Schedule of Services Elders Mark Freeman Sunday Gary Erwin Raymond Walker Butch Merriman 8:00 AM Morning Worship Assembly Elton Stubblefield John Rowe 9:30 AM Bible Classes (offered for all ages) 10:30 AM Deacons June 22, 2014 Volume XXII—Issue 25 Involvement & Greeting Brian Lee Fellowship Tim Riggs Sound How To Make A Friend Today we have a large number of our family at Family Camp. I’m sure our assemblies will be quieter than normal. But remember – a cemetery is quiet. The sound of babies is a sound of life. Maybe this is a good time to encourage everyone to take time to encourage a young mother or dadespecially those who consistently have their children here at every assembly. It’s amazing how much it means to have someone notice your efforts who takes the time to tell you that they notice and appreciate you. Words (or notes) of encouragement are seldom forgotten. Plus… you make a friend for life by being an encourager. So I want to encourage you to be an encourager! IF you notice something good about someone and don’t say it to them – shame on you. The power of life and death is in the tongue. Encouragement is truly life giving. And while we’re right here, let me encourage you to say positive things to our young people. Perhaps you think, “They don’t care what I think.” You are wrong about that. And if you want them to care more about what you think, say something encouraging to them. You make a friend for life by being an encourager. If you are a habitual critic, others learn to ignore you. They have to – to keep from being discouraged. But if you make a practice of noticing positive things and voicing encouragement, you become a valued friend. We want to create a family environment where everyone feels valued and loved. Thank you for taking the time to be an encourager. Ken Stegall 6:00 PM Evening Assembly Tuesday 9:30 AM Mark Jetton Children’s Programs Morning Worship Assembly Ladies Bible Class (Starts up again Sep. 9th, dismissed for Summer) Wednesday Richard Hyde Administration Ryan Coleman Communication Anthony Dozier Building & Grounds 7:00 PM Thursday Ken Purvis & Doug Tucker Local Evangelism Troy Conrad & Chuck Bryant Special Ministries Dan Gray & Nathan Ingram Foreign Missions Paul Gidden & John Oliverio Finance Jeff Fleming & Brandon Smith Bible Class 10:00 AM Community Bible Class Sunday, June 15, 2014 8:00 AM Worship 258 Class 405 Youth Todd Watrous & Matt Hemphill 10:30 AM Worship 268 Sharing Bradley Welborn & Kyle Gordley 6:00 PM Worship 335 Education Quinn Tolbert & Morgan Whatley Worship Bill Malone, Scott Blake & Brant Mathis Ministers Pulpit Contribution $18,885.50 Wednesday, June 18, 2014 7:00 PM Bible Class Ken Stegall 2 THOSE CHOSEN TO SERVE TODAY Youth Bible Class Coordinators June 22, 2014 Pre-School & Elementary Cradle Roll Jean Erwin Adult Cleo Tarver Youth Office Staff Gina Talbott Rose De Pena Supported Mission Works Ron Clayton India Tyrone Mynhier South Sudan Benin School of Preaching West Africa Mission Printing Arlington, Texas Pat Scheaffer Adventures in Missions Steve Austin Texas International Bible Institute Director of Development-Bear Valley Institue Extension School Program Ralph Williams Uganda School of Evangelism Eastern European Missions Biblical Institute of Central America Supported Children’s Homes Arms of Hope Cherokee Home for Children Children’s Homes of Lubbock Olive Branch Ministries-Peru Sunny Glen Children’s Home Hannah’s Hope-Cambodia 8:00 AM Service 10:30 AM Service Hosts Karen Hopper Nelda Baldacchino Karen Hopper Nelda Baldacchino Sound Booth Brandon Smith Brandon Smith Song Leader Sonny Taylor Sonny Taylor First Prayer Ken Purvis Kyle Taylor Communion Coordinator Alberto De Pena Robert McDougal Communion Prayer Marty Miller Sam Bradley Second Prayer & Scripture Reading Brent Foster Steve Aloway Closing Remarks Raymond Walker Butch Merriman Nursery Leslie Hull Glenda Haggard Lead Coordinator Scott Blake Clint Edgar Where to find us: 7300 Crownridge Dr. The Woodlands, TX 77382 Phone/Voicemail: (936)273-0010 Metro: (936) 321-8919 Email: Check out our website for more information at Announcements