Welcome to the Mt. Airy Family! We are thrilled to have you as our guest today! If you are looking for "a family of friends" you'll find them at Mt. Airy. I would like to personally invite you to two important things that our church offers. First, we offer small group Bible studies for all ages. Our BSF, or Bible Study Fellowship classes, meet every Sunday at 8:30am and 9:45am. We would love to have you join us next Sunday. Second, I would like to meet you at the end of the service. Please stop by and say “hello.” Thank you for investing your time with us today. I hope to see you again next week! Your Friend and Pastor, Announcements Today’s Message… A copy of today’s message is available through our website, our iTunes podcast, our Mt. Airy app, or on CD. If you would like to purchase a CD, complete one of the order forms in the pew rack and drop it in the offering plate. Mission Rehoboth… MASM (6th grade - college) will be participating in a mission project in Atlanta with Rehoboth Baptist Church this summer, July 28 - August 4. We will be working in the community sharing the love of Jesus. The last payment of $50 is due next Sunday, April 27 (total cost $250). There are still open spots for those who are interested. Sign up online at www.mtairystudents.com. Dr. Keith Shorter, Senior Pastor Order of Worship - April 20, 2014 Morning Worship “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” (9:45) “He Lives” (9:45) “Because He Lives” (9:45) “Amazing Grace” (9:45) “One Name” (11:00) “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” (11:00) “Victor’s Crown” (11:00) “Man of Sorrows” “And Can It Be?” “He Is Lord” “Forever”- Angela Storay Message: “Hope Is Here” Dr. Keith Shorter “Just As I Am” Evening Worship We will not have a service this evening. Please spend the time celebrating Easter with your family and friends. GA Sleepover… The GA sleepover will be May 2 at 6:30pm in the Mt. Airy Life Center. All girls in grades 1 - 5 are invited to join us for lots of food, fun, and maybe even a road trip to Gravitopia! Please see Allison Taffer to sign up. VBS Volunteers… We will be having the VBS Leaders’ meeting on Sunday, May 4, at 4:45pm in the Life Center classrooms. Every teacher and assistant needs to attend this very important planning meeting. Volunteers are still needed to help in the classrooms during this year’s Vacation Bible School July 7 –12. If you can help, please see Jennifer Meaders, Karen Hoyt or Allison Taffer to sign up. R.E.A.C.H. on the Road… Please join us for an exciting kids service for preschool through 5th grade on Sunday, May 4, at 6:00pm in the Life Center! This will be a high energy worship experience with hands on and interactive activities. Be prepared to get up close and personal with God's Word! Elmo will be the special guest for preschoolers! Baby Dedication Date Change… The Baby Dedication service has been moved to Sunday, May 25. Anyone who would like to participate in this service is asked to complete an information sheet (available in the Welcome Center) and turn it in to Lori or Allison in the church office no later than May 11. Please turn this form in early to guarantee your child will be included in the Baby Dedication program. Graduate Pictures Needed… If you are graduating from HIGH SCHOOL this year, please send Chris 15 of your photos (preferably on disc) from birth to senior picture (or current photo if you don’t have it). A recent headshot is required. Pictures MUST be turned in by April 27. Graduate information forms are available in the Welcome Center to submit along with your pictures. If you are graduating from COLLEGE, please submit one recent headshot along with the graduate information form to Melanie in the church office by May 7. Graduates will be recognized on Sunday, May 18, in the 11:00am service. Relay for Life… There is still time to sign up for the North Anderson Relay for Life (Cancer Crushers) team. Time is running out and the relay is less than 2 weeks away (May 2nd). We will be placing a final team shirt order this week ($10/$12.50 for XXL and up). Please get involved now. This is a fun event to hang out with your friends while helping