is !!" #$ # %&#'() Sunday Sunday 5/24 5/24 Monday Monday 5/25 5/25 Tuesday Tuesday 5/26 5/26 Wednesday Wednesday 5/27 5/27 Thursday Thursday 5/28 5/28 Friday Friday 5/29 5/29 8:00am Early Riser Worship (S) 9:00am Bible Classes 9:15am Contemporary Worship (MH) 10:30am Bible Classes 10:45am Traditional Worship (S) 5:00pm Churchwide Memorial Weekend Picnic at Manasota Beach OFFICE CLOSED for HOLIDAY 4:30pm Adult Taekwon Do Class (FLC) 5:30pm Y outh Taekwon Do Class (FLC) 6:00pm SAFE Support (MH 24) 7:30pm AA-12 Step (MH) 8:00am Pathways Mailing Team (M24) 10:00am Jonathan (P) 10:00am Shawls of Pray er (M24) 6:00pm Ministry in the Works (M24) 6:00pm Memorial Serv ice for Tony Morley (S) 7:00pm High School Boys Group (FLC) 8:15am Bread & Coffee (MH) 5:00pm Pastor’s Bible Study (S) 6:00pm Dinner (MH) 6:45pm Exploration Station/ The Current (FLC) 6:45pm Toolshed (MC) 6:45pm Wesley Groups 7:00am Lawn & Garden 7:30am Men’s Bible Study (MH 24) 12noon AL-ANON (MH 25) 7:00pm District Pray er Meeting (S) 7:00pm AA Mens & Ladies Groups (MH 22-25) 7:00am Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast (MH 24) 4:30pm Adult Taekwon Do Class (FLC) 5:30pm Y outh Taekwon Do Class (FLC) 6:30pm Adult Shim Soo Do Class (FLC) Sarday Sarday 5/ 5/ initr in te r Scedue pn If you received a leEe r to come to Ministry in the WorFs on the 2Gt h you may choose to come to that meeBngorthe same meeBng Ceing oHered again on June 2 ndD We hope this laBtude will CeEe r serve your scheduleD Frida, a 29 at 7:00pm - District Prayer ServiceD RevD Rini He rnandez and others from around the District will Ce coming for an eveningof prayerfor the upcoming 2015 Annual ConferenceD This prayer watch has Ceen on Rini’s heart and Christ UMC has oHe red to help maFe this event happenD The gathering is ope n to everyoneD We will Ce praying for all of the worF that needs to Ce accomplis hed at this year’s Annual Conference and for all of the delegates who are seeFing to represent the Florida Confe rence at the 201G Gene ral Confere nce in Portla nd, ORD If you are availaCle, please come Join RevD Hernandez and others as they liK up the 2015 Annual Confe rence & the 201G General Confe renceD Meet in the Sanctuary for this e LciBng Bme of prayer with our District Supe rintendent, DrD Rini Hernande z and others from a round the Southwest DistrictD Sunda, a 31 - Blood DriveD The OneClood Blood MoCile will Ce he re on campus from 8:30am Bl 12:30pm for your donaBng convenie nceD All donors will receiveat-shirt, a Firehouse SuCs coupon, and a wellness checFupD Please Cring your photo ID and Ce sure to eat a good CreaFfastD May 24, 2015 10:45 TradiBonal Worship 1475 1475 Center Center Road, Road, Venice, Venice, FL FL 34292 34292 941-493-7504 Christ United Methodist Church Welcome to Pentecost & Global Day of Prayer 10:45am rsan olor: e PRELUDE MEMORI AL DAY TRIBUTE PRAYER “Almighty God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” en Bell PRAISE TIME eryl Smt w / PRAYER “Our Father in Heaven” Jeff Dunn-ankn PRAISE TIME eryl Smt WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS %arry Po&s *SHARING TI ME PRAYER “Lord Jesus Christ” Mara Jaene CHILDREN’S CHAT %arry Po&s PRAYER “Father of Mercy and Grace” eryl Smt OFFERTORY “Spirit of God” or *DOXOLOGY (# 95) & PRESENTATION of GIFTS PRAYER “Lord Jesus Christ” lara Wray *HYMN # 420 Breathe on Me, Breath of Life PRAYER & LORD’S PRAYER (# 895) %arry Po&s PRAYER “Spirit of the Living God” Sopa Fong MESSAGE Series: Hear My Cry Mke Huson Revival - Acts 2:14-21 *HYMN # 347 Spirit Song *BENEDICTION PRAYER “King of Glory” Mke Huson POSTLUDE *CongregaBon please stand if you are aCleD Scripture Reading Acts 2:14-21 14 Then Peter stood up with the Eleven, raised his voice and addressed the crowd: "Fellow Jews and all of you who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you; listen carefully to what I say. 15 These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It's only nine in the morning! 16 No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: 17 "`In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. 