Middleton Baptist Church March 16th 2014—10:45 A.M. Sharing in Praise Grafted in the Vine Our God & In Christ Alone Sharing with our Children Announcements Sharing the Gift of Music Sandra Trail Sharing in Responsive Reading Psalm 119:57-64 Sharing in God's Word Who Am I…Really?: I am in Christ Ephesians 1:1-11 Sharing in Giving Back to God Now I Belong to Jesus #503 BULLETIN BOARD Welcome to our Guests We are glad you joined us today and pray God’s blessings on you as you worship with us. If you have children with you this morning, we provide a worship experience that is uniquely theirs at Children’s Church. It takes place each Sunday morning for all children ages 2-grade 5. Children will remain in the worship service with their families this year until they are dismissed to their classes, to allow for a family worship time before class. Parents please sign your children into their classes each week, and directly following the worship service please sign them out. We have three different classes available for your children: -Nursery (0-24months): Nursery on the main level -Preschool (Ages 2-5): Upstairs classroom on balcony level -Grade Primary -3: Family Life Center (Gym) -Grade 4&5 :Upstairs classroom on balcony level Prayer Warrior Rose Hines Flowers Roxanne Berringer Nursery Jill Cox Norren Doble This Week at MBC Sharing in Praise Blessed Assurance #514 Sending Out for Ministry Coffee & Fellowship Join us after the worship service for light refreshments in the vestry. Everyone Welcome! Mission Update: The April 6th mission update will be in regard to providing Bibles to the Youth Correctional Centre in Waterville. There will be an opportunity for you to give an offering toward that as they do Bible studies with the youth. Soup Luncheon: There will be a soup luncheon after the morning service on March 23rd. The free will offering will go to help George and Libby Amirault with their mission trip to Brazil. All are invited to attend. Supper: There will be a baked bean supper happening at Sunset Meadows on March 19th as part of our Outreach Initiatives there is a sign up sheet for food and volunteers needed in the vestry. Please prayerfully consider helping in some way with this ministry. LAFF: Life after 55 is being held March 17th from 3:00pm6:00pm. ABW Meeting: The ABW is having a meeting on March 18th at 1:30pm refreshments to be provided. The meeting starts at 2:00pm all ladies invited, it will be held in the ladies parlour. Sharing the Gift of Music MBC Sanctuary Choir SUNDAY Worship Service Children’s Church Children’s Church Leader Meeting 10:45am 10:45am 7:00pm MONDAY LAFF 3:00pm TUESDAY ABW 1:30pm WEDNESDAY Prayer Group Youth Dance Ministry 10:00am 3:30pm THURSDAY Choir Practice Men’s Floor Hockey 6:30pm 7:00pm Sharing in Prayer Ministry Opportunity: We are currently looking for leaders for the grade 4-6 Children’s Church class on Sunday morning during the worship service. If this interests you, please speak to Holly Gosbee. FRIDAY SATURDAY Men’s Prayer Breakfast 8:00am SUNDAY Worship Service Children’s Church 10:45am 10:45am **NUT ALLERGY ALERT**: There are a number of people in our congregation allergic to nuts of any type including: nutmeg, coconut, walnuts, and peanuts etc… No nuts of any kind will be permitted on the premises effective immediately. Please ensure that anything baked or brought into the church has NO NUTS. Sympathies: Christian sympathies go out to Jack & Irene Barlow during this time for the passing of Jack's Sister Rhoda Strum, who passed away Sunday night March 11th,2014 She was 79 years old. A grave side service is scheduled for some time in May. Valley Care Pregnancy: The Centre's Annual Meeting is Tomorrow Night, Monday, March 17, at 7:00 at the Acadia Divinity College Chapel (Not the "Manning Memorial Chapel"). Please join us for a time of worship, praise & prayer and learn about what God is doing through this local home mission. For more information, please call Bill at 902-678-6217. At Home/Care Facilities: Jack Barlow, Gerry Jackson, George Mosher, Marion Cox, Phyllis Langille, Carl Robar, Thelma Robicheau, Madeline Hazelwood, Leona Larkin, Ray Giffin, Edith Newton, Jill Kubeck (Ray & Sheila Giffen’s granddaughter), Roy/Pauline Beals, Judy Bonnell, Bob Chetwynd, Asher and Boaz Marshand, Alex Balcome, & Anita MacDonald. Our Missionaries: John Spurr Aaron & Erica Kenny Randy & Elizabeth Legassie SERMON AUDIO To listen to today’s sermon or past sermons from MBC go to middletonbaptist.com/2013sermons. NAME TAGS Please remember to pick up your name tags before each service and to return them to the baskets, not your mailboxes. If lost, please check with the office. If you would like to receive a name tag, please stop by the welcome table or leave your name at the church office. MAILBOXES Please check your mailboxes this morning. If you would like a mailbox please contact the church office. InterVarsity Kenya-CBM Kenya CONTACT US: Lead Pastor – Danny Smith Home 825-2063 Email: pastor.dannysmith@gmail.com Week 10 Giving Analysis March 9th 2014 Pastor of Family Ministries – Holly Gosbee *Tithes & Loose Average/Week: $37, 687 $3, 769 Budget Requirement $49, 310 Budget Requirement $4, 931 Email: hollyrlr@hotmail.com Pastor of Congregational Care - Robin McCoombs *Last Sunday Tithes & Offerings $2, 898.50 March Preauthorized Givings $1, 585 Email: ras.mccoombs@gmail.com Intern Student Pastor - Jennifer Smith Email: jmsmith1967@gmail.com Administrative Assistant– Jamie-Ellen Earnshaw Email: middletonbaptist@ns.aliantzinc.ca Two-Year Bible Reading Plan Sunday Catch-up day Ps 56 Monday Lev 1-2 Ps 57 Tuesday Lev 3 Ps 58 Wednesday Lev 4.1-5.13 Ps 59 Thursday Lev 5.14-6.7 Ps 60 Friday Lev 6.8-7.38 Ps 61 Saturday Lev 8-9 Ps 62 Organist/Choir Director—Jean Prosser Treasurer—Helen Rodgers—Email: hgrodgers@ns.sympatico.ca Church Clerk—TBA Church Office: Middleton Baptist Church 111 Commercial St. P. O. Box 896 Middleton, N.S. B0S 1P0 Phone: 825-3537 Fax: 825-2295 Website: middletonbaptist.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/middletonbaptist MIDDLETON BAPTIST CHURCH EXISTS TO BE DISCIPLES AND TO MAKE DISCIPLES OF JESUS CHRIST FOR THE GLORY OF GOD PRAYER NEEDS
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