January 18, 2015 Praise Songs Victory Chant Victory In Jesus #473 We Believe Cornerstone Lord I Need You Thank You, Lord Welcome and Announcements Scripture Reading Matthew 6:25-34 Page 685 Offering Children are dismissed for Children’s Church in Room A Message Guardian Philippians 4:4-7 Mahlon Friesen - Interim Pastor Benediction -2- TODAY’S ACTIVITIES 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM Praise Team Practice Prayer Sunday School Golden Living Center Church Service Worship Service VISITOR INFORMATION Visitors - If you are visiting with us today, we would like to give you a Welcome Packet and a booklet called “The God Questions”. In the Welcome Packet you will learn more about Broken Bow EFree Church and all of our ministries. Welcome Packets and the booklet are available on the Information Table in the lobby or ask an Usher or Greeter for assistance. Thanks for worshiping with us today. Nursery - Is available for any infants and toddlers under the age of 3. The nursery is located off of the Activities Room in Rooms D and E. Children’s Church - Is available for children ages 3 through 1st grade in Room A. Children will be dismissed prior to the sermon. Children’s Bulletins - Are available in the foyer and contain Bible activity pages for kids. The green ones are for ages 3-6 and the blue ones are for ages 7-12. Song Sheets - If you have a hard time seeing the words on the screen, yellow song sheets are available in the foyer. Questions - Ushers are available to answer questions or to help find what you are looking for. Watch and Listen Online - If you cannot make it to church or if you are visiting out of town, you can still be a part of the Worship Service by watching the live broadcast at www.bowefc.org. You can also watch or listen to previously recorded services. -3- ANNOUNCEMENTS Financial Report God loves a cheerful giver - 2 Corinthians 9:7 Weekly Budget Jan. 11th Offering $5,800 $4,645 50 for 5 - The Pastoral Search Team is inviting 50 people to pray faithfully 5 days a week for the search process, with a specific request for each day. If you are willing to commit to this, please write your name and tear off the bottom portion of the inserted form and put it the offering. New Adult Sunday School Class - “What’s So Amazing About Grace?” a video series by Phillip Yancey. “He explores grace at street level and offers compelling, true portraits of grace’s life-changing power. He challenges us to become living answers to a world that desperately wants to know - What’s So Amazing About Grace?” This class is led by Mark Sievering in the Conference Room. New Adult Sunday School Class - “The Bible Walk Through” is an 11-week story of God and mankind. The class will be led by Larry Coleman beginning Sun., Jan. 25th. This series offers a remarkable perspective of God’s people and purpose through history - from Adam to the Apostle Paul. Generations of research and Bible history are presented as a live study in which we glimpse God’s unfolding picture of our lives. This class will be led by Larry Coleman in Room A. Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Study - They are doing a new study called, “David, Seeking a Heart Like His”, by Beth Moore. They meet at 9:30 AM at the church. If anyone is interested, please call Carol Wright. Thursday Morning Ladies Bible Study - They are doing a Beth Moore Study on Revelation entitled, “Here and Now, Then and There.” They meet from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM at the church. If you would like to join or to order a study guide, please call or contact Sally Armstrong or Mary Pirnie. Nominating Committee - Dan Anderson is the Chairman for this year’s Nominating Committee which also includes Marty Shafer, John Kugler, Karen Christensen and Karen Safranek. The nominations are posted on the Information Bulleting Board for the offices to be voted on at the Annual Congregational Meeting in January. -4- ANNOUNCEMENTS Revolution Student Ministries Dare2Share - Will be in Denver on Feb. 27th - 28th. The following people are signed up and need to turn in their $50 deposit immediately: Faith and John Connely, Madison Rasmussen, Mackenzie Sisson, and Brennan Taylor. Winter Ski Retreat - Our trip will be March 11th-14th at Terry Peak in Lead, SD. The cost is approximately between $229 and $306 per person for the 2 days on the slopes. Costs will depend on person’s age and choice of skiing or boarding and includes: lodging, equipment rentals, lift tickets, food, and lesson if