Sunday, January 25th, 2015 Welcome to First Baptist Church! If you are visiting with us today, we are glad you came, and we trust the music and message will be a source of blessing and spiritual encouragement to you. Here at FBC, the things that are meaningful to God are the things that are meaningful to us—and that includes the opportunity to know you and help you know the Lord better and more deeply. If you are from the area and do not attend a Bible preaching church, we would like to invite you to study the Word of God with us regularly. We care about you! Today At First Baptist Church Koinonia Konnection— 9:00 AM Sunday School— 9:45 AM New Members Class—Going on in Pastor’s office. (See Pastor or the office if interested) Conference Room (Ladies Class) - Tonya Delnay– “ Twelve Extraordinary Women” How God shaped women of the Bible and what he wants to do with you. East Overflow Class (Adult Class) - Bob Nickerson – “How People Change” A DVD series that explores how Jesus’ work on the cross targets our hearts, core desires and motivations. When our hearts change, our behaviors change too. West Overflow– (Adult class)– Eric Manrose- “Be Mature: Growing Up in Christ” A study from the book of James that addresses spiritual maturity and how to grow in faith. Morning Service— 11:00 AM Dr. Pastor Nate Archer “Incomparable Endurance” Isaiah 40:27-31 CE Meeting at 4:30 pm today (no CE meeting in February) Evening Worship— 6:00pm Dr. Pastor Nate Archer “Don’t Be a Baby” 1 Corinthians 3:1-4 Our Mission First Baptist Church is a body of believers committed to maturing & multiplying ourselves through Jesus Christ by Evangelism, Edification & Exaltation. If you are new here, we would like to extend a warm welcome and invite you to become part of our church family. Where to Start: Find ways you can connect with our church family, beginning with weekend worship. What to Expect: Christ-centered teaching, vibrant music, friendly and engaging people, and much more. For Your Family: From tiny babies to mature elders, we care about every generation. FBC Children And Teen Ministries Nurseries: are offered during all of our worship services and Sunday School. Sunday School: for all ages with comprehensive, Bible-centered curriculum designed to ground children and teens in the Word and faith. Children’s Worship: is for our 2-3 & 4-5 year olds. Bible time, play time and snack time takes place in their classrooms and playroom in the Koinonia Konnection area. Kidz Blast: is designed for K-3rd graders. “Kidz” are dismissed from the morning service, after praise and worship, to go downstairs for their own time of learning about God’s Word. Word of Life: is an energizing program on Wednesday nights from 6:45pm-8:15pm for pre– K through 5th grade that provides children with training in the Scriptures and personal devotions. Club kids interact with each other in exciting group games and learn together through a Christ-centered Bible lesson. FBC Student Ministries: MS & HS students meet Wednesday nights from 6:45pm8:15pm in the Willis Recreation Center. Opportunities This Week @ FBC Monday, January 26th: 9:00am Moms in Prayer Tuesday, January 27th: 7:00pm 7:00pm Ladies Bible Study Open Adult Basketball– Willis Center Wednesday, January 28th: 6:30am 9:15am 6:45pm 7:00pm Men’s Early Morning Prayer Ladies Bible Study (childcare provided) WOL Clubs, HS & MS Youth Group Adult Bible Study & Prayer and ESL Thursday, January 29th: 7:00pm Open Adult Basketball– Willis Center First Baptist Church Ministry Page—Get Involved! A PLACE for YOU A Place for Worship A Place for Enrichment A Place for Ministry A Place for Learning A Place for Friendship A Place for Community Ladies Ministry Ladies Bible Study Priscilla Shirer’s Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted Tuesdays @ 7:00 PM & Wednesdays 9:15 AM Upcoming Baby Showers Kurt & Jazlin Huntington: Monday, February 16th *Registered @ Target & Wal-Mart Jim & Jodi Nichols: Monday, March 16th *Registered @ BuyBuy Baby Sign up sheet @ the Welcome Center along with group gift opportunities Upcoming! Next Sunday, February 1st, is Deacon Sunday. We will be installing the new deacons and will have an ALL CHURCH potluck to follow the morning service. There will be NO PM SERVICE. All Church Deacon 3 Weeks Left for Baby Bottle Boomerang! Pick up a bottle in the foyer today! Bottles due back February 8th. New Members Class New Members class is going on during the Sunday School hour. Please see Pastor Nate or the office if you’d like to become a member. Nursery Nursery Workers!! Last Nursery Meeting TODAY! Anyone who works in the nursery must attend after the AM service today. Pizza lunch is provided. Any questions see Joy Pitman. Weekend to Remember Men’s Ministry We will be doing a special 6 week men’s study (Age: 40 & under) on Jonah: The Depths of Grace, on Wednesday nights beginning February 11th. Sign up sheet @ The Welcome Center Youth Ministry Mark your Calendars for: H.S. & M.S.— Open Gym and FREE LAKE EFFECT! FOOD every Wednesday HS & MS Winter Retreat from 6:00-6:40pm. February 27th– March 1st Youth Group Grab a Registration Form @ starts @ 6:45pm! Bring The Welcome Center your friends! BUY ONE GET ONE FREE PROMOTION: Now until 1/26 Marriage Getaway Weekend: February 20-22 @ Grand Rapids Grand Plaza Hotel. More info at the Welcome Center See Scott or Brenda Steiner with any Questions. Register @ Opportunities Don & Anne are still in Ohio, if you’d like to send them a card of encouragement here is the address: Candlewood Suites Attn: Don & Anne Gaither 24741 Country Club Blvd North Olmsted, OH 44070 Food Pantry Needs -white vinegar -canned chicken -baby wipes -cereal -pancake mix -baking soda - dish soap - shampoo/conditioner - fabric softener sheets Please submit your prayer requests (typed or clearly written) to the church office. We would love to partner alongside you. FBC Nursery Schedule Coordinator January 25th February 1st Christine Harned Sunday School Infants / Walkers J & C Harned J Groeneveld & M Wynsma S Douglas & N Wiersma J & A Raber B & J Wisnewski S Wallach & K Foote R & R Sprague B & A Kubiak January 28th L Tandy & T Harris M Wynsma & J Pitman February 4 L Tandy & T Harris N Wiersma Morning Worship Infants Walkers Evening Worship Playroom Wednesday Worship . Nursery Playroom Substitute List: Shirl Beaudoin (269) 795-4405 Melissa Windish (616) 889-1996 Nate & Kristy DeBoer (269) 795-9694 Eric & Dana Manrose (616) 835-0537 Brad & Jen Wisniewski (269) 838-8533 Jazlin H (269) 838-5882 Koinonia Konnection Café Worker Schedule: January 25th: Melissa & Linda Coffee: Jazlin February 1st: Christine & Barb Coffee: Betty Office Hours Monday: Closed Tuesday– Friday: 8:30-3:00 First Baptist Church Staff Senior Pastor– Nate Archer 3769 Ethel Dr. Middleville, MI 49333 Nate’s cell: 616-366-2018 Hope’s cell: 616-885-7561 Worship Leader: Scott Steiner Coordinator of Development & Public Relations: Jazlin Huntington 5215 N M-37 Highway, Middleville, MI 49333 (269) 795-9726 | |
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