to fight cancer. For details, contact Andi Leaphart at cancercrushers4relay@gmail.com . Ladies’ WMU Group Meetings… The Dorsie Fowler WMU Group meeting for May will be on Tuesday, May 13, at 7:00pm at the home of Joy Hix. Contact Joy at 934-0011 for details. The Margaret Mitchell WMU Group will meet on Tuesday, May 21, at 11:00am at the home of Peggy Bagwell. Please contact Miriam Ausburn at 269-1328 for more information or directions. Pastor Mike Mohler from Trinity Point Church will be leading two sessions of “Bible Storying” as part of M&M Nights on April 23rd & 30th in the Life Center. Come join us! Visit Us On the Web If your mobile device has a QR Reader, simply scan the image at left for instant access to our website. Did You Know? We have three morning worship times to better serve your needs. 9:45am - Traditional service in Sanctuary 11:00am - Celebration service in Sanctuary 11:00am - Contemporary service in The Life Center What’s the Next Step? To Join a Small Group Bible Study: Stop by the Guest Services area for more information about Bible Study Fellowship, including times and classes available. To Become a Member of Mt. Airy: Stop by the Guest Services area for more information about signing up for our next membership class (Discover Mt. Airy). Additional information can be found on our website: www.mtairybaptist.com. Preschool Workers LOVELOUD is the new name for the one-day missions extravaganza formerly known as ‘Beyond the Walls.’ Participants have the opportunity to participate in their choice of numerous teams with many different types of ministry for the sole purpose of making an eternal difference in the lives of those touched through this ministry. This year’s LOVELOUD event will be held on Saturday, May 31, 2014. Detailed flyers containing work team information, team leaders and a registration form will be available soon. We encourage you to find an area you can help and sign up! Thank you Mt. Airy family for raising over $12,000 to go towards home missions. Praise the Lord! If you haven’t had an opportunity yet to give but would like to, we will continue our collection throughout the month of April. Our goal is $22,000. Infants: Ones: Twos: Threes: Kinderchurch (4’s): Kinderchurch (5’s): Sun. PM (0-2): Sun. PM (3-5): Wednesday: Ryan/Erin Hunter; Elizabeth McDaniel Donna Hudson; Brandi Poole Rob/Emily Freeman Layne/Pam Horton Cory/Kelly Turner Kidspoint in FH (for today only) NO SERVICE NO SERVICE Karen Hoyt; Jennifer Meaders Records for Last Week Please make plans to attend our fourth annual Mother/Son Banquet. It will be held in the Mt. Airy Fellowship Hall on Friday, May 9, at 6:00pm. Start Mother’s Day weekend by honoring your mom at this special banquet! Moms and sons of all ages are welcome! Tickets are $15.00 per family. Please contact Allison at 295-3008 for details or to purchase tickets. Tithes……………………………………………….…………………..…….………….…….….…$18,325.52 Building Fund…………….……………….......…….....................................................$411.00 Bible Study Fellowship………………………………..……..……….………..……..……..…..……..421 Opportunities of the Week Sunday 8:30 9:45 11:00 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 7:00 5:45am 7:00 6:30 Thursday 7:30 5:45am Bible Study Fellowship I Morning Worship I / BSF II Morning Worship II & III / BSF III NO EVENING SERVICE Ladies’ Bible Study in LC (Genesis) MABC Uncommon Boot Camp in LC Career/Young Adult Bible Study M&M Outreach Night (Adults & Youth); RA’s/GA’s/Mission Friends Adult Choir Practice MABC Uncommon Boot Camp in LC Church Contacts Dr. Keith Shorter…………………………………..295-2596…………………………………………. Senior Pastor Rev. David Storay, Jr……………………………..294-6818……….Minister of Worship & Pastoral Care Rev. Chris Meaders……………………………….979-0324……………………………….Minister of Students Mr. Steve Robins……………………………….....855-1392….Director of Administration & Education Rev. Ron Taffer……………………………………..423-1888….....Minister of Missions and Discipleship Mrs. Allison Taffer……………………………......918-4474………...Director of Preschool and Children Church Office………………………………………..295-3008 Website………...www.mtairybaptist.com
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