Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sunday, January 18, 2015
“I rejoiced with those who said to me,
‘Let us go to the house of the Lord.”
Psalm 122:1
3150 Tecumseh Road East, Windsor
948-0846 (fax)948-9368
Senior Pastor: Rev. Stan Mantle
Associate Pastor: Rev. Jan Franka /
Sunday, January 18, 2015
9:45 am Czechoslovak Morning Service
10:00 am Baptismal Class in Pastor Mantle’s office
11:00 am Morning Worship Service
“Allo that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to
me I will never drive away.” John 6:37
Songs of Worship: #36 “We Have Come Into His House”;
#104, “Fairest Lord Jesus” (1,4); #11 “Thou Art Worthy”
Hymn “Look to the Lamb of God” (1-4)
Welcome & Announcements
Presentation of Tithes & Offerings
Doxology & Offertory Prayer
Mission Moment .. Dylan Nicholson
Solo .. Tom Bannister
Children’s Hymn “For God So Loved the World”
Hymn “Christ Our Redeemer Died on the Cross” (1 & 4)
Scripture: John 1:35-42 .. Pat Cunningham
We welcome you who have gathered in the house of the Lord
today. We come to praise God, to rejoice in Christ our Redeemer
and to hear the Word of the Lord as it is impressed upon our hearts
by the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised, “For where two or three come
together in My Name, there am I with them.” And so as our King
is in attendance, let us worship Him with joy and reverence, in
spirit and in truth.
We want especially to welcome any visitors who are with us
today. We are glad you have come. Visitors and the congregation
are invited to use the cards in the pew rack as a convenient means
of communication with the Pastor or church leadership.
Completed cards may be placed in the offering plate when it is
We are happy to have Dylan Nickolson with us this
morning from Riverside Baptist Church. Dylan will be
reporting on his missions trip to the Philippines this past summer.
Dylan is also preparing to go on a Teen Mission trip to Nepal this
summer where he will be involved in children's ministry and
construction at Mendies Haven Children’s Home in
Kathmandu. For further information or to support Dylan with a
donation for the trip he may be contacted at: or on facebook at
Dylan will also be available in the church foyer after the service
with related printed material.
Message.. Meeting the Lamb
Hymn of Response #3 “Crown Him with Many Crowns” (1 & 3)
12:45 pm
5:00 pm
Karen Worship Service
South Slavic Evening Service
Something to think about….
“… we need… a radical encounter with God’s kingdom breaking
into our lives. We need to experience relationships being
rearranged, brokenness being healed, and evil structures being
brought down in and around us. We need to see that Jesus
conquers the addictions of sin (be them chemical or relational) and
that God is at work in the darkest places because God has already
been to those places (on the cross).”
- David E. Fitch, Geoff Holsclaw, Prodigal Christianity
This Week at Grace . . .
Ministry Opportunity – As a new outreach,
Ambassador Baptist Church has just begun
providing a community meal for the
neighbourhood on Wednesday nights. The
food is prepared and provided, but 6-8 servers
are needed each week, arriving at 4:45 pm,
done by 7:00 pm to take care of table and beverage set-up, serving
food and clean-up as well as greeting at the tables. We have said
a team from Grace could help with this once every 8 weeks. If
this sounds like a way you could serve the Lord, please sign the
sheet in the foyer. We will contact you when our turn comes up.
The first time it is our turn is Wednesday, February 11, 2015.
New Sex Education Curriculum – The Ontario Government is
resurrecting the controversial Sex Ed curriculum that was
‘shelved’ in 2010 over parental concerns that it was ageinappropriate, overly explicit, and undermined the religious
beliefs of many families.
Learm more at CampaignLife Then contact your school trustee and MPP with
concerns. Also, please see letter to Minister of Education, Hon.
Liz Sandals from Bruce Clemenger, President of the Evangelical
Fellowship of Canada included in today’s bulletin.
Nursery: A supervised nursery is available for children up to age 3.
Sunday School: Following the children’s story, the children and
youth are invited to go out for Sunday School.
Serving in God’s House
Next Week
Say Moo & Martine
Ro Lu Paw & Sher
Kim & Lam
Patty & MuKu
Satecey & ShoZar
Joyce & Kamwee
Youth 1
Youth 2
Linda & Linda
Karlene & Norma
Ladies Fellowship
Great Canadian Bible Study. There will be a special
offering and you are asked to read the first three chapters of
Genesis and to bring your bibles. The study will focus on “The
Legacy of Eve”. Come and share the fellowship and your views of
what the passages say to you.
Music Committee Meeting
Midweek Bible Study & Prayer
9:30 am Ladies Bible Study
Karen Bible School
Coming up …
× Wednesday, January 28 6:00 pm CE Committee Meeting
× Friday, January 30, 7:00 pm Youth Group
× Sunday, February 8 Soup’n Sandwich lunch in the multipurpose room followed by the Annual Church Business Meeting to
receive the Financial Reports for 2014 and present the Budget for
× February 13-15 Western Association Baptist Youth (W.A.B.Y.)
Winter Retreat at Pierce Williams Centre near St.
Thomas. Cost for weekend $40.00. This includes
transportation, meals and accommodation.