18 Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy. 19 I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke. 20 The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. 21 And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.' Altar Flowers are presente d Cy the Adult Choir in memory of BeEy DeArF’s husCand, George DeArFD ThanF you to each and every one of you for your s upport on the death of my Crothe rD You eLpresse d your love with calls, cards and words on face to face meeBngsD It was a Clessing and your eLpressions of love were deeply feltD ThanF you, Unued Gae, either prescripBon or store Cought reade rs, are neede d Cy Jerry & Susan Smith in PanamaD DonaBons can Ce pla ced in the OCregon/MMI donaBon CoL as DrD Pete will Ce leading a team there in JulyD OFFERINGS May 17, 2015 General Fund Mortgage Pay ment Fund Ministry Through the Roof M-1000 Mission Fund Children’s Home Year to Date Offerings: General Fund Offerings Mortgage Pay ment Fund Ministry Through the Roof M-1000 Mission Fund (3/1/14-2/28/15) Children’s Home (2014) Week 20 25,378 664 390 230 4,066 72 524,005 17,609 13,425 9,070 30,064 6,620 General / Mortgage / Thru the Roof: Weekly Av erage Budget (ytd) 25,495 Weekly Offering 26,432 Weekly Av erage Offering (ytd) 27,752 Income (April) Expenses (April) 117,484 113,170 Y TD Income (4/30/15) Y TD Expenses (4/30/15) 472,893 410,760 MORTG AGE RESERVE 41,756 3/3/15 MH Loan Balance 136,339 Roof Loan Balance 344,248 ATTENDANCE: 8:00 Worship 9:15 Worship 10:45 Worship Children’s Church Total Worship Total Worship (last year) Sunday School CluC W hatever Salty Service 82 13G 34G 5G4 G09 G4 Empment pprtunit at ur Dacare Center “Christ Methodist Child Development Center is sea rching for a new DirectorD Anita Burton and her family are moving necessitaBng this searchD If you happen to Fnow of an individual who may Ce inte rested, please contact Anita at the daycare 497-55G3 or email her at anita@cumcDinfoD” 4/30/15 132,996 341,332 L E AD P A S T O R Rev . Mic ha el T. H uds on A S S IS T A N T P A S T O R Rev . La rry D . P o tts Peter Blomerley Bill Setterlund Meredith Gould Stan Harrison Lou Kraft Jim & Judy Liston Judy Kurinsky J. Paul Martin Arloine Ellis Pat Billings Bill Ferguson Karla Wilson Pete Hotaling Barbara Hotaling Hal Loud Bennett Coleman Joy Lederman Lee/Lois Zimmerman Trish Hadsall Joan Olsen Janice Johnson Carl Herren Fran Manningham Howard Davis Marcia Wooddell John Waugh Cal Stone LaVina Fox Ransom Jones Sue David Dick & Irene LaFave Richard & Janie Palmer Dan Sukel Marie Sheets Don Lorenc Jean Schleutker Keith Freeland Andy Clark Beverly Hong Betty Stahlnaker Abby Ruehr Sharon Monk Kenneth Druley Frank Moitis Larry Davis David Evans Joe Foster Janet Outerbridge Bea Wildauer Marilyn Dittmer Mary Jo Dick John Everitt Jackie Metz Deborah Knight Eleanor Montano Olivia Theis Peggy Mitrushi Betty Booth Rich Ritchie Bobbie Allen Louise Griffiths Arlene Decker Rose Hancock Frank Welsh Shirley Mankhe Byron/Joann Carpenter Peter Warhurst Joe & Myrna Gop Bob Spalin Kathy Hees Brooke Noser Dee Robson Connor Gaunt Joan Philips Virginia Endriss Dick & Joan Bigelow Gene & Pat Hunt Kay Snider Phyllis Tucker John Ptacek Jim &Catherine MacKay Susan Wonnell Bob Erwin David Bryant A S S IS T A N T P A S T O R Rob er t E . Hal ey TR E A S U R ER Jo Ell en Wh ip pl e S E CR E T A R Y M ich ele M orl ey DIS C IPL E S H IP & L A Y M IN IS T R Y Nan cy K in ney Birdie Rohrer Barbara Schoenfelder In Extended Care: Jean Anderson - Aston Gardens Dick & Joan Bigelow - Consulate Lois Crouch - Harbor Chase Ann Flanagan - Sunset Lake LaVina Fox - S.L.C. of Sarasota Betty Fuller - Sunset Lake Dolores Glass - Sunset Lake Paul Lindholm - Sunset Lake Tommi Matthews - Venetian Gardens Julie McLain - Harbor Chase Kitty Pugh - Lexington Manor Rich & Helen Ritchie - The Pines Bonnie Snyder - Jacaranda Trace ALF Marcia Wooddell - Pinebrook Buck Zeigler - Harbor Inn M U S IC M IN IS TR Y Cher yl S mi th B ob by W hi ppl e Caro le S au l Y OU T H MIN IS TR Y Jeff D un n-R ank in Jo ne tta D ud ley M arci a S ch ab erg CH IL DR E N’ S M IN IS T R Y S usa n P en ce CH IL D D E V E L O P M E NT C EN T E R A ni ta B urton A CO L Y T E S Th o mas K o tki ewi cz & Gav in C ar