volume 66 / week number 8 / February 19, 2015 The Messenger firsT bapTisT hunTsville this sunday February 22, 2015 Sermon - TraviS CollinS Life Together Retreat sponsored by the 2345 Ministry for all ages March 6-8, 2015 Guntersville State Park Lodge “Stories” - Featuring Travis Collins & Larry McCutcheon We will take a look at the power of our own stories, as well as the power of God’s continuing story. One session on Friday night, Three sessions throughout the day on Saturday | Plenty of time to rest, relax, and RETREAT! www.fbchsv.org/retreat Hard Conversations: Race “Here is Where Racism Comes to Die” Colossians 3:5-11 FirST FellowShip - 8:15 am Music from the First Fellowship Band morning BiBle STudy - 9:15 am Bible Study for all ages SanCTuary worShip - 10:30 am Anthem by the Sanctuary Choir Blessed Are - Mendelssohn Solo by Will Weir Music from the FBC Saxophone Ensemble Lift Every Voice and Sing - arr. Roberto Burton evening aCTiviTieS Dr. Julius Scruggs from First Missionary Baptist Church, Blue Spring, will be with us for our evening Hard Conversation on race at 5:00 PM in the Life Center Contact the Guntersville State Park Lodge to make your accommodations, then sign up on Mosaic so we know you are coming! FBC is hosting a food drive for the Huntsville Assistance Program. Please bring your canned goods and other non-perishable items this Sunday. Drop-off containters are located at the East Entrance and Gathering Place. knowing, loving, serv ing Christ...together ministry calendar Sunday, February 22 First Fellowship worship - Baptism morning Bible Study Sanctuary worship women’s Celebration luncheon Student praise Band rehearsal men’s ensemble practice Children’s Foundation for life Student Choir hard Conversations - race Student Fun night Student parent meeting monday, February 23 letter writing mopS meeting hallelujah Choir men’s Bible Study Fellowship Tuesday, February 24 women’s Bible Study - Jeremiah SilK meeting 2345 open gym griefShare Forum Boy Scout Troop 70 mosaic ringers rehearsal wednesday, February 25 precept Bible Study Caring Talks Student ministry open gym around the Table Family mealtime wednesday night dinner Spanish Class Foster Care meeting prayer meeting & Bible Study Student liftoff orchestra rehearsal Sanctuary Choir rehearsal Thursday, February 26 eSl ministry 8:15 am 9:15 am 10:30 am 11:45 am 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:00 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 6:00 pm 9:00 am 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 9:00 am 9:00 am 4:00 pm 4:30 pm 4:45 pm 5:00 pm 5:30 pm 5:45 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm The Year of Service – Our first Week of Service February 14-22 Children and Families at FBC are really getting into this Year of Service! At the end of January children and families went to 305 8th Street to help residents clean their home and prepare to host their Valentine’s dance. We kicked the morning off with breakfast together with the residents (Chick-fil-A and Krispy Kreme...yum) and then worked our way through the house with clorox wipes, dust cloths, and Valentine decorations. The children did a phenomenal job and we all thoroughly enjoyed our time together. This Saturday some of our families will be journeying to Mt. Zion Baptist to be a part of a children's missions explosion where children will meet over 20 real-life missionaries. It's going to be a great experience! 9:00 am library hours Sunday 9-9:15 am | 10:10-10:45 am | 11:40-12:00 pm Tuesday 10:00 am-12:00 pm wednesday 4:00-5:00 pm Family maTTerS OUR NEWEST Hadley Carter Bertolino, daughter of Laramie and Jamie Bertolino, born February 10, 2015. Proud big sister is Amelia Bertolino. NEW MEMBERS Steve Allums 6602 Foxhall Lane Huntsville, AL 35806 Seth Limbaugh 415 Warner Street NW Huntsville, AL 35805 CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Chuck and Jana Clark in the loss of his mother, and Amanda Clark in the loss of her grandmother, Nell Clark Church Wide Spring Cleaning! Our church needs all hands on deck for decluttering cabinets, bookshelves, tabletops & counters; tossing out toys that are broken or missing pieces; cleaning/painting playground equipment; scraping tape off of windows; out all old literature; deep cleaning March 14, 9:00 AM - Noon throwing kitchen equipment; painting; sanitizing; Family project—No childcare what have you noticed that you wish “someone would take care of”? Come be that SOMEONE and help with this day of Serving our Church! If you have participated in the week of service please tell Mike Pearce about your