needed. (Remember that you have the opportunity to earn some funds by serving at our next fundraiser event.) Please register by this Friday as there are only 7 spots remaining. Every student needs to turn in a $50 deposit by this Wednesday, January 21. Youth Fundraising Meal: All students attending Dare2Share or the Winter Ski Retreat need to help serve on Sun., Jan. 25th. We will be preparing food for our church body after the Sunday Morning Worship Service (12:05 PM – 1:05 PM). Students will help with food prep, serving, set up and cleanup of kitchen and Activities Room. Youth Fundraiser Dinner - On Sunday, Jan. 25th, following the Worship Service at approximately 12:15 PM. Funds will go toward transportation costs for Dare2Share in Feb. and the Winter Ski Retreat in March. $1500 goal. Annual Congregational Meeting - Will be held on Sunday, Jan. 25th, starting at approximately 1:15 PM. Scrapbook Retreat - Will be held on Fri., Jan. 30th through Sun., Feb. 1st at Timberlake Ranch Camp. For more information, see the flyer on the Information Bulletin Board. You can register online at www.timberlake.org or by calling 308-946-3871. This Week’s Birthdays and Anniversaries Jan. 18th - 24th Jan. 18 Jackson Ottun 20 Allyn Leick 22 Andrew Flint Jan. 20 John & Judy Peck 22 Waynard & Maxine Anderson Challenge Center Building Update - The current total is $394,833.58. -5- THIS WEEK Monday, Jan. 19, 2015 7:30 PM LIFE-Group for Women @ Wanda Anderson’s Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015 6:00 AM Men’s Fraternity 9:30 AM Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Study 12:00 PM - 2:00 *Christian Women’s Luncheon 5:00 PM P.I.G.S. Puppet Practice 6:30 PM AWANA 6:30 PM Revolution Youth Group Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015 9:30 AM Thursday Morning Ladies Bible Study 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM *Weight Watchers 8:00 PM Leadership Team Meeting Saturday, Jan. 24, 2015 7:00 AM Men’s Breakfast @ Tumbleweed Café UPCOMING EVENTS Jan. 25 25 25 Communion Sunday Youth Fundraising Meal 12:15 PM Annual Congregational Meeting 1:15 PM *Denotes non-BB-EFC activities being held at the church Our Mission: Leading People into a Growing Relationship with Jesus Christ. -6- PRAYER AND PRAISE January 18, 2015 “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” Pray for many in our congregation who are struggling with illnesses. Pray that 2015 would be a time of significant personal and congregational spiritual growth in love and service. Pray for our Search Team as they prayerfully seek a godly Senior Pastor candidate, and that the Lord prepare him for fruitful ministry here. BB-EFC Missionary of the Week: Ed and Jeannie Casteel with New Tribes Mission in Indonesia, writes that Ed’s 2nd trip to Indonesia was especially gratifying in that they were able to accomplish the final checking on the book of Genesis. This is the accumulation of many, many hours and much work on the part of their team and the translation checker as well. So they truly praise the Lord that another book of the Bible can be put into the hands of the Wana believers. Pray for a Midwest District Church: Loomis Evangelical Free Church, Loomis, NE, Pastor Tom Thompson Those Serving Today: Nursery: Peg Reier, Sally Armstrong, Jeannie Myers Children’s Church: Michelle Simmons Ushers: Pete Olson, John VanZandt, Aaron Epley Greeter: John and Gwen Kugler Those Serving Next Week: Nursery: Aaron, Laurissa and Tia Epley Children’s Church: Kyla and Abby Olson -7- SERMON NOTES Guardian Philippians 4:4-7 January 18, 2015 Jesus works in my live to reveal His ... ________________________________ v. 4 ________________________________ v. 5 ________________________________ vv. 6-7 - A ___________________________ 6a - A ___________________________ 6b - A ___________________________ 7 How does God want me to respond to this passage? For further study, pick up a copy of today’s handout (orange) in the foyer with “Digging Deeper” questions and the Word Find puzzle. Next week: Right Thinking (Philippians 4:8-9) Broken Bow Evangelical Free Church 2079 Memorial Drive Broken Bow, NE 68822 (308) 872-3000 www.bowefc.org Church Office Hours – 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Mon.-Thurs. Interim Pastor - Pastor Mahlon Friesen Email: pastormahlon@bowefc.org Associate Pastor of Youth & Family Ministries - Pastor Brant Taylor Email: branttaylor@bowefc.org Secretary Geri Johnson Email: secretary@bowefc.org - 8-
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