fie ld Bip’ ffering fr 2015 Annua Cnference Dear Sisters and Brothers of the Florida Confere nce, Church Wide Memorial Picnic Sunday, May 24th | Manasota Beach Pavilion | 5pm-Sunset, Dinner at 5:30 Join us for an evening of fun and fellowshipD Bring your Ceach chairs and a side dish to share! (DirecBons: RtD 77G, right on Manasota Beach Rd, right on Manasota Key Rd) NE: THE TLSHED Using the ministry equipping tools, and how will they Cenefit you in ministry, will Ce the focus of “Te Toolse!” The re are several ne w tools that will he lp you do ministry easierD There will Ce one session per month and will usually Ce on the third or fourth Wednesday evening of each m onth, G:45pm This Wednesday, May 27 at G:45pm in the Conference Room THIS SESSIN’S TPIC - Serving as a Leader or volunteer in Ministry and want to learn aCout a ministry equipping tool? T ed Tpic – Cu ms ns y DbsOv vw and what it can do for you as you serve in ministryD Just drop in! I am pleased to announce tha t a grand oHering will Ce collected at the 2015 Florida Annual Confe rence event during June 10-13D Our theme this year is “NeLt Ge neraBons –Together in the BapBsmal Waters” and I invite you to Ce a part of this special opportunityD This oHering will support our commitment to the neLt generaBons in Florida and in the ma laria -endemic worldD In a reas with high transmission of malaria, the mos t vulne raCle groups are young children and pregnant wome n–whose immune systems are less aCle to fight the diseaseD Malaria e Lacts its largest Curden on Africa’s ne Lt generaBonsD Half of our oHe ring will support our No More Malaria campaign and half will support the conBnued g rowth and learning of Florida’s newly ordained clergyD Imagine N aaria (one-half)D This will complete the Florida Confe rence’s emphasis on this life -saving ministry, which is transforming the conBnent of Africa, where so much of the church’s growth is taFing placeD This is a profound m inistry of healing in the name of JesusD rdinand Pigrimage t te H Land (one -half)D We are Ceginning a tradiBon that once every four years the Bishop will taFe to the Holy Land (Israel and Pa lesBne) those who have Cee n ordainedD EducaBonal OpportuniBes has made a commitment to pa rtne r with us on this at costD (Note: once every four years the Bis hop als o leads a pilgrimage to the Holy Land that includes la ity and local pastors)D This eLpe rience will add immeasuraCly to the teaching and preaching of clergy in their early yearsD RETURN TO THE HIDING PLACE WORLD PREMIER MOVIE (*) AT CUMC! Te untol true s tory – orre Ten Boom’s secret stuent arm y Sunda June 7 – 4pm emria Ha Ticet $7 Free Cid Care Purchase BcFets on church weCs ite Chris tveniceDcom, clicF on the movie Canne rD Need help? Contact Nancy or Michele, 941-493-7504 for assistanceD (*) Churches have first s howing of this new movieD DVD’s availaCle for purchase day of show June 2222-25, 66-8pm In Memorial Hall Vacation Bible School Everyone is Welcome pen Enrment at 9enice Crian Sc 1100 Center Rad, 9enice Venice’s own local awa rd-winning and accre dited PreK -12 school is now accepBng applicaBons for enrollme nt in all grades for the School Year Ceginning in Augus t 2015D Venice ChrisBan School has a college preparatory program of s tudy that is Christcentered and grounded in BiClica l principlesD Students lea rn in a challenging Cut loving environment in small classes tha t aHords individual aEenBonD Graduates go on to college to Cecome respected professionals and tradesmen as we ll as s olid ciBzens and loving parentsD Call 941-49G-4411 for enrollment and scholarship informaBon or to schedule a tour of the schoolD Call or email Susan Pence for registration or more information 941-493-7504 or Fait Prmie Strie Cnnue MiFe & Jan Mandt had a Sunday night class that they were teachingD Although the Mandts furnished the refreshments, the aEe ndees insisted on contriCuBng to the cos tD The une Lpecte d result over the several weeFs of the class was $115D The CUMC missionaries CenefiEed from a rich windfall Cy the g race of GodD Let Pastor La rry Fnow of your storyD
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