project or send an email telling what you did during the Week of Service. – mike@fbchsv.org. We would love to hear how you served! Rosie Byrd in the loss of her sister, Vivian Still knowing, loving, serving Christ...together wednesday night dinner menu wednesday, February 25 Menu subject to change due to availability from suppliers adults Sweet & Sour Chicken Brocolli and Beef, Stir Fry Vegetables Fried Rice, Spring Roll Salad Voice Masterclass Fried Chicken Salad (Reservations for salad must be turned in by 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday.) Two concepts and five basic exercises that will improve your singing (almost) immediately Dr. Mary Beth Taylor of the University of Alabama in Huntsville will present a two-part voice masterclass on Wednesday, March 4 and 18, at 6:00 p.m., in the Choral Rehearsal Room. This masterclass will include what she feels are the most important two concepts and the five exercises that every singer should learn and master to train the muscles of the voice (think “voice gym”) and develop strength and stamina, increase range, support pitch accuracy, and reduce extraneous muscle tension which can inhibit flexibility. Dr. Taylor will also make available on her website MP3 files of all of the exercises so you can continue your practice at home. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced singer, you will greatly benefit from this unique experience. Children’s menu option Chicken Nuggets, Fries, Fruit, Cookies “around the Table” Family meal by reservation only Pizza, Fruit, Cookie, Drink (Reservations for families to eat in the Parlor must be made by 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday) STewardShip reporT Unavailable this week due to severe weather March 21-25 Laguna Beach Christian Retreat Center, West of Panama City Beach, FL. Cost: $230 per student FRIENDS ARE WELCOME! Registration Deadline: March 8 Registration: 1. FBCHSV members: register through Mosaic (www.fbchsv.org/ mosaic) and look under "Available Registrations". 2. Anyone: register through the church office by seeing Cindy Thompson, 256-428-9411 Parent informational meeting for Spring Camp, Summer Missions Camp, and Summer Calendar: Sunday February 22 at 6:00 PM in the Community Room. fbchsv.org aTTendanCe Sunday School preschool Children 78 61 Students 125 adults 571 visitors Brookdale ToTal 38 12 882 worship Service First Fellowship worship Sanctuary worship ToTal 461 551 1012 AGO Noontime Organ Recital Series First Baptist Church 600 Governors Drive Huntsville, AL 35801 office: 256-428-9400 weekend minister on call: 256-428-9457 24-hour prayer line: 256-428-9460 Thursday, February 19 at 12:10 p.m. in the Sanctuary fbchsv.org Students, George Luft, age 10 and Karsten Correale, age 17 The MESSENGER (USPS 591-280) is published weekly except the week of Christmas by FBC Organist Sherry Upshaw First Baptist Church, 600 Governors Drive, Huntsville, AL 35801. Periodical postage paid at Huntsville, Alabama 31801-5178. POSTMASTER send change of address to THE MESSENGER, 600 Governors Drive, Huntsville, AL 35801. Writing Your Life Story Wednesdays beginning March 4 3:00-4:30 p.m., Community Room Led by Rodger Keene and Bettye Pugh Contact the Experienced Adult Ministry Office for more information at 256-428-9403, 55plus@fbchsv.org Wellness: Spirit, Soul and Body February 25, 5:30-7:00 PM in the Community Room Dr. Michael Smith, Regional Vice President for Alabama Baptist Children’s Home and Director of the Decatur campus, will be with us to introduce our fellowship to the world of foster care. About 5,000 children in Alabama are in the foster care system and homes with loving Christian parents are needed every day. Please join us to learn where YOU can help. The next HAPC School of Applied Ministry class will be Saturday, February 28, 9:00-Noon in the Community Room. “Wellness: Spirit, Soul and Body” will be presented by Eugenia Graves, RN. The focus will be how spiritual care providers can care for the whole person and also care for themselves! Breakfast and registration will be at 8:30. To register or for more information: email Carl Malm at malmcarl@hotmail.com or phone at 256-883-6539. Church Resource Room It isn’t just for preschool/children teachers! Have you looked for bulletin board paper, borders, pens, rubber bands, white board markers, white board cleaner, paper clips, push pins, staplers, etc.? Spend some time in the Resource Room of FBC—we have what you need! Missing something? Ask Susan Moser if we can get it— call her at 256-428-9449.
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