - completed Ed Shellenhemer – Masonic Home/home now Jim Williams – surgery completed Mary Ann Rowland – waiting for kidney transplant/ fall – broken arm Chloie Keller – broken leg Bryson Harris – healed ready for next time Recent Illness and Surgeries Jane Goshorn – Colonial Care Earl Hoffman – becoming weaker Cathy Woodring’s Parents Bob Bitner – Frey Village Tom Tucker – home now Tim Morgan – second round of chemo Pat Reider - Evelyn Reese’s sister-in-law James Shoemaker – Marcia Baker’s son-in-law – throat tumor Living with Cancer Vicki – Tami Hile’s friend – chemotherapy, Dave Shellenhamer Jean Greenawalt – Evelyn Greenawalt’s sister in law Madison Lewis, Bunny Prussack, Collin Kratzer, Steve Smith Mary Pani – Julie Kupp’s friend Challenges of Living George and Margaret Gates Pastor Solomon-- Ebola Outbreak in Sierra Leone - shipment of meds Bishop Jeremiah Park – caring for His whole flock of believers Dauphin County Prison Ministry - Paul Alexander Military families far and near: Logan Cassner Jack O’Donnell & Daniel Welsh – waiting on double transplants Ben Gingrich & his Mother, Erin – childhood disease ANNOUNCEMENTS October 19, 2014 TODAY: 9 a.m. – Sunday School 10:15 a.m. – Worship 5-7 p.m. – Junior Youth Fellowship MONDAY: 5:30 p.m. – Halloween parade Stand (see announcement) TUESDAY: 8:30 a.m. – No Mission Central this month 2 p.m. – Stitches and Prayers Shawl Ministry WEDNESDAY: 6 p.m. – AA Group Book Study 6:30 p.m. – Senior Choir Rehearsal NEXT SUNDAY: “Food Bank/World Hunger Fund” 9 a.m. – Sunday School 10:15 a.m. – Worship – Laity Sunday Faithful Servants in Worship Audio Visual ······················································ Steve Moyer Organist······················································· Glenn M. Diritto Pianist ························································ Charlene Walters Senior Choir Director········································· Erich Schlicher Pastor ·························································· Robert Graybill Church Website: www.eumch.org Church Phone: 717-944-6181 LAY VISITATION: During October the following persons from the Lay Visitation Committee will visit the homebound members of our church: Karl and Shirley Kupp. USED INK CARTRIDGES: We are collecting used ink cartridges to benefit the Middletown Public Library. Please bring your used cartridges to church and place them in the marked box located in the vestibule. DINNER COMMITTEE: A meeting of the dinner committee and any interested persons will be held on Monday, October 27 at 7 p.m. to make decisions and plans for 2015. Any one who would like to get involved with the dinners is welcome. If unable to attend, please send suggestions for entrees, procedural changes or other comments to Louise at lmm32@verizon.net or call her at 944-6518. Thanks. HALLOWEEN PARADE STAND: On Monday, October 20, we will have our Halloween Parade Stand starting at 5:30 p.m. and ending when the parade passes the church. We will be selling hot dogs, hot chocolate, coffee, soda and baked goods. Sign up sheets are posted on the bulletin board for anyone who would like to help out with the stand and/or donate baked items. All baked items may be dropped off on Monday, October 20 after 4 p.m. COMMUNITY DINNERS FOR OCTOBER/NOVEMBER: Oct. 27 - Church of God, 245 West High Street Menu - Salisbury steak ($8.00 for adults; $4 for children under 12) Nov. 10 - St. Peters Lutheran Church, Spring and Union Streets Menu - Pork and sauerkraut ($8.00 for adults; $3 for children under 12) Nov. 17 - Evangelical United Methodist Church, 157 E. Water Street Menu - Ham loaf ($8.00 for adults; $3.00 for children under 12) SUB SALE: The United Methodist Men will be having a sub sale on November 2. A sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board. ATTENTION: All those who work with Children and Youth of our church, there will be a Safe Sanctuary Training session at Geyer’s Church UMC on Saturday, November 8 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Pastor Bob reminds us that this certification is a must for all to be in compliance with Safe Sanctuary. OPEN HOUSE: The Living Life Community Center, 56 E Emaus Street is holding an Open House on Sunday, November 2 from 2-7 p.m. A Unique Exhibit of over 20 original paintings of the Miracles and Teaching of Jesus Christ will be on display. Admission is free. See the flyer posted on the bulletin board for more information. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Operation Christmas Child sends a message of hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes and Christian literature. This program provides an opportunity for individuals of all ages to be involved in a simple, hands-on missions project that reaches out to suffering children while focusing on the true meaning of Christmas - Jesus Christ, God's greatest gift. The Junior Youth Fellowship will be sponsoring this mission project. We would like to invite the congregation to participate as well by donating any of the items listed below and the youth will put together the boxes. If you would like to make your own shoebox, please follow the instructions listed below. When your box is completed please bring it to the church no later than Sunday, November 9. 1. Pick up a container from the youth in the vestibule, purchase a container at Target or fill a shoebox 2. Decide whether your gift will be for a boy or girl (2-4), (5-9) or (10-14) years old. 3. Fill the shoebox with a variety of gifts: Toys - small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, plastic kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, small Etch-a-Sketch, toys that light up or make noise(with extra batteries), slinky, etc. School supplies - pens, pencils, crayons or markers, stamps and ink pad sets, coloring books, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, etc. Hygiene items - toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, comb, wash clothes, etc. Other - hard candy, lollipops, mints, gum, sunglasses, ball caps, socks, t-shirts, toy jewelry sets, hair clips, watches, etc. Do not include: used items, war related items, perishable items, liquids, medicines, breakable items. If you would like to give a monetary donation instead of making a box, please place it in an envelope and mark it Christmas Child.
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