Announcements TYRONE MYNHIER TO ETHIOPIA Tyrone Mynhier left Wednesday for seven weeks in Ethiopia (scheduled to return August 5th). Several other of our members will meet him during that time for teaching and VBS. (Alma Mynhier, Darren & Zeb Raines, , Joanie Roberts, Bryce Caldwell, & Carissa Holland) FYI—Remember David Thostmer (“The Lost Boy of Sudan”)? He has returned to Ethiopia for his summer break from classes. His wife was located in South Sudan hiding in the jungle. Efforts are being made to bring her to Ethiopia to join him. He will return for one more semester at SIBI. Pray for Tyrone, David and those who will join them in a few weeks. ____________________________________________________ FELLOWSHIP SUPPER WELCOME HAYDEN LINDSAY MATHIS Congratulations to Jami & Brant Mathis, and big brother Hudson, who welcomed daughter/sister HAYDEN LINDSAY last Monday, June 16th. Hayden weighed 6 lb 13 oz and was 18 3/4” long. Everyone is home and doing well. W elcome to Woodland Oaks Church of Christ. We are honored you chose to worship with us this morning. Please fill out the attendance card in the pew in front of you and place it in the contribution tray. Thank you for visiting us today! We look forward to meeting you! We invite you to join any of our adult bible classes: “Spread of the Gospel in the First Century” by Elton Stubblefield Location: Auditorium “Ecclesiastes: Purpose & Wisdom in Today’s World” by Michael Matheidas Location: Magnolia Rm. “A Study of Jonah” by Bradley Welborn (20s & 30s i.e. TNT) Location: Annex Room B107 “Christian Living” by Robert Shock and Sam Bradley (Singles & Young Professionals) Location: Annex Rm 208 MARK YOUR CALENDAR June 27 June 29 Family Fun Night Farewell party for the Hendricks family Baby Shower for Cindi Stevenson July 13 We will not have a meal this Wednesday. The fellowship supper schedule for the summer will be only the 1st Wed. of each month (the Potato Supper) during June, July, and August. THIS WEEK Monday/Softball THANK YOU Our family wanted to thank the congregations for your support at the time of our loss. Our father is in a much better place. Wednesday Thursday Friday 6:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 5:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M. 5:30-8:00 P.M. Field #2 Field #2 No Fellowship Supper “Rebekah” by Freddie Anderson Community Bible Class Family Fun Night EXPECTANT FAMILIES Sincerely, The family of John Cheatham, Sr. Please pray for all our members driving home today from Family Camp. CHANGE FOR LIFE Please return your Change for Life Baby Bottles as soon as possible. There is a container in the foyer for the bottles. And thank you so much for your help with this important ministry. Alma Mynhier is ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE PUT YOUR COMPLETED ATTENDANCE CARD IN THE COLLECTION PLATE Maegan & Brett Rodriguez Please leave donations in the far stairwell of the Education Building. BUILDING CONTRIBUTION We are truly blessed with our family’s contribution of $132,000.00 last quarter. God is good all the time. ***************************************************** ALL MEMBERS Crisanna & Bobby Hulett JUNE SHARING PANTRY : Boxed dinners and canned meats VBS, maintenance/repair Hannah’s Hope, visit AngkorWat. Cost $2,025.00 (Possible travel support available.) If you are interested see Bradley or Danielle Welborn or Rick Medford. FAMILY FUN NIGHT Please join us for a night of fun and fellowship on June 27th 5:30-8:00 at BOUNCIN’ BEARS at 6526 FM 2920. This is a free event open to all ages. Bring your socks. Krista & Stephen Brewster Meagan & Cody Mann Hannah’s Hope Mission Trip Siem Reap, Cambodia - July 25-Aug. 4th Anna & Brian Flournoy and PRAYERS Diane Struttmann, Rudy Bates and Nelda Baldacchino/cancer treatments. Bert Johnson is responding to his transplant Traci (Cleo & Judy Tarver’s daughter) getting good medical reports Janaye Ince/traveling with Aggies for Christ in Thailand. Please remember Sue Dunn, Linda Alexander, Liz Coleman, Margie Biggs Velma Sparks Bogan Smith
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