Connection Card 12/21/2014 If you are visiting with us for the first time this morning, we would love to meet you! Please fill out this Connection Card and bring it to our Welcome Center to receive your Visitor Gift! Last chance to Send a Belize Child To VBS!! The team travels this week!! Leaving Dec. 26! Belize Mission Team Members Please pray for this team over the next week as they travel. Pastor Gerald and Miriam Steele, Casey Dendler, Larry and Cherri Riffell, Scott and Kim Morrison, Diane Kress, Keith, Janice, and Bridget Berger, Kylie, Parker, and Tae Langstaff, Shelby Anderson, Brenda Kite, Kyle Matheny, Grace Jackson, Lucas Smith, and Zac Riley. Celebrate Recovery was designed for those struggling with hurts, habits and hang-ups by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through a recovery process. Join us as we come together on the road to recovery! Beginning January 8th, there will also be a Celebrate Recovery group meeting here at 11:00am every Thursday morning! Important Christmas and New Year Reminders: Soup Kitchen is Tomorrow: Pleasant View volunteers will serve lunch at the Soup Kitchen of Grace Resurrection Center. Please contact Kim Morrison at (937) 417-9851 if you would like to serve in this ministry. Food Pantry Distribution: Help needed for tomorrow evening at 5:30pm. Please contact Wilda Martindale if you are interested in serving in this ministry. Looking for heavier department store bags for groceries. Please give them to Wilda. Here is our Prayer Focus this week: Please pray for: Non-Christian players and cheerleaders; Non-Christian parents; for our pastor; our prayer commissioner; the cheer commissioners; 1st and 2nd grade coaches. We are still in need of volunteers for Concessions and Sound Room for our Upward ministry. Please mark your Connection Card if you would be willing to serve with us. This Wednesday, December 24 and Next Wednesday, December 31 there will be No AWANA! Children's Sunday School New Year Bowl on January 11th for grades Kg-6, from 2:00-4:00pm, at McBo’s Bowling in Versailles. We will bowl two games and have pizza. Siblings/Parents are welcome to participate for $7 each. A BIG Thank You to all the Children's Sunday School Teachers: Kay Turner, Lori Yount, Jed & Penny Smith, Charlotte Moss, Bob & Wilda Martindale, Cherri Riffell, Bridget Berger, Jon Lavy & Stacey Lavy, and our children for their hard work in presenting the Children’s Christmas Program last Sunday! Jesus is our Reason for this Season! Children’s Sunday School (ages 0-6th grade) is available at 9:45am in the Children’s Center. Fifth & Sixth grades meet in Youth Center basement Room YC001. Childcare available on Sunday Mornings (both services) - Ages 0-4 years old. Children’s Worship - Ages 5 years - 4th grade, dismissed right before the sermon at each service. Parents need to register their children in the Children’s Lobby. Be sure to visit the café today and make a donation toward Bibles for Mozambique!! Beginning Sunday, January 18th, there will be a group from the Arcanum area meeting at Ty and Kelle Blume’s home, (202 N. Albright St.) from 4:00pm-5:30pm. As a Light and Life Group, we will be studying the book of Galatians, fellowshipping, and encouraging one another to reach our community for Jesus. A small snack will be provided and we ask that you bring your own soda for the evening. Feel free to invite your friends and/or neighbors to join us. Mark your Connection Card if you have an interest in joining us on January 18th. Please fill out, tear off and turn in to an usher as you leave today! There’s still time to sponsor a child from Belize with our “Send a Friend to VBS”. Pick up your flyer and envelope at the Welcome Center, insert your donation, and place in the basket provided. ___ 1st time guest ___ 2nd time guest ___ Regular attendee ___ Member Name_______________________________ Spouse______________________________ Children’s names and birthdates ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Address_______________________________ City__________________________________ State________ Zip___________ Phone________________________________ Email_________________________________ My Birthday___________________________ Married_______ Single_________ Spouse Birthday ________________________ Anniversary___________________________ I’m having surgery this week. ____Please come and pray for me Jr. High and Sr. High Sunday School at 9:45am in the Youth Center YOUTH IMPACT: Wednesdays 6:30pm-8:00pm ____No need to visit but please pray Date___________ Time______________ Place_____________________________ Additional Information Prayer Requests and/or Comments ____For Prayer Team ____Confidential ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ I am Interested In: If you are in need of Pastoral Care, whether you need to talk to a pastor, are in the hospital, going to have surgery, or have a death in the family, please call the church office at: 447-3885, Pastor Gerald at (260) 449-1932, or Pastor Brad at (937) 564-1466. Do you have a prayer request? Would you like to be part of the Email prayer chain? Contact Jennifer Robinson at or mark your Connection Card. Phone prayer chain-Rita Stockslager (937) 692-5521. GIVING UPDATE!! 2014 YTD Budget: $475,544.00 Year to Date Giving: $404,284.94 Weekly Need To Meet Budget: $9,501.00 YTD Average Weekly Giving: $8,085.70 Church Office Hours Christmas Week December 24th: 8:00am-12:00pm December 25th: Office Closed December 26th: 8:00am-12:00pm Sunday, 12/21/2014 Worship Team Rehearsal Worship Sunday School Hour Worship Wednesday, 12/24/2014 (cont.) 7:15am-8:00am NO WEDNESDAY NIGHT FAMILY ACTIVITIES!! 8:25am-9:40am CHRISTMAS EVE CANDELIGHT SERVICE 11:00PM 9:45am-10:40am 10:45am-12:00pm Thursday, 12/25/2014 Monday, 12/22/2014 Add me to One Call Now list to receive weather cancellation notices!! I am interested in serving in this area: Serving in Serving in Serving in Serving in I would like more information about: Grace Resurrection Soup Kitchen Grace Resurrection Food Bank Upward Basketball/Cheer Practice Tuesday, 12/23/2014 MERRY CHRISTMAS!! CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 9:00am 5:30pm Friday, 12/26/2014 5:00pm CHURCH OFFICE OPEN UNTIL 12:00PM Friday 12/26-Saturday1/3 8:30am BELIZE MISSIONS TRIP 9:00am Sunday, 12/28/2014 5:00pm Worship Team Rehearsal Worship Wednesday, 12/24/2014 Sunday School Hour CHURCH OFFICE OPEN UNTIL 12:00PM Worship Staff Bible Study Staff Meeting Upward Basketball/Cheer Practice 7:15am-8:00am 8:25am-9:40am 9:45am-10:40am 10:45am-12:00pm To access the weekly calendar and more go to The Pleasant View office hours are 8:30am-2:30pm M-F. Please check the church calendar on the website or call the church office to confirm that your EVENT has been scheduled.
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